- Pirulee, a kid who wants to ride this train, Tremendo - "I took the liberty of driving this train full speed ahead to crush a language barrier, see the Resultado and spread the word! Millions of 'mad' voices coalesce to create some coherence. You guys did a great job of helping us make some sense of all this. I hope my 'grain of sand' will contribute with the translation into Spanish. You will have to forgive me, some things I just could not express in Spanish to my satisfaction (specially that Elvis quote on clue #29). But hopefully other muchachos will contribute once it starts getting around. Bring on the Y2K baby!"
- Luis Marinho Falcão, Director, Ogilvy Interactive - "The most frightening thing about an electronic whisper is the fact that it becomes a gigantic roar before some notice it."
- Eric S. Raymond, President, Open Source Initiative - "The cluetrain is to marketing and communications what the open-source movement is to software development -- anarchic, messy, rude, and vastly more powerful than the doomed bullshit that conventionally passes for wisdom."
- Ruth Perkins, CIAS, Florida Department of Law Enforcement - "Thank you for solidifying the thoughts and mission I've had for so long. I'm a wholehearted signer and practitioner of your manifesto."
- Angela Gunn, Columnist, Seattle Weekly, Sam Whitmore's Media Survey, etc. - "re #74: Have you heard of this Tommy Hilfiger guy? In other words, we are not immune to advertising that purports to anticipate our own discourse. Wearing some guy's name on your chest or on your shoes or on your Website ain't a call for revolution, whether the name is Nike or FUBU -- but culture has been commodified to the extent that a lot of folks think it's a revolutionary act. We let the labels do the talking. But then again, commodification of discourse is the story of the twentieth century, ain't it? That said, I love this. It's the attitude that got me online, and it's the attitude that'll save the Net (and the rest of the culture). Sign me up and direct me to the battlefield; I will fight the good fight with you."
- V. Bruce Hunt, Manager, Internet Technology, Advanced Technology Group, Adobe Systems Inc. and Silverfox Consulting - "The start of building a new foundation for the knowledge civilization."
- Robert Kost, EVP and General Manager, US Interactive - "Now that Communism has fallen, whither Capitalism? This way..."
- Dave Winer, a.k.a. Mr. DaveNet, UserLand and Scripting News - "Dudes, you gotta know I believe this shit. Sign me up."
- Mark O'Toole, Director, Beatstream Multimedia - "As evolution of the power of the individual has become more and more apparent in many markets, it is now the individual whose desire is once more important and not the creation of that desire by the 'massage' of the media or large marketing campaigns. The web allows for a new individuality in both inquisitive acquisition and informed choice and makes the new consumer a moving target for the unwieldy sales processes of yore. This is a step in the evolution of modern commerce and modern culture. An important manifesto, and a beautiful one."
- Andy Moore, Editor-in-Chief, KMWorld magazine - "Wait just a minute here...let me get this right...you want us to honor our customers and our employees equally, grow some humility and recognize that people buy things from us because they trust us, not because they were tricked into it? Common sense seems downright subversive when it's been absent for so long. Thank you, ringleaders, for waking us from a somnambulant march off the cliff. Let's just hope it was in time."
- Tom Matrullo, Editor, Comcast Online - "I've followed this project with great interest. Luther had nothing on these guys -- their 95 theses make seminal headway into a medium whose alphabet we are still decoding, whose grammar we barely discern. These are original insights that will grow in consequence as they are unpacked, discussed and challenged."
- Larry Bohn, CEO, net.Genesis - "These four net horseman envision the business apocalypse that is already happening. Beware or be roadkill!"
- Rachel Ehrlich, Executive Producer, Mercury Seven, ChannelSeven.com - "I'd like to print the manifesto and nail a copy to each of doors of the executive staff here and email copies the to CEO, President, and COO of our parent company, but I hesitate because none of them would read it. How do I snap them out of their self-important, corporate funk? As for identifying myself as a seditious element by commenting here and spreading the word internally at Mercury Seven, I regret that it would serve only to enhance my hip, antiestablishment, new media image. I don't think these people would hear the words, get the gist, make it happen. I guess it's up to me. Thanks for the galvanization."
- Stowe Boyd, President, Running Light - "The business culture is retreating into a reactionary conservativism in the face of global connectedness of our emerging world society. Just like the ritualized clothing of business -- the medieval suits and pointless neckties -- much of the claptrap surrounding the conduct of business is a form of obedience to obsolete and dangerous mores. The Internet is subversive, since it breaks out of the linear/hierarchical mindset into a world of feedback and lateral communication. McLuhan wrote in 1964 that the speedup of the electric age is as disruptive for modern literate Western man as the Roman roads were to tribal villagers."
- AdriEl Brunson, President & CEO, elektravision corp.
- Peter Flynn, Textual therapist, Silmaril Consultants - "Exactamente! Cluetrain puts the horse's head in your bed and presents you with the can-opener as well as the can marked "Worms". It takes up where Herzberg, McGregor, Drucker, Townsend, et al left off by delivering the long-awaited KITA. And it's not just corporate synapses that need a ticket to ride: governments, NGOs, and academia are largely unaware that the railroad has been invented, let alone that the cluetrain is standing at the station and ready to leave."
- Dan Miller, Editor in Chief, The Kelsey Group - "I'm proud that this ol' war horse of what was once called 'new electronic media' has finally been dispatched to the clue factory at the origin of the cluetrain. It's clear that we're not going to get to the dawn of the new era until we get past the din of the aura surrounding high-flying start-ups with inflated equity to spend, as well as the usual collection of incumbent carriers, manufacturers and retailers who can never quite scrape the legacy from their boot heels."
- Loren Buhle, Consultant, PricewaterhouseCoopers - "An interesting insight into the inner workings of corporations large and small. As we move forward into the world of e-business, the customer is transforming the market from one of mass marketing to 'making meaning' -- creating personal relevance. This manifesto understands that in the eyes of the consumer, e-business is really 'Me-Business' -- my time, my place, my price, my way. Savvy organizations that wish to lead in the future should pay attention to this statement -- or be roadkill!"
- Randy J. Hinrichs, author Intranets: What's the Bottom Line - "I swear you have hit techno companies on the head. Big, boisterous, blatant, bellicose, behemoths bemoaning banality and bastard barristers."
- Michael O'Connor Clarke, VP Worldwide Marketing, PC DOCS / Fulcrum - "The cluetrain manifesto should be handed out to all school leavers, worldwide, as soon as they start their first 'real' job and before they get greyed out by post-capitalism. It is the only Employee Handbook they'll ever need - regardless of the job or employer. It should be essential reading at high schools, colleges and companies throughout the world. 'For the history of the world is nothing but the development of the idea of freedom.' Everyone should be entitled to your opinion - but we need to get it to them now before the damage runs too deep into their core and the corporate veal pens claim more victims. I'm spamming the URL to everyone I know. Then again: it may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others ;-) You may find that you never get another consultancy assignment again as you have committed the unthinkable - you've revealed the man behind the curtain. Many CEOs will be way too uncomfortable to entertain what you're proposing. Good. They need to go anyway. Viva la revolution."
- Don Ross , Managing Partner, Six Offene Systeme GmbH - "I used to feel badly about being just a bit too young to have been an 'agent of change' during the '60s... now I feel excited about the opportunity to take part in a much larger and more complex paradigm shift in the next millennium!"
- Dinah Sanders, webcrafter, MetaGrrrl - "'And it might begin to reach you, why we give a damn...' -Spanky et al."
- Tom Mandel, C[ETIFKVM]O, Caucus Systems - "Listen to this. These people are almost as smart as I am."
- Mark Patterson, Executive VP International Operations, EOS International - "I connected with most of the manifesto as soon as I read it. Intuitively, I recognize it as stating what I've been trying to formulate from my own thoughts. It actually represents changes we are trying to make in our own organization. But only some of us yet see that listening and responding are the core of what we do. And that making money is not the goal but the result -- the wake behind the ship. I'll be forwarding the manifesto to our Board. Wish me luck!"
- Gerri Sinclair, President and CEO, NCompass Labs Inc
- Keith Dawson, Editor & Publisher, Tasty Bits from the Technology Front - "The Ringleaders, wearing clue pheromones, doing the clue mating dance, have trolled through a field of naked horny clues during clue mating season -- and lo, they've gotten a clue."
- Peter Merholz, Chief Problem Solver, PeterMe Problems Solved - "You fools. Why model yourselves after Luther when Letterman is so much more popular. What are the Top 10?"
- Steve Johnston, Director of Development, Interactive Media in Retail Group - UK - "Intravenous clarity. The common sense that is sneaking up, yet nobody has put it into words quite like this before. It registers, deeply."
- Francois Gossieaux, VP Marketing, Instinctive Technologies - "This stuff is here already, and if companies don't realize it, it's at their own peril! This is the time to fix the 'Information Deficit Disorder' that has plagued most markets so far - buyers cannot find the appropriate information about the companies they are buying products from, and companies clearly do not have a clue about what their buyers really want. Those that were purposely putting up this smokescreen will no longer be able to do so because the buyer is finally in charge!! Let's start that conversation..."
- Bill Braasch, CEO, DBA Software - "'what it is is up to us' (I think I stole that from Howard Rheingold)"
- Tony McKinley, Director, Professional Services, Innodata Corp.
- Jim Montgomery, E-news Editor, KMWorld - "Written by and for those who don't like being called eyeballs, seats, or end-users. We're people dammit, and it's high time we were recognized as such. Word-of-mouth is the most effective marketing plan in existence. Yet companies in every discipline are wrapping themselves in complex lingo and foggy rhetoric, at arm's length from their customers. (The Egyptians taught us what happens when you wrap things up really tight.) Earth to business: enveloping yourself in yourself doesn't immortalize, it suffocates. If you don't understand how people fundamentally impact your business -- both inside and outside your building -- then go ahead and mummify yourself. You'll be a museum exhibit for Business Ignorance and Failures. Back behind the Egyptian treasures display."
- Sean Carton, Managing Partner, Carton Donofrio Interactive - "I'm blown away. Floored. Bowled over. The manifesto rocks. Recognizing the human, coming to the realization that the Network is the People, not the hardware, stupid, a crystal-sharp prescient vision of what all this means that rises above the jargon, the cover stories, the glowing 'billionaire of the moment' interviews and the fawning rip-n-read 'reviews' that make up so much of the conversation these days. All the emphasis so far has been on the 'technology' on the 'information' without ever standing back and realizing that all these things would be pretty freakin' boring if it wasn't for the people creating and operating and transmitting and communicating over the tech. By coming to the realizations that you all have come to, we take one giant mondo step closer to the point where the technology finally disappears into the background where it belongs and the content and the conversations are what matter. It's about time that people woke up to the fact that mass media is going away. Mass culture is being replaced by networked microcultures existing outside of analog time and space. In a hyperlinked world, everyone is your next door neighbor. We should start acting like it. This is cool. Thank you for sharing it with me."
- Steve Telleen, Giga Information Group and iorg.com
- John Freshley, Director of Marketing, grapeVINE Technologies - "The temptation is to think that this new conversational dynamic is nothing more than yet one more paradigm shift -- just the latest version of BPR or outsourcing, and that simply adopting the model of a new leader (Amazon, Yahoo or Dell) will ensure future success. The problem is that the ability for the market to form, communicate and change is not temporary, is not a fad. It is a permanent change and it is always dynamic. Therefore, imitation is a certain recipe for disaster. And that should scare all of us. We may have to start thinking and really listening."
- Dean Landsman, President, Landsman Communications Group - "I share these views wholeheartedly. Wake up calls have a tendency to be ignored, except by those with some sort of urgent agenda. Some people get a wake up call they didn't put in for....they get awakened. The idea, then, should be to spread the word and see what reaction comes in. And, as that reaction is the initial step in a conversation (it isn't a conversation until it goes past a statement), the dance begins. I hear the music. I hear the train. I think I already boarded the train. Count me in."
- Deborah Schultz, Manager, EC|Solutions, AnswerThink Consulting Group - "Amen! I refer to this as the Dr. Seuss metaphor - 'Revenge of the Whos.' Gone are the days when all the little Whos in Who-ville have to shout to be heard. The Web empowers all the Whos...er humans!"
- Ken Freed, Editor & Publisher, Media Visions Webzine - "Good for you, Cluetrain! We need more such efforts to promote a deep 'global sense' of our universal interactivity. See this document in context: Luther's 95 Theses split the church, but his writ against the bull of papal indulgences also exposed rampant corruption. Similar risks and benefits apply here. Will your new 95 Theses serve to unite more than divide? I pray so. We need visions of our interactivity that inspire us to practice responsible self rule. Ultimately, we need an Internet constitution with a bill of rights and responsibilities. Pending that, I gladly support projects like this that help pen the bull of greedy corruption rampaging though our world."
- Phil Smith III, Troublemaker, Distributed Web.com - "It's coming, it's here, it's not stopping..."
- Tom Craig, Public Face, Paradox Cafe - "That which seems impossible and unreasonable today, may be the obvious answer tomorrow."
- Ross Stapleton-Gray, President, TeleDiplomacy, Inc. - "The metaphor of pioneering the electronic frontier used to be a compelling one to me, and the source of a little bittersweet regret in the recognition that that phase was coming to a close, as the newbies began being dumped onto the net in their Conestogas of E-Commerce, ordering housewares from the virtual Sears & Roebuck and citifying the place all to heck. But it's the other way around: Gotham is being reinvaded by the wild, and we were just the first to notice the mistletoe sprouting from the utility poles, and the beasties run amok in the ornamental cabbage."
- Lawrence Nyveen, Editor, Netsurfer Digest - "Soon, soon."
- Judi Clark, anarcho-syndicalist-at-large, ManyMedia, WomensWork - "About damned time! I've been living many parts of this Manifesto for years. You know how this culture views a woman spouting things like this in public places? Yeah, right. Now I have some Official White Guys I can point to who legitimize my rant! I've been broadcasting my mute button on the Infinite Wisdom port for some time, but it seems corporations have that one blocked. They don't want to know we think their commercials are unsatisfying, demeaning, and tell us what they really think of us. I'd like to tell them what I really think--they'd have to sit down first. They'd have to check their marcom departments at the door. Hell, many companies would have to check their upper management at the door too. They think they know what I want? Yeah, right."
- Jason Bluming, Student, Harvard Business School - "Wow. The Internet is Quid Pro Quo and Cluetrain is standing at the door asking what you bring to the party. If this list doesn't remind you of the person you want to be, you might want to stay off the net, but if you don't see that you're not quite there yet, even that won't help. WWW -- Warnings, Wisdom, & Wit."
- Ray Adams, Partner, RALS Computers
- Michael Fraase, Publisher, ARTS & FARCES - "Sign me up. This is the most intelligent thing I've seen in a while. Refreshing, no bullshit, no buzzword bingo. Conversation -- what a concept."
- Edward Vielmetti, The Vacuum Group
- Paul Smedberg, Artist/Partner, BCS
- Mary Lu Wehmeier, Strategic Planner - Wizop, InCue Online - Broadcast Professionals Forum on CompuServe - "Let the enlightenment begin. It's about time we turned Rageboy et al loose on the real world. I've been turning the URL loose on certain people in the past couple days. It's a real nice wake up call."
- Raines Cohen, Co-founder, Berkeley Macintosh Users Group (BMUG)
- Peter Moore, Managing Director, Turner NewMedia - "At last. We were getting quite lonely (though rich) until we found Mr. Locke and his gang. Move it? All our clients are receiving the manifesto today. Thank you Gentlemen."
- Michael J. Stern, President, Adeste.com Information Markets - "Capitalism promises 'customer sovereignty' -- since we can choose which products we buy, manufacturers are forced to design products which please us. The sad reality is that legions of similar goods are created, and companies spend millions to advertise them in a bid to manufacture demand. Levine, Locke, Searls & Weinberger show us an alternate path, in which improved communications infrastructure allows companies to create products and services which more accurately fit the needs and expectations of their customers. Customers become partners in the design process. If it works, maybe you'll never have to spend 20 minutes on hold ever again."
- Dylan Tweney, Columnist, Infoworld and Tweney.com - "yes! yes! YES! it's about time somebody nailed up a few reminders of the Net's revolutionary potential, which seems to have been submerged by the hype lately. Let's ride that train!"
- Michael P. Burton, Network Engineer, Portland State University - "The Future is as as fluid as the past. We make the present out of both."
- Gordon Cook, Editor and Publisher, The COOK Report on Internet - "ICANN - The Internet Consortium for Assigned Names and Numbers is failing the Internet because its board hasn't a clue. The ICANN Board is approaching the stakeholders of the Internet in the very manner of the clueless corporations pilloried here. If it doesn't get on the cluetrain it will crash and burn."
- Chris Worth, creative polymath, chrisworth.com - "You know people who won't read this, right? People without the vision or the balls to understand how the world is changing? Good. That's who you should send this URL to."
- Doug Bond, Director, On-Link Technologies - "Locke and his Linux, Java, dead-headed web-zine cronies again, bemoaning 'smart markets.' Where do I sign..."
- Nathan Patrick, Wizard/Guru, PEM Electronics Co. - "The way of the future. Don't deny, embrace. Everyone knows that the world is evolving, but we don't know what it will become."
- Jim Bair, Vice President and Chief Strategist, Knowledgen, Inc. - "enterprises of any size are about power, with exceptions among the over educated. the community of employees, i.e. the people, has no predictable integrity. Maybe a large proportion will put integrity before gain, but one of the big levers for Internet commerce is deception: it really pays."
- Mark Aldington, Managing Director, Aldington & Associates - "At last the moment we have been waiting for - RageBoy unleashing a lucid and compelling message - Let's breach the corporate citadel!"
- Brian Millar, Creative Director, RMG International
- Matthew Walker, Whipping Boy, Electric Sheep - "I always knew the Web was a revolution since I discovered I could work in my underpants. And now you say there's more! Who knew?"
- Tom Williams, Chief Poobah, Messy Productions - "Examine your rules, forms, policies, ethos. What possible relevance/benefits do they have to me, your customer/partner? Do I not think? Am I not human?"
- Martin Bull, Treasurer, Adelaide Computer Club - "I haven't read it yet, but it must be 'true' it's on the internet. Laugh, I nearly ####."
- Rami Kuttaineh, Student, Mill - "I am just a dumb kid whose been using a computer since age 4. But what I know is that this site is the shit. I've been online since age 15. If you don't trust someone like me to give you the lowdown who are you going to trust? PS: If you were looking for a clue to rami's current age; his birth is marked to within a month's time of Elvis's death."
- Russ Edelman, Listen & Question Guy, Corridor Consulting - "The web accelerates the truth and this cannot be denied. So tell the truth, execute, fail and succeed... execute and succeed... execute and fail... execute... and keep executing."
- Bryant Duhon, Editor of Inform, AIIM International
- Cya, Mmystress of All She Surveys, Y2K page - "An initiative framed in speech is so much more civilized than shaking a stick... may the potential of its greater reach be realized."
- John Detwiler, Web Technology Coordinator, LTD Commodities, Inc.
- Mike O'Connor, Curmudgeon Emeritus, gofast.net, Inc. - "jokes? stories? kindness? 'been doin' this a while... community radio, e-democracy, speedy Internet, Y2k... all part of the same fabric."
- Bob Toth, President, MesaView, Inc. - "Whoa! Get to the station and jump on the Cluetrain. These 95 points are as relevant and revolutionary as the Declaration of Independence. (Well, almost). In fact, this should free those individuals (companies) that are tied down by manic business principles to open up to the future of this eCulture. By signing this manifesto and joining the ringleaders be prepared for ultimate submersion into the underworld of thought, business, the internet, and humans as the interface. Watch your back, the Government may send the Conspirators Intelligence Agency after you. Book'em Danno."
- Kelly Beecher, Office Technology Analyst, Jones Day Reavis & Pogue - "The same wake-up call that 'Up The Organization' was in the 70's, for those who no longer read books."
- Chris Heathcote, Digital Media Developer, Head New Media
- Mary Dungan, Editor - "All you say is probably correct. What immediately strikes me, though, it that you're addressing people/corporations that are no longer relevant. You can't convert a dinosaur; they're dead and gone. What we have seen so far is not change in the existing systems, but whole new systems (and paradigm shifts, whatever). The winners are not merely those who have caught on to this, the big winners are those who have created this. Of course, in the meantime, the clueless are paying our consulting fees, etc. And we have to make a living."
- Clint Glenn, Supervisor - Manuals & Writing Services, Motorola SSG - "I'm getting scared, Dave. I actually agree with much of the Manifesto. So, as they say, 'in for a penny, in for a pound'."
- Darrell King, Owner, The Web Center - "Open Source and Free Software, plummeting hardware prices, realistic real-time global communication between individuals, increasing use of the Net, exploding technologies and discoveries, and now this manifesto...do you think anyone can still be blind to this New World?"
- Jim Champoux, Producer, BGM Films - "We seem to define ourselves by pointing a finger somewhere and saying 'we are/aren't like that' and however noble the intentions, human nature always wins. Negative advertising still wins elections, people still buy GM and MS, and missiles are still thrown around to preserve the peace. Activism has been replaced by political correctness. And some enterprising soul will take the manifesto and incorporate it into a seminar series. Keep up the good work."
- George Elam, Jr, Dir. Computer Services, Chemical Market Associates, Inc. - "1) The gap between 'What I Want' and 'What they Have' is getting larger. It isn't because I want less. I'm not alone here, am I? 2) As the rich get richer, will they own and control the bandwidth?"
- Kee Hinckley, Founder, Somewhere Consulting - "As brand loyalty disappears, it is being replaced by something with more depth. Whether Amazon or Barnes & Noble have the better prices or selection is not the issue. The deciding factor is where you have made a commitment to the discourse. I shop at Amazon because that is where I have put my reviews and conversed with authors. The smart companies turn themselves inside out, revealing their insides to the public, and bringing their customers into the fold, making them an integral part of the company's sales, marketing and support organizations. Brand loyalty is replaced with a commitment to success. If they fail, then my contributions are gone forever."
- Tim McEachern, host, Geek Nation - "'the revolution is here!'"
- William F. Slater, III, Slater Technologies - "This is a great website and I really agree with most of what you wrote. I will take your advice and post your Manifesto in its entirety on my site."
- Jayne Cravens, Program Manager, Virtual Volunteering Project, University of Texas - "Thanks for reading my mind and putting my abstract, random thoughts into concrete, meaningful words. Next, could you please compose something to send my Mom?"
- Kyle W. Patrick, Guy Who Knows More About Computers than You, Rice University (the Electronic Text department pays me, for some reason), home page - "A fine idea, lads. Head-bashing time has finally arrived, eh? Well, I still think that Thesis Numero Uno should read: 'The history of all hitherto existing corporations is the history of market struggles.' Catchier than an Intel commercial, I think."
- Tom Elliott, Wordsmith, Self-employed writer - "As usual, Chris, you and your cohorts' visionary enlightenment has breathed fresh air and new life into my tired-of old body. What a wonderful manifesto! The truth it contains could not possibly be denied by anyone possessing common sense and a love of and respect for the millions of sincere humans so desperately in need of those truths, which soon will be the credo of the Web. That fresh air sure does feel good."
- Peter Wendel, Birkenstock Express On-line
- Mike Robinson, random guy - "'Less Hype, More Real'... wait a minute, hasn't that slogan been used to sell me something already? It's time to realize, my demographics do not equal me. Get to know me. Let me get to know you, and we can help each other."
- Perry Evans, President, netIgnite - "I always wanted to sign a manifesto. It's even cooler that it's slap-your-forehead simple and deep all at the same time."
- Maria LC Salomão, Personal & Professional Coach/Speaker, Armada Global - "(enter music) As the Beatles once said, "You say you want a revolution, wellllll you know...." Yay Cluetrain! Everyone knows/senses that there is a huge hole in the way we are allowing work to unbalance us. Your efforts help people to STOP*REGROUP*FOCUS! You help us remember to get back to the basics. Thank you for making the world a better place! It's all about taking one step in that direction versus 'getting there.' Kudos my fellow humans!"
- Pete Goldie, president, Lightbinders - "George Carlin says it all much better and funnier... but not everybody gets HBO. You have done as good a job as can be done without using the phrase 'cocksucking corporate assholes'."
- Thomas Anderson, President/CEO, SearchAtHome.com - "Sign me up. Time to stomp the hose of focus 'study' corporate marketing spew and instead get down to it with actual folks. It's about bloody time! Hey, ya know, this might just revive that little old idea called democracy in the marketplace. Hot diggety... Lead on... "
- Ken Hittel, Webmaster, New York Life Insurance Co. - "oh-so-right-on. but a caution: the previous 95 theses didn't vanquish the church, just split it. The churches are still very much with us."
- Elizabeth Lane Lawley, Assistant Professor of Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology - "Hire teachers, indeed! And make sure that teachers who are preparing students for "Internet: TNG" are climbing onto the cluetrain, as well."
- Thomas Jones, Founder, Southern New Mexico Linux User Group (SNMLUG) - "As the cluetrain began to pull out of the station, all I could think was, 'Thank God I'm on board.'"
- Keith W. Porterfield, Internet Bearded Guy, home page - "Yow!"
- Kevin Johansen, CEO, 4WORK, Inc. - "It's Karmageddon, and it's about damn time..."
- Robin Eichleay, Consultant - "Finally some genuine cool, clear water ... not the raw &!##%@ we all too often see bobbing on the surface of the NetSea."
- Jonathan Peterson, Technical Consultant, IBM eBusiness Services - "End-users talking to developers, manufacturers talking to consumers, dogs and cats living together, Mass Hysteria, human sacrifice. Employees have long since learned that they're commodities, but the corporations that commoditized their employees seem to have forgotten that selling commodities is a miserable way to make a buck."
- Blythe Butler, Free, Student, looking for one, or not - "Content and Connection - with regards to what really makes us click. 'On the Road' for corporate America."
- Gabe Goldberg, President, Computers and Publishing, Inc. - "500 Miles:
If you miss the train I'm on, you will know that I am gone; You will hear the whistle blow a hundred miles."
- Bonnie Scott, founder, January31 Consulting
- Hugh Graham, Information Architect, iXL - "Let the power fall..."
- Rob Lawrence, Traffic - "You know it makes sense...."
- Chuck Hinckley, owner/agitator, Ash Creek Sundries - "I try to hobo on the cluetrain as often as I can. It has a distinct whistle that can be heard by some from miles away and by others not at all. Why is that? If you are riding the train and you see a lonely 'bo by the side of the road, I hope you'll stick out a hand and help me up."
- John C. Rowland, webmaster, Penton Media - "up until recently, technology has generally amplified stupidity -- it is heartening to see the paradigm shift."
- John M. Miller, Of No Important Title, UOP - "Not a CEO, VP, or other person of Known Great Importance (except in my own mind). Just -- but oh what a just -- one of the many voices waiting to be heard. Listening to those with a clue (emphatically including the ringleaders of this site) may be the only genuine value-added activity us humans participate in."
- Jim Meyer, VP, Marketing, Universal Systems Inc. - "Pretty strong words for a nascent medium. When we learn the lessons of the past and apply them -- Babylon made the first recognizable effort to advance knowledge management -- the web may prove true to this manifesto. Are you listening?"
- Bob Davis, Director of Web Development, SEG Network Technologies, Inc - "Like Gutenberg bringing the word to the people - so shall this manifesto change the world we know and work in. Keeping along the theme of the 95 theses, I present the following: 'Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weiber und Gesang, Der bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang.' -Martin Luther"
- AD Marshall, Dir. S&M (Sales & Marketing), VietInfoComm&Edu (VICE) Consulting - "RB, et al, i still don't know if i'm witnessing The HyperEvolution or the Final Solution to the HypeRevolution, but i'm bedazzled all the same. I have to take exception with earlier Signer, tho: Tell US Interactive's Rob Kost that Communism ain't dead in VietNam yet, that the [Virtual] VC may have a few surprises for the US..."
- Gabriel Wilkins, El Fookerino, Ignorant Data Gluttons and Overall Stupid Bastards - "Size and importance disappear in the medium. Everyone is in the 14-21" range. We no longer care about subliminal advertising gesticulation flailings, or how much you paid that advertising agency to insult the collective intelligence. Business exists because the consumer allows it, not the other way around."
- Dale Poole, User Services Consultant, UPEI - "I used to run a BBS that didn't offer downloads, games, or porno. It was devoted to people talking to people. Pretty unpopular, especially at a time when the web was emerging. With pretty stuff to glaze (over) at, the idea of just talking was treated as outmoded, old fashioned. I feel vindicated in some weird way that the emerging juggernaut that killed my BBS (and made me feel like an anachronism) has now evolved to the point where talking to each other is becoming the most important thing to do. A big bag of kudos for pointing out the importance of talking. For the rest of you looking at this with scorn, enjoy your time in the null-lane."
- Dennis Moser, Member (Last time I checked, anyway), Human Race - "'That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time' -John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)"
- Craig Heckman, Director Information Technology, New Global Telecom - "A remarkably 'non traditional' yet completely accurate look at the future of business in the digital age. They should be teaching this stuff in grad school."
- Bob Jacobson, Principal, Bluefire! Consulting - "Yeah, but who's going to make the coffee? The Tragedy of the Commons, writ large. Ever notice how 'empowerment' alliterates with 'embowelment'? Or how 'respect' rhymes with 'neglect'? Our language tells the tale. I'm just full of questions now. All hail cluetrain!"
- Brian Jacobson, Managing Director, EXPERneT - "I'm glad I discovered the Cluetrain. I will make sure it gets wide exposure among my associates. The Cluetrain should make regular stops at the Collaboration Station ...soon to be Broadcasting for Innovation from www.projectice.com"
- Yvette Borcia and Gerry Stern, Partners, Stern & Associates - "Be assured, we will be sharing this URL with our clients, readers, seminar attendees and students (UCLA & CSUN). We've been preaching these common-sense sentiments for years. How exciting to discover a community of like minds operating in (or around) corporate inner sancta!"
- Angus Elvis Fernstedt, Chief Sensemaker, Institute for the Prevention of the Future - "Einstein said it best: 'Perspective is worth 50 IQ points.' You've got it. I'm with you."
- Tom Christoffel, Facilitator, Futurist and Regional Planner, TJC Designs - "Cooperation is the primary activity on this planet. Regional cooperation is any two crossing a boundary. Community precedes cooperation. We live, work and play in regional communities - all of which are local. Local is a scale with a single cell on one end and the entire planet on the other. Every combination in between is a level of regional. Regions work. The net connects peers, communication, community, cooperation and the creation of value."
- Bill Koslosky, MD, Director, BKMD-Medical Media Marketing - "Internet media is not like print or TV. Looking at how some pharmaceuticals are marketed in the mass media you might see a 'snowboarder' schussing through a field of grass to promote some new allergy medication. The average Internet user (viewer, consumer?) demands more detail about products and certainly as newly-released drugs use more sophisticated mechanisms, the details about the potential contraindications and side-effects must be available to the consumer. The long-touted idea of 'informed consent' requires that the medical community provide the explanations that a more sophisticated patient population can appreciate and use to make informed decisions about their medical care."
- Tom Blumenthal, Owner, Q&A, Inc. - "The www is the corrected design of the tower of Babel? Hope so."
- Tony Lovatt, Software slave, PEC - "For years, Dilbert has been my hero. But now I've got a new train to catch."
- Udhay Shankar N, Virtual Community Engineer, Gray Cell - "The net is not about technology, it's about sociology. Glad to see people are realising that."
- Pradeep Vasudev, Copywriter, Activ8 Technologies - "finally, someone who had the guts to get real!"
- Ed Blachman, Co-Founder, Eastgate Systems
- Keith Juden, Web dude, Amadeus - "What a bold precedent - putting truth and common sense on the Web! Thank you, gentlemen, and good luck... to all of us."
- Mike Lucero, Community Organizer, USAContractor Network - "Finally a breath of fresh air in the smoke filled arena of the Internet! Bravo!"
- C. Dodd Harris IV, President & CEO, The Society for More Creative Speech - "A great many of these 95 Theses are anything but innovative - they seem, in fact, to have been included to pad the list to 95. That's okay; I'm sure Mr. Luther did much the same in his day. I am signing because the central insight of the manifesto is innovative. And important. We interact in ways the corporate world cannot encompass. If they want us back, they'd best catch up - and start speaking our new language."
- Matt Dabrowski, NDB Internet
- Marianne Cooley, President, NetHorizons Unlimited - "It's all so simple, really."
- Larry W. Borsato, Nobody in particular, Nortel Networks - "I've seen company intranets that suggested what personality an employee should have, and what tone of voice they should use, as if molding everyone into the same shape would sell more products in an individualized world. I believe so deeply that I emailed it to my President. I think he'll understand and appreciate it."
- Tom Meyer, Principal, TOM DOT COM - "What comes after the Intranet? We should really be heading toward the IndraNet, the inter-reflecting network of jeweled beings writing mission statements together."
- Barry Campbell, http://webveranda.com
- Ralph Bentley, art director, Kittelson & Associates - "And they said the word... '74. We are immune to advertising. Just forget it.' ...hits it right on the ol' head! Advertising is just so 20th century."
- seth mallamo, http://clem.mscd.edu/~mallamos - "The future is about people, just as the past always was. The only way for our species to progress is to improve our communication and increase our knowledge."
- Phil Hood, Senior Analyst, Alliance for Converging Technologies - "I think that the power of the 'Net to push Linux and MP3, against the wishes of major corporations, is a major clue."
- Linda A. Burman, President, L. A. Burman Associates
- Ted Bailey, imagineer, the Imagination Factory - "All around us are demands for an expanded sense of awareness to a great many more issues and requires us to cultivate and use more of our basic senses... and maybe, more importantly, our imagination. Imagine what we'll do when we get a clue!"
- thomas brinson, supergalactic chief of everything, brinson & associates - "Y E S -- to be fully human is to resist the inhumanity in our organizations, to defuse them and liberate ourselves from their subtle influence."
- Bill Scanlon, Attorney, Intellectual Property Law and Internet Law, The Scanlon Law Office
- James Burd, Engineering Consultant, JMB Engineering - "Thank you for so clearly saying what I have been trying to say myself for the last few years."
- Roger Whitehead, Director, Office Futures - "In the days of maritime trade (and in the industrial revolution), employees were 'hands' - because that's what they contributed with. In the days of white collar work, employees became 'heads' - because they contributed with what went on between their ears. What is the implied contribution of 'eyeballs' or, worse, 'seats'?"
- James H. Cloos, Jr., http://www.jhcloos.com
- Charles Hope, Programmer, Audio Video Zone - "Does this mean we don't have to wear neckties anymore?"
- Kevin A. Jackson, WebMaster, CanadaOne.com - "There can be no doubt. Now if only I could type a little faster I would be able to talk to all these great people, make a living, and sleep sometimes too..."
- Miriam Zellnik, Freelance Technical Writer - "Hurrah! I'm glad someone took the time and effort to write down all of the things that I too believe but am far too lazy to articulate."
- Rory Sutherland, Creative Director, OgilvyOne Worldwide - "I think I agree with most of what you say. Certainly very few companies have learned that they now have to do business with customers who have mouths as well as ears."
- Bob Reap, Co-Director, Teachers.Net - "I'm down with that. Lead or get the hell out of our way...."
- Shirl Kennedy, Internet Waves columnist, Information Today, home page - "What was it they said about the large dinosaurs like the brachiosaurus and apatasaurus...? They were so huge and their brains were so small that if another dinosaur bit them on the tail, it could take years for the pain to register."
- Christie Mason, Performance Coach, Managers Forum - "In short, 'See the ball, be the ball' - Caddyshack. 'Stop the Insanity' - Susan Powter. 'Do Unto Others the way they want to be Done Unto' - The Platinum Rule"
- Anne Wayman, writer, editor, webmaster, membership coordinator, various - "cool, but I'd be happier if there were a woman or two among the ringleaders"
- John R.W. Lydecker, viscount, JRWL Videomaker LLC
- Marcia Blake, Managing Director, Opto Communications, LLC - "At last, a succinct summary of what I've been preaching for years to client companies and business associates alike. Their common response: YAWN. Now, with the wide circulation this massively clued manifesto will achieve on the Net, they'll have to respond. Or die."
- Fred Baube, Gadfly(?), More Magic Software - "Most impressive, a plain-speaking verbalization of the organization-driven dehumanization that disquiets us all. Workers (that's you and me!) must be whole human beings, and connect to this wholeness in their work, rather than leaving it at the door when they enter the office."
- Herbert Punz, CPV Communications - "I agree in general with your manifesto, except the few points where the authors' wishes are a little too far away from reality. Money rules, and following the latest developments of the Internet I see a huge part of the creative minds walking down the street direction Wall Street. Investors are standing by to flood the Internet with money for one very simple reason - Control. These people fear nothing more than the changes you describe in your manifesto, so they use their financial power to conquer your power. And reading the news, their followers are growing fast."
- Dru Oja Jay, student, http://www.windseye.com/Dru - "Beautiful stuff - god knows this is being thought everyday, but you all made it official. Congratulations."
- Eric Soroos, Engineer, Designer, Internet Plumber, http://www.soroos.net - "The revolution will not be televised, but it sure is showing up on the net."
- sumo kindersley, systems consultant, Computing Science Simon Fraser University BC Canada. - "oh yes...thank you. for all of it, but 85 and 90... eerie to see my thoughts on the screen."
- Graeme Thickins, President, GT&A Strategic Marketing Inc. - "You're either clued...or screwed and tattooed. Marketers: write thesis #2 on the back of your hand. And welcome to your new profession. Market segmentation is dead, long live market segmentation."
- Stuart Ridley, freelance writer, - "It's real"
- J.W. "Bull" Cook, Behaviorial/Social Scientist, Bull's Museum of Unnatural History
- Geraldine Mongold, Project Manager, Landata Systems Inc.
- Toria Thompson - "Yeah!! someone else who not only gets it but has the gift to articulate the globby mess that it is."
- Rick "da rixter" Hatfield, Mutant Artist/Mathematician Extraordinaire & Official Portraiteur to RageBoy - "Absolutely on target -- completely consistent with my own intuitive/psychic vision of the future. Believe it! You are betting your ass."
- Lance Sultzbaugh, Technical and Scientific Information Ferret, Elan Pharmaceuticals, Menlo Park, CA - "Yesterday I received an offer to purchase a book promising details of websites which offer medico-scientific information on the WWW. No CD. No online access. Wave of the past."
- Joseph Clay Thompson - "Or, to put it another way:
"He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sunrise."
William Blake"
- Holly Harrington, Web Developer, Intel - "I'm on the train! Now, can you send this to my CEO?"
- Stephen Gilliard, Free human being, The Big Blue thing out back - "The best way to work is with commitment, common sense and shared objectives. Too bad all those are too rare these days."
- Hal B. Rager, Consulting Archaeologist, http://www.scsv.nevada.edu/%7Erager
- Z. Sharon Glantz, Konnexxus - "What a relief -- there are other people working to help the world of the Net evolve in a way that makes sense."
- Margaret Stokes, http://www.milamba.com
- David J. Aissen, Vicarious Conversationalist of the Digital Ether, Very Little - "Unfortunately the current manifestation of the corporation is, in part, our progeny. What drives the actions of the corporation is the objective of its leaders: "maximize shareholders equity." In a vacuum this is a noble goal. Where it goes wrong is the fact that the owners of the corporation are anonymous. They do not have to answer for the actions of their hired guns (Lorenzo, Chainsaw Al, Broadhead, Smith.). How often do you see a role call vote in any political body? The aversion to expressing an opinion (or having someone know their real thoughts) seems to be pervasive today."
- Jeffrey Harker, Consultant, The Harker Group - "I was sitting in my cubicle at a major aerospace company with a trashcan on my head when an associate sent me a copy of this manifesto. I wanted to burn the place down immediately. The times they are a changin' and nothing will ever be the same again. Viva la revolution!"
- Greg Roelofs, Real Stud Hombre Cyber-Muffin, PNG Group, Info-ZIP, and a certain large company - "Is there any company more in need of reading this than the one for which I work? A few, yes, but you'd be hard-pressed to find them. Is there any chance those in power actually will read this, much less take it to heart? Most doubtful, from where I sit..."
- Carole Guevin, chief Imagineer, Soulmedia Studio - "You can count on all my influence to further knowledge of this manifesto - enough whining, enough status quo - let's go do this now! I hope all signing are ready to walk the talk - this for a change would make a thundering difference! To all of us who've borne the seed of change: cheers!"
- Garth Kidd, ex-employee, Large American Systems Integrator - "The heavy corporate mantra of 'your sphere of interest, dear employee, exceeds your sphere of influence' gets hit with the very large, heavy object it deserves. About bloody time."
- Gerry Gaffney, Information & Design - "Too much webspace is conceived in the marketing department, built in the lab, approved in the boardroom, and inflicted on the 'target market', with never a glance or thought for the human at the other end."
- Mark Roth, communications architect, s!nergi studios - "Great work fellas! When is the abridged version coming out so we can post to stalls in executive bathrooms everywhere?"
- Paul Michael Hirst, President, W. Harold Enterprises - "Democracy, for better or worse."
- Dan Berkes, GalenaWeb/Midwest Interactive - "As much I as I agree with the cluetrain manifesto, I can see corporations co-opting portions of it for management strategy guides and training seminars then calling themselves 'cluetrain conductors' -- after all, what's a better market strategy than proclaiming ones' empire as the 'anti-corporation'?"
- Dana de Leon, College student of digital arts - "I was most impressed by this page; it is the same rhetoric I have been taught since I was small; to play fair, be nice, and treat those as we would want to be treated. Very refreshing to see so many people in agreement with that."
- Avi Rappoport, Analyst, Search Tools Consulting - "Information wants to be free -- Stewart Brand said it a long time ago and I think it's true. Shared information is more powerful than the sum of its parts. When someone wants advice, they may need to pay for it, unless they've already contributed so much to the community that they have a lot of credit. Learning and sharing makes for exciting business and a good life."
- Michael Dillon, President, Memra Communications Inc. - "I love this idea. In the ISP industry we say it a bit differently but the concept is the same. Have you got clue? Hello, the cluephone is ringing and it's for you! :-)"
- Moss V. Collum, http://www.sjca.edu/~mvc - "I sign the manifesto because there is much good in what it expresses both about human beings and about businesses, but I do have one reservation: the overwhelming faith in the internet that is here expressed. Computer networks do not automatically create intelligent conversation. Any real conversation requires the hard work and conscious effort of individual human beings."
- Harry Max, Strategic Web Project Therapist, http://www.metamax.com - "What took this so long?"
- jim smith, partner, flenser - "5 days a week banging my head against a wall called 'can we make the logo bigger?' - and now this... marvelous."
- Frances L Smith, Director, Information Technology, Chemonics International Inc. - "The speed in which culture and companies change via the web is blinding. "
- Mar Orlygsson, Designer
- John A Kelley, www guy, Red Sky Technologies - "These are instantly recognizable truths, for at one time we knew, but had nearly forgotten. I shall spread the gospel as best I can."
- Ken Dow, Maricopa Information Design - "Open the windows. Wider. Breathe deeply - the air is fresh again today."
- Eric Fader, President, four chair productions - "The web is very complicated only when poorly planned. This manifesto is truly ingenious."
- Ravindra Joshi, University of Zululand
- gilbert vanburen wilkes iv, instructional technologist, cerebellumsoft.com and doctoral candidate in rhetoric, Carnegie Mellon University, home page
- Christopher D. Frankonis (aka President b!X), Guerrilla Techo-Fetishist, Global Effort to Eradicate Know-nothings (GEEK Force), President b!X @ GEEK Force - "GEEK Force vehemently proclaims the Cluetrain to adhere to the principles embodied in the follow definition of 'slack' taken from the Oxford English Dictionary: 'In critical path analysis, the amount of time by which a particular event may be delayed without delaying the achievement of the overall objective'. (Figure out the relevance for yourself)."
- Jeff Wiegand, Chief Meteorologist, Electroponics, Inc. - "I love the Berlin Wall metaphor. A horrible thing humanity did to humanity. It's gone, let the traditional company die the same way."
- Chris Saltmarsh, Small (currently minuscule) businessman, Farpoint Ltd - "Moss V. Collum said 'Any real conversation requires the hard work and conscious effort of individual human beings.' Hear him! In my case, at the moment, that involves trying to build some of the stuff to enable people to grow, and grow with, the new communication. But how do I build a responsive and human company when I have to play the game of those whose interest and knowledge is dependent upon the old model? Maybe the UK is particularly antediluvian; heaven knows I'm not terribly good at being corporate. All power to your elbows, gents."
- Jeffrey Baker, Software Developer, Critical Path, Inc - "Racing toward the efficient meritocracy."
- Jim Flanagan, Factor, House of Baloney - "Hop on the Cluetrain, or be tossed in front of it. It's about time people learned that hierarchy is a bad way to organize large amounts of just about anything -- information, people, ideas."
- Jack Baty, Developer/Owner, Fusionary Media - "Oh man. Someone finally wrote it down. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some mail to send..."
- Mara Statnekov, webmother & futurist, Statnekov Internet Consulting - "This manifesto is not just a clue, except to the clueless; it's the truth and a way of being. Thank you for writing and posting it. I'm all for talking from the heart."
- Dmitri D'Alessandro, http://www.connix.com/~dmitrid - "The Information Age is coming, and cluetrain will help with a kick in the pants, for those who would try and stop the Light."
- Jason Roache, IT Manager, Wealthy & Wise Advisory Services - "reverse the commercial lobotomy."
- Thomas B. Cox, http://home.att.net/~tbcox - "Markets are made up of discrete transactions between willing participants, repeated over time and informed by reputation, community standing, and track record. Its lifeblood is trust. Its food and wine are honesty and fair play. Learn this or be irrelevant."
- mirla criste, artist, designer, personal narrator, woman with a tail (tale), mirmaid hollow - "Right on - now let's get the CluelessNonConverted to sign."
- R. A. Davis, Manager, Large Software House for a Vertical Market Application - "Holy Blazing Obviousness, Batman. Tell everyone to pick up the Cluephone! Doc, I'm glad you're part of this. RAD, from the old CompuServe Broadcasting forum."
- Christopher D. Nusbaum, Webmaster, RPG Classics - "Most companies will be gone in less than 10 years unless they can change to fit the new medium. Personally, I think a whole new set of net-based companies will rise to take their place."
- Karl M. Bunday, Web master, School Is Dead; Learn in Freedom! Web site - "The Cluetrain 95 Theses apply not just to business, but to education as well. Soon is the time when learning happens as a conversation among learners rather than as a 'lesson' in a 'classroom' -- where, as Albert Einstein said, learning so rarely happened in the old days anyway."
- Philip Kruger, Electronic Commerce Consultant, Destiny Electronic Commerce - "At last, someone had the courage to put this together coherently!"
- Ola Friis, System Engineer, Siemens AB
- Massimo Fiorentino, We don't have titles - we're non-hierarchical, BrandFactory - "The world is holistic, the nature diverse and ever changing. So should companies be. Therefore, the manifesto is right on."
- Gregory Atwood, Principal, MemeSoup
- S Lane, Consultant, DAY Solutions - "This manifesto has a strong meaning to those who actually are out there and 'serve'. Consulting firms especially need to take this to heart as our main product, no matter the genre, is being available. period."
- Greg Rose, Senior Staff Engineer / Manager, QUALCOMM Australia - "There's a revolution in progress now, as we transition to the electronic and information economy. The Manifesto is a small step along the way."
- Larry Belling, Communications Consultant, Cap Gemini - "Knowledge is a drug. Just say 'KNOW.'"
- J. Frank Chambers, Principal, Sequoyah Cybersystems - "This will really piss-off the back-stabbers, the people that reach the top of companies by intrigue and dirty tricks."
- John Garison, Principal, DocuMentor - "At last - the electronic version of 'The Emperor's New Clothes!' As a professional dedicated to clarity of communication (online or off) I can only say Thank You and wish all of us well in our common mission of making information ubiquitous and understandable."
- Aaron Osterby, Partner, Osterby, Morgan & Associates - "Online communication is more about listening than the traditional print model which is 95 percent talking. To be an intelligent communicator both the listening and speaking forces must work in balance. This is the revolution of new media, this is what will change business communication forever."
- Niels Møller, Reporter, Berlingske Tidende - "And when we learn only to view ourself as people, not as lovers, employees, consumers, surfers or whatever we are bound to, we all do right."
- Horace S Chavez, President, Professional Business Systems inc. - "'Love your neighbor as yourself'. I really like your application of this concept, as well, to E-Interaction."
- Mark J. Gardner, Webmaster, Merck & Co., Inc. - "I had a reaction to these materials both shocking and simple: 'Of course.'"
- Skip Huffman, Varies by the hour., Carreker-Antinori - "Makes sense to me. I will be distributing to a few key players."
- Susan Peters, Replaceable faculty member, Small bit of a Big University - "I'm cluing my students in to the Manifesto. Thanks for getting it together in such good order--my doubts about the future of literacy on the Web have been put to rest."
- Daniel Tiggemann, Senior Dishwasher, Fachschaft Physik, University of Cologne, Germany - "I agree with the manifesto. I think that it does hold true not only for business, but also for politics. In Germany, it is common that members of the parliament do not answer to email requests. These will fall out of the parliament in future. Even more, the ability of everyone to speak to every other one will change politics in a a revolutionary way. Of course, these changes will be much slower than changes to business."
- Ron Lee, Third Eye, Off the Rails Group - "There will doubtless be people who will argue, debate and debunk these ideas. It will be interesting to see how many of them have the strength of heart to go down with the ship as their markets are eroded by those who will argue, debate and embrace them. Organisations who truly understand and adopt the concepts presented here far beyond paying lip service to them will be long remembered by their customers, their competitors and all who they have dealings with. Those who do not will be quickly forgotten by all of us."
- David P. Crandall, President, The NETWORK Inc.
- deke, graphic designer - "society is dying... unless something changes, and soon, we are all going to eventually continue our path back the way we came. our inevitable future coincides with history's past. the manifesto knows..."
- Bob Watson, Executive Director, Franklin Park Public Library - "Ah, the Great Conversation continues when information can no longer be hidden from the stakeholders -- and I like conversations. Good show!"
- Jim Chase, Senior Technologist - "Finally, a group with the guts to face this issue head on! The crashes you hear of barriers being toppled is the sound of profitability for those companies smart enough to listen. Toss the filters to open communication, and we developers can find out what the users really want. Treat a customer as a human being, and they become a part of the product team, with a vested interest in your success."
- Charles P LaHaye, MD, Chief of Medical Staff, Ville Platte Medical Center - "This train will only pass once. I hope we have enough sense to get on it."
- Tom Jennings, artist, World Power Systems - "We built a real business on openness and no bull:a complete success. We admitted serious error; customers ranted, but a week later bought more services. LEARN OR DIE; new mammals running 'tween the toes of dinosaurs. Long live the new flesh!"
- Mimi O'Connor, PR Flack, The PR Department - "You're blasting through where it counts. Keep shoveling the coal!"
- Nicholas Rudd, Chief Knowledge Officer, Wunderman Cato Johnson (retired) - "To quote Fernando Flores, human beings live in language. We are always already in conversation, coordinating our actions with each other to address our permanent, ongoing concerns as human beings. The market is a subset of our living together as human beings. So is the workplace. The velocity lent by technology now puts that coordination in real time. Result: change. Or it won't work any more."
- Nick Murray
- Sherry Miller, Oldest Woman on the Web, SherryArt.com - "For years they said there were no women on the web. Suddenly we're 49%. For years they said there are no people over fifty on the net. Now we're the fastest growing group online. The next step for The ClueTrain Manifesto is great new statistics. Make them up until they come true."
- Jay Cross, Senior Partner, Internet TIme Group - "Up the revolution! Theses-wise, you have nailed it. I'm emailing a copy to Al Gore right away."
- Evelyn Mitchell, tummy.com, ltd. - "Making and keeping promises, surprising each other with our creativity are the best things in business. It's no fun without a community."
- Evgeniy Pirogov, Project Manager, Novosoft Company - Software Company from Siberia
- Malcolm Lawrence, Editor-in-chief & Jack of Hearts, Babel: The multilingual, multicultural online journal of arts and ideas. - "Woohoo! You go, girl! Anyone would think you'd been reading Babel. Yup. BABEL. That's right, finishing where we left off. Making tower meet sky so you can play dice with the Man and Woman Upstairs. Our building plans are universal, so just tear your tongue out right now 'cause you won't need it. And while you're at it, take your tattered cultural baggage, fill it with soul candy, and tack it to the celestial. This is gonna be a party, and we'll beat that cultural piñata until it rains. Babel speaks your language. Babel stands with you toe to toe and eye to eye. Babel always turns the other cheek. Babel begs you to dip your hand in and rip out our hearts. They're yours. But Babel demands allegiance. To be our master, you must be our slave. For we are the generals who know too much to lead, the foot soldiers who know too much to follow. Join our ranks. The weak we'll make our kings. Of the strong? We'll make them our fools. Babel invites you to get nekkid and boogie to the universal beat - stone on stone in an endless rhythm to the heavens. "
- Pamela E. Patteson, Information Broker, Information Research Center - "A welcome site to a searcher's sore eyes!"
- raghunath, Senior Copywriter, www.dbsinternet.com - "I'd love to make a better site for cluetrain, for free. I mean I'm so much involved in its objectives - raghunath@roachees.com"
- Gary E Frazier, Operations Manager, Eugene Free community Network - "The cluephone is ringing, and it's for you!"
- Carl F. Hennig, Programmer/Analyst, Dynamic Linkage - "Well-written, well-organized, and will-be-ignored by all Fortune 500 companies... I vaguely remember some quote of Thomas Jefferson about the necessity of a new revolution every 20 years. This should be a revolution in business."
- John Mahoney, Editor, Log Cabin Chronicles - "Yes. Yes. Yes."
- Dan Corkery, Student, Bond University - "Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. A Seminal Work on the so-called 'New Economy'."
- Lex Kwee, general manager, new business associates [nba] - "conversation, or dialogue, is key. it includes listening carefully and speaking in context. too often, the context is missing, or single sided."
- Elaine Supkis, Chief Ox and Horse Operator, Falkenfelsen Farm - "Advertising is more influential rather than less but the Net allows the small guy, those who are unknown, to advertise and gain recognition without being a giant corporation. But the status conferred by slickly advertised objects and services still motivates buyers seeking reaffirmation of their own 'higher' status. At least the Net gives us a chance to find our markets our own way! Long live the Net!"
- Joel Turnipseed, President/Editor-in-Chief; E-commerce Consultant; Technical Writer/Free Electron (in order of Organizations listed above), Hotel Zero; The Change Factory; Platinum Software Corporation (Three distinct entities) - "OK, I'll sign on. Though I'm generally against manifestos, as they tend to enforce mental sclerosis, I found this one blunt (pointed? was I hit with a clue-by-four or skewered?) enough that the good damage outweighs the bad. And hell, if you've got no damage whatsoever, you're dead. The only complaint is that what we've got here is basically a bulleted list from people who want to get away from the culture of bulleted lists. How 'bout let's tell some stories here? (Prolepsis: Yes, the links are a good start.) Now I've just got to poop this around the office..." [absolutely. yes. send stories to letters@cluetrain.com.]
- Robert MacDonald, Director, Media Futures Institute - "Just as freedom of the press belonged to those who owned one, freedom of the web belongs to those who participate. Let the good times rock!"
- Asaf Bartov, Developer, Log-On Ltd. - "At first glance, the ClueTrain manifesto appears to be a well-meaning hackerish initiative that'll come to no fruition. That's why first glances are deceiving."
- Harry Brown, Sir HareNet, member of the much BSed (becoming less) silent majority, HareWare Int'l. - "The changing of the guard is way overdue."
- Tammy Turner, Business Owner, Pristine Communications - "What an inspiration to honest communication. How about a Chinese version of the Cluetrain site to get the companies in Taiwan and China clued in faster?"
- Scott M. Preston, http://www.msu.edu/~prestons/index.html - "This manifesto speaks a great truth: ultimately, communication is always between people. Creating intermediaries is inefficient and alienating. Speak to me as a person and I'll return the favor. Treat me as an object and I will ignore you."
- Debbie Wylie, Sales Manager, EIN Media - "A smack upside the head to remind us that we're interacting with people just like ourselves, and lots of 'em. I'll have to add a cluetrain disclaimer to all my messages so people know where the industry jargon is."
- David Anthony Brooks, Junior Network Engineer, Trusted Net, Inc.
- Barbara Connell, Chief Operations Officer, EchoBridge - "Indeed!"
- Jared McCarthy, President, Buyers Research - "It's about time people realize that the market is people. How odd that we've lost sight of ourselves and the fact that everyone else is pretty much like we are. Numbers? They are for those who are not willing to look you in the eye. And for those who dare look you in the eye, pick up the phone, and write a thank you note on real paper with a real pen with their real hand... the world is yours."
- Tom Davidson, MRR, Wang Global - "It's about time that someone noticed how personal interaction is fueling the great 'Net successes. From Amazon's reader comments to Yahoo's find-it-yourself freespace to eBay's hands-off but well-informed auctions (all now endangered by traditional top-down marketing), the greatest commercial 'Net undertakings are ones that understand that the customer is a peer and partner, not a puppet or purchaser...."
- Joan-Marie Moss, Author, Webmaster, Desktop Publisher, Public Realtions/Marketing Consultant, J-M & Associates / Creative Options - "This transition has been a long time coming. Businesses have a lot of growing to do. Only those who have the gumption to take a good look at themselves and recognize that they are in business to serve their customers/clients will get the picture. Those who understand that the people they serve are their primary reason for being will make the necessary changes. Those that don't are bound to ultimate demise. The challenge we face right now is the doublespeak of those who choose to use all the right words -- and still adhere to all the old behaviors."
- Stephanie Moffett, Web Developer, Modus Interactive - "Raise the bar and we will leap over it. Lower it and we will dig a hole beneath it. Let us all raise the bar."
- Cass Whittington, Consultant, Progress Software - "Electronic language must change the nature of public discourse just as written language changed it from what spoken language produced. I think this manifesto accurately predicts what that change is eventually going to be."
- Joseph Balsama - "All business should be reduced to the essentials: truths and lies."
- Michael Johnston, Me, Myself - "This manifesto states very clearly and concisely what I have personally felt for a very long time. Wake up out there, cuz this is the way of the future."
- Dethe Elza, Cog in the Machine, Lucent Technologies - "We are not 'Human Resources' either. There is nothing human about being called a resource."
- Leopold Bergmann, none, lb medien - "Hallelujah, this was long overdue. There may even be a German cluetrain sometime, although, I am sure, it will have a somewhat different feeling to it. We don't work laughing that much in this part of the world."
- Margret Bailey, uberWENSCH, Not Affiliated with Anyone in Any Meaningful Sense - "The sovereignty of marketing based on the alienated atomistic individual is vestigial, much like the monarchy of Great Britain. The explosion of the web has become traditional advertising's Cromwell, Levellers, Diggers, Quakers, and every other kind of dissenter. Woohoo it might just be good to be alive now!"
- Charles T. Beckert, President, Oak Hill Communications Group - "Being recently released from a Hell Hole of burgeoning neo-corporate speak and nascent positioning, branding, leveraging, etc., your manifesto has helped to salve my wounds. Business and humanity are not -- as they have been mistakenly defined by glib marketers and blind VPs of this or that -- mutually exclusive."
- William A Friedman, WillSix, Technical Support Analyst, Viacom - "A brilliant piece, a hopeful dream. If you can get the PC-weenies like me behind you, you can accomplish anything, 'cause nothing works without us."
- Larry Smith, Principal Software Engineer, self
- Jerome Scriptunas, Information Sharer and World Citizen, BRISC.org - "I salute your brilliant capability to articulate what I have known intuitively most of my life. This truth is an exception that does not hurt. What a relief to find 'you people' to admire and siphon inspiration from. Hugs and kisses..."
- michael west, wire wind ink - "brilliant theses. you nailed it perfectly."
- Julian Armando Durand D'Amico, Principal, Durand Consulting Inc. - "Organizations increasingly require IT outsourcing. IT consultants want to work in a friendly way with their clients. It's high time we move towards relationships of reciprocity based on truth and knowledge rather than marketing and spinning."
- Doug McNaught, http://www.mcnaught.org/~doug - "Agree wholeheartedly. The Manifesto expresses concisely a lot of the thoughts that I've been having over the last year..."
- Cyrus Noe, President & CEO (chief editorial officer), Energy NewsData - "The Internet information age is well underway and Al Gore did not invent it. I am not fond of manifestos; the 95 number here has overtones of M. Luther and 'Gott helf mir, ich kann nicht anders.' But there is a core of good sense here, and that's enough reason to sign up and help kick ass."
- C Nico Cinocco, VP Technology, Digital Dementians
- Kieron Murphy, Editorial Manager, EarthWeb - "Absofuckinglutely righteous -- the most important information on the Internet today."
- Sophia Anastos, Computer Services, Niles Public LIbrary District - "Telling the truth. Talk that is direct and satisfying, versus indirect and manipulative. No more wasting your life pretending that you are about what you are not about. The soul is cleansed, the light shines ahead, therapists re-train and religious leaders pause."
- Joe Majeske, driver guy, Sonorus, Inc. - "At last an acknowledgement that the status quo need not, and should not, be inevitable. Western culture seems to have forgotten that it's dominant mode of organization is, if not a historical accident, then at least a development rooted in railroad and telegraph technology. Time for change in a more human direction."
- Aaron Mandel, Thing Fixer, Harvard University - "I'm a little apprehensive about even admitting that businesses have so much control over the timbre and quality of life today, but the Ringleaders seem to be aware of that tension, so more power to them. And to all of us!"
- Daniel Shedd, me - "What comes next? Everyone who answers without humilty, doesn't get it."
- Kim Marshall, Artist - "Thank you, thank you! I knew I wasn't crazy. I'm not a geek, I'm not a programmer. I'm just an artist trying to plug things in and make it happen. I've also been tricked by some of the most successful companies in the world into spending money I don't have on stuff I don't want. Still, I'm hooked, baby. Give me what I want and show me some respect, and you can have what money can't buy."
- carl saxon, president, the saxon accounting group - "The hierarchies are coming down. The upper reaches of management can not hide anymore, becuase they are utlimately losing their power. And power is what it is all about."
- Darrell Ray Elmore, Senior Editor, Ziff-Davis
- Dave Dike, Chief Wrench, Digital Skylight - "Somebody tell those comatose butt-sniffers at Corporate to wake up and smell the avalanche. And will the last one out please torch the place..."
- John F. Gilmore, Consultant, Datamonitor - "McLuhan would love this shit. I certainly do."
- Carl F. Hennig, Programmer/Analyst, Dynamic Linkage - "Well-written, well-organized, and will-be-ignored by all Fortune 500 companies... I vaguely remember some quote of Thomas Jefferson about the necessity of a new revolution every 20 years. This should be a revolution in business."
- Jason Hamrick, Davidson College
- Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Senior Editor, Manager of Science Fiction, Tor Books - "Everything you say is as true of the publishing industry as it of the high-tech firms whose employees make up most of your signatories. Particularly the stuff about the irreducible primacy of the human voice, and the customers' complete immunity to hype and cant."
- Rob Reinhart, Executive Producer/Owner, Acoustic Cafe/RM&M
- Rebecca Eschliman, Departing Jester, Antioch Publishing - "About time there was something to counteract the confusion of the employees with the product and the customers with the product. May you lay down more track as fast as the Net itself grows."
- Jeff Angle, Director of Marketing, PLATO Education - "It is about time!And that's something we need to stop wasting."
- Randy Gordon, CEO, Integrand Systems - "A great set of points! An absolute must-read for anyone wishing to understand the new paradigm created by the instant and ubiquitous communication possible through the Internet."
- Shawn A Hyam
- David Arndt, Systems Engineer, Capital Computer
- Jim Dixon, Real Good Food
- John Quentin Heywood, Professor, American University Washington College of Law - "It is not just traditional companies that have missed the cluetrain, higher education is missing it as well. Administrators think of a website as another brochure and then wonder why nobody pays any attention."
- Harry Pendergrass, Software Engineer - "I can't help but think this is nothing more than a dream. But it is a good dream that counters the myriad nightmares being sent across the wires by the gigabyte."
- Peter Kubiaczyk, Database Designer, ISA International - "Great!!! Just hope that folks signing here really mean it..."
- Larry Abel, Director, Cambridge Technology Partners
- Jason Salisbury, Lead Programmer, Argus IG - "The Cluetrain Manifesto is the kind of document I want to print out, scrunch up, and jam into the gaping, drooling orifices of every slackjawed suit, MBA, HR gash, and/or CEO I've ever had the misfortune to 'interface' with."
- Dan L. Berlyoung, Owner, Saturday! - "The schools and colleges need to get on the train too. They are training the next riders!"
- Mark Zaifman, Sr. Technical Recruiter, Fair, Isaac & Co - "Finally, honesty in the form of the cluetrain manifesto. I got so excited reading the manifesto, I had to pinch myself. Thanks for being authentic, telling it like it really is, god, it's so refreshing."
- Benjamin Delfin, Software Engineer, Information Builders
- brigitte eaton, senior information designer (i think), http://www.eatonweb.com - "this manifesto spells out exactly what's wrong with corporate america. it's time to change."
- Nicholas O. Radov - "When you put it that way it seems rather obvious, doesn't it? Those who want a similar message in more corporate language should read http://www.forbes.com/asap/98/0406/074.htm"
- Daniel Read, Principal Engineer, Lanier Worldwide
- Eric Wu, MBA/MS candidate, University of Colorado at Boulder - "Nice to see someone finally put down in words the 'it' that we've all been saying 'they' don't get."
- Andrew Hermetz, TechnoShaman, Humanadyne - "All Power to All People..."
- Wayne A. Schomaker, Network Administrator/Webmaster, Colorado OEM - "This is the new gospel of communicaitons -- it needs to be spread around the globe!!"
- David Gaffen, deity, www.thefelixes.com - "Focus groups don't work. Marketing research don't work. 'Let's take a poll...' they say. I say, stick with your convictions. Give things a try. Individuals have creativity, insight, vibe -- organizations, by nature, do not."
- Richard Kithil, Founder & CEO, National Lightning Safety Institute - "Ben Franklin said it: 'Be at war with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbors, and let every New Day find you a better man.'"
- Dennis Elfstrom, Senior Technical Writer and Consulting Troublemaker, Metricom, Inc. - "Every dollar is a vote. Snooze, and you'll lose."
- Kevin Jamieson, Geek, Bebber & Associates - "After struggling against 1950's style management and stagnant business culture, this is a breath of sanity. I cannot agree more, and it is relieving that I am not alone. This community, discourse, and self-reliance reassure me that I am not crazy to think this way. Things are changing, and it is good."
- Don Symes, Just Me - "I notice a disappointing amount of marketroid blather and corp-speak among the signatories comments. Habits and a career'sworth of training are hard to break. Talk real - the way you signed up to do."
- KEITH BAKER, grave digger, Baker's Lawn Care - "You've said the eulogy. Take out the old bring in the new. Amen."
- Kenton A. Hoover, Networking Manager, Engineering Computer Services, Cisco Systems, Inc.
- Strata Rose Chalup, VirtualNet - "The crisp clean smack of a clue-by-four hitting target is heard. At the instant of contact there is always the potential for the fields to reverse, the smacker to become the smackee. Will this become yet another 'bandwagon' or will it be around a year from now? We'll see."
- Frank Hecker, Lead Systems Engineer, Netscape government sales - "This is great stuff, but just common sense if you stop and think about it; this is the way many 'internal innovators' have been successful all along, for those companies that had at least some clue. A major point here is that what works inside works outside as well -- simple but powerful."
- Timothy Daly, self - "'feels like I've been hit by a southbound train' -- ellis paul. after 28 years in the computer business i have to admit that my 16 year old daughter 'got' it long before you wrote it down. now i do. this should be in a web virus."
- Thomas Edwards, President, The Sync - "The cluetrain applies not only to tech companies, but to media companies as well. Today, you have to be responsive to your audience, and bring them into the media, not just be an 'ivory tower' broadcaster."
- Terry Smith, Student, University of Maryland, Baltimore County - "Industries merge, industries divide, and I bought my bank checks from three guys with a laser printer and some cool designs. Well said, gentlemen, well said."
- Doug Alder, Connection Support Manager, Powerlink Internet Services - "We live in a society that abhors personal responsibility and this is mirrored very well at the corporate level. This manifesto says I take responsibility for who and what I am, that I will take control of me in the marketplace - whatever and wherever that may be. Corporations that do not recognize this, that continue to hide behind old stereotypes, that continue their attempts to manipulate the marketplace with smoke and mirrors will discover, perforce, too late the folly of their ways."
- Glenn MacEachern, Poptician/Consumer, Private - "I must commend you on a job well done. I've long thought that the ideals presented in your manifesto are not only going to change the face of buisness, but to change, and save our society as we know it. No longer should the people be tools of the rich and the greedy. The people will (hopefully) soon be no longer the slave of blind loyalty and the pursuit of what we are told is cool. This is the future, get on the train or bugger off."
- Peter Bradley, Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd - "Gresyn o beth fyddai i'r maniffesto hon fod yn uniaith Saesneg. Lladd, yn hytrach na hybu amrywiaeth fyddai hynny."
- Larry Crain, Instigator, Innovation Development Enterprises of America - "Interesting...while our 'leaders' in big business, big government, and big info-tainment are all in a panic about a 'mosquito' named Melissa, they apparently haven't even noticed this incoming 'ICBM'! It should be interesting to see how long it takes 'em to get a clue. And, just how many never will!"
- Andrew Mair - "It is about time somebody told the truth about the corporate marketing nightmare we live in - the task ahead is to get the boxheads in the boardrooms to listen and start treating their staff and customers as intelligent individuals and not moronic demographs! This train is definitely going somewhere. All Abord!"
- Manmohan Jain - "This is the real e-business story. I can almost pick the winning companies of tomorrow on just the touchstone of the cluetrain manifesto."
- Paul Bambury, Writer and recording artist, Trancendental Anarchists - "I like this manifesto very much. As a recording artist involved in the mp3 movement (with music at mp3.com), the paradigm shift is evident to me, in the inability of most of the recording industry to comprehend what's going on. The mal-adaption of the real world star system to the net environment is one example of this. There's a power shift occurring and the power is being more evenly distributed. This is inimical to the realworld system."
- Kenn Lutz, neophyte, OpenSourceHardware - "Nothing matters any more than who do - you do what you gotta do, and do-do, too. Victims implode. 'And in the end, the love you get is equal to the love you send' - John 'n Paul. Commotion backwards principle."
- J Nicholas Tolson, CTO, eDesign, Inc. - "'Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.' -- Kahlil Gibran"
- Craig Hamilton, Technical Support, DIALnet plc
- Daniel Maharry, Contributing Editor, ASPToday - "Another (virtual) world, another set of ideas and rules. Why no-one realised this before the cluetrain departed common sense platform one is beyond me."
- A Ray K, Coach, Autus Strategies - Performance Coaching for Life and Business - "I found this to be incredible. It is this dialogue that has allowed me to meet and discover a world that is incredible. It has shown me that there is a whole wide world out there full of people that hold within themselves and collectively who hold the promise of a future of WOW."
- Marc Schuler, Corporate Peon, left blank to avoid offending those who wouldn't know a cluetrain when it hits them in the.... - "'Wake up to find out that you are the Eyes of the World'."
- Kelly Stine, Account Manager, PearlNet, LLC - "Communication....If only all supervisors, bosses and anyone with people working for them or with them could learn how to sincerely say two simple words....'thank you'. This makes employees/co-workers feel appreciated and that, my friends, go a long way. "
- Alan Wexelblat, Ph.D., Web Architect/Interaction Designer, HOVIR - "I've been trying to explain interaction design for years. The peoples' voice has been sorely lacking in most software/hardware organizations and the e-commerce bubble is spreading this problem to companies of all kinds. Human-computer interaction professionals (of which I am proud to be one) have an obligation to break down the walls and tear off the blinders that the Cluetrain manifesto refers to. Unfortunately, we are too often lone voices, ignored by application and Web site builders, barely tolerated by corporate hierarchies. Our most powerful allies are the people, outside the company walls. Here's hoping the cluetrain gets to them."
- Judge, Chief AI-Operations, Tessier-Ashpool S.A. - "Homo sum et nihil humanii me alienum puto."
- George T. Talbot - "The 95 points are OK, but all this babble on this page smells funny to me."
- Ganesh C. Prasad, Web developer ("Senior Information Specialist", in corporate-speak), EDS - "I'm an MBA who turned away from management in disgust, and I'm happily 'stagnating' on the career ladder as a Java programmer by day, underground Linux volunteer by night. I don't want my company or any other to be destroyed. Most of them are neither evil nor benevolent, just mindless and mechanical. Just when will these idiots wake up? They'll buy anything with a Microsoft label on it. Just try and get them to say the words 'Open Source software'! Chee!"
- Paul S. Gooding, Owner, Self Employed: Software Development Consultant - "The Cluetrain message is timely and necessary. Read it, understand it, and be ready to move on from it, because it is an essential sign along the road, and the road goes off over the horizon and out of our view."
- clayton lewis, professor, university of colorado - "Wonderful! A world of honesty and people instead of a lot of professionally decorated walls with cubicles behind them at work and a wide pipe to Hollywood at home."
- Stonie R. Cooper, Science Officer, Planetary Data, Incorporated - "' . . . pass the butter and the salt . . .'"
- Robert F. Wisniewski, Billing Specialist, Bell Atlantic High Speed Solutions
- Jim Armstrong, Information Architect, Cisco Systems - "Vannevar Bush, Peter Drucker, Ted Nelson, Marshall McLuhan, Bill Atkinson, Doug Englebart, Tim Berners-Lee, Richard Saul Wurman, Marc Andreesen - all hyperlinked together. Wow, what a world - what a time to be alive!"
- Paul Jonusaitis, Senior Systems Engineer, Inprise Corporation - "This is a tremendous encouragement to those of us in the trenches of the software marketshare wars, where we try to talk to actual people in spite of the barriers constructed by the clueless inhabitants of the corporate HQ."
- Russell Stoker, glassbeadgame student, inXsol - "The manifesto should only be read while exhausted. This is prudent for two reasons: First, it is bouyant and quenching, an assist to the next day's labor. Second, there is a real danger of total rejection of enduring the environment if you feel that you could search out the other signatories."
- Doug Loss, seul-edu project leader, SEUL
- W.E.Tiller, Senior Researcher (Observer of humans & the Web), AMS Center for Advanced Technologies - "Cluetrain is at the station. Join the boundless, playful, curious cast of millions."
- Greg Berry, Editor, Digital City Denver - "It's about time the discussion expands. There will truly be two classes -- those who understand the fundamental nature of people and the significance of how our society can and will change, and those who choose to ignore it. If publishing (my professional field) can change so dramatically in such a short period of time, so will other crucial institutions, including music, religion, commerce, education and government. The open exchange of ideas changes EVERYTHING."
- Felix Kramer, founder & ceo, Constructors/WhoBuiltIt - "I'm glad people are finally saying what they've been thinking for a long time. Maybe open-source's momentum has given us the confidence we need so we don't have to feel defensive."
- James Hamilton, Average Shmoe, One of a million(s) - "One word that keeps coming up in your manifesto is 'control'. Typically large corporations have had it and the public hasn't. I'm afraid that too many of them do 'get it', they understand that the 'net and new inexpensive technologies bridge the control and communication gap that their finances and organization have provided them. These corporations wish to control every aspect of life turning every situation to their advantage and sqeezing every last cent from an asset (including employees) or sitting on it in perpituity rather than releasing it to those who can still get some use out of it. This 'corporate culture of greed' has served them so well in the past and they don't want things to change. But now many in the market have the skills and knowledge to even the playing field. Corporations have become too used to telling the public what they want (whatever brings the most profit) and not providing what their customers are asking for. Now that we can take some of what we want ourselves the lawsuits are flying fast and furious in a feeble attempt to hold back the tidal wave. What the large influential corps are trying to do to regain control is to subvert the net to their own purposes by buying large pieces of it, lobbying government and introducing new technologies (Intel's ID tracker being an example) in an attempt to make the new e-marketplace as close to the old one that they all know and love. As for the others, I hope that they see that the pendulum is swinging the other way and that they start focusing on their customers rather than themselves and the bottom line. Perhaps capitalism needs a few changes, or replacing."
- Edward A. Villarreal, Treasurer, We Are Nerd's Inc. - "Thank you. For me the web is a place to find information, but it has been getting buried so deep in PR bullshit I have been tempted to give up using it. If 'they' just get a clue...."
- Jennifer Stone Gonzalez, The 21st Century Intranet, author - "Thanks, Chris for doing this. I'm convinced that the Cluetrain Manifesto is the only way to make any kind of dent on corporate culture. We desperately need this kind of conversation-based social movement."
- Jeff Colombe, Senior Ph.D. student in Neurobiology, University of Chicago - "Just as democracies require informed, participating citizens to prevent devolution into mob rule or dictatorship, so with markets. An uninformed decision, by a voter or a consumer, is just a whim, a habit, or a form of herding behavior. In both democracies and markets, out of enlightened self-interest, we must wake up and smell the information. Producers and policy-makers will come to heel, so that they can have our money and our votes. But we must train them. This requires responsible decision-making. Corporations and administrations that suck should not be allowed to thrive only on the merit of our whims, our habits, or our herding behavior. Rock on, Cluetrain."
- Remus Shepherd - "The next era in corporate/consumer evolution will be characterized by a battle between two groups. One group longs for the days of captive markets and indentured servitude; the other respects old town shopkeeper values, scaled to a global audience. I'm glad to see the organizers of the Cluetrain Manifesto take the first step in the right direction."
- Pete Mosley, Webmaster, MarketingCanada.com - "It ain't what we don't know that will put us out of business ... it's what we know that ain't so."
- Joe Flower, Principal, The Change Project - "Great! Clues in two-handled buckets It's the best kind of formulation - at once patently obvious and seriously subversive."
- Karen Jeffery, President, CEO, CTO, CFO, Sales Manager, Janitor, International Affiliates Director, Pacific Island Investments - "I sold my last company, which (despite my best efforts) aged and solidified as companies can...to get back where the rubber meets the road and put more adventure back in my life. I've been waiting for the internet and e-mail for years...to revolutionize myself, my country, global brokerage and the future. Jump on the cluetrain! Aloha."
- Steven Heath, Ernst & Young - "Let me add these to my 'Clue-by-2' collection that is used far more often than I would like. Nothing better than throwing a Clue Brick at a corporate culture and then watching the people run around like chickens with their heads cut off."
- Stuart A Murdoch, One O' Da Bosses, APT Australian Photographic Tours - "Politically I don't believe in consumerism, however if this was ever a time for corporations to 'see the light' its now hoo-fucking-ray I say. 'Come the revolution the corporations will be first up against the wall.'"
- James Monaco, President, UNET 2 CORPORATION - "There's no doubt about the healthy power of Open Source and Open Marketing. Now we need to deal with the atherosclerotic oxymoron of Intellectual Property. (More on this later when I find the time.)"
- John Mosman, Principal Designer, SillyMoose Web Design - "The manifesto is on the marketing nailhead. Great companies, great organizations are built on relationships, people to people...not 'by the numbers' or 'let's be a team.' We on the net will build wonderful relationships around the static organizations, even if they do no like it."
- Joy Gay, candidate for master's degree in journalism, University of North Texas - "Everyone should send this to their employer."
- Mike Filigenzi, Principal Scientist, Quanterra - "Amen! It's happening now and the quicker the people in 'high places' recognize it, the better off they'll be!"
- Terry Walker, President/CEO, Mountopia Corporation - "Fantastic and Right-On! I wish I had thought of it. Kudos!!!!"
- Norman Lorrain, Computer Systems Alchemist, SED Systems - "Want to try something neat? Substitute 'governement' for 'corporation' and 'citizen' for 'market'. Big governement needs to wake up too."
- Paul Haahr, Chief Technology Officer, a currently unnamed Java server company - "More than a conversation, I'm looking to do business with people who can anticipate my need and problems, addressing them before I even notice. The best companies, organizations, and partners already do this, but they're few and far between."
- Zach Wolff, just me, none - "Well, I'm not president, CEO, or founder of anything. The names on this list are enough to make a college freshman feel a bit inadequate, but I think the manifesto tells me what I need to know to earn a string of titles after my name in the coming years. Congrats guys."
- C. Kruger, Ms., private ctizen
- James Curry, Professor, COLEF
- Ray Howe, Editor, Lone Oak Press - "An interesting challenge to the presently dominant theology of capitalism; what the cluetrain manifesto implies is not reform of what exists but the replacement of the authoritarians. Predators give way to communitarianists? The Lion lays down with the lamb? However improbable, millions - international millions - now see at least it's not necessarily impossible."
- Keith T. Davidson, President, The Electronic Document Systems Foundation
- Lambert Liesenberg, director, iprag international public relation agency - "think human, speak human, be human. There would be peace and freedom if people act along the lines of the manifesto."
- Paul Wujek, President, CEO, and everything else, Enniskillen Consulting Inc - "The Cluetrain is a statement about 'true' empowerment, not the kind of empowerment that existed as a management buzzword a few years ago. Information has a life of its own and will pass between people regardless of attempts at bureaucratic control, it can't be stopped. You can ride the flow or be swept away by it, it's your choice."
- Bradley S. Ridnour, PE, Transportation Engineer, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
- Evan Mahaney, Columnist, Monitor Computer Magazine (Austria) - "A good beginning would be voice mail. Dump it. Talk to the public. Take your kudos and take your lumps. It's part of life, part of business, part of humanity."
- Len Bullard - "What you're eating from your plate is what the barnyard allows."
- Eric Gene Price, Software Systems Engineer, Consultant - Motorola Computer Group - "Some of the people I work around could use it."
- Nina Tovish, Principal, Lucid Design - "Anything worth doing is a form of conversation. Businesses that wake up and understand that conversational exchange takes place along more than one axis (not just $/product) will thrive. The rest are dinosaurs in the era of mammals."
- Charles A. Behney III, Leader, Bisbee Net - "Image creates reality. One thought can change the world. The Network Age replaces postmodernism, and the car it rode in on."
- Al Christensen, Alpha Male, Silverback Ad Repair - "When my ex-boss said the Cluetrain was a load of crap, I knew there must be something to it."
- Brad Bauer, Business Development Manager, USWeb/CKS - "Mmmm....Mmmmmm....Good!"
- Ken Toren, CEO, @ccelerate - "A virtual lesson to follow: Be who you is, not who you ain't, 'cause if you not who you is, you is who you ain't."
- Dr. Mark O. Stempski, Principal Engineer, currently Tektronix - "At last, truth expressed in a forum and style unsterilized by the HBS case study format. Abstractions that resonate with our experiences, both inside and outside of the command and control strait jackets. I do believe I hear the voices of the modern day John Galts."
- Shea Nangle, Consultant, The Infoninja Group - "This is great -- finally something that doesn't recycle last month's management flavor of the month, and talks about real changes that should be made."
- Steffen Busse, http://www.busse-consulting.com - "Cool job. Luther would be proud of you..."
- Ed Alexamder, Vice President, Business Development, K.J. Harding & Company - "Rant re: #23. Position themselves? Position is a noun (but not the point). A company's position is determined by its customers, not its marketing department. Listen to customers, decide if your position is not only profitable but humanly valuable, and work to harmonize the two. Now that's a position worth having."
- Grant F. Gould, MIT - "Just a student, but the students of today are the market and workers of tomorrow."
- Piglet, Director of Development, Evolution Online Systems - "Ask not for whom the clue phone rings; it rings for thee!!"
- Matthew Traylor, Systems Administrator, Medtrac Technologies, Inc - "The way of the future."
- Victor Panlilio, Web Architect, Misfit, and Troublemaker, Compaq Computer Corporation - "At last, a body of work that explains why I've been labeled as an eccentric in every company I've ever worked for. We need to keep working, every one of us, to create for ourselves and all of our descendants a deeply-ingrained culture of habitual truth-telling, personal integrity, and honour."
- chris archibald, Program/General Manager, NFO - "i like the Markets are conversations part"
- John Galloway, Electrical Engineer, At Large - "Thank you. These 95 Theses remind me of history class, Martin Luther and the Reformation and all that. They also remind me of the work of Bill Livingston (author of 'Have Fun at Work') with regards to bringing the business of engineering away from the vacuous effusions of the marketroids and just a little bit closer to healthy contact with reality."
- Kristin MacDonald, Graduate student, University of Nevada, Reno - "After years of railing against corporate double-speak, platitudes and hollow mission statements, it is nice to know there are others who are working to change status quo. Thank you for creating that forum for change!"
- Kevin Kadow, President and CEO, MSG.Net, Inc. - " 'We have met the enemy and he is us.' - Porkypine in Walt Kelly's 'Pogo'"
- Kevin S. Smith, Product Marketing Specialist, Acer Inc. - "Tell it, brother!"
- Mark Poling, Courseware Designer, Subject to Change, home page - "Every truly messed-up company knows that communication is the problem. They just don't want to talk about it."
- Dave Caulkins, Director, Millennium Meteor Fireworks Project
- Michael C. Hollinger, Local Genius, Eilroch Graphical Consulting - "Finally, someone has said it!"
- Russell Miller, Systems Engineer, Hall Kinion, Integra Telecom, home page - "About time. I'm sick of the corporate double-talk that does nothing but make people into faceless puppets. Treat us like people, and we will do the same. Treat us like numbers, and we will ignore you."
- Aurora Clark , Student-Sophmore, BSU, home page - "Great :) Makes one think that there is hope for the individual voice. Not to mention something to put on one's door ;) "
- Cameron Douglas Brown, Business coach, Calibre - "In terms of dollars corporations are the dominant life form on the planet. In terms of sense........"
- Camille Klein
- Nancy (choconancy) White, Full Circle Associates - "It banged the supper bell. Bravo."
- Stephen D. Williams, Senior Consultant/Architect/CTO, OptimaLogic, home page - "I have experienced nearly every point made! I happen to be working hard to address as many of these points as I can. Good timing! Watch the net, you'll know when you see it!"
- Peter Seebach, President, Plethora Internet, home page - "If you knew how many companies I've not done business with because I felt they 'weren't listening'. Well, on second thought, you do. Thank you! You made my day."
- John Lindsay, General Manager, Chariot Internet, home page - "The Internet access industry is characterised by its openness and internal communication. How strange that so many large Internet access providers don't understand the first principles of communication with their own customers."
- Dima Kanashenko, Digital Multimedia Design student, International Academy of Design - "Dinosaur corporations will prevail. Intranetworking will be sucked in and mutated to fit corporate mentality. Marketing never dies. Humans suck."
- Matthew S. Moore, Intel
- Hugh Blair, President, J B Consulting Group - "Again, the truth hurts."
- Tom Maddox, Scribblemeister, The Sinister Collective - "The irresistible behemoth of global neocapitalism will crush these human impulses. They (you know, THEY) will hunt you down and alter your neuronal columns. Afterward you will feel much better and find these things you said appalling."
- Robert Dennison, Destiny Electronic Commerce - "For months all I've heard about is B2C e-commerce ...at last I am beginning to hear about C2B. Semantic difference? No way!"
- Paul H. Smith, CEO, Smith Renaud, Inc. - "We started out just like so many Web companies ... we created and maintained sites. But soon we found that the 'maintaining' part of that equation involved just too much bum-wiping for whining clients. (We love them, but only because they pay the rent.) Too bad the 95 Theses weren't around then, because, unless the whiney clients see something in print from a third source, they won't believe it. So, please print up a glossy, fold-out, wallet-size version of the Theses to handout at conference booths, presentations, street corners and 'networking' parties. Make it real slick (no mimeographs, please!), so people are more likely to believe it. Oh, and also, you know those 'inspirational' office-motivation posters? The ones with, like, a wolf in the snow with the word 'Attitude' in big letters and 'unless you've foraged for food in the dead of winter with no clothes on, don't give me any attitude' (or something like that) ... Well, print up some big ol' posters with one Thesis on each and send 'em over to me, please. It would be a great way to motivate my staff. (And, no, I'm not worried about either our clients or staff seeing this, because they would never scroll this far down a Web page.) "
- Joseph Fusco, Vice President, Casella Waste Systems, Inc.
- Rich Carvill, Advertising Manager, Gates Rubber Company - "A ray of light through the corporate peephole. The manifesto is like that old advertising analogy that says only half of it really works. The question is: which half? Sometimes you have to try new things to find out."
- Steve Carfagnini, Manager, Retail Mainframe Systems, Sears Canada - "Because we can..."
- Dana Parker, Empress of the Universe, CDpage - "It's scary to realize that those who purport to lead us are blind, but it's true and necessary to admit it. If you have ever been asked, or asked yourself, 'Do you think you're smarter?' than the big swingin' corporate dicks who've been telling us how and what we will buy, this should help convince you - the answer is, of course, 'Damn straight I am.' Never doubt it."
- Derek Miers, Chief Cook & Bottle Washer, Enix Consulting Limited - "Yet the world is still busy attending knowledge management and electronic commerce conferences - as though they can help extend the life of the (corporate) dinosaur."
- Gloria Bates, PICT (person-in-charge-today), Temenos Group - "You're onto something, folks, and as a recent refugee from the corporate monolith I'm with you. Just two simple thoughts: 1. I think you could have done it in ten. Bulls run the risk of being repetitive, and folks just aren't as patient, thanks to corporate logorrhea. 1. It's under and around what you're saying, but you don't come out and say it. This is about soul, man (and woman). It's about speaking and acting truthfully from that place inside each of us where we KNOW what's right. It's about giving a damn about the needs and concerns of others. It's about paying attention, listening, acting responsibly, giving others as you'd want to receive. Sound familiar?"
- Dave McCorkhill, code slave and Proesy Fairy, The FaerieMUD Consortium - "Your ethos is enshrined forever in your code. Symbiosis is the ultimate positive morality. Symbiotic code lives forever. Bad code harms the coder as well as the user. The 'Net provides the universe of discourse where moral evolution produces a new level of being. Synnecrotic code has already become extinct, it just doesn't realize it yet. In fact, it is incapable of awareness."
- Robert West, QA Engineer, borland.com - "The internet, and the networks it encourages, will lead to a re-establishment of tribalism; it will be the biggest sea-change in our social structure since the renaissance."
- Bruce Maurier, Executive Producer, Web Development, Intuit - "Looking forward to the day when the whole steaming internet organism can be taken for granted..."
- Lance Teitsworth, Graphic Designer, Ziff-Davis, home page - "Kudos to Darrell Ray for giving me my ticket to cluetrain. Our wholehearted belief in conversation and the pursuit of subversion of hierarchy by hyperlink may eventually get us both fired, but that's probably exactly what we need."
- Bruce Ardinger, Chairperson, Communication Skills Department, Columbus State Community College - "This site speaks to my still hopeful revolutionary soul. While cluetrain focuses on the fears and foibles of the corporate world, its manifesto rings true for the world of education as well, especially as higher education attempts to mimic the old corporate culture of TQM, organizational hierarchies, and accountability principles that serve only the bottom line. Educators need to hear the voices expressed here before we ruin with narrow training and bad advice one more generation of students."
- David Hermansen, President, Enabling Solutions
- Fred Macondray Jr., Sr. Support Engineer, Fair, Isaac and Companies, Inc. - "I love this. I and many I've spoken to are really sick of being functionally powerless against large organizations whether they be the utilities, 'customer service', or banking institutions. We need to re-empower the individual! Thank You!"
- brian moore, system administrator, Chambers Multimedia Connection, home page - "Honesty and humanity are the only way to survive either online or off. Being honest with your customers and they will be honest with you and loyal to you."
- Chris Lanfear, Unemployed MBA, Yours if you like.
- John McCann, Entrepreneur, sunshine - "The internet has not brought the end of history, but the end of geography. Many in Africa can now join the world economy without having to work for the distant outpost of some corporate globalization department."
- Glenn Fleishman, Unsolicited Pundit, Glenn Fleishman Associates - "A few days ago, I started reading the cluetrain.com stuff and thought, 'This is just as convoluted as the corporate propaganda and newspeke they decry.' Then it sank in. Then I read it again. Nope, you've created something real, and I wuz wrong. Sign me up boys!"
- Ormond Otvos, Buyer, The Market - "The art of the Obvious."
- the auroran sunset, home page - "interesting to see that the hippies are starting to win, but you should remember 'the establishment' still has the guns and the money (although not for that long unless they show intelligence)... you may be interested to browse the following site: www.abelard.org the entity behind it seems to have similar ideas for the downfall of the stupid and is, dare i say it, a little more pragmatic about it. abelard is also a prolific poster on uk.politics.misc... enough raving for now, keep up the good work."
- Andre de Villiers, Team Leader - Irish Association in South Africa, Irish South African Website, Irish South African Website - "Nothing is as strong as an idea whose time has come and in the age of the individual these ideas are going to come fast and furious. The challenge will be the ability to be one's own censor, critic and teacher, a challenge our history and culture has not prepared us for."
- Peter Drummond, Director of Marketing, Moore Response Marketing Services - "Martin Luther reformed a tired, out-of-touch brand of Christianity with his thesis nailed to the wall of the Cathedral about 400 years ago. Let's hope we can nail copies of this manifesto on the doors of the Fortune 1000 cathedrals before it's too late - meaning either Tom Peters co-opts this thing and turns it into the 'synergy and MBWA' hype of the next decade, diluting it into another fad-du-jour, or the entire corporate landscape will soon resemble Detroit in the late 70's, thinking that only leftists drove Japanese cars. Keep up the good work."
- Petrus Lundqvist
- Jay Moynihan, Jayware.com
- Robert J. Berger, Internet Bandwidth Development - "Finally people with a clue make it public! I wish I had this to to wave around the clueless management team of my last startup! This does bring up the question as to how to best inject cluefullness into the clueless PHBs. There is always the danger of the clueless blowing things up on purpose or by accident, making it much more difficult to evolve the planet to total cluefull nirvana...."
- sheila franke hansen, Planner, Tuolumne County, California USA - "We get it."
- Brian Hurt, Faceless Engineer
- Michael Ward, Partner, Nobska Group
- Helen Griffiths, Founder, President & CEO, Perspectives Unlimited, Inc. - "The identity of the new age of communication will continue to erode the very existence in which we now exist within corporate boundaries. The era of intelligent encapsulated information is a tidal wave headed for the coast you either recognize it and grab a ride or get washed away."
- Keith H Perkins, Organization: Who needs one, Dis - "It's about time somebody smartened up!"
- Steve Chapman, Chapman & Associates - "Strap yourself in and hold on, the time is now. The past is gone forever and the future is ours to screw up. You can do that, you can go there. It doesn't have to be a dream."
- Greg Zumbiel, Just some guy, Not important. - "It's a start. The battle is uphill all the way. The thesis are good and in the right direction, but I'm not sure of their ultimate aim. I suggest anyone interested in a bigger picture go to http://www.lbbs.org There are no whole eggs in a broken nest. Peace everyone!"
- Keith Christensen, No title, just as a person who found this, None - "I haven't fully digested this idea.. it seems so far from what I 'see' as dictated by the media, marketdroids, and politicians that it almost looks seditious. But, my heart sees this as what American Values should be! But this is not an 'american' issue! This is what small-town life and values were before 'spin-doctor' became a job title. How did I find you? A fellow anti-spammer passed it on. Why did I respond? Spam takes many forms beyond the email variety, and all are counter to what I see here. What do I see? Being in the clue means being honest with yourself and others. Being in the clue means that I survive if others survive or improve by my actions. Being in the clue means that we can disagree."
- Michael Glass - "Yes. Thank you."
- Paul "the soarING" Siegel, President, Learning Fountain Marketing, Learning Fountain Marketing - "I almost never sign any manifestos. But this is different. What an idea! Markets are conversations among people. We're all people! Let's make our sites Learning Fountains to help start these conversations and to build true community."
- Tim Bouma, Product Strategist, PC DOCS/Fulcrum, Check out my bike trip!!! - "Being raised in the Protestant tradition, I can see clearly we are in the midst of a Techno-Reformation. This nailing the 95 theses on the door of the cathedral and translating the bible into the common vernacular is danger to the few but power to the many!!!"
- Rich Renomeron
- Jay Denebeim, Moderator
- Arthur T. Murray, independent scholar in artificial intelligence, The Mindmaker Project, Mentifex Artificial Intelligence - The Cluetrain will be overtaken by PDAI:
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\ /visual memory\ _________ / auditory \ | /--------|---------\ / LANG-UK \ | memory | | | recog-|nition | \_________/---|-------------\ | | ___|___ | | flush-vector| | ________ | | | /image \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | | | / percept \ | /psi{ }\------/ uk{ } \----|-/ ear{ } \| | | \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / | | \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |
[thank you. now it's all suddenly clear!]
- Bill de la Vega, Senior Software Engineer, Bow Street Inc., home page - "Love it. If enough people feel similarly the corporate structure is flexible. Here's hoping it is flexible like a flag in the wind!"
- Jon Matthews, Owner, MATCOM interactive - "The Internet: where capitalism meets the people. Companies which sell things for a living better take heed of the cluetrain manifesto. The Internet has an innate ability to speed up an individual's understanding of your offering, while giving the them an immediate opportunity to select another company should they not like what you say, or how you say it. Heed the voice."
- Paul Westcott, Product Manager, Sqribe Technologies - "moved from being an engineer to product management and listening to dreck spewing from those i work with; this makes sense. same concept just new applications."
- Kimberly Peterson, New Media, Polo Ralph Lauren - "I was in college at the dawn of the web. I remember when there were no banner ads, no online shopping, and no talk about 'click through'. I remember when I thought the web was cool because I could read through the titles of someone's CD collection 2,000 miles away. I felt connected. I'm 'in technology' because I love it. Please, let's cut through the static."
- Nigel Williams, Director, Advantage Technology Limited - "It's amazing, that when you write a swatch of commonly-held truisms into the one heap - suddenly a new picture emerges. Well done - carry on!"
- John Iliff, Librarian - "I agree with all points. The Internet is linking us together in new ways. All organizations must rethink in light of the significant changes occurring daily."
- Bryan M. Andersen, Softail - "Excellent. It puts into words what I've been feeling about most corporate web sites."
- Tamara Tegeler, Attorney, West Group - "I feel like I have found John Galt. Learn to be a connoisseur of the obvious and get onboard!"
- marty bickford, stardust forums, inc. - "i'm down."
- Sandy Legg, Owner, SLTD Media Productions - "It's about time people in the business world wake up and smell the coffee. The rules and ways of doing business are changing rapidly and the businesses that don't make the appropriate changes are going to be like the horse and buggy part of a gone by era."
- Craig Peters, Manager, Online Marketing Services, Feld Entertainment - "Well done. There are those who will get it, those who will never get it, and never the (clue)twain shall meet. Like jazz and blues. What's it all about? If you gotta ask, you'll never know. So in one sense, I fear you're preaching to the converted. Which is fine, really; part of all this wild webby stuff is for the converted to figure out who the heck we all are. Step one: Take a look at the names on this page!"
- Mark White, Partner, White & Associates, Adaptive Corporations - "Permit what you don't prohibit. Issue as much equity to your innovators as they add value to your corporation. Spin out new corporations when opportunities take your innovators in new directions. Parse and recombine. Adapt."
- Scott Brisko, Senior Consultant, USWeb/CKS
- J.D. Falk, Founder, cyberNOTHING, outdated home page - "It'll be years before the masses understand what you've started here...but thank God it's finally been started."
- Peter C. Bellamy Q.C., Sole Practitioner (Lawyer), Bellamy Law Offices - "Looks interesting, too soon to tell!"
- Rob Charlton, General Manager, e-BILL, Hermes Precisa Australia - "'They sell us the President the same way/They sell us our shoes and our cars/They sell us everything from truth to religion/The same time they sell us our wars'... Jackson Brown. A manifesto about truth in marketing??? No - it'd never happen!!"
- Mark Crane, Network Janitor, organization: very little, home page - "This feels like a conceptual IPO. For once I'm buying stock at the beginning..."
- Ben Adam Rosenberg, Giant Brain, critical path/void-which-binds, useless junk - "beautifully stated, solidly reasoned. the future is ours."
- Rainer Plum, R. Plum Agentur f. Kommunikation GmbH - "Life seems to become interesting."
- Tom Horn, Owner, SW Oregon Internet - "Sending the manifesto to the dinosaurs is silly, since they can't read our language. What great about cluetrain is that we not only understand, we live it. And we have this great place to network. Nice to see you all here."
- Dr. George R. Marshall, Chairman & Founder, Clear Picture Corporation - "Our mission at Clear Picture is to develop and apply information technology for improving human communication. Therefore, your manifesto resonates with us. If IT doesn't have a human voice what value is it really. Congratulations!"
- Gary Delooze, technology and innovation 'evangelist', Sema Group, delooze.net - "Most people view the 'net' as a shiny new piece of technology, because they cannot (or don't want to) see the social revolution taking place. Wake up, it's about people, not technology... BTW, congratulations on clearly putting into words the thoughts of the more conscious of our 'wired' generation. At last there's somewhere to point at when I get tired of banging my head against the corporate wall!"
- Charlie Caban, SR VP Technical Services, The Facility Group
- totemscenography, scenographer, totoemscenography - "Dear cluetrain well, i have to say, your manifesto sounds bold and people friendly and all, but it seems to me the definition of a market is really: people with money. Only people with money are consumers, and only consumers come to the market. So, what good is your manifesto for all of those billions who have no money and aren't online? Aren't you afraid that the real segregation is going to be between those who are online and those who are not? And don't you think this segregation is running exactly along the same dividing line that separates the haves from the have nots? Are you still listening to the real people who speak in their real voice, and not, like us, in digispeak?"
- Tom Dow, home page
- Sue Lach, EDPP, Chairman, XPLOR International - "Right on! Also, we can not loose site of the fact that 'the last will be first'."
- Bruce Telford, Ambiguous - "Am I the only one put off by the fanaticism? For many organizations, the clue train is on track. For the hyper-connected, high-speed middle and upper-class world, yes. But much of the world is either disconnected or connected much more slowly. Remember that most of the world is not connected. The concepts are great visions. But they are not the bombastic view of 'This is the way it is!'"
- Blaine Sanderson, Systems Integrator, UNIPAC - "The times they are a chaaanging. Blind authority yields no power in a world where everyone has renewed speech freedom."
- John Grassi, Communionator, Le Famiglie, dead reckoning - "My God! I've been writing and saying these things for three decades -- you mean I am not alone in the universe any more? From Philosopher/Theologian, to Submariner Naval Officer, to euthanizer of bureaucracies and corporate transformation consultant, finally and mercifully -- at fifty -- to personal chef, I have found proof at last that sanity adapts for survival at the fringe and has published a manifesto! If this isn't scripture for the 21st century, I don't know what is."
- Kris Sokoloski, Director of Corporate Marketing, WhiteLight Systems, Inc. - "I find it amusing that this whole thing is the brainchild of a group that, with the exception of the guy from Sun, appears to be a bunch of marketing and web consultants focused on getting us to sign up for their mailing list... Having said that; I do like the concept of markets and employees each forming highly connected groups that, so far, haven't created enough direct links with each other. But the ringleaders presume a mythical 'they' that are to blame for all of the cluelessness in corporations. Who, exactly, are 'they' if they are not us? The theses buy into today's predominant paradigm when they assume that there is some real 'they' creating a barrier between employees and markets. The barrier exists only in our minds -- just as the barrier between God and man turned out to exist only in people's minds until Martin Luther came along."
- Peter Armand Menon, Commercial Manager, Commedia LLc - "At one time monarchs reigned supreme. Then governments of a more democratic kind started replacing monarchs. Now large multinational corporations are slowly threatening governmental controls over markets, money and how society functions. The Cluetrain ideas point to the next structural revolution - vox populi is the only power that can persuade large business interests to remember that the world is for the people and for life - not just profits and share prices - viva Cluetrain."
- Duane Adelson, Vice President Administration & Human Resources, SandStream Communications & Entertainment - "Products come and go but humanity and professional civility will always stay. The assets we count on are our employees and their families for with out them our products do not get made, delivered or advanced or customers served."
- Stanley Krute, caretaker, The Soda Mountain Company, Stan Krute's Home Page
- Rick Fried, National Sales Manager, SLH Design
- James Gosling, Journeyman hacker and incurable tinkerer, Java Software, Sun Microsystems, hobby web site - "An interesting proof of the validity of these ideas is the failure of 'push' technology. 'Push' was attractive to lots of businesses because they saw it as a way to get back in control of their customers, as a way to get back to the broadcast medium's treating of customers as couch potatoes to be force fed. But guess what? People don't want to be controlled."
- J. Scott Grant, Programmer and Artist, Bond Technologies - "The Futurist Manifesto had a great line 'In our Atavistic Ennui' which as the cluetrain manifesto points out is the attitude of business today."
- Mike Truan, Regional Technical Manager, PC DOCS/Fulcrum - "bulls-eye... damn.."
- Meri Aaron Walker, principal, Between the Lines - "A couple of years ago, Brad Blanton wrote, 'Most of us will trade everything we have for a good false sense of control.' We are NOT 'most of us.' And there are getting to be LOTS of us. "
- Heribert Houben, no title, just me, Gemeindeseite der EFG Gladbeck - "The Internet's purpose is to serve people, not only companies. If money is ruling the world, make it work for people! Connect to live in peace. And give the honour to Him who really rules the universe..."
- Hugh Biquatous - "in every era humankind brings forth on itself the products and consequences of that time - the bronze age, the industrial revolution swept our species onto new and transitory social shores - where the individual was left to adapt to new surroundings - and make the best with the most wondrous of our tools - improvisation. and then again, maybe not - but really, should this age be any different?"
- Peter E. Ross, Unemployed Ner'do'well, MockRadio/MockTV.Com, DeleteItorNot.com - "Before I tell you what I think, I want space reserved at the very top of the signatories list or just below Eric S. Raymond's entry. Thank you."
- sara, webmistress, hanson stories 'n' stuff, home page
- Lance Groth, Director of IT (or IT's Director, if you like ;)), MN Office of the Legislative Auditor - "Great stuff, raw truth & beauty, and what a wonderful time to be alive. We continually reinvent ourselves at the speed of light, and shake our heads in pity at those who stand still on the sidelines, vacant, slackjawed & bewildered. Hell of a ride. The Manifesto is (one hopes) a jolt of electricity to the business 'leaders' whose hearts are as blackened and cinderlike as that of Mr. Burns of the Simpsons. Do we detect a faint heartbeat, a slight quiver in response? Nah, guess not, the patient is too far gone. Only thing is, do you realize that when the Manifesto widely takes hold, it will have destroyed Dilbert's world? No further need for the black humor of Dilbert, if we no longer suffer along with him. Can we get by without a daily dose of Dilbert? Hell yes, it's a more than worthy trade! I'm with ya, baby."
- Tom Horn, Owner, SW Oregon Internet - "Sending the manifesto to the dinosaurs is silly, since they can't read our language. What's great about cluetrain is that we not only understand, we live it. And we have this great place to network. Nice to see you all here."
- Scott Morizot, Programmer and bottom-up Intranet enabler, Internal Revenue Service - "Although obviously written with private industry in mind, many of the theses apply equally well to government agencies, especially those about employees. That's certainly true from my perspective as someone who has been working at building and nurturing free internal communications for years now with mixed success."
- Schuller Habeenzu, Managing Director, Zamnet Communication Systems - "'If we ride the waves and go round in cycles, whither are we going?'"
- Victoria Swann, Support Wench, Panix, grass shack - "I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by clue at my job, but others (like my husband) are not so fortunate. Those places need this manifesto tattooed on the inside of the (insanely numerous) VPs' eyelids."
- Diana, Goddess of Education, a middle sized elementary school district beyond the south end of the illustrious silicon valley, home page - "As a middle management person in a typically clueless public school educational organization(?) I LOVE this stuff! Educators in general are not only NOT on the Cluetrain, but don't even see it blasting down the tunnel at them. Always being 20 years behind the rest of the world might be to our advantage for once. Maybe we can just skip the last 20 years of management wisdom(?), and hop right on board. I wish... - gee - I typed that bored the first time - Hummmmm? Those of us who are at least running after the train are seen as radical, non-collaborative and generally weird, especially if we happen to be of the female gender and express ourselves. Oh well- weird works for me! I am forwarding this site to my other soulmate educators to get the wheels rolling in our little corner of the world - as bizarre as it is. We need to reach out to the rest of you, maybe we can meet... on the train...in the observation deck... for drinks and conversation."
- Daaron Dwyer, Chief Troublemaker, Angora Software, home page - "My reaction to the manifesto was quite simply: Damn Straight. This generation has had enough of the plastic gameshow advertising crap foisted on us as 'the way business works.' It's good that someone finally wrote it down."
- Bob Filipczak, author, Generations At Work (book due out in Fall 1999) - "Thanks for saying this. I remember saying many of the same things years ago when the Web was young and so was I. I got tired of saying them because no one in the corporations would listen. They still don't listen. But these truths still stand and I am a coward for having ceased telling them aloud. Thanks for reminding me that I was right and that I'm not alone."
- Margaret P. Jensen, SMART Partner Liaison, Shasta County Private Industry Council - "Almost all of this is true, the gut level way most '70s and early '80s feminism stuff was true and radical and obvious. Same worries--how true is it for the world with no e-access? Which rich folks will co-opt this? Thanks for saying it."
- Komal Khilnani, Marketing Manager, Windows CE Business Unit, Ruksun Software Technologies - "Wow!! What else can I say? Guess it's time to clear out all the little notes to myself... this site is really all I need."
- Scott Wolf, Project Manager - Knowledge Management Initiative, JMW Consultants Inc. - "The manifesto is the conversation that I'm at work generating in my company!! You've just written the heart of my job description!!"
- James Callaway, Partner, Seruus Capital - "'Nuff Said'"
- Dann Filter, webmaster, NorthCamp, home page - "We had better take this seriously, or we will be no better than the companies that this describes."
- Ivars Upatnieks, President, ICNet, Inc., home page - "When I'm tired of marvelling at the tremendous power of the spirit of humanity to create good, I marvel at that same power diverted to create cheese-of-the-month clubs and 'I [heart] Leo' removable tattoos."
- Joseph E. Walsh, LAN Administrator, CRL Industries, Inc. - "As the manifesto states, we are individual, intelligent, resourceful, and caring human beings, both as workers and as consumers. I've always known that. You've always known that. Yet society is set up with the assumption that we are none of those things. I'm glad the cluetrain manifesto is shouting the truth about these things to the world."
- Christopher M. Avery, President, Partnerwerks, Christopher's bio - "There is something spontaneously arousable in each and every one of us (but, sshhh, so many corporations don't really want to know). Congratulations cluetrain on arousing so many of us!"
- Gerald Gold, Pacific Islander Wannabe, channelping, East Meets North - "With the seemingly endless bombardment of bogons that attack me daily, it is satisfying to know that I can seek sanctuary on the cluetrain. It is gaining in speed, it is inexorable, it is unstoppable, it is our destiny."
- Brian Dear, Director, E-Commerce & Data Mining, MP3.com, Inc., platopeople.com - "'Earn it.' That was the take-home message of 'Saving Private Ryan,' and the same holds true for any Net business or organization that wants to participate in or support a sustainable community of people on the Net. You have to earn it. Every day. With every 'page impression.' And never forget that every visitor really is unique. The Net is humanity's gift to each one of us. The best way to succeed on the Net is to share what you know and what you've found. Facilitate discovery. And then provide every means possible for people to share what they know and what you've helped them discover. We remember our richest learning experiences in life (at school, at home, at work...), and we cherish the memory of those who facilitated that learning (teachers, parents, mentors...). When you find such a rich environment on the Net, why would you ever want to leave?"
- Mike Toot, Proprietor, MST Consulting
- Wendy Loke, Webmistress, Self-employed (sort of), Beads and Bombshells - "A declaration against the companies that treat their people and customers as disposable. HELLO! We're the ones that write your paycheck, and pay those huge stock dividends! Start treating us as worthwhile, at least - and a share of those profits wouldn't hurt, either."
- Brad Sharek, Partner, Strategos, sharek.com - "Management consultants are on the verge of suicide unless they begin to address their clients in a meaningful, natural human voice."
- Millard Melnyk, Systems Consultant, Cotelligent Group - "I'm in! Thanks for the shot in the arm. I've got some unique visibility in my current assignment at a big company that makes lots of things that fly (in the air). I'll probably end up making a fair bit more 'trouble' here now that I've come across you than I would have otherwise! God, I love watching self-absorbed control unravel at the seams and give way to genuine interchange. On with the conversation, and damn the torpedoes!"
- Jim Warner, President, Warner-Moore Productions - "There are those who remain clueless in all strata of life. I hope I am not one of them."
- Paul J. Dupuy, Jr., Software Analyst, Intergraph Corporation, AtamA Homeopathic Software - "Cluetrain Rocks."
- Mona Sehgal, President, NetVenturer LLC, NetVenturer - "Live your dreams! In the end, that's what you will have wanted to do with your life. 'The Company' won't have anything to do with it."
- Barry Mazor, Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Imaging Magazine - "Start! In the name of humanity!"
- Jack Ricchiuto, Creativity Consultant -- Author "Collaborative Creativity: Unleashing The Power Of Shared Minds", http://www.newpossibilities.net - "The extinction of information feudalism and knowledge monopolies practiced by Newtonian hierarchies is good news. Conversation has always been the soul of thriving sustainable communities."
- Jim Carroll, Author, Surviving the Information Age, co-author, Canadian Internet Handbook, JACC, home page - "In many situations, clueless management has reduced the essence of the Internet to a beauty contest, and view visitors to their site as a grab bag of personal information to be snatched and misused. It is only when they realize that most people are repulsed by such thinking that they begin to clue in."
- Jason McMahon, Publication Manager, Wave Research - "The paradox of our time is that the world is increasingly overcrowded and at the same time, more and more people feel isolated and lonely. In my opinion, we have become slaves to a perceived 'society' that many feel is overwhelming and they are left feeling insignificant, unable to 'keep up' and powerless. The only way to deal with this is to increase the sense of community that has been lost and the only way to do that is to bring people back into contact with both themselves and others. The best place to start is if they are allowed to communicate with each other in their own voices. Those in a position of power and influence, i.e. corporations and governments, have an even greater responsibility to contribute as, it could be argued, they are the ones who have been leading us down this path. What a great initiative this is! Thank you!"
- Paul Aertker, Manager of International Marketing, Children's Hour / International Youth Foundation - "The thoughts expressed are equally applicable to 501 (c) 3 (non-profit) organizations. We have two types of customers: ones who help us pay the bills; and ones who receive our services/products. I know they would espouse this philosophy."
- Patrick Johnson, Partner, Actoras Consulting Group, Inc.
- Kevin Coleman - "A wonderful primer for tone-deaf executives. 'Eschew Obfuscation'"
- Tony King, CEO, Petrosmart.com - "After 25 years in the corporate rat-race, truer words were never spoken.... Hooray, somebody finally listened...!"
- William J. Caffery, Founder, Lohengrin ImageWorks - "Finally, someone has gotten it right. Better yet, in the manifesto they've managed to convey it with such clarity, force and conviction. Orwell himself would be proud. Straddling the parallel universes of life in a corporation and life through the Internet is like putting one foot on a dock and the other on a speedboat about to pull away from it. Something has got to give. Let's hope it's the stultifying bafflegab of the corporate voice, in all its many falsetto tones. After all, the corporation only opens its mouth to change feet."
- Frederick K. Smart, President, Smart Bandwidth, LLC - "The internet has checkmated all world corporations. The revolution has begun. For the first time in world history we can truly say 'the individual is King'. The Old Business model: taking energy, hold cards to your vest, my win is your loss, 'they gotta come to me/us' is history.... The New Business model of the internet - open up, talk, share, help, serve, win/win etc, - more clearly maps the truth of our innate spirituality. Give and you will receive more. Do unto others. True capitalism is finally going to see it's day in the sun. Serving others. Going to them humbly with something of value in hand, thinking from their perspective, etc. But to do this you have to be 'out there' or 'wacko' by the defined/boxed standards of the Old Business model which ruled the world until recently. We have four words that define progress and they all have to do with communication: MEET NETWORK EMPOWER GROW The good people who truly love to serve and help others and who aren't in it for themselves will have the upper hand in the next millennium. One word describes this revolution best: GO!!"
- Kenneth Parady, Founder, The Mental Game Plan - "My retirement goal in reaching sports minded kids who want to learn how to become better athletes, improve their goal setting skills is doing well. After only one year as a novice, I am getting over 13,000 hits per month and working with many major college and high school teams. As a former Fortune 500 executive with international experience I would never have reached this mark while with the Fortune 500 company and I have done it with less than $15,000 investment. The site is interactive, personal and I talk to coaches everyday. Never could have been done with the 500. One short story. A major athletic shoe company wanted to back me with a major ad campaign and insert my mentalgame test in every shoe box they ship. Finally, they asked me to redo the test to make it easier so their athletes in their camps could pass it because 80% of the campers could not pass the SAT test. You guys are right on!"
- Patrick V. Grady, CEO, Made yA LoOk Media - "Dealing with advertising agencies, we have come to realize more people think that doing nothing is doing something. Voice mail has made workers work less and have made good ideas almost impossible to communicate to the right people. You have identified what is wrong and now we need to change it."
- Hugh Elliot, Self employed Business Consultant, HJE Consultanting - "The rules are changing - fast. Those who change them, and those who can see the changes as they happen, will prosper. All the rest are toast even though it may take a while for this to become apparent."
- Dan Hamel, Treasurer, ZERO U.S. Corporation - "It's time CEO's come down off of their Ivory Towers to get in touch with what the people want. People drive the economy not the investors or consultants or analysts. Companies need to humanize!"
- Adam Gartenberg, MBA Student, University of Michigan Business School, home page - "I think Theodore Levitt said it best: 'No one needs a quarter-inch drill.... They need a quarter-inch hole.' We're not asking for PR or to be sold to, we're asking for information and products that will add value to our lives."
- Mike Jackman, Principle, Jackman Communications - "'The proof of the pudding is in its admission of guilt.' The defendants are every marketing person who thinks their customers actually read through a brochure. Don't get in the way of customers and employees -- they are an organization's most valuable assets -- but they don't like being 'owned.'"
- Dan Gainsboro, President, Genesis Planning and Delphi Construction, home page - "i am new to cluetrain but very impressed with the ideas being discussed. our organization consists of several very creative and committed people. our challenge has been to educate or enlighten the rest of the world (at least our universe)as to what we can do for them. we view the internet as an important device to get our message out. our web site has been designed to be a useful tool to people in the midst of or about to plan or construct a project. it feels like we have to move a mountain of preconceived notions of how our industry has and should operate. help!"
- Magnus Ljungberg, Developer, Camelot IS-2 - "Cluetrain rules! This stitches together my own thoughts about past, present, and hopefully future experiences."
- Roger Dowd, Manager - "Wow, It feels great to have the the perma-glaze that has formed over my eyes become clear from the rare corporate voice that rings true."
- Gustav Khambatta, Application Consultant, Lilly Software Associates Inc. - "Yes indeed, companies fear their market. That is why you tend to receive satisfaction surveys right after a purchase and not a year later when you truly know if you are satisfied."
- Marcus E. Dent, National Sales Representative, RTE Asset Management, home page - "That was like being slapped in the face on a 10 degree night in center city philly. I love it. As young professional in a stale, stuffy, starch ridden, company -- whose political hierarchy rivals that of Washington (with only 65 employees)I look forward to the challenge of giving sight to the blind."
- Greg Lindenberg, Contributing Editor, Financial Service Online - "You mean I have some power??? I don't get it."
- Jonathan L. Yarmis, EVP Internet Content Group, eMarketWorld - "I just conducted a two day management seminar on this subject. I could have saved a lot of time!"
- Melissa Volker, writer, revolutionary - "Finally, the simplest but most overlooked and ignored tenet has been forced from the shadows!"
- cindit, Insert label here, My pile of bits - "A call to arms! Climb out of your glossy ads, traffic jams, and job stress and join the new human race."
- CC Roberts, Ms, C&D
- Tim Morin, Figurehead & Overhead, Burlwood Media Corp. - "This is good. Seems to me this whole 'Net thing is really the stuff of the soul and that, what you described as the 'networked market', is really a new twist on an old truth: we are connected despite the fact we've spent centuries trying to deny this fact. Thankfully, this truth is now impossible to ignore."
- John H. Sarine, Senior Financial/IT Manager, ASPI Group, Inc. - "You have opened my eyes and clarified my perception of reality. I love it."
- Daniel Doyle, President, Avit Corporation - "I've survived thirty years in the marketing communications business by avoiding the paths littered with the corpses of the 'me too' organizations. With our web site development services it seemed impossible to differentiate our group from all the others. But now that's changed. Cluetrain has turned us on again."
- George (Sonny) Cornecelli, Executive Vice President, Business Improvement, ELS, inc.
- Doug Mashkuri, Business Manager, FCW Government Technology Group - "A manifesto we should all embrace!"
- Wayne Hastings, webmaster/graphic designer, Archer/Malmo Advertising, Memphis RiverKings: a view from the stands
- Julie Ridl, Internet Marketing Manager, Herman Miller, Inc., ridl.com - "Fabulous. I'd just about lost my wind. Then this giant B12 shot. Thanks."
- Gary Corbett, Vice-President, Adams Business Media - "It's too obvious. It will be ignored."
[beg to differ. making front page of the Marketplace section in The Wall Street Journal doesn't exactly qualify as being ignored.]
- Bryan J. Cohen, Adobe Certified Instructor, Dow Jones & Company - "As an employee of the company that publishes the Wall Street Journal, I find myself despising the very structure that I help to create. I can only hope that my CEO read the paper today and saw the article. Maybe they will wake up here, too."
- Gordon Drake, Webmaster, Enfish Technology Inc, cut the reBop. - "So pleased to discover humans in the world of marketing, I am beside myself."
- Dan Ferris, Editor, Real Asset Investor, Agora Financial Publishing - "The 95 Theses could easily be aimed straight at the government. The government is 1000 times more irrelevant and out of touch than corporate America."
- Eric Bedell, President/CEO and Co-founder, ThingWorld.com, Words % Pictures - "Say what you mean...and...mean what you say. Those who don't 'get it' will be the 'road kill'."
- Roger Pellegrini, Sales Operations Manager, AARP Publications Group, home page
- Sonny Cohen, Marketing Janitor, Primecom Interactive - "So clairvoyant. So buoyant. And the fun is that by next week even these premises will sound dated. Revise. Reprise. Revitalize."
- Ed Anderson, Principal, Skout - "The lowest common denominator is much higher than 'Marketing' thinks. People get it. Forget focus groups: they waste sandwiches and teach nothing. Failing to risk is risking failure."
- David Schober - "If I were in one of them, I'd stay away from open windows..."
- Jim Kragh, President, American Medical Network, Inc - "Empowering the consumer with knowledge about their health will dynamically change the health care industry. E-business and 'clinical chat rooms' are early evidence of this new era. It is all empowering and it is right...sign me up!"
- Keith Popendieker, MBA Candidate, The Katz School - University of Pittsburgh, Rabbit on the Run - "Building community, giving the boot to command-and-control management, and fostering open, honest communications are goals that all organizations will have to reach to survive the tidal wave of change that is upon us. Organizations that ignore these fundamental shifts will be discussed in the past tense, if at all, in the future. The manifesto drives these points home in no uncertain terms."
- Tony DeLand, Web Designer, faceshot.com, Zero web - "Damn right!"
- Jeff Kirk, Senior Producer, Hoover's Online - "Clearly, this should be mandatory reading for every VP-level-and-up executive throughout the whole goddamn world."
- Pete Hoovie, President-CEO of ACME BLIVIT WORKS, SJUSD - "The Manifesto should also be directed at government at all levels, for I find them to be even less human oriented than corporations."
- DJ, Software Engineer, Meadville Forging Company, DJ's Computer Labs - "The scales have fallen from my eyes. DEAR GOD!"
- Christian Murray, Proprietor, Murtek Systems - "Oh Yeah! Thanks for the conversation. As we fly the express, let's not forget to offer a friendly hand to those afraid to climb aboard. We're preaching to the choir and our numbers have not yet reached critical mass, so as tiresome as it is, we need to stay connected to the fearful mainstream -- at least by a thread. Be gentle with your education."
- John Forde, Host, Mental Engineering, Dunce Econometrics - "Within the mind of the client/veiwer/patient a process occurs that is like Newton's law of cognition. For every PROpaganda there is an equal and opposite ANTIganda This is the Human OS, we all think in a dialogue. But it is as intangible as a fish thinkin' 'bout water."
- Kirk Taylor, President/CEO, Keymind inc., home page-notKIRKyet - "Unlock Your Creativity!"
- Jeanne C. Vella - "MORE EVIDENCE. . .Rebel nature rules! Hurrah, it's about time it surfaced ! and speaking of time, here is a fun math problem for people who enjoy them... How many MarketPlace readers billable hours have been spent at this site on Apr 9? (haha and you're just a small segment of this population!) yikers, you thought (Hurricane?) Melissa was powerful! ! !"
- Keith R. Dennis, President & CEO , MossBeach Technology, Inc. - "Have I hear this before - 'Power to the people!' - John Lennon, sounds about right."
- Ken Farmer, MCSE, MCP+I - "It is not so much a revolution as a revelation. Those who can adapt will survive in the market. But as Teddy Roosevelt knew even then - 'Let me see you shoot as good as you shout' Sign me up!"
- Craig Slater, Physician Executive, A non-profit hospital - "This is what employee and customer empowerment is all about!! Go Cluetrain!!"
- R. Kyle Murray, VP of Marketing, CEC (Controlled Energy Corp.) - "Some of the best stuff I've read in years. Like picking up the Whole Earth Catalog in the 60's"
- Timothy P. Ortiz, Director of Operations, Visual Pak, Co.
- Jake Chacko, SVP Marketing , WebDialogs - "This is soooo right! People and communities are dancing with each other on the Internet. Companies can get on the dance floor, but damn it they have to do it. Otherwise they will be like the wallflowers at the junior prom."
- Lily Frisch, student - "As a novice programmer and frequent Web surfer, I'd just like to ask these Neanderthal companies one question: Where are you? Get out of your Luddite bunkers, take off your blinds and your earphones and listen up. The Internet and all that comes with it is all around is in every form of media. To ignore it is to slit your own wrists."
- David F. Brod
- Ted Mackay, CEO, Cyberdent, Inc. - "Important business transactions have always rested on personal 'trust' for which 'open' and 'authentic' are supporting values. One of these Manifesto statements should include this term. It applies to company/employee relations, company/customer relations, company/community relations; all relations."
- Barry de la Rosa, Reporter, PC Week UK, My lil' corner of the Web - "Go Rageboy! You know you're only doing this to get your millionth subscriber..."
- Eric Hall, Market Research Mgr., The Kellogg Company, home page - "The Cluetrain Manifesto--rather like a grassroots Dilbertian pilgrimage"
- Dan Byrne, Consultant, Edgar, Dunn & Company - "A management consultant meets the cluetrain Ringleaders on a Manhattan subway platform. Consultant: 'Succeeding in e-commerce has to be difficult, doesn't it? Otherwise, why would companies pay us so much money to help them migrate their value propositions to the E-space in order to capture the incremental shareholder value inherent in the massification of eyeballs on the Internet?' The Ringleaders push the consultant in front of an oncoming train. The world is a better place. Since I am an occasionally self-loathing management consultant, I can't leave without making my own attempt to provide trite insight to the leaders of corporate America: you have to destroy your company to save it."
- denise mottesheard, one of the many, barra - "happy, joy, YES :)"
- Dan Schultz, Principal - "In my mind, the Manifesto points out the communication revolution that is happening between individuals via the internet, and the resulting backlash against that perceived loss of control and power by the clueless who do not understand that the benefits of that revolution far exceed its costs. As a lawyer at a large law firm, I see this first hand. I hope the Manifesto will encourage the revolutionaries to continue to communicate with one another, and attempt to educate the clueless -- not for any altruistic end but because of the Golden Rule: those with the gold make the rules, and usually it is the clueless who have the gold and make the rules. But as the Manifesto points out, this situation may dramatically change."
- Michael Zierdt, System Architect, EDS - "The great thing about free markets is that those who understand this will supplant those who refuse, or can't."
- Pathetically Anonymous, Web Freak, organization: I wish I could tell you but I'm sure I'd get canned if I did - "This is so comforting. I've spent my whole life learning to dumb down my senses so that the bullshit can't get in. It feels good to know that none of us are alone in the opinion that every blink of an eye, every turn of the head is an instruction to consume. Even when I'm paying $8.50 for a film I'm watching commercials now and I lower my eyes for relief only to find that I'm looking at another ad on my friggin' popcorn bag."
- Jan Burnham, Consultant, The ROC Group - "Thanks, we needed that. I'm very disillusioned not to see any signatures from the hundreds of internal communication consultants at the big consulting firms who write for the corporate masses. You know who you are, and you really need to get a clue!"
- Wiley Sanders, Internet - "A world ruled by jacked-in, Mensa-card-carrying wannabe investment bankers, speeding down neighborhood streets in gas-guzzling hyper-cars and trading AOL among themselves. Meanwhile the unconnected have nothing to do with their time but bulldoze forests and shuffle each other among death camps. Sounds like utopia to me! What really matters? Getting the Grainger Catalog online. Now that's progress."
- Eric Gufford, President, TRIAD Systems Inc. (software consulting firm) - "HELLO! Corporate America, are you listening? This is your wake up call. Disregard at your own peril! It's high time for the Corporate Tower of Babble to come crashing down. No more focus groups, no more cutesy names for demographic segments, no more 'Management Speak' and cure-all band-aid solutions to problems that don't exist. Mr. Chairman, tear down this wall!"
- Mark Stahlman, President, New Media Associates, Inc.
- Allison Scott Majure, Product Marketing Manager, PeopleSoft - "Trust in trust. It builds productivity."
- John Rosevear, middle manager, A Big Financial Services Company, home page - "Bravo! The old corporate models are hidebound, propped up only by the desperation of their leaderships' egos. Consider: If my employer knew I was writing this I'd be in trouble. There's the whole problem, in a convenient ASCII nutshell."
- Laurin Jeffrey (lopix), Webmaster, DVD Access, My design site (when it is running) - "This is just the sort of thing that should be included in any web course. We must all remember that we all share the web, no one is above or below any other. Talk to me nicely and I will respond in kind. Treat me like a number, and I will be gone forever..."
- Montrese Etienne, CEO and Founder, Brumfiel & Etienne - "This speaks the truth with such inspiring clarity that I am even more impassioned about my career choice - and I didn't know that was possible. THANKS!!!!"
- Brian McDaniel, Associate, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati - "Centralized, tightly-controlled structures are great for: (1) mass-production of objects or ideas, ensuring strict compliance with an organization's standards, and reducing risks; but are poor for: (2) customized solutions, fostering creativity within the organization, drawing value from communities/cultures, and taking big risks. As part of the shift from an Industrial-Age to Information-Age economy, (2) is getting to be a much better way to make money than (1)."
- Martha J. Retallick, Owner, Lrpdesigns, eclectic web - "Right on. I've told my friends about this manifesto. Thanks for doing this."
- Dr. Leslie J. Allison, CEO, allisonplanet.com - "Cool...very cool."
- Bob Zoellner, Manager, NT/UNIX Systems, EDS - "Here, here! Its about time someone got the clue! Run with this and never relent!"
- Matthew S. Marquardt, Owner, www.orcasphoto.com - "To paraphrase a marketing speech I heard yesterday, 'Most companies in America today look at the internet like a dog watches television. They see movement and color up there and they know that something's going on, but they don't truly understand it.' Bravo to the manifesto. I'm there."
- Manjit Syven Birk, True North Principal, True North Corporation, A Change Management Company - "The manifesto moves us closer to a freedom I thought would take many decades to inspire. The human voice whether it be a babies first cry or the last whisper is a cherished individuality. Anything that gives responsible freedom a true north connection gets my love."
- Max R Lemke, Consultant - "'When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation....' Declaration of Independence And so the Revolution continues."
- William Creps, Manager - Tax & Ins., Novartis Seeds, Inc. - "But what will become of the jargon industry? Oopps . . . gotta go -- the boss is coming!"
- Peter H Norman, http://bcm.tmc.edu - "I agree!!!!"
- Alton Cogert, President, Strategic Asset Alliance - "The internet is merely one large community, made up of several subsets of communities. To be successful, one must break out of his or her community of one, join many other groups, and joust, joke and learn with others."
- tomothy o. bonham, guy, preferred capital markets - "right on"
- Jessie Brumfiel, Brumfiel & Etienne - "Love it!! Great thoughts simply said and said simply. You're moving mountains and minds today, cluetrain. Can I buy you a beer?"
- Ed Higins, none, me - "The internet is a communication tool. Therefore, the information going up is at least as important as the information going down. Because, without that information you cannot make a decision."
- Blake Burris, Product Manager, Amtech Systems Corporation - "Seek every means to empower your customers and allow them to participate in product development. Customers are not content with 'office hours' - they want full access to companies with whom they do business. Realize that your company may only get a few wake up calls. All aboard!"
- jeff smith, president, praim technologies - "an amazing load of self-serving crap. also the first truly thought provoking item I've seen on the web - a real turn on. all revolutions are driven by people with an agenda. careful guys."
- J. Lindsay Fuller, Principal, Fuller Woodmansee & Co., Inc. - "The biggest fear of senior management is change that will leave them behind. Most need to be left. Management need more vision, vision that not only stays outside of the proverbial nine dots but away ahead. Most managers fear change due to the underlying fear of failure. Success only comes after the test and learning from failures."
- Jim Moss, Credit Risk Officer, Bank of America - "As long as at least one company recognizes these developing truths, there is hope."
- Jean-Paul Cozzatti, Lead-Sitarist, Adjacency | Brand New Media, myoutdatedhomepage - "hurrah peoria here i come."
- Bill Davis, Product Marketing Manager, HK Systems - "Good stuff!"
- Bruce M. Colwin, Executive Director, National Alliance of Sales & Marketing Executives - "There's an often quoted saying in business that 'nothing happens until somebody sells something'. After reading the manifesto, I think the sales and marketing profession would be best served by adopting the mantra that 'nothing happens until somebody listens to somebody'."
- John Dennis, IT Manager, Entergy - "Brave, bold and beautiful. It is a refreshing new perspective on the principles of quality management that quality gurus such as W. Edwards Deming preached."
- Susan Farrell, Founder, Wild Art Media, Art Crimes - "Thankfully there are more roles online than just markets and corporations. It is high time to question the basic assumptions of marketing and consumerism and the view that that's all there is or needs to be. More power to the entrepreneurs providing good value to their communities and long live the Great Conversation!"
- Emmanuel MARIE, Engineer, Dassault Systemes - "For the 1rst time in my life, I'd like to add my name on a list/group, the group of ungrouped people, where group doesn't mean close but wide open."
- G. Harris Bias, Chairman, President, CEO, Hyalopterous Polychrome Industries
- Perry Campbell, Vice President, MPC Innovations, inc. - "For the past decade, I worked for one Fortune 500 Company, after another. Now I work for myself, with others who work for themselves, spread across the world, solving problems together. My family is here with me. I don't sit in stop and go traffic. The casualties of corporate america truly are missing out on real freedom. My old employers aren't getting their fee for my services. More importantly, they aren't getting my inventions. I'd say they already lost this war, and it's a waste of time to try and bring them into our world. 'Is this place heaven?' - Ball Player in 'Field Of Dreams'"
- R.J. Arnold, V.P. of Marketing, TeeMaster, Inc., home page - "Finally a creed for the knowledge age that can help make markets (both virtual and real) a better place for all global citizens."
- Clavis Isley, ADService Manager, Las Vegas Review-Journal - "Right on target."
- Ding Kalis, President, Magnus Industries Inc - "Keep talking, its hard to get the old geezers (like myself) to listen AND understand concepts like these...and we badly need to. Its about connection and sharing, not about selling stuff. If you connect and people feel you are ready to share, the sales will follow."
- Joe McVerry, President, American Coders Ltd. - "As man progresses sometimes he digresses only to be pushed in the right direction. and sometimes the push is from a button that says 'sign me up.'"
- Bob Coleman, Guide, Numeraire, Global Value Investing with Investment Valuation - "So-called channel disintermediation taken to its logical extreme on the Internet will enable hierarchical authoritarian organizations to become more democratic or else risk greater subversion, the often unstated option in the trinity of loyalty, voice and exit as the ways a human being can choose to relate to any organization or group of which he or she is a member. The Internet has made subversion, rebellion and apostasy much easier. As Thomas Jefferson is attributed with saying, 'Treason is only a crime in the third person.'"
- Arthur Combs, President, Source Health & Mobility - "The market you describe already exists in high degree. Disabled people are crafting an extremely evolved online community. They are highly politicized and aware consumers of information and products. They have for some time been telling those of us in the medical supply and healthcare industries that we had better start interacting as human beings, or they'll find someone who will. It's starting to work."
- Dirk Holzberg
- R.S.(Bob) Starshak, President, CEO, Midwest Lending Services Inc. / Illuminated Consulting - "Truth. my God, the concept I've been trying to get across to people for the past 48 years (do you have any idea how hard this is when you are in lending?) If you folks are for real I'M IN!!"
- Roberta Speyer, CEO, OBGYN.net - "All too true. I always thought people in the upper echelons of business were really smart and bold. Upon closer observation I finally realized that firm set to the jaw and glazed look in the eye was the manifestation of fear, or worse, cluelessness."
- Dave Duchac, Independent, Sales & Consulting - "Generally, prophets are despised in their own time and in their own land. The reaction to this manifesto certainly contravenes that. Kudos to the authors who help give voice to the urgent need for change in a way most instantly recognize."
- Christian Gehman, Novelist, Pound and Tolkien scholar - "You visit a smalltown tv station, they tell you about the equipment they just purchased. You visit a big city station, they tell you who's working for them these days."
- Sheela , Enterprenuer, Sheela Industries - "I would recommend this as a subject to be studied at MBA and Advertising schools. Will not the students leave the course after studying these 95 points."
- Donald Elliott Jr., CEO, Digitology - "Great companies were built because their founders got their hands dirty by mingling and learning from their customers. As the companies grew, the managers walled themselves off from the messy discourse of dealing with the customer. The Internet allows larger companies to communicate with their customers as if it were a smaller owner-run firm. Unfortunately, most big companies do not get it. So look forward to the formation of many new companies and the death of a lot of old geezer companies along with their control freak management. Long live the Internet!"
- Edwin T. Hard, Jr.
- Terry Hughes, Professional Noodge, An ad agency I'd rather not name - "The Manifesto has had the same effect on me as falling in love: 'Where have you been all my life?' Funny, I tell clients in many categories, 'Lose the MBA-speak, talk to your customers like people, talk to your own people like people, cut the shit.' Too much fear, too many squandered opportunities to lead by listening and participating. Maybe this well-publicized Manifesto will provide the catalyst we've needed for years. Bravissimo, ragazzi."
- Don Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief , WWWiz magazine - "Ti Ming the most powerful of all the martial arts."
- Christian Gehman, Novelist, Pound & Tolkien scholar, co-founder of EIO, Environmental Interest Organization - "Try dancing, it's more fun sometimes. Instead of a manifesto, try writing a couplet that's hard to forget, like 'Love is a beautiful game that spins/ Into the world when the day begins' and save this for your children or someone you love and... hmmmm, it's a beautiful day. Hey, there's plenty to go around. don't let 'em kid you, there's plenty."
- David P. Best, The Venture Capital Guy, WR Hambrecht + Co., my personal gift to the world - "Wake up Big Brother. We, the phantom collections you like to imagine huddled together as groups or segments - we are about to break free of your classifications and bondage. Facilitate it, or get run over by it, but it is going to happen. Our individual voices are too loud to be suppressed. Do you have a clue what we are talking about? Go ahead, send me another gif or jpeg brochure - see if you can get past _my_ market segmentation filter."
- Stan Bernstein, President, Morninglory Online - "The Internet is not a microcosm of society- it is society itself. The 'global village' is on our desktops as we type these missives, and it doesn't watch banner ads the way it used to watch slick TV spots. Do you want to reach your 'target market'? Then stop thinking of human beings as your market, and start thinking of your market as human beings. The Internet is not just another way to advertise, it's a way to actually communicate with other people, some of whom happen to be your customers."
- Dave Tufte, Financial Economics Ph.D. Program Coordinator, home page - "The same mindset dominates business schools and the boards that accredit them."
- Fred E. Whittlesey, Principal, Compensation and Performance Management, Inc. - "20% brilliant, 40% totally unbiased accurate, 20% speculative, 20% politically correct dribble. Overall, an important piece of thinking. Will gladly accept the speculative and politically correct for pure shock value to wake people up. I will refer every one of my clients, employees, affiliates, vendors, friends, contacts, enemies, and strangers to this site. The great ideas have finally found the technology to overcome the idiots, and we will gloat. Good job, guys."
- Mark Grimes, President/CEO, eyescream interactive - "wake up and smell the chloroform. splat: the shit has hit the fan. been down so goddamned long, it looks like up to me. the revolution will not be televised, it will be humanized. elvis has left the building... jump on the fucking cluetrain baby, it's not a matter of choice, it's a matter of time."
- Skip Malette, a Digital Scout and end-user trench fighter - "This is one sumbitch foxhole I've crawled into! I'm so excited I've pissed my pants. Can we talk??"
- Rod Mundy, Director, Systems Integration, Defense Finance & Accounting Service - Indianapolis Center, home page
- Christopher Harding, President, Luminary Entertainment Group, Inc. - "It's great to see that we as humans are finally awakening to the deeper and broader possibilities that the Internet offers. But this is just the beginning...it's time to break some major paradigms!"
- Ken Steinhorn, Hamstrung Copy Boy & Financially-Challenged Visionary, Ison Design - "I'm a writer--so what if I still have a fucking mental block about when to use the word 'whether' or 'weather'--I can outfucking write the best of 'em! But if I had any balls at all, I'd give out my home address so the militant leaders of the Cluetrain Movement (weapon of choice; some very sharp #2 pencils) could splinter my front door in the middle of the night, drag me out of my bed with the matching IKEA sheets, dust ruffle, and duvet, and force me to write the kind of copy that's been burning deep in my prostate waiting to splatter the truth over the noggins of customers everywhere. Of course I would plead/sob to my inquisitors, 'I've tried, god (small 'g') knows I've tried. It was THEM. I swear. You should have seen my first drafts! But they made me dull it down. They just don't get it!' Yes, YES, I actually wrote the following drivel: [(Company Name Here) today is about solutions. Through strategic acquisitions, a newer, more pro-active company has emerged, supplying businesses around the world with the necessary tools to increase growth and profitability while reducing risk. By employing intense customer focus, we have developed a comprehensive suite of software programs designed to help you make better, more informed decisions, all backed by a seasoned staff of industry experts.] GUILTY! The vomit bag is in the seat pouch in front of you. And this was for a cubicle-laden global company that banked about $900 million last year. So please, tell me where to stand in line and have your medical staff grab my nuts (note the 2nd reference to testicles, I swear I have a feminine side) and tell me to cough as a prerequisite to indoctrination in the Cluetrain Illuminati Corps. Consider this my application to officer training school. As an aside: I do wonder what percentage of signers dream of being a revolutionary yet still check their Schwab account 3 times a day."
- R. Lee Andersen - "I have not had so much fun reading a list since I canceled my subscription to the Wall Street Journal."
- Brian Brewer, Student and geek hopeful, organization: who needs that? - "I used to envy people who were adults during WWII or the 60's, thinking it must have been amazing to be part of a time that was bigger than yourself. Not anymore, though. This is it, this is our time, we're all here. The companies that don't recognize that their market has became self aware and isn't likely to go asleep anytime soon belong to the vast grave of the clueless that will be dug early on in the next millennium. This time frigging rocks."
- Dana Shultz, Principal, Dana Shultz & Associates, About Dana Shultz - "One of the most exciting things I have read in years!"
- Robin Miller, Free-lance writer and editor, Andover News Network, my "Cheap Computing" column - "There are seeds of truth here. Not ones that are going to change society, but that are important nevertheless."
- Chris Hughes, Vice President, Panorama Software - "We know what is important! We know what is right! We know who we are and what we want! We always have. 'We' just have not been communicating. Lets start."
- ThistleGal, Mortal, what? - "Am I naive to think that most of the 'traditional' big businesses, if they understand the Clue Train, will band together - like a fistful of cheap cigars - to undo it? The net is the great equalizer - management in the company I work for thinks e-mail is dangerous. Then again, I suppose there is little way to go underground here - Big Business is Watching, and their intent is not to put themselves onto the Clue Train track, but to use it to gain power and run the little guys off the track. We, the people, are safe for awhile - until they Get It. Eventually they'll Get It and find a way to derail or sidetrack the train. Tell me what you're doing to prepare for that.. And remember, I'm not being paranoid if they really are out to get us."
- Joseph Rabie, Président Directeur Général, MAGELIS SA, Iceland Sundaes - "Well, I'd like our company to live up to that - indeed, it is our longtime, unsung ambition that you have put into words. I do believe that we are succeeding (or at least trying), but you'll have to speak with the seven other people who work with me for their truth."
- John Sakalauskas, Business Analyst, MT&T
- Derrek Haynes, Draftsman, I can create a line, erase it or move it along - "I was once fired for searching for a quick answer to a trainee's software question...for furthering our craft on company time. A bank keeping funds for a deposited cheque locked down for a week til it clears ....in this age of electronic immediacy. Contract agencies who still insist on mailing paycheques...no direct deposit. Postal warehouses for bulk mail..no email address for direct enquiries.. required documents aren't inhouse and a week of waiting for mailed xeroxes of codes and rates to arrive. Human resource people with no idea that 5 years experience is impossible on the 2 month old version 14, and version 13 is just as valid... You're referring to that too are you? God grant me patience... Right now dammit! Kudos to the ClueTrain, hope it's got a really big cow catcher up front"
- David Wolfe, Principal Servant Leader, Wolfe Resources Group - "To paraphrase Marx: 'And hubris shall wither away.' The direction pointers in the cluetrain manifesto cannot be seen through the dense fog that obscures the vision of those incapable of genuine humility. Ultimately, economic survival and growth in the New Economy require corporations and their agents to humble themselves and let go. It's a bit like the biblical advice, 'You must die in order to live.' Corporations must give up control to gain control of their futures."
- Samuel Pickard, Producer, Polestar Interactive Limited - "This is the dream of the data technologists. We were never interested in the data itself, all we ever wanted was to empower users."
- Ed Miller, Director, International Marketing, GTE Communications Corp - "This is a much needed intrusion into the safe world of corporate thought. Perhaps one day, substance will matter over form. I am fortunate enough to work in a group where that is not only appreciated but required. However, it took me 15 years to find it."
- Kenneth Peerless, Regional Director, Area F, Queen Charlotte City, Skeena/Queen Charlotte Regional District - "Every person elected to do the Peoples' business should read this manifesto. Its a political blueprint for the future and the future is now."
- Stephen R. Clark, Communications/PR Manager, Best Access Systems, Stephen's webpages - "I am as overawed by the serendipitous nature of discovering the cluetrain manifesto as I am by the manifesto itself. It is sweet validation to my own experience and shifting perspective on the nature of communication within and without the corporation. I vow to not only admire the manifesto, but to put into practice and evangelize the potent truths it contains. Wow."
- T.J. Elliott, Managing Editor, Mind On The Job, Facilitating Work Groups Collaboration - "Our motto is The Answers are in the Organization. Cluetrain manifesto recognizes that questions must flow back and forth among all those associated with enterprises -- not just in certain spots. The challenge now is to get beyond the words to tests of action."
- E.W. Brody, Professor, The University of Memphis, Dr. Brody's Learning Place - "Amen!"
- Margaret Thorpe, Principal, Venture Catalyst - "Well, first - Amen! - of course. My clients, young, emerging companies led, for the most part, by people who've never been to B-School, get it immediately. And they do it. And it works. And isn't that what it's really all about? Something that actually works. Keep going - Copernicus is here, and the Marketing Department is not the center of the solar system."
- Lenny D'Amico, Post Dispenser of Swill, Bluetrain.com - "'The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe'"
- Marshall Ralph, Writer, POWER Engineers - "A fun and heartening manifesto -- thanks! We're enduring a website rewrite here, and it's amazing how cold and stiff and fearful that process is, compared to the way most of our marketers approach people face to face."
- Jacque Wilson, Net Communicator - "'Open, honest communication' the basic requirement of all meaningful relationships...."
- Raj Rao, Director, Reality Web India Private Limited
- John Winsor, Partner, Radar Communications - "Right On! People of the world unite! It's high time that companies look to their customers and employees as a source of inspiration and guidance. They hold the key to the riddle. It's all about dialogue. May I please have some more?"
- Ralph Boone, Principal, UP3 - "Required reading;then 'Participate and Profit or Perish'."
- Norman Philip Dorn, Iconoclast, Accountable Systems Company International Incorporated, my wake - "Please be careful, all, not to follow the historical trail of Law. See also the spoor of the Statewave skunkworks cabal (http://www.statewave.com)."
- Ross M Karchner, Professional Student, Amateur Geek, Rochester Institute of Technology, home page - "What should be obvious, but isn't, Is that it is the people under 25 in the front of the cluetrain, and the kids in high school with their eyes on the drivers seat. Everything and everyone else is fuel and cargo."
- Howard A. Fields, Director, e-commerce Business Development, IBM Corporation - "About ten years ago I produced a presentation that postulated that all communication was either a request for information or a response to a request for information. I think Thesis #1 puts it much better when it declares, 'Markets are conversations.'"
- Robert S. Jackson, President/CEO, Jackson Entrepreneurial School - "Heretical, moving the ideas effectively."
- ken steen-olsen, V.P., Pro Se Ltd - "So far so good. How about including the academic, political and professional elites in your primal scream for honest interchange?"
- 4trading Moderator, Group Moderators, 4trading Professionals, 4trading Professionals : Strategies - "We are an interactive group of Global Macro Traders. Markets are self-organizing systems. We believe that collaboration among informed traders confers an edge in the competition against the non-informed sector. Inter-communication (including information retrieval) is a prerequisite to trading ideas. Ideas develop into views, then trends. Our goal is to facilitate intra-networked macro traders to converse directly within inter-networked global markets. Bravo to cluetrain for its articulation of the theses!"
- Allan Sanford, President, Sage World Trade, Ltd. - "I worked for Morgan Stanley for 11 years. Years 1 through 7 had management/worker loyalty going 2 ways. Then the elevator going to the floor between the upper upper management and the ground floor became an express up so that management never even had to nod at a low-level employee in the elevator anymore. They also stopped talking to them completely. 12,000 employees in dozens of countries all talking to each other but the top level of management never asked them what was going on, and these are the only people actually talking to the customers. Evolution is turning into revolution and they haven't a clue."
- Warren S. Feld, Partner, Land of Odds, Land of Odds - "The shortsightedness extends to the retail world. There are so many examples, but the retail-wholesaler relationship is one of the next major breakdowns. The internet is beginning to fundamentally alter the retail environment. It is becoming a world-wide shopping market with few boundaries. Retail prices are beginning to converge on wholesale prices. Retailers are becoming marketers of product information. Wholesale suppliers will have to act more like retailers in order to adapt to these changing conditions. The dynamics of retail sales is changing dramatically. Wholesale suppliers will have to take a more proactive stance, perhaps reconceptualizing some of the fundamental policies and procedures of their business, if they are to retain their retail store customers and stay competitive as the retail environment moves more and more on-line. They must become more adept at managing information, not just product distribution."
- Marc Stuart, Consultant, Scene Unseen Multimedia, Scene Unseen - "I would like to think that this is all common sense, and that someday all humans would act as if they were part of humanity. Maybe this manifesto can help make that happen."
- Matthew R. Versaggi, MS, MBA, Adjunct Professor (DePaul University) & President (VIS, Inc.), Versaggi Information Systems / DePaul University, The Versaggi Family Web Page - "Very useful Stuff. Hope it wakes up those those who need to heed the call before it's too late. I've passed the link to my colleagues and to my MBA students."
- T. Peter Hern, CEO, Innovative Music Marketing - "'Economic Democracy has finally arrived thanks to technology and intelligent, motivated people'."
- Mark Abbott, Group President, Heller Financial, Inc. - "We are living in one of history's most extraordinary times -- technology is: liberating and empowering the individual; accelerating the value of networks (companies, interest groups, etc.)that get it; and giving true meaning to the concept of enlightened self interest. It is certainly too cool and almost too much."
- Mike Palmquist, Executive Producer, The Trails (Oregon Trail, Amazon Trail...), The Learning Company - "Mostly true stuff and not too much bombasity for a manifesto! And if I get the point..when I burn the mission statement, shouldn't I burn the manifesto too?"
- Dietmar Stefitz, President, BemarNet Management - "I hope that Europe also starts listening."
- Marty Heyman, VP Business Development, Wave Research Inc., Home Page - "It's just amazing just how little we all know about what happens when you leave the world in the dryer and it all shrinks down so everyone can talk to everyone else. I feel a little less clueless..."
- Laura Ricci, Consultant, R³
- Bob Knaus, Senior Consultant, Pacific Technologies, Inc. - "Thanks to everyone who helped code/test/pay for the Homestead BBS... it's been 18 years since that experiment on the edge of the Everglades. Buncha wacky guys, I know you're all part of this somewhere, still scaring the sh*t out of crusty old 'gators."
- Michael Potts, author, The New Independent Home, Solar Utilities Network, Sane Energy Projects - "Corporations are the de facto top predator, but only because we humans have been napping. This is a wake-up call we all need. Maybe with the internet as our tool, we can beat the blood-thirsty corps back to where they belong: as tools, nothing more. Thank you for the clarion call!"
- Eric Knox, untitled, Allina Health Care - "This isn't just about companies and customers. It also defines the current crisis existing between the healthcare system and those they purport to serve."
- Mark Sneed, Sr. Manager - 1:1 Marketing, KPMG - "A Marketing System without the 'voice of the customer' makes for an expensive door stop - go ahead 'Touch The Elephant': Your customers have a long memory!"
- Horacio Le Don, human Being, Earth - "I do know one thing. If this Manifesto isn't adhered to and improved upon daily, the economy as we now know it, will be annihilated. The withholding of information coupled with serial disinformation will be, no, has to be, a thing of the past. Those that don't participate will enter into the pantheon of side shows and novelty acts. Keep up the good work, GENTLEmen."
- Jacquelyn Nixon - "Thank you for a terrific document summing up major trends resulting from the internet's power and convergence. Convergence will not be the screws and bits of hardware and chips, but the sense of community resulting from the human brain and its wiring. As you point out, how a company thrives is exactly how well it is connected to its community."
- Tom Cocchiarella, Practice Leader - IT Strategy & Architecture, Pareo, Inc. - "Wow - it's great to find so many others who feel the same as I do! Corporate America tries to 'Talk the Talk' - but they don't have a clue... as we leave the Industrial Age and rapidly accelerate into the Information Age - the Newtonian CEO's will wonder what happened to their empires... but they won't have a clue..."
- Suzanne Bristol, Musical Sands
- Steve Wilder, Salesman, Local Radio Station - "This manifesto is the first illuminated roadsign for us novices on the information highway. However, those of us who like the path less traveled are skeptics. To us, the Truth is conditional and looks different from each individual perspective. But there is much in your denominator that appears uncommonly common."
- Ron Castle, President, American Geothermal DX - "Since we are a small company we don't suffer from marketing constipation the way most large organizations do. We have been living the manifesto for several years."
- eOgden, Chief, NewMedia Photo LLC - "'Question much. Obey little.' -Walt Whitman"
- Chris Helbling, Only Marketing
- Dan Bloom, Publisher, Tokyo BoardWalker - "The 'manifesto' is a clarion call for Internet enlightenment, carried on my word of mouse. Great!"
- Winfried Deijmann, Deijmann & Partners Communicatie Consultants, home page - "Initiatives like these are very important to a global understanding of our human dignity and responsibility. Internet has become a necessity because humanity has failed to develop a spiritual means of communications. This manifest is a good initiative to develop new awareness for the fact that behind every abstract notion like 'market' or 'system' there are one or more living human beings."
- Pat Kelly, Environmental engineer, patent attorney - "What if I agree with, say, 90 of the 95 theses?"
- Clint Swank, musician - "The first time that someone puts up a piece of music as a free mp3 and a million people download it, the recording industry will suddenly realize that it's stalled on the tracks. And here come de cluetrain."
- John Lovgren, Partner, Kalin & Lovgren Associates - "Thank you for making this conversation explicit. It is a huge step in the on-going self-organisation of the web community. We will look back on the publication of this manifesto as a landmark event and I am proud to be participating in the on-going conversation."
- Georgia Johnson - "Thank you! These ideas need to be said and now they need to be acted upon."
- Detmar H. Finke, Internet Coordinator, Kirtland Community College, Issues Raised by the Confrontation between Technology and Education - "i might not sound quite as 'flowery' as you, but i absolutely do agree that a revolution in human communication is underway. and this 'sea change' is not just effecting business, but all forms of communication, and chief among these is education. the internet is 'bypassing the middle-man' in all sorts of human activities -- and this will profoundly alter all these activities. so most of your manifesto applies just as well to the most basic institution we have for enabling communication between generations, education -- which includes all of the many educational institutions we now have, from kindergarten up through graduate school -- and thank god that it does. it's about time that something shook up and revolutionized our educational institutions."
- Sonya Kunkle, Free Agent Writer/Editor - "It's great to see that somebody Gets It! Also helps to solidify my own thinking. As a former 7+ year employee of a clueless corporation, I find the manifesto liberating."
- Leo Bellew, Systems Architect, EDS - ":-)"
- Glenn P. Parker, software grunt, Software.com, Inc. - "You guys are carrying the torch lit by Marshall McLuhan. New types of communication define new worlds, and this is good advice for finding your way to a new world."
- Jamie Knapp, Principal, J Knapp Communications - "So simple, so real, so human. We've spent our lives learning how to be inhuman; how to speak a corporate truth. Here's a chance to unlearn; to live as humans; to speak our truth."
- chris courtney, principal, 1stbyte.com - "...the Internet will be today's tower of Babel..."
- Fred Ennis, Fred Ennis Consultants Inc. - "Cheaper and more plentiful bandwidth doesn't mean recipients will want to know everything you are capable of pushing at them. The next big skill is not programming, it is editing and presenting the right info to the right person at the right time to cause the right action. It will be the electronic equal to the 1980's manufacturing concept of 'just in time' delivery."
- Ricky Cassiday, President, Data@Work - "Right-on cluetrain. My read? Chatting and sharing information are the most political of activities in a corporate hierarchy. It is no wonder the muzzles and other assorted control mechanisms* come out from the back closet. (*like the 'corporate policy on e-mail & internet use). Pull-eeze all you Very Important Top Officers, let's show some integrity."
- Richard E Rosen, Director of Sales, GMSI - "This is an amazing time to be alive. As a young sales trainee with Xerox back in the Stone Age, c 1974, I was exposed to the power of Information Technology. Now, as a 50 something sales executive on the other end of my career, I feel privileged to be involved in this unfolding mystery. Thanks to the organizers."
- Arlene Bowman, Partner, Bowman & Bowman - "End users need access to original designers/engineers &/or actual production workers for straight answers. Plain talk - what a concept."
- Robert J. Martin, Jr., Retail Business Owner, Non-Profit Org. Co-Founder, Beginning Web Site Designer, Frederick Schwinn, The Tree-Land Foundation, Inc. - "Mass media, like television, substantially stopped people from sitting on their stoops, looking out their windows, and talking with their neighbors. Instead, they looked into their electronic 'window,' watching the televised world, and stopped interacting with their community. We're only just starting to talk with each other again. This isn't a new thing. It' s only a new way to do it. It's what community is really all about. People talking to each other. It's also important, though, for people to touch each other not just with words, but with deeds and hands. An excellent description of how it has to re-start."
- Jeannine Starbuck, Executive Assistant/Technology Lover, A large, multistate company - "Such eloquence deserves to be shared! Be assured that I will pass this on to the people I know who will learn and benefit from it. The others...well, as someone said earlier, they wouldn't know a cluetrain if it ran them over. We'll just wave as the train rumbles past them on their archaic, crumbling platforms."
- Diana Jacokes, President, Jacokes Communications - "Hallelujah!"
- G. Scott Tucker, Purchasing Supervisor, Russell Stover Candies, G.E.M.S. - "At first I thought, 'Here's a movement I can really get into'. Then I realized that I have already been a contributor for a couple of years. Thanks for having a place for us to gather together and for putting our philosophies and convictions into this format."
- Doug Anarino, Managing Director, Provincetown.Com, Resume - "ClueTrain's got the clue! I hope McDonalds never gets it..."
- Bill Slugg, Retired Manager - "There is a message here, and it is a good start. Get it down to four ideas I can keep in my head, drop the word 'manifesto', ease up on the 'in your face attitude' if you want to dialog with these folks, and kill off the profanity."
- Bruce Thornton, Lower Middle Management of My Life, General All 'Round Human Being - "By signing on am I now part of the 'heard', or just a member of the 'herd'?? I think I'll go eat worms. Let me know how it comes out. Nothing like a good ol' fashioned protest to get the blood flowing."
- Daniel Dolan, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Global Communications, bio - "German philosopher Martin Heidegger has written that language is the house of being, and both Martin Buber and Hans-Georg Gadamer have echoed and extended this idea. One interpretation of Heidegger's proposal is that being fully present in conversation with others forms the foundation of meaningful human existence. Cluetrain is giving these complex and difficult insights an important and accessible context."
- Don Weatherman, Managing Director, Weatherman Besgrove McLucas & Love - "Sign me on. Everybody I care about is going to get this thing. I probably wrote a hundred thousand words in the last twelve months, and an embarrassing amount of them were 'positioning babble' to make clients feel good about themselves and their businesses. I've spent that same twelve months working hard to twist my business, and my clients, in the direction you guys are headed. I'm so excited by this I'm speechless."
- Christel van der Boom, Consultant, DLV Public Relations - "People are the 'killer app' of the Internet!"
- John W. Scruggs, Principal, Computer Sciences Corp. - "Right on, I wish I could convince my customers to view it in the same light. Your comments on communications between employee and employer hit home......Why can't I find a company to work for that shares these same attributes?"
- Scott Roy, Web Analyst, Third Street Interactive - "The truth is out there....Does anyone know the URL?"
- Joan Koehler, Owner, Technical Persuasion - "As a marketing communications writer, I agree 100% with your comments on the value of communicating real information, not fluff. Potential customers will not believe that a product is better, faster, and cheaper unless we tell them why."
- Ed Perry, CEO & President, Human Code, Inc. - "Technology can be a most powerful tool for enhancing how we learn, work and play, or it can be the next step in dehumanizing our lives. The choice is up to us. Let's make sure that all we do in business remains a human endeavor."
- Kristin Kowler, Marketing, Pecos River Division Aon Consulting
- Howard Cleveland, gran fromage, Mozes Cleveland & Company - "We are just painting on the walls of the digital cave."
- Robert Nichols, Mgr-Applications and Process Engineering, Thermatool Corp - "This was like finding broken glass in my oatmeal! I suppose at this point I should provide a pithy, insightful comment...but, hell, you said it all!"
- Roger Loeb, gunslinger and utility infielder, The MarTech Group - "You have just consigned the 'middle manager' to the scrap heap; let's hope the garbage collection algorithm works. (Chris, didn't I tell you not to give away all the secrets at once? Now all of the consultants will have to get a new story.)"
- Dana S. Baum, Co-Owner, Coastal Audio/Visuals - "A group I want to be part of, W.C. Fields be damned. No pass the buck, or stab in the back, just real words."
- Russell J. Jacobson, Geologist, Illinois State Geological Survey, Dino Russ's Lair - "The web/internet has indeed given us grassroots power to communicate directly. I have found it a wonderful place to share my own interests with my fellow human beings on the planet. Dino Russ"
- Jan Anton van der Graaf, New Media Consultant, Cap Gemini - "Where is the wisdom? Lost in the knowledge. Where is the knowledge? Lost in the information. Where is the information? Lost in the data. (adapted from T S Eliot...)"
- Kawika Holbrook, Senior Writer, Xceed Inc. - "Communication cannot bore people into action. As more people realize this, fewer people will see something like the Clue Train Manifesto as an aberration."
- C. Michael Cody, Marketing Director/ Project Manager, ActionWeb Services - "In an industry where you lose credibility if you aren't actively inventing acronyms to complicate otherwise simple concepts, we finally find a source for real people. I've become so lost in all the b**s*** we've created as an industry that I find the pure joy of what the Internet can really do is lost in all the lies that the marketing departments and corporate spin doctors are creating. Amazingly enough, the big brother isn't government reducing language to alienate thought, but instead it's the marketing departments and techno-freaks creating so much clutter that any worthwhile thought and discovery is masked in the cynicism we've all developed from the quagmire of unique branding strategies."
- John McDonnell, Freelance writer, Really Useful Sites - "Along with the other changes, the Net is making profound changes in the way we talk to each other. It's making our language freer, more personal, more emotional. The kind of corporate-speak and bland PR some companies are still using on their Web sites identifies them as being clueless as to what's happening."
- David Thompson, Cossack - "And let's say something about business media, that glorify the dehumanizers of the marketplace...and the business departments of the universities, that seize on jargon and statistics as an easily packaged alternative to real understanding...."
- John Hatfield, Proprietor, Enviro-air, johnsshack - "It is of extreme importance that we all communicate this message as often as possible for the sake of all of our personal freedoms."
- Al Boss, Web Developer, Personal crap - "If you could somehow put a CLUE into a suppository and ram it up their butts, a lot of people in corporate decision-making roles still would not be able to absorb it into their systems."
- Dave Baker, Director, The Xnet Group - "Wonderful - Martin Luther eat your heart out"
- Heath Stallings, AllGood Media - "Finally, a manifesto I would adopt as my own."
- Gary Yokie, Internet Content Coordinator (Webmaster), Houston Independent School District, yet another personal www page - "We have finally developed a medium in which the audience dictates the content. Those who claim to corner the market in the Internet marketplace do so out of ignorance, arrogance, and at their ultimate peril. Traditional, top-down, authoritarian assumptions about what your clientele wants (or deserves) to know will flounder and fail. If would-be web monopolists do manage somehow to prevail, the bootstrappers and innovators will flee in droves."
- Vale Theodore Kenny K.S.C., Systems Analyst/Developer, Fleet Credit Card Services / Fnord - "Communication is it Folks, and hiding behind saccharine corporate slogans, and artificial 'corporate communities' where everyone is afraid to tell anyone they 'look nice today' isn't going to get anyone anywhere, except more afraid."
- Ian Foo, President, 2-Lane Media - "Gentlemen, I've been preaching the same issues to all our corporate customers and most respond by spending too much money in the wrong places and too little in the right ones. Most common misconception is that a web response is an 'IT' issue. Very few even understand what I call 'Web Ergonomics', i.e. interaction with one's web interface must be intuitive and as natural as 'speaking'. Keep up the good fight. My only concern is that the 95 items is waaaay tooo loooong for most CEOs to go through. We need to bring it down to 10 commandments! Worked quite well for Moses - the father of bullet points!!!"
- John Pescatore, Senior Consultant, Entrust Technologies - "While I think there is enough clue-less spending going on to feed existing marketing methods for several more years, the manifesto should be a checklist for clue-full consumers to help educate (or select) their favorite suppliers. We need to reinforce clue-mania by voting with our wallets."
- Luanne Flikkema, Seeker after Truth, Gateway - "The day of reckoning is upon us and only the righteous shall be uplifted. Yea, verily. Those who will not listen shall be cast down. And the cows shall trod upon them."
- Chuck Meister, Changing, Novell - "Novell should be lapping up this direction and attitude like thirsty dog on a hot summer day. I think were getting it with the consumer having control over their own identity! http://www.novell.com/press/archive/1999/03/pr99028.html"
- Judy Shapiro-Clark, Director of Operations, Consumers Car Club - "At last, there is life and hope after the bottom line!"
- Randal D. A. Locke, CEO, Lazzzy Way Corporation - "The Manifesto moved me. It will move my Company."
- Tom Schryver, Consultant, Technology Solutions Corporation - "The Manifesto is reality. Accept and deal with reality, or it will deal with you. Please continue to evolve this into guidelines and assessment criteria which individuals can trust (a brand?) and to which organizations can act and aspire. There is too much positive desire and certainly a dire need for this to become more than a bold statement of the obvious, necessary as it is."
- Dick From, Hyper-Informationalist - "Cluetrain ... a tentative thrust of a nostril above the primordial sludge. To fully escape the sludge it's important to consider why it sucks us down. If we have a problem, say a broken leg, and come up with a solution, say a cast, keeping the solution after the problem is gone (or if we never had the problem in the first place) is the same as having the problem. It's hard to win a race when wearing a plaster cast whether your leg is broken or not. Despite four-plus decades of computers, we keep re-inventing our problems by re-inventing the same old solutions made faster with computers. We've replaced the horse with a car then hitched the car to a buggy. We're faster than the horse but limited by buggy speed and cornering ability. Today, I am my own publisher and broadcaster almost as an accident of technology instead of an intent. I'm sure 'they' wouldn't have let it happen had they only known so let's not be too critical. But it's okay because, for the most part, they still don't get it. They prefer the ooze. They think the sludge is important. These people will not be convinced. They will, however, be outlasted. They are extinct, they just don't know it yet."
- Larry Melby, President/CEO, LABOR LOCATORS - "We haven't done anything with our home page because I hadn't seen anything I liked. The manifesto gives me some great ideas that promote our company as a place where people do better."
- David A. Gangi, Editor & Publisher, Champions Publishing
- Thomas H. Del Porte, Principal, Kennett Franklin Associates - "As a provider of information to companies, I have seen enough of what is killing the creativity of mankind. This is what I have been saying to anyone who would listen for as long as I can remember."
- D. Keith Robinson, Designer, 7nights design, twitch magazine - "Let's keep our communications free, open and accessible to everyone, and remember that charts and statistical demographics do not equal people."
- Robin Seidner, living, breathing person, Copy Diva - "When i read this, i kept remembering the book by Gordon MacKenzie called 'Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving With Grace.' Cluetrain is like Orbiting instructions for the net. Makes me glad, once again, that i work from the outside (as in freelance), and not in the life-sucking walls of corporate wherever."
- Alicia Springer, Marketing Writer, PeopleSoft - "It's a lot to unlearn for veteran marketing types, but we'll have a good time trying."
- Tom Frye, Brujo, Coyote Solutions - "Finally, a no knucklehead zone on the net. Bart Simpson in cyberspace. This is the place for the ceo to take his porcine bonus check and get a clue."
- Gretchen Williams, Student, Computer Support Specialist, Empire College - "Your ideas fly in the face of everything we are learning in our Management Communications class. Are you married? I am in love with you. Just kidding. I am in love with your ideas, which are unquestionably right-on. A group of us are going to present your manifesto to the whole class (40 computer support students) in about 4 weeks. By that time I'm sure everyone will have read your page. Everyone, meaning all 100 million households in America. I may be back to rant later. Love, Gretchen"
- Hal Pawluk, President, Ad\Vantage Pawluk - "Good start, but needs some editing - about 85 points too long."
- Claire, Business Manager, The Acacia Group - "this rings so true. the networking industry is my field of study right now, and i really believe this is right on! y'all have expressed here what everyone i think has a sense of but never could quite put words to it like you have."
- Kent Lufkin, President & Janitor, L2D Design & Communications
- James Bair, Teacher, Software Author, English Plus - "95 Theses, eh? Well, they won't have the effect on our eternal souls like the 1517 version, but the Reformation succeeded thanks to the newly invented printing press. The Cluetrain Manifesto reminds us of what is really important in business - all businesses work for the customer."
- Britton Manasco, Editor & Publisher, Knowledge Inc., The Executive Report on Knowledge, Technology and Performance - "Bravo!! But why limit this manifesto merely to clue-impaired corporations? They must compete to survive and surely they must heed this warning if they want to compete. What about the government-run education monopoly? Can you imagine having one dealer from which you could buy your car or computer? That's how the mass education system 'works.' It may not be mistreating you or me (anymore), but it's mistreating our children. This train clearly has other stops to make."
- Jock Gill, Principal, Penfield Gill, Inc., My personal compost heap - "I agree with the WSJ's Petzinger. This is 'absolutely brilliant'. I list ClueTrain at the top of my own web page as a place to go first! Then come back and read my 1996 presentation on Conversational Marketing -- We are toiling in the same vineyards. The company and synergy are terrific. Please spread the word."
- Russell Fish, one-of-many, The Open Records Project - "Information is power. The Web the amplifier. There are secrets no longer. Everyone will know everything, and we will all be better for it."
- Gary Peake, Partner, Open World, Ltd - "Finally, someone has begun the wake up call!"
- Steve Edens, Consultant, NetSail Internet Commerce, A place to hang my hat - "Looks like electric TQM. Guess the Web lets companies move beyond the rhetoric of 'customer sat' and walk the talk. But who's walking? Amazon? Beyond vision, where's the proof? Where's the quality at the Web carnival?"
- Mr. John C. Rosenberg - "I do believe that this was intended to be the general (?) ideal of the 50s."
- Joe Warmbrodt, Senior New Media Developer, Net Explorer, Inc.
- Joseph S. Arruda, Researcher & Pundit, University of California, Davis - "The CM is an obstinate, crass, and thankfully honest rebuttal to what passes for the business approach these days."
- Larry Reynolds, programmer/analyst - "The only finishing touch for this is Internet access for all. Let's not assume that because we are connected that everyone is."
- Mark D. Doiron, Sole Proprietor, md2 solutions - "Right on! I'm continually amazed that so many BIG companies and government agencies are erecting barriers to communication with their customers--company polices, web sites without product info or e-mail contacts, etc. But the focus on the web misses the biggest conversation out there--USENET. That's where real two-way communication happens."
- Thomas Ottersen, Marketing Manager, Danfoss - "Have you ever attempted to make an air craft carrier turn? You'd better start early."
- Martin Julius Möller, http://members.tripod.de/MJMoeller/, home page - "unrestricted agree"
- Tom Perry, President & CEO, Avion Flight Centre, Inc. - "Fascinating. This is kind of the way I've always operated and I'm glad there's a credible movement behind it. Real humans answer my phones and I insist that all email be answered - personally - within hours, and it irritates me to do business with companies that act otherwise. A question: I wonder if the MBA schools have a clue?"
- Pete Blackshaw - "Dead on!"
- Steve Berryman, Manager, The Sports Authority, Lancaster, PA. - "Thanks to the Wall Street Journal for the clue to your existence; I had only recently gotten online and come to many of these conclusions independently myself!"
- Dave James, Head of research , MPCT corp - "In the 70's corporations changed their systems every 10 yrs or so. In the 80's this was more like 5 yrs in the 90's it tended towards 1-3yrs in the 00's corporations using web front ended component based systems could switch out after a transaction if they think they need to. But then again so can customers. If you're too busy to respond you'll die, evolution taught us that."
- Steven Turner, Sr., Plain old Programmer - "Thanks for putting many of my thoughts 'on paper'. Corporations must lighten up. As Harry used to say, they are taking this way to seriously."
- Timothy Delaney, Public Affairs, AARP
- Jane Rock Kennedy, Artist, Stop The Hate, RockArtifacts - "When corporations talk to me as if I am an idiot, I take my ball and go home. Imagine how pathetic the old corporate playing field will become when the only players left standing on it are the ones without balls. . . Sign me up."
- steven champeon, a jaundiced eye, home page - "Yup."
- Robert Dowling, SVP Technology, Ruder Finn - "WARNING: Cluetrain should not be taken on an empty stomach. Side effects may include itching, nausea, sleeplessness. Do not attempt to handle heavy machinery while under the influence of Cluetrain. We hope for conversations. We expect sincerity. We demand candor. We will not accept abstracts, illusion or ulterior motives. Our job is to facilitate at all costs. Cluetrain is evolution."
- Michael Alan Miller, Software Engineer, BV Solutions Group - "As an IS student, 20 year vet of the 'old' company, I am currently embarking on a new journey. This stuff is inspirational to say the least!"
- Lois Kelly, President, Meaning Maker; Name Chick , home page - "Listen much. Speak less. Write little. Silence the rhetoric."
- Calendar Hacksaw, Rural Columnist, "Thunderhead", "Thunderhead"
- Irik Anderson, Webmaster, Imaginet, index.html - "So many people just don't get it..."
- Robert G. Eshelman, CEO, Edmac Compressor Company
- Noah D. Shannon, Consultant, Fratelli Shannon Consulting Group
- Daniel G. Gallagher, Principal, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
- Paul Dodd, Consultant, BEST Consulting - "Companies that don't believe these statements should reflect on the success of the Dinosaurs. 'Evolve or die' is still true."
- Paul Dodd, http://www.bestnet.com
- Mark Bruton, Managing Director, MegaBlast - "I largely agree with the gist of the manifesto. For the first time in history, the single man's quest becomes an entire cultural revolution within a few billion electrons in a passionate sweep of home truth."
- Dik LeDoux, A guy reading your manifesto, me - "I agree that corporations spout 'happy talk' in monotone. But the ClueTrain spouts 'revolution talk' that is simply inciteful, not full of insight. Some good points, but jeez - lighten up."
- Richard Spann, Infra Systems Engineer, Oracle - "Well, this is really cool. You've put into words thoughts that I didn't even no I had ... until I saw them in print."
- Craig Campbell, President, Virtual Motion, Inc. - "The first time I plugged my Hayes 300 baud modem in, something whispered inside me... 'ClueTrain. Watch for it son, it's coming!'"
- Roberto Leibman, Many things, changing minute by minute, but project management and software engineer., Talaria Research, home page - "Wow! Very similar to concepts pertaining to 'the quality without a name' espoused by Christopher Alexander, also really out of the box in the sense of Goldratt. I sign proudly!"
- Joe Kozlowski, Information Resource & Process Development Manager, "A Large, Very Conservative Multi-National Corporation" - "There was a time when ideas took flight once they were written down. Things are now moving so fast that by the time ideas are written down, they have already become historical observations. Perhaps the cluetrain is more an observation of the present than it is a view of the future. As in: 'We've looked into the future and it is HERE & NOW.'"
- Brian Hawthorne, Consultant, Somewhere.Com, LLC, Echoing walls - "I am glad to see that after all these years, Levine, Locke, Searls and Weinberger (sounds like a new Internet Law Firm) finally got a clue. I wish them much luck in their endeavors. After 5 years of having people pay me to tell them that they had no clue, and watching them miss the cluetrain every time, I finally gave up. I'm headed for the woods. (Brian Hawthorne was co-founder in 1994 of Utopia Inc., one of the first Internet consultancies on the East Coast, which has long since been swallowed up and digested by USWeb--Utopia, that is, not the East Coast)."
- Denise F. Ellis, Office Administrator, Viatical
- Michael Lehman, System Architect, Cereus Design Corp, home page - "Clues are always a good thing. I spend most of my days looking for them so I can take effective action, not just random stabs. Anything that encourages people to interact as people instead of faceless organizations is good. The truth is so hard to extract from most corporate-speak that often the difference between recommending one product over another is the result of human interactions and not features nor price. The truth is hard to remember day-to-day so remember to leave crumbs to help others find their way."
- Stephen V. Pratt, Sales Manager, DataPad
- Doug Jones, Principal, Doug Jones & Associates - "Every problem has one solution that is simple, obvious and wrong . . . but it's a start!"
- Vanessa C.L. Chang, none, self-employed - "Love it! Companies' myopia also prevent them from recognizing potential smart advisors/employees - they all want to hire someone that looks good on paper and will impress others. They like to listen to the buzz words, are impressed themselves and miss the real opportunities."
- Dave Rogers, Project Manager/Instructional Designer, Learning Systems Sciences - "It came to me one recent night like a flash: CONNECT AND EMPOWER. The revolution nears. The people are connecting--and in so doing find power. The people are empowering--and so find connection and community. Those resisting will soon find the empowered community unstoppable. The old guard smells change in the wind and trembles. The walls will fall, the towers will topple, the detritus of decades of org charts and 'corporate' will be swept away. Hallelujah! Sign me up."
- David Habercom, President, World Class Soaring Association - "This will go somewhere that matters."
- Shaun Dakin, Sr. Marketing Person, FEDEX, Shaun Dakin - "On target and well done."
- Mike Richards, Driver of Market Enablement, IBM, My own place - "Business exists to enable their employees and their customers to accomplish their missions. I do not fear the media or clueless business... I pity them... and I also get a hell of a good laugh at some of their antics! I also love causing trouble at my own company... which of course is not trouble...just sharing 'clues'."
- David Reinke, Assistant Brand Manager, Pert Plus - "Wow! Inspiring!"
- Craig Jolley, President/Partner/Business Development Director, OASIS/NetGain/Intelligent Algorithms, My mirror life - "I'm home. This movement and community is what I've long envisioned and knew was inevitable. Now that it's here - that everyone is here - we can start making real progress."
- Mitch Stanley, Staff RN - Kaiser Sunnyside Hospital, Kaiser Permanente - "Customers are people who are human beings."
- Timothy C. Greenleaf, The official site of Timothy C. Greenleaf - "You guys get it. Thanks for expressing so well what I have known intuitively, not to mention you saved me the trouble of writing my own manifesto. I'll just link to yours, and move on to some other project!"
- Antonin Sprinzl, Human, Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria, Antonin Sprinzl - "Excellent ..."
- Ron Roberts, President, R.J. Roberts Co., Inc.
- Mel Earp, Technical Director, Sema Group - "I am me. Respect me for what I am rather than what you want me to be, and will do the same for you. I will be open and honest with you and I expect the same in return. Betray that trust and I will simply move to where it is not betrayed. This behaviour defines the new connected world, its markets and its servants."
- Dana Blankenhorn, editor, a-clue.com - "It's hard to object to the obvious (although I've tried). Bureaucracies remain important, and many people prefer not to be free agents. But the importance of free agents is rising (I'm doing quite well, thank you) so who can argue?"
- Ken Fricklas, Chief Technical Officer, PC Menu, A really old home page - "The very purpose of the corporation is evolving to a genuine customer support role. In the 18th century, the founders of this country limited the concept of a corporation to the role of a group of individuals with no rights of its own. It took the wealthmongers of the 20th century to subvert that into an entity with more rights than any individual, and the same 'personal' rights as an actual person. Lets make the 21st century a return to the individual as sovereign."
- Karen Griffin, SneakerLabs, Inc - "Yeehaw for people! I immediately emailed the ClueTrain URL to all my co-workers, which includes the President of SneakerLabs. We are a company of individuals who try very hard to live by the ideals that are espoused by ClueTrain and the many that have signed on to the 95 Theses. We can only hope that the train not only keeps chugging but keeps getting longer and more populated!"
- John Martin, 13clocks - "Communication is the basis, the essence of our human existence. It's the supporting medium for our ongoing evolution. It defines us. Some say that we're really no smarter than the animals, just better at talking about it. If you do find a clue, pass it my way. I've given mine to someone that would use it."
- G. Richard Ambrosius, Problem Solver, Phoenix Associates - "The control freaks that have dominated corporate American, the halls of academia, and the public sector must be in total depression and the manifesto gains signatories. The consumer knows what they want and the Web provides a vehicle to find it. Technology has opened Pandora's box of consumer discontent while satisfying their need to control their own destiny. All aboard the Cluetrain."
- Brian R. Kinkade, Marketing Rogue, A Fortune 500 I don't want to promote - "Get a CLUE. It's not about business. It's about YOU. YOU are the CORPORATION. Everyone else is a customer or an employee. Be a better human. The problems we face as described in the manifesto is due to the lack of humanity in mankind. The 'wall' is in you. Let your heart out don't be afraid. The ones that step on you will never be happy. But YOU WILL HAVE JOY!!!!!!! :) This is not about a revolution of consumers or employees. It's a REVOLUTION OF SOUL. Figure it out. It IS THE NEXT WAVE."
- Ted Wolf, Manager Of Many Things, Deja News - "It's good to have a dream"
- John McRedmond, Managing Director, Planet Three Media
- Deborah L. Bayles, President and CEO, NETouch Communications, Inc., Author, Extranets: Building the Business-to-Business Web - "In order to be 'Clueworthy,' we must go beyond the New Conversation and follow it up with Clueworthy ACTIONS -- otherwise this train will just be powered by hot air."
- Robert L. Walker - "This is the way business will be conducted in the 21st century. Why has it taken so long to recognize the supreme wisdom of using common sense and intelligence???"
- David B. Ward, CEO, ITC - "Being human means being physical: Our bodies are ourselves, expressed through our voices. Especially on the Internet, our voices are ourselves, voices not reducible to mere data."
- Daniel Hutzell, CIO / Internet Pornography Czar, BBDO Detroit
- Melanie A. Ceraso, Web Designer, Freelance, Souldanse: Art+Soul
- Thomas C. (Tom) Bauer - "Well, INSPIRED! Even us in the know, sometimes need to be reminded. Also beware of words such as 'professional', 'cultural' , their variants, and other lofty but vaguely defined words of abusage. Kindly challenge those that would (ab)use such words by asking for their definitions."
- Rick Olson, President, Internet Business Center - "Isn't it amazing how uncommonly good common sense is so profound yet often unheeded? Web sites and other electronic communication need to focus on the real human needs of the readers, instead of corporate missions. Thanks for putting into words what a lot of us have been thinking."
- Gary Goldhammer, Vice President, Nelson Communications Group - "I wish all my clients would read this and take it to heart. It's inspiring and on target...."
- Pere Albert, e-business Solution Manager, IBM Global Services, some nice pictures - "Having read about that security guard distributing copies overnight, I got up, looked for my badge and gun, and got into action. I translated the 95 thesis to spanish. I then sent them to some high level execs I happen to know."
- Jose C. Lacal, Product Manager, VoIP Carrier - Worldwide, Siemens AG, Power to the Digital Trader. - "There are some of us inside the firewalls that want to talk to those outside. Where do we go from here? What's next?"
- Kit Taylor, V.P. of R&D, Freedlight Software - "A thunderhead of the coming storm! Taken for granted here is universal access, and universal maximum education. Much of what passes for clues today is merely old habits... This is a refreshing change."
- Barry Acres, Manager/Network Technologies, PSDI - "People get ready. It's the train to glory. Don't need no ticket just climb on board."
- Paul Caton, Electronic Publications Editor, Women Writers Project - "Say, Toto....I don't think we're in corporate Kansas anymore..."
- Eric Gersh, G New Media
- Eric Kraai, Consultant, KPMG LLP - "This rocks. We are not sheep. It has been proven throughout history that repression gives birth to innovation."
- Robert H. Petersen, Instructor, Boeing Learning, Education, and Development - "I work in a very scary place. Fear is a baseline and command and control are covertly present. Much of what is important is considered not to be talked about. I'm just trying to live up to a work ethic, raise my kids and pay my mortgage."
- Bruce G. Bratton, A unique and individual mind. - "The manifesto helps motivate and guide me to accomplish a particular goal I established approximately six years ago: To abolish the concept and practice of boards of directors."
- Peter Sharpe, Technical Services Analyst, Levi Strauss & Co., home page
- Michael AJ Blackburn, Database Applications Specialist, Jazmatication - "Watch out Apple Computer. We're sick of wading through your 'Apple Store' to download the latest fix for your crappy OS. I've got LinuxPPC now, and I'm learning with all the others jumping ship how to live on my own. Adios."
- B. Sheryl Geddes, Sr. Partner, CoAmicus Group, LLC.
- Philip Austin Franco, Internet Marketing Strategist, Mercenary Interactive - "I find all of these statements to be true and accurate. They will be the foundation for every site that I build and/or consult."
- Ramon Sellas, Manager, MallorcaWeb - "Congratulations!!!!!"
- John Moore, Alliance manager, Cisco
- Eric Stout, Physician Assistant, EFMC - "Finally!!! A clear and articulate collection of ideas that matter. What a concept. Heaven forbid if this became a (gasp) trend."
- Gustavo Vainstein, Marketing and Programs VP, Lyonnaise Cable - "Wonderful. I start thinking of how can I put the manifesto in France (hard and long job...)"
- Kate Jones, President, Kadon Enterprises, Inc., Kate Jones - a brief biography - "What a joy to see rational ethics so intelligently applied. Please--do stay on track!"
- Mars J. Florifundator, The Alling Journal of Information Technology DaDa and Related Fields, AJITDRF - "Sighed and signed"
- John Sweden, Fuzzy Logic Practitioner/Web Designer, Meta/Com, Paradise...nothing more...nothing less - "Congratulations and well said. As a well known astronomer said, 'Everything is Chaos and the possibilities are excellent.'"
- Tom Hergert, Video and multimedia producer, Virginia Tech - "Well put, y'all. I'd add that these thoughts apply equally to universities and other purveyors of education, especially the on-line variety. Our customers and communities are a bit harder to define, but that only makes the challenge more interesting. Are our customers the students, their parents, prospective employers, or the culture at large? The cluetrain's questioning can help answer that one too."
- David Groff - "What an impressive list of copycat CEO's. Maybe I'm just in a bitchy mood today, but I think your going to get buried in 'me too-isms' if you don't keep moving. Time to append the manifesto boys!"
- John Rudy, Webmaster, online columnist, The Morning Call, Resume - "I was a bit puzzled when I received the e-mail from Peter Hern, but having now visited the site, and seeing what it's about, all I can say is 'Bravo!' I'm glad to see that someone else thinks that the corporate doublespeak BS needs to stop, and that we need to start being open and honest with our supervisors, our customers (our people!), and most importantly, ourselves."
- Jonathan Miller, vp product management, PeopleLink, Inc. - "Business has always been about meeting the needs and desires of their respective market(s). The Internet empowers businesses and consumers to communicate through much more dynamic and productive vehicles. The new Internet communication vehicles build a stronger relationship between suppliers and consumers. This stronger relationship presents the opportunity for the suppliers to produce products and services that better meet the needs and desires of the consumers."
- Holly Johnson, Meeting Planner, WITI (Women in Technology International) - "Thank you for the insight, this made my email reading worthwhile today."
- Bill Hennessy, Sr. Systems Analyst/Web Project Lead, Meridian Enterprises Corp. - "Social entropy--the second law of thermodynamics applied to people, organizations, and cultures--is a law of nature. Even the makers of I-Gear and Firewall-1 cannot decrease the amount of disorder in a system."
- Bill Womack, Lead Developer, Grady Britton, my own site - "As a devotee of Web culture, I've been feeling a bit unfulfilled after a recent move to advertising. This document explains why! My co-workers encourage me, though. Even in industries that are part of the problem, there are a great many brilliant stars trying desperately to shine."
- Joy and Jonathan Day, Partners, Colby, Day & Day Management Consultants - "Nice job. It appears that corporate leaders, performance appraisals, mirrored-mission statements and policies for the pains-in-the-ass have created many disgruntled souls. Here's to being 'gruntled'. Good luck."
- Mark Walker, Migrant Electron Farm Worker, mammal, COmac - "Our children's children will read about what we (the clued and the clueless together) did with this opportunity. Make them proud."
- Sean Ponder, Systems Admin, Wilson and Associates, home page - "The Corporations are afraid of the market and the consumers fear corporations. When will they realize that they are us. Long live the economic revolution."
- Chris Conroy, Creative Director, Broadwing Communications Inc.
- Patrick C. Garner, Wetland scientist, author, Patrick C. Garner Co., Inc - "Revolutionary only in the depth of its common sense, which itself is extraordinarily rare. Bravo for the human voice!"
- Tomás Pita, Webmaster Manager, Corporación Fantasy
- Kitty Mead, graphic artist/webmaster, Ink2Art, FullMoon Graphics - "My sentiments exactly! My personal web site has become quite popular simply because I treat everyone as if they were friends in my home. The same is true for my business. Life is really too short to wear tight underwear!!"
- Billy Crawford, Director, Information Technology, Surefoot, home page
- Keith Weiskamp, CEO, The Coriolis Group - "This is a great concept, and a much needed one. I think the core ideas and philosophies communicated here will lead to a number of significant changes and innovations. Over the past year our company has benefited enormously by working with our customers closely in a collaborative fashion. To be a destination of the future you've got to open the door real wide."
- Jeff Embleton, Technical Support Specialist, Carswell
- Harry Presberg, M.D., Chief, Pediatric Radiology, Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters
- Peter Zillig, Office for Public Relations
- jackie lightfield, head torch, blowtorch studios inc., my fight against government as usual - "like, duh. <-- for the people who read this wearing a blue suit, all black or read American Demographics. Like I've been espousing for years, cut through the BS, and tell it like it is. Take this, you weasles."
- Donald S. Teel, President/General Manager, Prudential Foothills Real Estate, SunLiving - "Cluetrain's Manifesto serves as a wake up call to all of us, the pre-trained institutional CEOs, whose flow charts, cost analysis and box-like mentalities have strapped us to budgets, management memoranda and frankly corporate dung, rather than freeing us to human conversation, the true source of ideas, movement and certain happiness in all we do. Have mercy on me!"
- Scary, Baby, Ginger, etc, etc., Pop Group, Prophetic Internet Visionaries, Spice Girls - "A scathing indictment of corporate myopia! (or did somebody already say that?) Thanks for taking up the cause. We too were writing about this issue back in '97 ( http://www.lyricshq.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi?file=1470) but hey, people couldn't see past our hideous outfits and platform shoes to really hear our message. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, color us flattered!"
- Nameless, VP at a REALLY BIG BANK
- Janey Price Nodeen, Principal, Burke Consortium - "We are a high tech company that is about serving with passion, nurturing for the long term, and living our dreams. We feel 'clueless' in the 'dog-eat-dog' world where greed drives personal values. Cluetrain articulates a philosophy we can relate to. Having seen your site, we don't feel quite so dumb!"
- Doug Johnson, VP Systems Design, JMJ Consulting, home page - "What a pleasure to read my feelings about the rest of the corporate world. I am so tired of being a 'consumer'. I am human. I make choices. I am not manipulated...honest."
- Christopher F Seay, Data Analyst, Saturn Corporation - "I wholeheartedly agree with the manifesto. However, I'm troubled that some of my fellow signatories may be part of the problem, not the solution. How many CEOs, presidents, or managing partners who have signed this document still cling to hollow mission statements and bankrupt corporate cultures. Have the courage to effect radical change; us trench rats are watching ....and waiting."
- Stan Wolf, IT Operations Coordinator, Documentum, home page - "The fate the Manifesto foretells for the unknowing and uncaring will bring a kind of corporate Darwinism into play that is long overdue. Having long suffered both as a worker and consumer, I welcome the shakeout."
- Jeffrey Malashock, President, BHI/ICS Consulting
- Peter Lawrence Boatman, Senior Information Technology Professional, University of Minnesota - "We often forget the education and government sectors when speaking of markets. But it's the same thing there - even if the 'lip service' at the top appears genuine, when you try to clue in the clueless among your colleagues, it's like 'Huh?!?' Jim Buckman, Director of the Juran Center for Quality at the Carlson School of Management, suggests 'managing up'. In order for that to work, however, the managers that you are working with have to have a minimum of cognitive skills."
- Craig Hemming, Creative Director, Carter Craig Communications Inc - "Paints a picture of the kind of organization we're trying to be and the kind of companies we want to deal with. We have to work harder at both."
- Pix Smith, Director, Dallas Puppet Theater
- Douglas Eadline, President, Paralogic, Inc. - "Great stuff. You know, in one sense, if you have to read this, you are probably too late to the party. This wisdom is self-evident to those who have their sleeves rolled up."
- Richard H. Troxell, Technician, Binney and Smith Inc. - "Again the old man says, Don't let a crow poke you in the eye. Wake up Corporate America your employees and consumers are getting to know you."
- Alexander Repiev, 30-odd years in Russian advertising and marketing. Sick and tired of dealing with IT marketing idiots. Now selling Russian horses., My horsey site - "Fantastic stuff for soap-box preachers! A charming version of the Communist Manifesto! A bunch of bearded rebels with Internet Kalashnikovs had a vision: Love your marketing neighbor, lest neighbors begin to love each other on the Net! What is a professional marketer, especially in FMCG, supposed to make of it; the guy who is absorbing, preaching and IMPLEMENTING in 'human voice' elements of customer satisfaction, partnersell, WIN-WIN, platinum rule, 'think big, be small,' and other time-tested 'US-made' marketing wisdoms. If Internet wash-ups is the only way for the IT community to get some marketing -- WHY NOT! My years with DEC, Bull, Xerox, Microsoft and a host of Russian IT companies showed that the binary brains of IT techno-freaks are immune to even the simplest marketing ideas. I couldn't get IT employees (not CEOs!) not to speak to SOHO newbie 'human beings' in the digispeak of 'SQL Pass-Through,' 'Referential Integrity,' 'Rich Event Model,' etc. Apropos of the Net, it's a double-edged sword. You already see around packs of net Mowglis, scared witless by the non-virtual world. The Net is no conversation over a glass of something, it's exchange of info! It is just another carrier, a disorderly heap 'managed' by search engines created by idiots! Anyway, strip the Manifesto of all padding - you are not in Russian Parliament after all! - so that IT Cluetrainees might 'nail it on the wall.' You never know."
- Tom Asacker, President, Humanfactor Marketing, LLC - "Right on! But who are you giving this advice to? Wise men and women don't need it, and fools won't heed it!"
- Darrell L. Jones, President, Starburst Wellness Resources - "Untold numbers of us who are small, home-based business owners have left the corporate world to show how it can be done. Enough insanity! Dignity, integrity, trust, and relevance prevail in the hearts of millions--and have found a route to manifest."
- Peter Lloyd, Head Honcho, Right Brain Works
- Kevin McCaw, Senior Network Specialist (a.k.a. Project Manager), Bank of Western Australia Ltd. - "With your permission, I intend to circulate the (manifesto) document to our e-commerce section. That should shake them up a bit. I won't bother with Marketing 'till they can tell the difference between a disk and a PC. These comments are my own and do not represent the opinions of BankWest or its associated companies. Respectfully, Kevin McCaw"
- Barry Stevens, Author, publisher, businessman, spiritual human, New Spirit Publishing, Approaching life and business with a New Spirit. - "All of Life, business and personal, is made up of people, working together, playing together, growing together, evolving together. Those things that are in the way of 'together' will eventually have to fall when confronted with the force of Life."
- Bob Weir, weir&krewe - "95 Theses: A concise summary of personal and electronic communications to understand and utilize."
- jon lebkowsky, communications director, WholeFoods.com, jon l's personal page - "Let's build street markets in cyberspace!"
- scott mcintyre, principal, idealight, free expression...dream to reality...bringing people together - "Among many who know me, maybe too well, I am called Manifesto. So I strongly identify with the theme of 95 Theses. Since email took over some of the space previously handled by faces and voices, I say embrace change and simply try to just 'type as you talk'."
- Dr. Jennie Wong Simpson, Performance & Rewards Consultant, William M. Mercer, Incorporated - "Corporate America is undergoing a paradigmatic shift in its relationship to workers. In the information age, large organizations must negotiate a new contract with employees, one that does not rest on the assumption of lifetime employment. For it is those companies which engage their employees in open and honest dialogue about the new covenant who will prosper in the new world of work."
- Bradley C. Spatz, Internet Zealot and President, Vantage Technology, Inc., home page - "Yes! Welcome to the 1980's!"
- Claudia Klinger, Webworker, Klinger Webdesign & Publishing, Claudia Klinger - Works and Words - "Hopefully this manifesto will convince many people to change there behaviour in doing business! Being human, producing needful things and talking to anyone like humans is just enough!"
- Joshua F. Lampe, President, StandingStone Media - "Boxes, Chandeliers, and a yelp"
- N. Sriram, The National University of Singapore, future homepage - "You'll be surprised that lots of academics haven't got a f***ing clue! They actually believe that anonymous lurkers are waiting to 'steal' their obscure 'works' if they were freely accessible and the publishers are only too happy to reinforce this mistaken opinion. Even though I am not a physicist, I salute the people at http://xxx.lanl.gov who seem to have been fed a healthy dose of clue rations and hope that this clue-virus will completely colonize the nerve cells worth inhabiting."
- Steve Smart, Consultant, Innovacom - "Mirror, signal, step out from the line of lemmings! Oh joyous day!!"
- Mike Cumings, Jr., Business Analyst, John Deere Credit - "I've been trying to bring large corporations to the Internet for years. Most of them haven't understood what it meant to join into the Internet culture. This manifesto states it very clearly, perhaps someone will listen."
- Gregory Frost, Author, Home Page of Gregory Frost - "Your words speak volumes. As is inevitably the case in science fiction, when the future truly arrives, it never looks anything like what was imagined. In fiction, the people are caught off-guard and the evil corporate entities are in control. Whoops."
- Roland King, Vice President for Public Affairs, National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities - "Peasants with electronic pitchforks! The manifesto begins to describe what many of the more enlightened of us in the often (and, yes, appropriately) maligned profession of public relations have been saying to deaf ears for years: listen carefully, say something real and meaningful, start a conversation."
- Ian McLean, home page - "Up the revolution!"
- Bob Baker, President, Toydogs.com
- Stephen Hunt, Managing Director, Science Fiction Crowsnest - "Three bricklayers working together were asked what they are doing. The first says 'I'm laying bricks'. The second says 'I'm making a wall'. The third says 'I'm building a cathedral'. Life at work should be about building cathedrals."
- Karen Cook, TerraceWeb Design - "Down with commercials full of the sexual ecstasies of rubbing brand X shampoo on one's head, anthropomorphic bleach bottles and men in turkey outfits!"
- Vipen Mahajan, Principal Consultant - "Have we forgotten the developing countries, where this blatant top down approach is so deeply entrenched that ALL human activity has come to a halt, and depends upon a few chosen, and corrupt, rulers. The internet and intranets will bring them down, let us hope they don`t scuttle the ship while they go down."
- Graham Gillette, President, Pinnacle Communications, LLC, Pinnacle Communications - "Our company was founded to help organizations find new paths through the marketplace. We try to help bridge the gap between people and our clients, the companies who serve them. We subscribed to the tenets of the Manifesto before we knew it existed. Now we use it as our company creed. Well said."
- Andrew G. Hargreave, III, Dir., Technical Infrastructure, Geneer, Just me. - "An amazing collection of common sense that comes up and smacks you between the eyes and screams, 'Hey...you awake in there?!?!' I hope that I can help promote and drive this idea into as many people as possible."
- Brenda Thibault, Advisor, Government of Canada, The Coach Approach - "Finally, I no longer feel like the lone voice in the wilderness...almost a home-coming! Bravo! How long to create a critical mass? I'm grateful to be on the train!"
- Robt. W. Woolsey, Secretary, Medical Program Consultants, home page N/A - "A very interesting concept. Having just retired from an international corporation and set up, with a couple of other guys, our consulting business. I am curious about how you envision this dialogue working. Inside we had the beginnings of a process to include clients on committees on quality, service and product but it followed the old 'have a meeting' format which turned everyone off who was too busy and stressed to get their multiple jobs done and attend the required internal meetings to be interested in another set. Besides the dialogue was limited both to clients and to company proscribed programs. Not much room for real dialogue there. With genuine interest, Bob"
- Dave Avillion
- Laurie D. T. Mann, Geek, Dead People Server, Laurie's Home-Page-Without-A-Unique-Title - "The Web is at its best when people stay involved. Corporations have poured millions of dollars into the Web, but the best pages are the ones created by individuals not by marketeers."
- Robert Szarka, Managing Partner, DownCity, LLC, (Rob's spartan personal web site) - "Frankly, your 95 theses suck. Five would have done it. But the weird thing about signing this manifesto is that I'm signing on not to a document, but to a web site and the ideas that its collection of links represent. I will leave it to someone more inclined to think Deep Thoughts to say what that means." [Frankly, your comments suck, but we're putting them here because we can infer you've been thinking Deep Thoughts yourself. ;-)]
- Norman Wilsman, Programmer, Solutran, home page - "!Free Coffee"
- Jonathan Locke, Human Being III / Earth Technical Staff, MuppetLabs/Gorlak Interstellar, My own home sweet home page - "Well, /DUH/! :) It's about freakin' time! :) Seriously... very nicely presented."
- Alexander Crutchfield
- Georges Wagner, Founder, AutomobileClub.Com
- Dianne Bayley, Director: Marketing Services, 24-Seven Global Interactive Marketing - "About time we joined forces to stamp out the global 'we serve fast food no matter how long it takes' syndrome."
- Rick Sareen, Partner, Media21 - "Thanks. I've been looking for this set of words for some time now."
- John Loty (fairgo) - "People (including me) are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred but they are what it is all about. Individuals who are being recognised, by this Manifesto, as individuals. With differences that do not conform to the theories and targets. Congratulations Horseman. May you keep riding."
- Steven Carlson, Moderator, Online Europe list - "It's long been a cliché that the Internet is changing the way we do business. I would argue that the differences are so profound we're only just beginning to grasp them. Once in a great while you read something that really makes you sit up and think. Thanks, cluetrain!"
- John WIlliams, Manager, Aladdins Magic Shop, the Magic Shop, etc - "A quick look at the manifesto gives me hope that this will reemphasize the importance of 'people' over technology, share prices and animated graffiti."
- Renee, President, Paradigm Business Services - "Well said!!! Thanks for saying to corporate America the things many of us wish we had while we worked within their cubicle walls!"
- Nate Byrnes, Online Business Development Manager, Citizens-Union Savings Bank, Natescape - "Wow. Just wow. W. O. W. Wow. Mindblowing clarity of thought in this thing. Wow."
- Mitchel Bell, VP Business Development, Magnet Interactive - "Get it? Got it! Get on the train, it is good!"
- August Ray, Account Executive, Hanson, Dodge + Sutter
- A. Kellner, Writer
- Brian G. Clark, Attorney at Law, Publisher and Editor, the IQtalent Newsletter, home page - "The cluetrain manifesto memorializes the fundamental shift in business communications providing the free-agent opportunities that IQtalent celebrates. I think it's almost too late for traditional companies, with their self-important marketing executives, and good riddance! The new economy is a complex, interrelated web of projects, where empowered talent convenes as necessary, interacts intelligently and openly with the marketplace, and then disperses. And it works better - what a concept!"
- Michael Dowell, Marketing Communications, CheckAGAIN - "I think the photo on the index page of cluetrain.com says it all. Corporate success (or failure) today depends on whether these new communication philosophies will be adopted or not."
- Just call me Verity, Information Architect, VerityWeb Pty Ltd, The Truth - "Thank you thank you thank you. Applause applause applause. I was just referred to your page this evening and I have to say, I'm glad to discover that, as a company owner, I'm not the only one thinking the thoughts you have presented!"
- Kevin Giovanetto, President/COO, Cyberdesic, Internet Movie Strip - "We're building a whole new world with thought, collaboration, and hard work. Let's make it a good world!"
- Ed Redensek, President, Ignition State, Inc. - "For some, immediate action should be taken. For others, significant change may be further down the road. For all, strategies must be consistently revisited to keep up with accelerated business models."
- Leslie Malin, Creative Wise Woman, Earth Medicine, Inc. - "Hurrah! I have been preaching the 'human side' of business imperative for years and was delighted to read your manifesto. The challenge today is to create communities of people who share a higher vision of what is possible for themselves as individuals as well as for the workplaces and businesses in which they participate. Truth telling, commitment, listening hearts and some kindness can go further than anyone can imagine! Thank you for having the passion and clarity of vision to create the cluetrain manifesto. I'm sending it to everyone I know."
- Chris Glass, Worker Ant, IDIO Technology Studios, old stuff i put on the web - "I'm hip. I'm with it. This all sounds like the nodding in my head, that's hard to verbalize."
- Moe Pitman, Programmer, Three-Sixteen, Inc. - "Gee, a list of symptoms straight from all the places I hated working for! Left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing? Nah - left hand doesn't know the right hand exists... It's good to know somebody else gets it!"
- C. Soucie, Cultural Voyeur, Observation Deck - "One world, no really, we live in one world. Lots of people, all of them full of ideas that can always be traded for better ones*. The great thing about humans is that their software is not hardware dependent. *See, just happened."
- David S. Nielsen, Web Marketing Guy, WarpSpeed Communications - "I've been trying to explain this concept in my company without knowing about the manifesto. It's gratifying to know that others are seeing the same problems and solutions."
- D. Owen Rowley, The Community Circle, The First VRML Statue in Cyberspace - "There Is A Cluetrain Station On Every Desktop. You are the browser, accept no substitute."
- Michael Howie, RedWhite Technology
- Stuart Duke, Chairman of World Studies, Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research
- Rick Jorgenson, Director of Marketing, Scantron - "My eyes have been opened, my focus now clarified. Thanks for the shared lessons."
- Martha Moran, Employee Communications, A large pharmaceutical company - "As a professional communicator for a large corporation, I think you're right to conclude that corporate management has their head in the sand about the future of communications. In my profession, we run into this wall of opposition and denial every day. Bravo! I'm a huge fan of cluetrain and will pass the word along to my colleagues."
- Larry H Barge, Techie and programmer, Information Flow, home page & Y2k - "More people need to read this, good stuff. Speaks volumes about corporate structure."
- Erik Clineschmidt, Proprietor, Alivesite.com, Pearl Jam: The Summit
- Jean Kalapathy, Account Manager, RFI Communications - "An email trail is an amazing and powerful tool."
- Clark Brady, President, Strategy 1st, home page - "You pot stirrers... Finally we've gotten beyond the noise of the internet to illuminate what has to be different. BTW, What's the cost of getting a clue to 80% of upper and middle US management? (sign me up for $5) - Is there any way that one of you could be a speech writer for a 2000 Presidential candidate? Getting a clue from the cluetrain could be a great political platform. Hey - Maybe, just maybe, getting a clue can displace the km (knowledge management) hype. How fast do you think vendors will be spinning their products with 'We've got the clue and we can help you get one too...' - I'll bet that signs announcing arrival and departure times of the 'Cluetrain' are appearing all over America. Too bad the people who should get on board are the people who will derail most efforts in biz today. - This manifesto demands guts... Who's got 'em? Send your nominations to letters@cluetrain.com"
- Robert G. Sullivan, Director, Internet Product Development, HBI Consulting, Robert G. Sullivan's Home Page - "I don't think you can 'get this' until you have 'lived' the Internet - used e-mail, surfed the Web, etc. Until the people who run these companies 'live' the Internet, they and their companies won't 'get it'. Eventually, they'll be replaced by those who have lived and breathed as part of the new world community."
- Joel "Wemmick" Downs, Editor in Chief, Gamers Extreme - "After reading this, I came to the conclusion that I have half a clue. I used to have a full clue, but lost half of it when I became 'too busy.' This reminded me of the other half of the clue, and renewed my dedication to keeping in touch and close to my audience."
- Scott Lewis, Founder, I'm working on this.com, Scott's Home Page - "Great Stuff. Keep up the clue deliveries."
- Heather Miller, Soon to be College student - "Finally! I praise all of the people that worked to write this, and all of the others who support it and signed! I have thought/felt this way myself for a while but never had the 'guts' to speak up. Thank you!"
- David M. Elkin, Internet Administrator, Wallace Chevrolet.com, Apache Ghost Fantasy Baseball - "A solid realistic view of the evolving way things are working. I have found customer's respond to real 'talk' when buying vehicles from our web site."
- Nick Nicholson, President, Secure-X Technologies, Inc., Utopian Petri Dish of eViral Prototypes - "Si!, See!, Si! ... and all this time I considered it to be an off-kilter cerebral hemisphere on one side or the other. Thanks for the validation: I see now that this point of view is shared, spreading and just plain 'connected.' This is especially comforting in light of the many social constants that appear to be rapidly deteriorating - undoubtedly to be blamed on this unbridled medium."
- Kristin Zibell, Software Engineer, IBM - "When I woke up this morning, I didn't know that I would get to read 95 statements of truth, change, and wisdom. They made the my brain spin and cheeks flush. I don't know how I'll work today with these ideas floating in front of my eyes."
- H.D. Tarplin, Group Marketing Director, Advanstar Communications, Inc. - "Aslan is on the move!!!"
- Kenneth Razak, President, Education Data, Inc., RAZAK - "AMEN! We need DATA not casual comments or random observations. Facts, not puffery. Less self serving and more people serving."
- Kenneth Vogt, I have a title?, Octane Software Inc. - "So the bruises on my forehead from bashing my head against the wall all these years have not been for naught. I'd cheer, but the sight of ugly, painful death doesn't make me happy. Oh, but would these dying companies just die and get it over with! Then those of us who have a glimmer of sense can get on with it."
- Andrew Deal, President (One Man Show), CGI Productions, home page - "I agree with most of the theses, and find them quite refreshing. A number of them, however appear contrived from a spiteful sentiment."
- stephen barnes, internet services director, BPX Internet, home page - "This is one of those disturbing propositions that seem unbelievable at first... then time passes and what was prophesied comes to pass. When I first discovered the Net years ago, I was excited by what I saw as a manifestation of the 'global mind.' What was previously hidden was now being published for all to see: the good, bad, and downright ugly (everyday human thoughts revealed). When Joyce published 'Ulysses' the official opinion was that it was 'pornography' but it was in reality a careful rendering of everyday human internal experience. It is interesting that the 'official' elements of society were so shocked by what is indeed quite commonplace. The Cluetrain Manifesto describes what I have always believed, and continue to sense at ever deepening levels: human society is undergoing some fundamental changes, and that these changes are being driven by our technology (as they have been driven in the past). Communication is fundamental to our species, and the means of communication change the nature of communication. Changing modes of communication then drives change in the society. Some people (markets, businesses, governments) will most definitely be blindsided. The message: don't be one of them."
- Mike G. Switzer, Grand Poobah, Hawthorne Improv Collective, HIC Homepage - "It's about time someone explained to the squareheads in marketing that honesty is the only thing that is gonna work out here...the only approach to hold down the backlash... 12xu"
- Virginia Tucker Dill, Product Architect (less fancy than it sounds), UI Group, The Dialog Corporation - "I'm not only signing it, but singing its tune... there's music we've barely imagined yet to be heard."
- Breese White, member, , Community Intelligence Labs - "'We exist as a web of relations with an emerging community intelligence.'"
- Erik Hörnfeldt, CEO, Halogen, home page - "I also recommend that you read www.dogme95.dk"
- Brad Cohen, President, Cohen Capital Technologies and Neural Technologies, Inc. - "Thank you for writing what most people truly know is right, but are afraid to say."
- C. Peter Clough, President, E-Base Systems - "It is crucial to remember what an incredible revolution we are participating in everyday. I have been running so long to stay with the pack, that I had not stopped for some time to see how far we had come. Better Faster Stronger Smarter - The Cluetrain Manifesto - Be Here Now!"
- R. Scott Balfour, Network Administrator, The Psychological Corporation - "Works for me."
- Dean A. Sleeper, President, ACCESS, a communication company - "Much more than a clue. This is a wake up call and long overdue!"
- Stephen Hynes, Big Cheese, Hillside Developments Ltd. - "Enough said; I have nothing to add. Stephen Hynes"
- Janet Abbey, Editor, Thelton Hall Books, home page - "At last I have a lot of like minded friends!"
- Lennart Palme, owner, Galap International, home page Business In The 21st Century - "Right on!!! The power of the internet and the promise for the future is 1 to 1 communication - people exchanging ideas with each other on a very personal level. I appreciate you starting a dialogue which will tend to encourage and empower people to participate. We must break through the phony hierarchy of big business and big government"
- Shawn Johnson, President, Bleu22 Studios - "So it is nice to see a unified approach. Companies, individuals, and Corporations need to acknowledge this growing consciousness that eludes them in their daily pursuits to lend a deaf ear to this rapidly changing market. The Cluetrain is a longtime coming, and many of us find this to be a confirmation that the show is about to begin. try not to blink...you may miss it!"
- David W. Martin, MD
- Kamer Davis, Senior Vice President, Technology Practice, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide - "Public relations can be dialogue, not flackery in an internetworked environment. Communication has to be multidirectional. Go cluetrain."
- Greg Leveille, Vice President, be-street.com
- Oisin Hurley, Malcontent Engineer, IONA - "The dehumanization must stop. False expectations have caused erstwhile normal mammals to become playback devices for corporate psychobabble. The employees suffer, the shareholders suffer, the transformed mammals sweat blood - this must change."
- Bob Brand, home page - "Right on Track!"
- aLfReD tAy, Art Coordinator / Partner, sPeRiO.cOm, aLf
- christopher moore
- Sachin Shah, Sr. Acct. Exec., PR@VANTAGE - "Way to go. This gets to the heart of doing business -- in this economy or any other."
- Bob Stanley, Founder, Global Network Privacy, Inc. - "What is missing in the dialogue is trust. Trust can be established by a new form of intermediary, the 'infomediary'. The Infomediary protects the privacy and anonymity of the consumer while providing rich, targeted access to vendors."
- John Angus Stuart, Most Exalted Emperor of the Department of Pomposity, Stuart Audio Services - "Bravo! An articulate call to ethical, human business, the tenets of which are applicable to a broad range of public activity. I hope that this finds a way not only to businesses, but to government and education as well."
- George A. Lorenzo, Owner/Operator, Lorenzo Associates, Welcome to the Web Site of George A. Lorenzo - "If we can all keep this train on track, we'll all experience a wholesome, totally human and honest future unlike anything else the world has ever seen."
- Paul Forbes, IS Administrator, Opcode Systems - "I am looking forward to this mega-meme soaking into and through our social consciousness. I look forward to the transformations these ideas will cause; I've already enjoyed what Linux has done to IT's perspective."
- Nick Field, Group Account Director, Zinc Ltd - "Moving into the great world of new media a few years ago, I have been trying, and mostly failing, to figure out how to get this message across in the right way to the people I talk to. (Having previously worked in the advertising and marketing sector for about 10 years, I realise that we were probably just as guilty of 'creating' this ridiculous environment we now find ourselves in.) You guys have hit the nail squarely on the head. Thank you, I hope this manages to get the attention it deserves."
- Chet Volpe, Technical Recruiter, Highland Management, Inc., my personal home page - "Thanks for articulating our collective position in this world market. As a technical recruiter, openness, honesty, and integrity are qualities that I look for in dealing with candidates, clients, and my peers. None should expect any less of me."
- Julian M. Vivas UNVIVAZ, Ing. of Systems, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - "Pocas veces he encontrado un pensamiento tan real y postmodernista, acerca de la informacion y la manera como las cominucaciones alteraron nuestra forma de vida."
- Brian McDonald, Marketing Communications Mgr., Huffman Corp, EARJ Class of 85 Page
- Lisa Morris, Sales Goddess
- Arthur Joseph Fournier, The University of Chicago, cluetrain's conceptual forbearer - "Manifestoes, when properly understood and intelligently employed, are powerful tools for the development of ideal communities: formed in the spirit of a radical optimism, these groups share resources and inter-link with one another through open communication networks and out of elective affinities, not paranoia, nostalgia, or territorialism. The cluetrain thing seems like a 'meta-festo' in favor of the development of such communities. If it really is such, I'm happy people are paying attention to it."
- N. Pollack, CEO, Everyday Angel, A non-profit corporation - "Acknowledging the human voice leads to understanding humanity in its diversity. I am hopeful that the impersonal entities that are using the net become more humane and more human. Viva La Vox! Get a clue and ride the train."
- Bob Craigmile, Unemployed Librarian :( Zeitgeister, organization: Not much, how 'bout you?, unorganized collection of stuff - "I admire the effort this represents, i.e. to humanize the way people do things."
- Carsten Lilge, Multimedia Concept Development, Pixelpark, home page - "I just love the manifesto. Like the other famous 95 theses (for all, who are not historians like me: I'm talking bout Martin Luther) these theses might have a strong impact. It least I hope it will be the beginning of the end of marketing blabla. In all the media-talking about global players this manifesto might mark the beginning of a new age: the age of the customer."
- Thomas Wackerman, President, Applied Science & Technology, Inc. (ASTI), Available only if you want - "Companies are not constructed of systems, but a voluntary cooperative of individuals. Systems are an analogy. Individuals produce value. When those individuals can create connections as unique as they are, only then will you create lasting value."
- Jim Miller, Pres, Miller Marketing Inc. - "Two appropriate quotes for those who don't have a clue: Bernard Shaw -- 'The greatest problem in communication... is the illusion that it has occurred.' Cicero -- 'If the truth were self-evident, eloquence would be unnecessary.'"
- Judy Johnson, Internal Audit Administrator, Fort James Corporation
- Dave Murphy, CEO, Tek-Tips Forums - "Nice job! I actually laughed out loud reading the manifesto. Keep breaking down those walls. :-)"
- James Fehr, Zeitgeist Ink - "Any business strategist who looks at the adoption curve for new technology on the Net who isn't devoting significant resources to getting a clue should be terrified."
- Jonathan Davis, President, RightMind Inc.
- Fred Pilcher, Director, MANTA Corporate - "Yes. Roll on the day."
- Cherie Luckhurst, Usability Manager, Design Intelligence - "The manifesto is a breath of air. Thanks for putting strong, clear words to a powerful concept. Keep fighting the good fight. I'm there."
- Stefan Muenz, TeamOne, the SELFHTML net (german) - "I simply want to be able to say, that I explicitly signed this manifesto because I want to live in a world where business is usual as described here."
- Bill Rattner, Creative Director, Viant - "Gregory Wester of Organic Inc. pointed out that Corporations go to their caves, customers talk. A corporation gets close (usually during market research) but then inevitably pulls away (especially during support). Swap out 'Corporations' for Men and 'Customers' for Women and you begin to see the disconnect that John Gray's bestseller illustrated and that the Cluetrain Manifesto highlights so well." [oh, you must mean Companies Are From Mars, Customers Are From Venus right?]
- Daniel Ward, Consultant, Ward Consulting, JAVA - "finally a group of people able to articulate what I was trying to cough forth since '94. Yes!"
- Lotte Nørgaard, Student
- Marci Bowman, partner, Scribble & Count - "Who was it that said 'Nothing is so uncommon as good common sense.'?"
- Troy Bollinger, Systems Administrator, Enterprise Computing, McCoy, Inc.
- Jody Lentz, family home page - "Hallelujah! There are others who understand the internet conundrum. An isolating technology and a desire for community and personality and interaction are not mutually exclusive. All Aboard!!!"
- Diane E. Williams, Technology Consultant, One on One Computer Tutors
- Cheryl Gilbert, Consultant, Platinum Technology
- Steve Pretzel, Managing Director, Pretzel Logic Pty Ltd - "Without doubt this is the future of marketing - and it reinforces the view that the current Internet may be over-hyped but the future is way bigger than we imagine. The real trick for marketers is getting the transition timing right."
- Joe Gallant, President, Raysoft Technology Corporation - "After several conversations with some fellow employees of a company with a closed 'trainstop' we decided to open up our own 'railhub' to encourage and foster innovation (conversation) and learning. We will be listening!"
- Jon Love, Executive Director, Knowledge Ecology Consortium - "Markets are not really conversations. Markets are conversations about conversations. Markets are, though, composed of conversations, and it's time that these conversations were conducted in a human voice. Whether we mean to or not the conversations we engage in generate ecologies in which we live. You are what you speak (and listen.) Have you said anything real to today? 'This is not the age of information. This is not the age of information. Forget the news, and the radio, and the blurred screen. This is the time of loaves and fishes. the people are hungry, and one good word is bread for a thousand.' -David Whyte House of Belonging"
- Camille B. Atkinson, Owner-Producer Brown Bettie Prod. Co., Brown Bettie Production Co., Brown Bettie - "Well, isn't about time somebody wrote this up? Pay attention Corporate Zombies, people down the ladder have tremendous power. The folks in the proverbial mail room, know more about your customer base and its needs than you do. If you don't value workers on every level and listen to their input, you will miss out on vital information."
- Mary Rickman-Taylor, Publisher, Bristlecone Productions, Connections - "95 seems just about right... After more years in more careers, it's nice to see the laws of physics have not been repealed. Whether public or private sector, mega corp or sole prop, metropolis or village, there is something here for everyone."
- Peter A. Toukhanian, Senior Developer, PeopleSoft - "I only disagree with your negative assessment of mission statements. Well written sincere mission statements really tell us who you are striving to be. It is only when they are used for cheerleading that they become cynical, hypocritical, and insulting."
- Mike Bryant, Proprietor, Bryant Bathrooms - "Like all wisdom, now I've read it, I realise I knew it already. Thanks for verbalising it."
- Michael Juhler Jensen, Consultant, The National Association of Local Authorities in Denmark
- Chris Lipscombe, Director, Mission Hall Design Group, Redeye - "I hate eyeballs. Eyeball collecting is ghoulish. An effective Web experience is what effective communication has always been... a dialogue between two people. You have my support."
- Stephen Byrne, Strategy Director, Revolution - "'The question is so not right.'"
- Andrew La Fond, Net Enthusiast
- cheryl soderstrom, senior consultant, eds government consulting services - "George Bernard Shaw said, 'Remember that you are a human being with the divine gift of articulate speech...' I want to declare that I am a human being. I want to join the conversation of my age. I want to come out and play."
- Tanya Noel, Developer , Advanced Media for Learning, The University of Calgary, The X-mas Files - "What can I say? It's real, it's true, it's common sense ... Unfortunately there are a lot of companies out there who will refuse to see this truth, but I need not work for them or do business with them!"
- Dave Paulsen, CyberNaut RestStop, home page (yeah, this works :-) - "I'm glad to see Chris is still getting this message out. I also like this more direct approach than in the early days of InternetWorld Magazine :-) Maybe corporations will listen more closely now."
- Holger Pabst, Director Strategic Planning, Member of the board, PopNet Kommunikation Munich - "If markets are communications, then content is their driver. Products, services and relations are the content of networked markets - not claims, slogans and messages. For most companies it's high time to stop advertising and to start delivering. Instead of talking about market shares we should refocus on the individual client - our share in his opinions, convictions and in his daily conversations."
- Janus Daniels, Chief Operations Officer, Rapid Connection - "still seems strange to me that so many neither understand nor believe the obvious."
- Joshua Francis Whalen, President, Precipice Film & Multimedia, home page - "Right on, and way over-due, IMHO!"
- David Henry, Sales Director, Guru - "At last some business sense, humans are humane after all."
- Richard Blumberg, Webmaster, The Brew House, Some alter ego rants and meditations - "I've been a marketing guy for more than 30 years, and a cluetrain buff most of that time; I spent most of the last 15 years trying to lure people aboard, as ad agency founder/exec, as community bbs operator, as ISP, as consultant. Not many came aboard, and we lost a lot who couldn't hang on and vanished down some cliff or dropped off into the desert. RIP. I gave it up a few months ago and I'm developing a product line to sell through the net. It's very suddenly possible to contemplate that: a solo venture, with modest funding and a global, well-targetted reach. I think it's one of those catastrophe phenomena; you ride the cluetrain for a lot of years, and it's a mostly lonely ride, seriously underbooked. And then you decide you're close enough to your destination that you can walk from here, so you hop off. And there are all the folks you left behind, even the ones you left in a desert, saying 'Howdy, isn't this a neat place?' The thing about a cluetrain is that when it finally reaches the next station, almost everybody gets it. The manifesto is bringing us a lot closer to that station."
- Brian Hooper, Editorial Evangelist, Consultant
- Lennart Palme, Independent Representative, Big Planet, home page - "A revolution is taking place in the way we work, live, play, communicate and learn. People who try to apply new technologies to old ways of doing things will miss the boat. What is required is to use the new technologies to create new approaches and new targets that could not even have been imagined in the past. At the same time we must find new ways of including more and more people so that they are not left behind."
- Timothy Wiford, President, The Turtle Society, Inc. - "Our uniqueness as individuals is the point, isn't it? After all, all systems (including economic systems) are created to serve us, not the other way around. Transparent companies and honest dialogue create hope, and the truth makes us all free. Honest interaction is like a celebration of uniqueness, with every word. No pretense, no BS. Ain't nothing like the real thing baby!"
- A. McMillen, President, MediaCopy - "Your manifesto accurately represents the crazed paranoia exhibited by the typical corporate mentality. Equally so, you can hear the fingernails scratching the wood, and the occasional fist against the wall, as Internet and communications visionaries struggle to break free and be heard in the corporate world."
- Michael Eckle, Marketing, Nofrontiere - "All people are great photographers. But some just missed to put the film inside: Recognition without ambition. Picturize a network: the 95 theses built up the guide to get the right camera as well as the right film inside."
- John Hitchens, Systems Analyst, Crabtree & Evelyn (Canada), The Best Sailor Moon Stories on the Net - "Wow - be quiet, you're scaring people. Down with arbitrary authority, up with people of passion and integrity. As for all the dying companies, to quote Sailor Moon: 'In the name of the moon I will punish you.'"
- Rich, E-commerce grunt, Lucent - "Finally, someone with a hot, steaming clue from the clue bucket. I'm usually at the airport when the train pulls out; nice to be aboard the one that matters."
- Kurt G. Gustafsson, Consultant, Carta - Booze, Allen & Hamilton - "Well, there it is. You, I, we ... can't do anything about it, except learn to ride with the flow. Finally?"
- Jack Quinlan, Hull Maintenance Tech 1st , US NAVY - "Start building our own companies, the old ones just are not going to get it."
- themnax of lananara - low person of the council of low persons of the universe and symbol of the council of low persons of lananara, coordinator, lananaran embassy - "i'm not so sure why you're so worried about businesses not getting it though. sure the existing order just might implode if they don't but it's scheduled for obsolescence anyway. abstractions of value replaced barter because they were more convenient than dragging your cow around with you but when you can upload the cow itself (if your cow is software of course you can do that now. if and when 'rapid prototyping' (existing forerunner to 'replicators') capability gets mass produced and cheep this will apply to all sorts of 'thingies') won't abstractions of value, and the intermediate step they represent, become an obsolete inconvenience? just as money replaced land (as wealth) and land replaced cattle and cattle replaced skill at the hunt - it is only a matter of time until technology itself, and the ability to use it creatively, replaces what we today (often mistakenly) think of as wealth. (cultures which practiced 'potlatching' already understood this but somehow those who overran them didn't get the point. well the time may not have been right then but this is now.)"
- Christophe Beauregard, Informatics Specialist - Software, Environment Canada - "Employees are far more important than any mission statement, marketing vision, or management team. They are our memory, and corporate Alzheimers won't get you far."
- Joseph F Dunphy MBA, Registered Representative, Joseph F Dunphy MBA - "'The fates lead the willing, drag the unwilling.' --Seneca."
- Suzie McKenzie, Owner/Editor, The Clearinghouse, FyrenIyce Bipolar Web Site - "I had the miserable misfortune of working on an eCommerce project for the South Australian government with one of the largest (if not the largest) web design houses in the country (whom shall remain nameless). Talk about CLUELESS!!! If I heard 'bleeding edge' technology or 'death by a 1000 cuts' one more time my meds would have quit working and I'd have lopped off the head of one of these bastards! I intend to gold-plate and special deliver the Manifesto to this bunch of gits and just maybe one of them will get a clue. At some point (maybe the first 10 minutes) of working there I knew that talking community, bottom-up infrastructure, and the natural wisdom of the market wasn't going to get me anywhere except into another spirit-killing, ear-burning battle of wits with an unarmed man. We didn't part on friendly terms, but enemies have never been a problem for me anyhow...just another asshole on the way to other places so to speak. So now I'm starting my fledgling newsletter and doing it my way. Go for it guys! I don't know if you're ever going to be more than a voice in the wilderness, but by god, if I can help ya just reach out and touch and I'll be there in bytes and bits to write or edit or...??? Good luck in other words :) "
- Bob Piedimonte, Owner, Self Employed - "Its time america woke up and found out that we the people are the power of this country not just the men or women in the ivory towers or in washington. This manifesto is the most refreshing move towards business for the 21st century."
- Briana Lawson, Marketing Coordinator, techies.com - "I'm often asked how I went from earning a physics degree, to Marketing Coordinator at a startup internet company. My friends tend to view marketing as the 'catch all' place for liberal arts graduates. I pursued physics because I had curiosities and I had ideas. Those are the same reasons that motivate me today, in marketing. Shared ideas and sparked curiosities will guide me into tomorrow."
- David C. Wigglesworth, Ph.D., President/CEO, D.C.W. Research Associates International - "Long overdue, keen and insightful concepts."
- paul hadwen, artist - "....bang right!...but we do need access for ALL..."
- Kitty Harrison, iBusiness Manager, Strictly Business Computer Systems - "I think the Manifesto is right on target. From small companies like mine to the multinational megacorps, we all need to put our fears aside and continue the process of talking to each other until we've reached a common ground. This is a great first step."
- Ben Moir, Mutant, Oxley, Prodigy
- April Voth, Recruiting Coordinator, ObjectArts Inc. - "It has been my experience that most corporate web sites should begin with a disclaimer 'abandon hope all [fools] who enter here!' I am so tired of expending hours of effort running the web page maze only to discover I have to 'CALL?'... Everyone who is providing any type of internet service would be well advised to implement the ideas expressed in the Cluetrain Manifesto."
- Brian Richard, Marketing Coordinator, Consumer Services Group, U S WEST, Portfolio - "The only ones who seek interconnectivity are the ones who feel they were not connected. Let us not seek interconnectivity, then, but merely offer it as an option to those who are unfamiliar with it. Education is key."
- Bill Wendt, programmer/consultant, www.billwendt.com
- Dr. Robert P. Holley, Associate Dean University Libraries, Wayne State University
- Daran Scarlett, Marketing Development Manager, OyezStraker - "Right on - marketing is about matching products to people. Somewhere along the way, we've forgot the people element. We should put them at the centre of what we do. Without the people, we're all out of a job."
- Drake Manning, Ideasaurus, Ideasaurus Marketing & Advertising - "Thank fucking god! It's about time some of us started wiping away all the clutter and crap that gets slung in our face from companies that don't have a clue. The lights are on and I am very much home!"
- robwest, designer/developer, walsh & associates, inc., room to grow - "as capitalism subsumes at an increasing pace the ever growing currency of memes, each struggling for legibility, a manifesto such as this is a cry that cannot be ignored. a postmodern declaration of interdependence: bravo."
- Loretta Farb, DV & Film Producer, Harvest Moon Studio - "Outstanding."
- Edward Gedeon, Computer Slave & MBA student, self - "In one sense, the world is changing at a faster pace. In another, we are connecting workers and builders to the product users again. The WWW is the path to your door; now build your better mousetrap and let the world know."
- Gisele Theriault - "Net or no, people have been long offended by dumbed down commercials and marketing tactics in general that seemed to assume we are all idiots. Hopefully through the net companies will finally receive this message. A company that closed, looking at me through a glossy as one would a one-way mirror, alternately makes me feel like a bug, or appears to be hiding something from me."
- Deborah Graves
- John Perry Barlow, Co-Founder & Vice Chair, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Home(stead) Page - "Golly, I thought I'd already signed this thing. Can't find my name among those listed as having done so, I must not have... Signing it doesn't mean I embrace all of your theses in particular, but I certainly share objectives toward which they are directed, taken as a whole. May a thousand manifesti manifest themselves." [John Perry Barlow is the author of A Cyberspace Independence Declaration.]
- Chuck Geigner, Big Galoot, IO Network Solutions - "Corporate entities want a one-way conversation. Why? Because they think that we are mindless cattle; they want us to know that they know what is best for us, and hopefully we will be smart enough to buy into whatever stupid bullshit scheme/product/service they throw at us. But they never want to hear what we have to say in response. That is why they looove TV. They should think again. How many of us glaze over now at a TV ad but snap to when all the legal caveats and fine print whiz by at the end? What are we doing? We are simply checking to see whether or not all of the fabulous claims & promises made during the ad are true. If not, then we might want to speak with someone (or roll our eyes and dismiss the whole mess - whatever). But they do not ever want to hear back from us. They could care less. The only feedback they like is $$$$. It's nice to know that I am not the only one that is insulted by the way that most large orgs attempt to fast-talk me out of my cash without giving a damn about anyone but themselves. Good work, to all at cluetrain!"
- Haydn Pyatt, Partner, Mills Pyatt, Chartered Accountants - "Welcome to the real world. Personal service has always and will always make the most bucks."
- Alistair J. R. Young, Evil Overlord, Arkane Systems Ltd., home page - "Hear, hear! One of the first visions of future business I've heard that actually makes good sense - and not only good business sense, but one that would make working life a damn sight more enjoyable, too."
- Max Power, (organization: too embarrassed to say), The Rant - "Stop this train...I want to GET ON"
- steve geary, father (product manager), wadsworth electronics, home page - "Excellent. You are 'the company' you are 'the establishment' so when you want to change something go on do it... now!"
- Bruce Jamieson, Network Manager, West, Palmer Jarvis DDB - "As always, we have the power... if we'd only clue in."
- Heather Tinley, Regional Technology Specialist, Kinko's, Inc., faceScan - "'Finally...a reality I can believe in.'"
- Herbert R. Rubenstein, Chairman and CEO, Growth Strategies, Inc. - "Herbert Rubenstein is the co-author of Breakthrough, Inc. High Growth Strategies for Entrepreneurial Organizations to be published this fall by Financial Times/Pitman Publishing. The manifesto is similar to many tenets in the book and in our consulting practice at Growth Strategies, Inc."
- Jennifer Hicks, author, journalist, WordsWork - "'Markets are conversations,' says Doc Searls. But conversations imply talking and hearing - sharing ideas, knowledge, beliefs, a piece of self - a way to be part of, to belong to. Those with a clue understand and, like Cluetrain, will see people queue up at the platform, waiting to get on."
- Tim Graham, None, None - "I recently left a stultifying, command-and-control, male chauvinistic, ethnic origin and age discriminatory Japanese bank; I am finally recovering my ability to breathe and think freely. Your manifesto will lead me to my next life experience. I am excited & challenged. More substantive feedback as I acclimate."
- Erik Vlietinck, Ll.D., Freelance IT-editor, publisher of Knowledge Manager, http://www.chironpub.com, home page - "Although the Internet has not yet caught on in Europe as it has in the US, the level of service and customer relationship awareness (I don't know how I should call it differently) is even deplorably lower than in the US. I think every company, organisation and individual person on this earth could do with a little more awareness of what's stated in the manifesto..."
- Luisa Carrada, Finsiel, Il mestiere di scrivere - "Finally! The Cluetrain Manifesto tells what most of us have been thinking for a long time. I'm copywriter and web editor at a leading Italian IT company. I also run a website called Il Mestiere di Scrivere (the job of writing), the first and only Italian website about writing as a professional activity, including online writing. I recently wrote about The Cluetrain Manifesto, including a link to the website (www.mestierediscrivere.com/testi/cluetrain.htm), and a translation of the most interesting theses."
- james william robertson
- Karyn Zoldan, Modem Butterfly, Bridge Marketing - "Just when I think I've read everything interesting there is to read on the Net, I stumble on cluetrain.com. Let's face it, there's not a whole lot of content or conviction here but your 95 theses should be mandatory for all MBAs. Thanks. I needed that."
- Miquel Gantzer, Information Systems Management - Quality Manager, Cap Gemini Spain - "Looks like World Wide Common Sense is just showing up. The way companies work can be changed. It just can be done from inside."
- Marc BÉZIAT, Projet Nouvelle Terre
- Jim McConnell, Principal, James McConnell & Co. - "1. Get real. About everything. Identify and reevaluate all of your superstitions. They are a crutch to avoid thinking. 2. Get a life. Take the time. You need a life rich in nature, culture and people or you and your libido are deprived and cannot innovate. Innovate or die."
- Nick Selby, Subject to Change, Guidebookwriters.com, home page - "Couldn't agree with you more, and it's very nice to see it in writing like this."
- Michael J. Conlin - "I always liked traveling by train."
- Terri Willard, Internet Communications Officer, International Institute for Sustainable Development - "Just when many people in non-government and government organizations were beginning to feel that we had caught on to marketing tips and tricks, the rules of the game change again. Hooray!!!! Now maybe we can get back to our real work of speaking honestly with people and sharing our ideas on how to make the world a better place."
- Pam Ayres, Controller, Capricorn Systems, Inc. - "It takes very few words to communicate and very many words to say nothing."
- Philippe Stephan, Why do you need a title?, Creditland - "Exorcising fear takes a lot of guts: getting rid of walls, locks, mental blocks, protections of all kinds, even at the organizational/corporate level is scary to anybody. Will the courageous ones be happier/more successful? The answer is yes."
- Graham Anderson, Sales and Marketing Manager, Sharenet - "To connect one mind to another is amazing but to connect the inside and the outside of the individual will be even more of an achievement. We need to find a clue for the gap that runs through each person."
- Thomas A. Stewart, Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations
- Gregory Alan Bolcer, CEO & Founder, Endeavors Technology, Inc., All Things Greg - "97% of all company decision makers won't read this, of the 3% that do, 97% of them won't understand the significance. Here's another one: Companies should not impose their internal bureaucracy or business processes onto the customer. If they do, it should be visible and trackable by the customer."
- Michael Pickett, Creative & Marketing Director, Body Electric, Inc., The Millennium Overdrive Homepage - "I remember a stodgy professor from college ranting about the social liabilities of life imitating art. It does my heart good to think of him shrieking and clutching his chest now that business has started to imitate life..."
- Patrick Elward, New Media Strategist, Torque - "Excellent! The voices are being heard and it's resounding. Either you're on it, or you're gonna get run over. I'm on it, and I'm ringing the bell as a clarion call to the unsuspecting . . . use it or lose it!"
- Jim Boxmeyer, salesman, a large American elevator company being eaten by an even larger European conglomerate - "I would like to take this manifesto, stand on top of my cubicle walls, and begin reading. As everyone gathers around, the v.p. of marketing and president would come to see what all the commotion was about. They would see the light and begin clapping in unison. Our company would be transformed overnight. A man can dream, can't he?"
- Randy Ryerson, Supervisor, Corporate Communications, South Jersey Industries, Inc. - "I work in the utility industry. That industry is attempting to deregulate and for the first time 'really' communicate with its customers. The web is the way to go. I've seen it work as I've responded to hundreds of e-mails daily to bring my customers closer. The concept fits into my old PR professor's favorite phrase: 'Successful communication is about who says what to whom through which channel with what effect.' What better way for a company to communicate than with an active, interested audience? The cluetrain manifesto is an electronic equal to Martin Luther's questions that started a religious revolution. Send this to your marketing and PR folks and start an electronic communication revolution of your own."
- John A. Nicolay, Professor, Troy State University - "The global community through shared discourse becomes a place of possibilities unknown to us even a decade ago. Through this medium, survivors in Kosovo are as immediate as the family next door. Ideas are explored with colleagues thousands of miles away. Students from around the world gather to address the learning experience. It is marvelous, and frightening. What an adventure!"
- Paul "NSA" Ernst, Enemy Agent, National Security Agency, Ataris Dot Com - "Microsoft Shall Rule!"
- Richard Patha, Lowest Rung on the Ladder QA Game Tester, VR-1 - "The public's attention span is too short to seriously impact corporations in a meaningful way. All true computer users agree that Microsoft produces inferior products but what products am I using to write this? What are you using?"
- Douglass Carmichael, President, Shakespeare and Tao Consulting, home page - "The return to the human in the context of nature. That's the way to go."
- Sheila Burke, Drought Resistant Nursery - "Thanks for confirming my intuition about what was wrong with attitudes that could care less about what the customer actually wanted (not to mention listening to the good ideas of their employees). Keep on laughing, Enjoy what you do and pass it on."
- Jay Silverman, Columnist, Capital District Business Review, Silverman Marketing Communications Strategies - "Amen! And amen."
- Ronald L Cowden, retired owner, Maczactly - "Amen! But, lead us not to Pogoize. i.e.: 'We have met the enemy and he is us!'"
- Matthew Cunningham - "NBC's 'Atomic Train' was a flop -- Cluetrain, however, is running right on time..."
- Terje Berg, Partner, Learningship Group, It'll be more personal soon, I promise! - "I've been betting my professional life on this manifesto, but it's only now that I see why..."
- Michael Jardeen, Web Designer, Michael's World - "The apple drops, the world changes. The wheel turns, the world changes. We live at the edge of the shockwave. We will all be shockwave riders. Read a book by John Brunner. I saw the implications 20 years ago in college. I just didn't see the vehicle. Now I stare at the abyss, change is coming, we will all be part of the process. Our world will split further into the haves and the have-nots. William Gibson's vision is approaching. We will all be more connected into even more complex communities, yet we will all be more separated. Will the conversation be real, will the human touch exist? I do not have the answer. I will try to catch the wave, and nothing will ever be the same."
- Ethan Crawford, web developer, Colorado State University, My World - "Bring it!"
- Mark Cidade, Web Developer, Internet Frontier, home page
- Steve Glasser, Head Computer Geek and Chief Wrench, Flying Pig Information Systems and Classic 4X4 Restoration Services - "I think you all missed one essential point: Corporations are how they are because of what they are. Corporations are structurally stupid hierarchies--like dinosaurs with huge bodies and tiny brains. Size just amplifies the effect. Their design requires leaders who fail upward, all the way to CEO. I doubt that corporations can change, any more than a dinosaur can morph itself into a many-headed hydra. Something new will have to come about."
- Joe Katzman, Senior Consultant, KPMG, joe.katzman.com - "Great work! I remember seeing this site about 6 weeks back, and forwarding it to some very appreciative friends down in Silicon Valley. Thought you'd like to know that the word is spreading - we just had award-winning Wall Street Journal writer Tom Petzinger at the 'ROI: Return On Intelligence' conference. He took time during his speech to endorse your site heartily."
- Donald Bushman, Mentor, The Merlyn Group
- David M. Zendzian, title undetermined yet (Director Intranet Infrastructure), International Microcomputer Software Inc., door13 - "In this industry built upon the garage startup, companies & individuals can't forget the fact that the next great app that could put them out of business or change the market forever will be released without any prior marketing press release, or some large Wall Street Journal story. But it will still change the market forever!"
- Lori Nazareth, Visual Composer, Wiesemorr.interactive - "There is intelligent life!"
- Betsy Funk, Queen of Listening, Betsy Marketing/Research - "I listen to people talk about companies every week and I wish the companies would listen. R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means..."
- Sian Davies, The Henley Centre - "Great stuff. J C R Licklider, one of the architects of the Internet, said of his creation - 'when minds interact, new ideas emerge'. From this creative process new types of markets and marketing are emerging. These are exciting times."
- Darren C. Addy, Internet Specialist, Computer Services, University of Nebraska at Kearney - "Finally someplace that understands the social implications of the internet. It's RADIO FREE EARTH."
- Jan H. Kuhlmann, Text & Konzept in Hamburg - "There are new times to come - no chance for the old answer. And remember: Earth is no disk."
- Maurice Michaud, Web content developer and part-time university instructor, TextStyle Publishing & Editing Services and Mount Saint Vincent University, home page - "I always knew deep down that I couldn't be alone in being sick of the current simplistic 'thinking' that drives the corporate world, so the arrival of The Cluetrain Manifesto brings joy to my heart and my mind. To the marketers and professional 'communicators' of this world: Learn what it really means to 'communicate' within an environment in which you no longer hold a monopoly. Fear not this manifesto; rather, see it as an invitation to stretch your imagination. But should you stay the course and refuse this invitation, then you should not bother asking why you're being laughed at..."
- Stein X Leikanger, Film Director, Phlogiston AS, Phlogiston - Stein Leikanger - "I once held a lecture to about 500 Scandinavian senior executives. The object of the exercise was to make them understand who their 'target' audience was. I told them to remove their expensive watches and put them in their jacket pockets together with their ties, then to remove their jackets - I didn't force them to take their shoes off, not trusting the ventilation system to keep us alive. A majority went along - and after they undid the top shirt button and rolled up their sleeves - I held my talk. By then, they knew who their target audience was."
- Joe Galliani, Founding Partner, The Parks Company, home page - "Before there was a Cluetrain, there was Holden Caulfield riding the NYC subways and prep school rails identifying and trying to cut through all the phonies of the fifties. Nothing has changed but the vehicle, the journey remains the same. It's still time to cut the crap and tell it like it is - Users of boilerplate are nothing more than lackeys for The Man. Taking personal responsibility means never having to say, 'I'm sorry but that's company policy.'"
- José Ignacio Sordo Galarza
- Gregory M. Lang, Director, Media and New Technology Studies, University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, SCS@UofT - "An astonishingly eloquent essay, produced in the style of the web. We are the establishment that will be rejected by ourselves as we continue to open dialogues and explore the new world we have begun to rediscover: ourselves."
- Daniel M. Joyce, MD, Inquirer, Emergency Medicine Residents' Page, DomainBidder.com - "With humility, I applaud the previously unspoken obvious."
- neal rauhauser, hacker, optimum data, some random stuff I put together - "I did a little dance when I read the part about cultivating your eccentrics. I'm brilliant (so they tell me) and apparently quite eccentric (but I find it rather difficult to tell from in here :-) I've suffered all sorts of foolishness at the hands of the alleged management of US West, Experian, First Data - I escaped two months ago to Optimum Data, population six, never again to return to corpWHORErate america. Free at last, thank god almighty, free at last. Almost every word of this cluetrain stuff is true, except that which isn't. You think about that statement while you're dodging the backstabbers on your way to that useless staff meeting."
- Rebecca L. P. Pierpont, artist - "right on!"
- George A. Hoffman ScD, Research Associate, Economics Dept., University of California, Santa Cruz, home page - "Great marketing rules ... now I have a clue or two."
- Amr Khashoggi, General Manager, ExecuTrain of Saudi Arabia, EarthShell - "There is hardware, there is software ... there is also peopleware, if you only look."
- Mark Edward Vogt, Co-Founder, The PondSCUM Project, Welcome to the PondSCUM Project: nano-conglomerate & think-tank... - "Can you believe I found the manifesto from a link on a Knowledge Management-related email newsletter? I clicked out of mere curiosity. Then I read the first page of the cluetrain website. Even as my head told me 'you've got work to do', My hands clicked on the link to the Manifesto. It was with genuine relief that I - an IT consultant in KM - realized there were others out there thinking similar thoughts about (this is the hardest part to describe) old ways vs new ways... I couldn't stop myself from 'daring' to read the entire 95 theses. I almost rushed through them all, hoping there wouldn't be any with which I would disagree. Then I realized it doesn't matter that I disagree with any one particular thesis - WHAT MATTERS IS THAT I'M THINKING AT ALL... I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to sleep well tonight - someone has managed to put into words many of the thoughts and feelings I've had about my industry for the past 5 years. No, that doesn't mean I 'woke up' just now. It's more like feeling that for the past 5 years I've been all alone against the corporate world and its mentalities - and I've been fighting a losing battle against its practices. Yet now I believe I've found compatriots with whom I share a common (common enough) vision, and suddenly feel the odds are in my (our) favor. What an encouraging feeling."
- Michael Vogt, Staff Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, home page - "people, inherently, trust other people. we don't like to trust faceless, intangible, companies or organizations. many times, 'organization' is the antithesis to 'accomplishment'. trust me, i work for the government, i know what 're-org' means. I've hunted bureaucracy and it has as much ability to be elusive as it does to be self-important... even to the death of solving real problems. the time for real people, with real voices, to share experiences and solve problems has been here for quite some time... and now, with the internetworked mechanism, can actually hold those conversations and tackle those problems. the next challenge to realize is that sharing, means putting yourself second to solving. credit will often be lost... but please, avoid the temptation to hold things tight... credit will not come from some honestly unimportant manager... it will come in genuine form from the person you truly helped... who now, can actually find out who you are and thank you. it's actually, worth more than a raise. trust me here too. regards m"
- Ann Folkman, Ann Folkman Communications - "Choo, choo! All aboard. Thanks for articulating my thoughts (and those of millions of others) in such a public way."
- Elizabeth Thomas (ET), Director, Client & Media Services, West Coast, Creamer Dickson Basford - "I'm worried... this just makes too much sense."
- Udo H.Schamell, Dr. Med., Institut für bewußtseinsfördernde Medizin, "...über die Kunst, befreit zu leben" - "Die richtigen Thesen in wichtiger Zeit! Mögen sie Folgen haben, denn es hat tatsächlich wieder etwas von der Sprache und der Power des alten Manifests von John Perry Barlow, die Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace."
- Lara Gale, freshman in communications, freelance journalist, Westminster College - "As a member of the up-and-coming generation, I want to thank you for putting into words the rumblings of a whole population without a voice. Things are going to change."
- Carrie Elizabeth Martin, Intern/College Student studying Public Relations, Anthem, Inc./Ball State University, home page - "What a relief to find pure thought and innovative strategy on how the world works! I wish my professors would have thought more like this instead of OLD SCHOOL rationalizations. Bravissimo!"
- Don Joe Mikell, Paradynamisist, UC3D - "'I' can change the world. 'We' can make a difference. A manifesto for 'us'. Let 'them' beware."
- Steinarr Kr., Detective, Reykjavik Police, Iceland, home page - "Right on, keep the dialog going."
- Mitch Kozikowski, Executive Director, Office of Public Affairs, University of Pittsburgh - "You have nailed IT! The web is not just another 'here's what I have to say to you' communications medium. It's the ultimate 'tell me what YOU want YOU want to hear' relationship-building tools of the century."
- Nelson Johnson, Programmer, Self, The Fargonasphere - "I'm sitting here slouched down in my 'cube' to stay out of view of the 'security' camera in its little smoked-plexiglas hemisphere. Yes, the IT department has several monitors that show what these cameras are pointed at as you enter the door to their lair. The company is losing money..."
- Anna Stevenson, amnis - "Hear, hear!"
- Daniel L. Roy, Instructor and Doctoral student, University of Kansas - "A no-nonsense approach to human conversation -- greatly needed in today's metaphor-speak."
- John Robertson, Marketing Communications, Topside Marketing - "Yes there is a great deal of truth here. However I might add that corporations and other social edifices would not have evolved had they not contributed to the overall survival of the fittest. The lesson of the Soviet Union is that REVOLUTION without EVOLUTION is doomed. Yes we are the wired world, the cable-fed marketplace with every one of our terms met, but lets not throw everything off the clue train just because it's old. The exuberance of our youth will be laughed at by your great grandchildren as surely as the conventions established by your great grandparents are going by the boards today. In the end, that which contributes to our survival is what survives."
- Lynn Williamson, Person, Me - "Interesting and thought-provoking manifesto. Worthy of all the GUSH by the signatories? Makes me a little suspicious, but I'm openminded and eager to learn."
- Richard Cecil, Website Developer, http://www.fayettevillenc.com, 3guns - "Thank you for identifying the religiosity with which corporations cling to their mindless chatter."
- Terry Donaghe, Geek of All Trades - "The time is coming very soon when Capitalism will, through the power of the 'markets' shift the balance of power, wealth and PULL from the mega-corporations to the legions of consumers. I feel that the Manifesto sums this up quite well. I wonder how this all applies to the government? ;)"
- Roy Edroso, writer, edroso.com - "I'm no cyber-idealist. The cotton gin and the printing press changed a lot, but they didn't change Man's nature, and I'm sure the Internet won't, either. That said, I will sign your manifesto because it makes the important and potentially revolutionary assertion that business doesn't have to be inhuman. I don't know if you're wrong or right; but I'd rather bet with you than against you."
- patrick foster, designboy, hired gun new media design - "I wish my last boss had read this before I had to quit or die."
- Jim Ludeman, keeper and polisher of the command chain, TigerMajik, Inc., home page - "Sorry folks, I lived through the '60's. A few of the dinosaurs in retrospect were as human and humane as they could be. A few of the revolutionaries turned out to be cold blooded mercenaries and the dinosaurs of today. Maybe it's the biology of aging or the psychology of disappointment. It isn't mandatory. Some of us held onto the best of our times. It's way too cool to see the old stuff in new forms. I thank all of you. No way the dinosaurs are gonna go though. Well if an actual asteroid strike happened I guess. I might enjoy that for a few seconds. Keep it clean, touch gloves and come out fighting."
- James Fox, VP Operations, Animatics Interactive - "This should be required reading in every business school."
- Chris Macrae, Institute of Brand Learning Organisation, A global databank simply benchmarking the interconnecting aims of CLO, CBO and CEO in organising learning, branding and strategy - "I'd like to ask : Isn't it time that branders, strategists, and learning systems people believed and acted on their marketing promise as much as they want end-consumers to trust it? I am editing a millennial issue of a journal where we are urgently inviting world leading influencers of strategy, brand or learning to write 6 pages on future organisational frameworks in such simple language that every reader connects to the big idea whatever their home area of expertise"
- James Sims, President, Neocogito - "We each are in possession of our own singular genius, whether we have discovered it or not. We need, and deserve, to be communicated to with respect for our singularity and we all want and deserve the opportunity to contribute in such a way that what we are doing, at home, in our community, at work, is relevant. The most powerful interactions are cognizant of this and take the canonical form of a conversation (request; rejection, commitment, or counter; declaration; assertion) . To deny this is to be arrogant, foolish and weak. Thanks for bringing together such a wonderful definition of the conversation."
- Brian Wickenheiser, volunteer organizer, Food Not Bombs, Brakish Waters - "Like a map reader, pointing a way towards liberation."
- Cynthia Milenkovich, Sales & Marketing Manager, Eureka Electronic Publishing - "As suspected, I am not what I claim to be, but what my market says I am. If a press release falls in the in-box and no one reads it, does it make a sound?"
- Russ Taylor, Technical Support Manager, Chambers Multimedia Connection, Life, the Universe, and Russ Taylor's home page - "It's far past time that companies treated employees as partners, not cogs, and customers as friends, rather than fools. We're mired in a culture of adversity that is doomed to failure."
- Mark Sullivan , President, Worldcar. Inc - "At the end of the day, what did you add to it, or take from it? What did you walk away with, and what did you leave behind? The rest is boilerplate; Cluetrain is a thinker's synthesis."
- Roland H. Alden, ambassador at large, Roland H. Alden, home page - "We are entering the post-cluetrain era. In ten years conventional 'eCommerce' sites on the Internet will be viewed the way decaying strip malls are today: a blight on the landscape."
- Harry Wilson, Director of Creative Technology, Channing L. Bete, Inc.
- Ted Wolf Jr., Senior Information Strategist, iAtlas Corporation, home page
- Eric T. Beteille, Communication Analyst, BRW LeGrand - "My thoughts, your words - exactly. Nice work."
- Heidi Jeanne Hess, Practitioner, ChangeCraft - "WOW! This hits home."
- Dimitri van Velzen - "Indeed we have been overlooking the power of intra-human communication. Maybe all of us realized that running a business isn't about 'corporate culture' It's about people, the very people who are your market or co-workers. It is about time someone woke up and admitted to the power of dialogue."
- Thomas Scholten, Account Executive, Hill Associates, Inc.
- Fredrik K Romteland, Art Director Kid, USSR International, romteland.no - "Glad that other people too are aware of this issue. At the company I work for, we have a slogan('oh no!') saying 'Individualism for Everyone'. That is basically exactly what you are saying here at cluetrain.org. I like it."
- Peter Dinhofer, President, Ditmas Computer Systems - "I applaud the good sense demonstrated by the cluetrain manifesto. For too long I have been bemoaning the loss of humanity in a world being controlled more and more by corporate needs not human ones. We slave day in, day out worrying about our jobs our health our families without the time to worry about the slow erosion of our lives to the marketing machines. The media 'drug' continues to dull our senses and create a society consumed with false images pushed on us through the airwaves. We need to re-obtain a sense of who we are and where we are going."
- Gary DeDeo, Technical Marketing Manager - "'The Day the Earth Stood Still', Gort,' Clatoo, Baroda, Nictoo!'" [
- Patric Carlsson, Free agent, Innknow8 Consulting - "I am for real, you better see me. Life is the most serous thing there is, take advantage and do what you feel for. Go where you feel for, and see the world. Work is just something that are a part of life, you better enjoy!"
- Marco Walsh, Web Marketing Manager, Rainmaker Systems, Condorito Punto Com
- James Kiley, Consultant, CIScorp, My fairly lame webpage
- Jeff Lee - "'Cluetrain or cluebandwagon? - Still a worthy message!!'"
- Shan Cleland, Producer, Human Code - "Great work. Lets see if we can get these cells to multiply..."
- Yotam Gingold, home page
- Guillermo Payet, Chief Technology Officer, Ocean Group, Bodysurfing Pages - "Back in the days of the non-corporate Internet, it seemed obvious to all of us who played in it that the Internet was going to change the world for the better. That was before big money 'discovered' the 'Net. Since then some corporations have been trying to subvert its spirit and make it into yet another tool to extend the power and reach of unchecked consumer capitalism. The manifesto suggests that plain market forces will 'make things right' and end up toppling the corporate bureaucratic monsters. I'm not so sure about that. It will take a big fight to make the net fulfill it's promise as a tool for change on the real world. That means a lot of hard work in making an alternative model succeed."
- Dave Randall, Director of Operations, The DosKilo Corporation - "Fantastic, now lets start this battle. Our mission statement at DosKilo is: 'Let's make it fashionable to serve Humanity' Lets start by using marketing as a positive tool for a change. Instead of tagging Generation 2K with negative, violent, voyeuristic, sadistic and hopeless characteristics like we did with Generation X. Lets instead take Gen 2K up out of the gutter by setting the example in the corporate, marketing, licensing, and advertising world through glorification of altruistic acclamation. Lets use words like Peace, Hope and Unity as the cement that bonds everything we do. MY partners and I are committed to only associate and do business with corporations and individuals that are socially, morally and environmentally responsible. If you would like to help us form a coalition of individuals and companies dedicated to making it fashionable to serve mankind, please contact me at: DosKilo2@aol.com Let's take the lead in the current vacuum of leadership. Let's set and maintain standards that can only serve the greater good. Let's not waste any more valuable time debating who is at fault. Let's just get it done."
- Timbo, Traveller, nope - "Is a clue more powerful than a club? Turn off your cookies and make them come to you for information, cuz all their going to do is digest the data and tell you what it means through their little rose lined expository organ."
- Kevin Burrows, Mr, Ford Credit Europe, home page - "Markets need open ideas like 'cluetrain' to grow and not stagnate in corporate red tape."
- Arthur A. Vanderbilt, CTO, Galactic Group, Inc., Arthur A. Vanderbilt's Home Page
- Cosima Reif, Creative Director, TBWA Berlin - "I totally agree at least with thesis #21."
- Bonnie Bucqueroux, Loudest Talker, Digital-training.net, Analog community building - "Online and off, it is the power of community that holds the greatest promise for creating a better future - and that requires substituting trust for suspicion."
- Joakim Ziegler, Art Director, Styx, S.A. de C.V., New Media - New Icons
- Rick Rechowicz - "Congratulations. At least somebody out there has a clue."
- Benjamin D Goldman, VRI - "This goes beyond business, this goes to the heart of the revolution that we are now experiencing. Our culture has finally overcome everything."
- Pete McAveney, Programmer, home page - "You just summed up the last decade of my life. To our grandchildren corporate politics will seem as bizarre as medieval theology."
- Michael Meyer, Member of the Committee - "Sounds like soon I can talk out loud."
- Kris Coward, Skeptic - "What a bunch of spoiled white-collar snobs you all are. Do the people on the assembly line where your car was built have internet access? If they did, would they even have time to use it? What about the near-slave labour that made the clothing you're wearing right now. The industrial revolution didn't eliminate agricultural workers, and the information revolution won't eliminate industrial workers. GET A CLUE!"
- Kris Coward - "apologies for the flame-ness of my previous post.. just some aspects of the site remind me of some anarcho-poseurs I've known, I have an inherent distrust of any sort of utopian, and every day, I see people who would love to have to deal with a clueless employer (or any employer at all, for that matter).. granted, I think I also extrapolated a little too far from the collapse of modern corporate procedure to a utopia."
- Rev. Guido S. DeLuxe, DD, LDD, OGG, OHS, ST, MSU, High Priest, The Church of Tina Chopp - "wake up, corporate jockeys! your jobs are on the line!"
- Javier Candeira, Writer/Editor, Canal Satélite Digital, Interactivo! - "Have you read the GlueTrain manifesto? The funny thing is that the emergence of that kind of instant parody is exactly what Cluetrain describes! Elvis said it better, but this margin is to small to contain the full quotation."
[we loved gluetrain - and yes, the parody was totally in keeping with the conversation we describe in the manifesto. great stuff.]
- George Mount, Product Manager, LuxN - "Get a clue. People need to get out of the big useless old organizations that refuse to figure it out. Start something new. Don't slow down to their speed."
- Dario Pescador, Engineer, technical writer and digital TV content provider, Canal Satelite Digital, home page - "Awe inspiring, simply the whole truth about the way the Net is changing Common Consciousness."
- Melisa Tuya, http://www.canalc.com
- Todd Boyle, a CPA in Kirkland WA, home page - "We have many-to-many communications by email and shared forums but they are impotent. What's happening next is a geodesic economic fabric, where we can order, bill, and pay each other. Let's bypass the bank fees, lockin software vendors, portals, self-appointed gatekeepers and toll-collectors. Log into alt.accounting!"
- Diane Pettus, President, Pettus.Inc - "at last"
- Philip C. Meluch, Customer Service, AOL
- Ray Meluch, Software Engineer, Interstate 101 commuter, home page - "Underground no longer! I have long maintained that coping with our collective insanity requires people to share their knowledge one-to-one when the institutions have gone mad. At a stroke, you have made plain the world's tribal gathering place for reclaiming our wits, and taken the venerable clue-by-four to the nose of the Fenriswolf. Huzzah!"
- Kerry Lyn Cassidy, CEO, Obsidian Interactive - "'say the word and you'll be free...'"
- David Siegel, Author, Siegel Vision, David Siegel's Casbah - "Awesome! This is the way to the future!"
- [ the emperor ], [ the emperor ], [ the planetary network ], [ the emperor ] - "I like the practice of being authentic. There is not only room to be authentic in a corporation, but corporations actually work better when employees are authentic in their relationships to each other and to the people buying the products they create. I hope people realize that marketshare is made up of individuals whose personhood should be honored, not dismissed."
- Steve M Hanson, CEO of Immediacy, ThoughtsEdge, Inc., Create a revolution, baby! - "Finally an encapsulation of the behaviors driving the new economy. Corporate America wake up."
- Steven Suranie, serf, 42Interactive - "It's a monitor, not a TV, it's a monitor, not a TV, it's a monitor, not a TV, it's a monitor, not a TV"
- Atakan Cetinsoy, Marketing Specialist, FedEx - "The commandments of the New World Order!"
- Linas Vepstas, Miscellaneous, Clothespin Museum, personal URL - "Ohhh, Id' love it just sooo much if I could just stick it to the various vendors who screwed me over the years ... brand recognition? Oh, yeah! I've got those brands just burned into my skull. Now I've got the entire net for my ranting and raving, not just my poor wife and friends ... I'll be shoutin' it from the rooftops, not whispering in the well."
- Antonia Lantz Inman, Vice President, Cunningham Communication, Blast From the Past: Cyberspace Public Relations - "Amen.... Six years ago I founded a tiny company called Cyberspace Public Relations, dedicated to speaking to humans about their problems, and sharing with them a suggestion for how to solve their problems. We did it digitally, we did it in person, we did it on planes but what we talked about represented reality--not air. Along the way we started people thinking about Interactive PR, we shared in the Regis McKenna revolution that states that 'markets position products.' What fun, what a great web site, thanks for the experience."
- Toto Canal, Consultant, WHAT'S UP America, Inc.
- Rob Levin, Head of operations, Open Projects, home page - "Thank you."
- James Kane, Melbourne University - "Why a manifesto? why the ideology? it's not a theory, it's manifest reality."
- Mary Toy, Co-owner, Kevin Modera Guide Services - "No more from the top down charts? Messy, but real. Thanks!"
- David M. Doolin , PhD student, UC Berkeley, home page - "The TV went in 1979. If the internet continues in the direction it has been going in the last 12 months, the computer gets unplugged, permanently. I will be watching."
- Tim Kelley, basically a nobody - "This shit is getting out of hand ... thank god. Sign me the-motherfuck-up. VIVA LA FUCKING REVOLUTION!"
- Chad Knepp, Pygster - "cluetrain is not really necessary... this sort of understanding is inevitable, but sooner is better than later. Here's to progress!"
- Mark Mann, Software Tools Guy, Cisco Systems - "This is why it's great to work at Cisco -- maybe only 95% of the manifesto is being used, but they do 'get' it. What a great day it is to wake up and realize that your 'boss' is just another member of the team with different responsibilities. The manifesto is true & right as I get to live it every day."
- John Duhring, CEO, Inclusion Inc., My Private Community - "Anonymity has it's place, but at some point value is created when we step into the light of day. What is at play is a new derivative of the Great American Distribution System... That system (mass communications creates mass markets, which enables mass production) has served us well. The new system is a two way street. It will serve more, better, and longer."
- Leon Brooks, Director, Win International Networking, home page - "It ain't perfect, but it will be, you can help make it so, and it works now. That seems to be the essence of Open Source Software. It fulfills the universal NEED to be USEFUL two ways: by providing useful tools, and by offering you usefulness within those same tools - leading by example."
- Lew - "Well Done, Can't wait for the Government version. You may need a bigger server...."
- Clifford Uel Smith, Owner/ceo/bottle washer, linuxhouse.com, home page - "A few of these ideas have been floating around in the back of my head for a couple of years now, but not articulated with the breadth and brevity as this Manifesto. It resides on my desk for daily review. As a new start-up I've been looking for a model I could stomach and stumbled across this quite by accident. I have found what I need to get me started. Thank You."
- Ralph Clark, Mr - "This is right on. We are changing the world. If we can make it happen the future could be better than we dreamed. But we have to be vigilant and proactive if we don't want to wind up like the Tiannanmen Square students. Or the builders of the Tower of Babel. There are powerful institutions who could still crush us by manipulating the law. Most importantly: Look out within your own jurisdiction for impending legislation unfriendly to Internet access, or to free speech on the internet, or seeking to impose expensive taxes or tariffs on internet usage. Write to your representatives! Get it blocked!"
- Scott Honey, home page - "exactly."
- Alejandro Ibarra Alonso, Ingeniero Tecnico Telecomunicaciones, Intelsis
- James Werchan, lecturer, The Ohio State University - "Excellent! Try this: clip the 95 theses; paste into a word processor file; swap 'University' for 'company' and 'academic' for 'corporate' and 'learners' for 'customers.' See? The academic world needs clues too. Educators will have to re-think what education really means, thanks to the Internet."
- R.T. Stone, Author, DaScribe Literary Services - "The world needs a voice, not one omnipotent voice, many voices collected and unified in making a difference. We all have value. We are all one. But we need the ability to remain individuals even as we work toward a better future together."
- Michael T. Nygard, Consultant
- Konstantin Pflueger, managing director, netwhere GmbH - "The train is growing. Hear the sound of open minded and self-confident markets."
- Andrea Harrison, Director of Business Development, Matzell Richard & Watts - "Thank you for taking such an insightful, yet no-nonsense approach to what is quickly becoming the most challenging medium for so many people! It's not rocket science...oh wait, maybe it is."
- Bertram Hübner, CEO, Optical Arts - "It's what we've had always in our mind. Thank you for bringing it down with these words."
- Martin Roscheisen, CEO, eGroups, The tools to make conversations work - "Interesting observations."
- Jennifer Bahney, President, Bowers-Bahney Communications - "Amen to the Manifesto! I've been preaching these concepts for years -- finally, someone has written it all down for public consumption!"
- Luis M. Hernandez, position: Hey, I'm right here. - "Hell yeah."
- Br3it Anderson, reverend, none, br3it
- John Rozzo, CEO/Director General, Mango Digital, SA CV
- Mark Robbins, Visionary, MindPrism Media Technologies, home page - "Exceptional job - an Emancipation Proclamation. A few definitions - Internet: a poor mans telepathy. Browser: Remote control for the world. Also: The sword is mightier than an unskinned cat - and there are plenty of unskinned cats around - and man are they fat ones!"
- Sonia M. Balbuena, Project manager, CB Richard Ellis, Inc. - "With today's vast technology the most important element in business is becoming a 'white elephant.' Personalized service is diminishing. What saddens me even more is the fact that our future generations have no resource to experience great customer service. If they never experience good customer service, how can they adopt good business practices and exercise them in their daily routines? For this reason customer service will be declining exponentially going into the new millennium."
- Denny J Huber, freelance editor , PFA-News - "Update-& adding links- from 'Pat Holt'"
- Deborah Adams, author, webmaster, star17.com, Deborah Adams, author
- Gavin Scott, http://www.allegro.com
- Nancy Allan, Director of Sales, Geometrix, Inc. - "Re-evaluating my sales channel strategy, number 19 really hit me between the eyes 'companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance.'"
- Bobbie Bowden, President - let's be honest here: Queen, Bowden & Light Associates - "Cluetrain is refreshing and powerful! For years I thought that as a marketing consultant, my not being willing to throw words around like smoke whirling around mirrors was keeping me back. Not only have I learned that it kept me clean and still useful, but here you are flashing a big 'Uh-Hunh!', surrounding the Emperor in his new clothes with mirrors and putting truth glasses on all his subjects! May everybody see what's true! Yay!"
- Anders Berggreen, Managing director, Atlas Holding, Atlasfilm
- Matthew S Moore, Semiconductor Manufacturing Technician, Intel - "It's about time someone put down into the ether what has been going on for years. Most people learn what the big corp's do in high school econ class. So why don't they just stop."
- Charles Edwin Price, Writer, Charles Edwin Price, Charles Edwin Price Official Homepage - "It's about time!!!!"
- Shane Campbell, Inspector, US Customs Service, Dept. of the Treasury - "When leaders realize that their followers are just as -- if not more -- important, then true communication can begin"
- DuneSleeper, President, Po-C! - "Ladies & Gents -- May the ClueTrain always remain booked to capacity on this fab journey through life! The corporate/consumer Boomers have done an awful lot of damage in the past 15 years, and it's time to start cleaning up their mess with a collective 'Time to suck it up and MOVE ON!' Always warms my heart to see adults taking responsibility for their part in this world, and you guys are 2 cool! Heyokas forever!"
- Chaim Charutz, Freelance Technical Translator, Very Disorganized by "Organization" Standards - "Omigod!! In the relatively short time that I've on the internet, I didn't realize that here were so many people like you around - or should I say, like me!. As they say in Hebrew - 'Ken Yirbu' - 'Let your numbers multiply!' May god bless you all, if he/she/it exists!"
- Dr. Ofer Avital, Family Physician, TeleHealing EO, Business-how.to, home page - "The 10Ghz 24/7 international Service Olympics going on will home in on the Cluetrain's ideals by intention or by painful feedback mechanisms. Power that shifted from national governments to multinational corporations is now shifting to multinational individuals. There is much opportunity for companies who position talented employees as community-advocates to hear the silently screaming needs that abound. The increasing accountability for both organizations and individuals in this connected world is better incentive for right action than legislation or best practice guidelines. Interestingly, as power lines are being redrawn in company-consumer relations, so are they in homes, with children sometimes teaching their parents about the new world and new resources springing up for the disenfranchised. Interpersonal power structures have less accountability to the rest of the world, however, and the front doors in our neighborhoods may end up being the last refuge of coercive authority."
- John Abbott, IT/MIS mgr, Riddell National Bank - "This is the way it has to be... but how do you drag the corporation along with you? I will support this concept because I love being a part of the community"
- Christine Boese, Assistant Professor, Clemson University, Studies in Cyberculture: Christine Boese - "Thank you for a breath of fresh air. I haven't heard such an open call for dialogue and innovation since Stuart Moulthrop put up the CREW page. I saw people sneering in the letters to the editor in Business 2.0, and I thought anything that would get folks riled up had to be pretty cool. Go gettum!"
- Eric J Hoffman, Director of Internet Development, Small Dog Design - "Amen. Finally a group that shares my outlook!"
- Seth Tardiff, Online Manager, Regina Orthodox Press - "As technology and automation increases so does the need for humanity, humility, and communication. Ironic? Yes, but (frighteningly, to some) very true."
- Maria Lassaletta, Communications Specialist, Columbus State Community College - "Right on the money!"
- Bryan Glover, Stock Broker, E*Trade - "As a member of Gen X, supposedly the biggest bunch of losers in a long time, I'd like to say: As a consumer, I control your destiny as a corporation and you better damn well start listening to me! I am sending the manifesto to anyone I can because I think corporate red tape sucks."
- Pamela L. Gregg, Public Relations Consultant, Independent - "there was a time when i thought mass-electronic-media would be the downfall of human communication. then i got online. though it may not be in a face-to-face format, i am now more regularly in touch with family members, friends and friends-to-be than at any other time in life. forget 'let's do lunch,' bring on 'let's do link'. thank you, ringleaders, for not only shouting the obvious, for the wake-up call, but for letting me know i still have a little spark left of what i'd recently - and sadly - come to believe was a past-tense and naive belief in the power of the collective human voice to evoke positive change."
- Tim Hayward, Digital Media Strategist, HHCL + P - "There are no experts in this field, only new kids. There's only one job description - Bullshitter - the rest is just salary negotiation. But if we can talk we grow together. I love this stuff."
- Chris Anderson, Mgr., Marketing Communication, Footaction USA - "As with the invention of the printing press, the Net has wrested control of info/data/knowledge from the 'elite.' Now, the commoner has access to things once reserved for only a privileged few."
- Steven Noels, possible e-consumer, The new market, my face on the web - "I'm not really into e-marketing, or marketing whatsoever, but most of what I read in the manifesto was absolutely correct. Cheers to the guys who've thought this up, and hopefully this is a successful attempt to de-regulate this wonderful internetworked community, and break it free from the business and government rules. If you want to be part of it, you'll have to follow the rules of the game - and there's just too many of us who already invented them! As always, Europe is slow to follow these waves of e-events, but I'll be passing around this URL as much as possible. Great work, and fun to read (although Gluetrain was even more entertaining ;-)" [yeah, we agree - www.gluetrain.com]
- Loyd Searle, Principal, The Searle Group - "Many business leaders are bound by the chains of their own design--their own insecurity. This results in a paralysis that relegates both employees and customers into two separate classes of sub-humans. The cluetrain manifesto 'Movement' speaks--People are NOT raw materials."
- Edward Wachtman, Partner, CompQuest Consulting Inc. - "We want choices..not the myriad and absurd choices of the cereal or cookie aisles...not the silly confusion and contradictions we face selecting an over-the-counter pain reliever or cough medicine. No we want real choices. We want the choice to breath clean air, to drink pure water, to lead meaningful lives, to leave a meaningful legacy. At its best, consumerism as it is practiced in these waning moments of the 20th century is silly (paying $100 for the privilege of advertising Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren on a sweat-shirt)! At its worst it is a cancer that is metastasizing across the globe."
- David Schutt, Don't have one, Speco, Inc - "Some days I think it's true. Some days I don't. Today I do."
- Jean-Claude Wippler - "Seeing this site feels like coming home. Gosh, it sure is good to find a spot on the internet which makes sense at the human level. May it last forever."
- Jacob Kramer-Duffield, Student, Oberlin College, Oberlin Ultimate - Horsecows - Roster - "It's about time somebody not only got fed up with the uselessly inefficient doublespeak employed by those in control, but decided to do something about it. Let this be the end of condescension from the ivory towers to the masses."
- Douglas T. Muth, Co-Founder, Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE), Claws and Paws - "I'm glad to see that there are others out there who enjoy talking to human beings instead of listening to the same PR stuff over and over from large companies. I detest it when a company treats me like a number instead of a human being."
- Different Drum, Student, New Mexico Tech, What is the nature of a dandelion?
- Tony Crockford, Grey Matter Ltd, Boldfish - "We're on our way..........."
- Mark Pottie, Quantum Bogodynamics Translation Synthesizer, Venomsmashing Internet, Personal Homepage - "Freedom of information and right to personal privacy. An information revolution requires information. I'm astounded at the amount of companies wot see their website as unlimited advertising space."
- Chris Keller, Senior Programmer, Palm Computers
- Maurizio Torchio, employee - external relations and communication, Fiat - "just cut off 'People of the Earth' and all the New Age stuff and I'll completely agree!"
- Victor Krongold, Datacom Marketing Manager, Ericsson
- Keith Casner, Web Business Evangelist, InfoWorld.com - "Once the foundations of pervasively networked commerce are in place, the last justification for the large corporation will be our monolithic capital allocation regime; when Wall Street crumbles before a flood of interconnected, empowered investors, communities of real production, with real voices, will finally cast off the shackles of conglomeration for the clasped hands of collaboration."
- Tom Vogt, home domain - "bureaucracy and abstraction, as many things, have proved to be useful, and so expand until they have gone too far. in the case of our legal system and corporate 'culture' (how's that for an oxymoron?) that point has been passed. now is the time for the backslash, in order to cut it down to it's real of usefulness. the cluetrain manifesto is just one of the activities in that direction, which shows there are large forces at work here."
- stevenallenmay, cofounder and CEO, Plan B Press
- Paul B. Krause, Tech Monkey, Primaver Systems, really lame homepage - "Wow, I haven't checked out this page in a couple of months, and it's HUGE! Wow! I sat and watched my memory usage climb as the page loaded. It's a new world now, boys and girls. If only R. Heinlein could have lived to see these recent (and coming!) years."
- Reinhard Gantar, none, reinhardgantar, Your very fine translation service - "The market is me."
- Reginald Tang, Graphic Designer/Physics Major, The Federation Of Students, Content is King "Idealistic, but could be wishful thinking. A laudable attempt at humanizing the soulless corporation on a large scale using a carrot-stick method, but if companies ever got 'the clue', those of us who are less materialistic or dependent on a service economy might find ourselves wishing for less capitalism in our daily 'conversations' -- Wall Street... BUTT OUT!"
- Nova Powell / Quanah Parker, SysGAWD, Quanah's Revenge BBS - "Yoiks and GADzooks!!! Truly a munificent demonstration of unraveled cerebrum!! keep up the zany!!"
- Marilyn Lindberg, Director, Medical Management, Northern Ohio Alliance for Health - "A breath of fresh air -- I feel like somebody else finally understands how 'asthmatic' our historic business philosophies and corporate driven 'cures' will leave us moribund if we don't improve our collective health. It's more than integrity we are searching for -- it's a soul!"
- Ron Shuttleworth, Whatever, DRUMS - "Interesting... maybe a little fervent. A conversation is just a means to an end - it is and always has been about exchanging value. The manifesto appears to promote those good conversational skills - listening, thinking, and responding - that make conversations more relevant and, ultimately, more valuable to the participants (and with technology - more scalable). Unfortunately, 'real voices' and real value are being choked by an overly litigious society. Hey, that could be your next manifesto!"
- S. A. Miller, Technical Services Manager, Command Data, Incorporated - "Alas, the comments on this site are true; doublespeak has become the 'language of choice' among corporate entities."
- Hanns Tappen, topnet AG - "... the Empire strikes back ..."
- Bjorn Vilhjalmsson, Managing director, Boi - "This stuff is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but."
- twfitzgerald, owner, reynolds white marketing & public relations, home page - "Amen! I recently browsed a copy of a pr trade publication and found it very strange that small businesses were not mentioned anywhere in the paper. Big pr corporations don't seem to understand what a zillion big businesses on the planet understand -- small biz is the future and the challenge for the 'fast companies' smart enough to appreciate their unique requirements. Corporate buzz and nothing speak unfortunately remains an entrenched part of big pr firms' approach. Who do you think is writing that crap for these wooden corporations? I'm a very small, micro pr practitioner in love with my work and the new opportunities afforded me with the big boom in really small bizness. Instead of shoving a stale pr plan to a client, I now get to collaboratively create wild and wacky stuff, face to face with enthusiastic, anything goes entrepreneurs that come in all varieties! I also do as much learning from this new breed of small business owner as I do teaching pr and marketing concepts. In the end, we have created a super campaign that compelling, informative, honest and beneficial not only to me as the seller, but to the client and community. I always knew I would live long enough to 'do good, have fun and make money! Yippee"
- Shawn Porter, Business/Computer Geek, Personal website - "How can you argue with this? Why didn't I learn this in business school?"
- Steve Yastrow, Yastrow Marketing - "'Marketing communications' is a term that has always described how sellers talk to buyers. However, the most important developments in marketing communications in the future will be in how buyers talk to sellers ... and to each other."
- Jane Toohey, Marketing strategist , Markets by Storm - "At last, a breath of fresh air. We are in control, we say when people can communicate with us, we demand a response and manage the conversation. No passivity here, just powerful interaction that awakens the spirit."
- Skip Daniels, adult male, USA, home page
- Robert Andersen, Konzeptor, Exozet, home page - "New Media needs New Thought."
- Antonio D'souza, Co-owner, VR Spiderz, The most unique site on the VVeb - "The Net is the first chance we've had to achieve real democracy. Let's get it right the first time."
- Gregory Peek, New Business Development, NKaos Interactive Media - "After sailing against the prevailing wind for a number of years it's extremely refreshing to be proven correct. The Manifesto has justified my tilting against the windmills. Excellent work."
- Kenneth Trueman, http://www.digitera.com/, home page - "Wow. What a wake-up call. I am still surprised at the number of companies that can't handle frank discussion or comments about their products and services. Internal people need a PR person to translate for them."
- Branko Zurkovic, President, V I T E C H . C O M
- Susan Ottevanger, Artist and designer for SunCool protective clothing, home page - "puts the ON in control and the OW in power!"
- Jon Bates, Mr, Mental Pursuits Ltd, The CV :) - "Always examine your experience before assimilating that of others!"
- Paul McKinley II, Programmer - "A rare validation of the notion that there is intelligent life out there."
- Bob Kanuri, Developer - "Damn straight, can't wait!"
- Marjorie McKeon, Manager, Vision Computing
- Willard Ashmore, Northeast Technical Recruiter, RPM Consulting - "As an individual who is online during my working hours as well as play time, I see a marketplace evolving faster than Darwin's theories. The successful people, groups and organizations will be those who freely share all information. There can be no more closed doors."
- michael wolff, president, the fourth room - "the common sense of the manifesto is as fresh as a field of yellow buttercups in a dark green field. and as joyful. language is liberating"
- Dan Brinkhuis, Film Director, Trimage Communicationprojects - "If our world functions like 'The Matrix', this place can be the key. The discussion should reset the system. Beware the millions of 'agents' when you enter..."
- nj, IBnqFM - "It's true. And I'm only a cog in the big machine"
- Christopher Ainsworth, Me. - "It is now time for us to take this beautiful framework, and create our own manifesto...our own futures, in our workplaces, our meetings, our homes and our politics. It will be an uphill run and a long struggle to show others there is another way of thinking and doing business. 'Art is long and life is short, and success is very far off.'--Joseph Conrad"
- Thomas Jones, Corporate Systems Analyst, Williams, AAMU - "This conversation may just be the thing to break the bonds that have kept so many people from achieving their full potential. Speak the truth and shame the devil cluetrain!"
- Gerry Lingner, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Lucent Technologies / Bell Labs, home page
- Perry Feser, Energy Efficiency Advisor, West Kootenay Power - "I got your site from our parent company's newsletter (UtiliCorp United - Infonet). They must be paying attention."
- Jason Gollan, District Manager, Business Partnerships & Alliances, EarthWeb Inc. - "Ahhhhh . . . Just what I've been saying to my co-workers for more than a year. I agree, get on board or get run over. Good memes."
- Mike Reid, EVP, Firstuse.com, http://www.firstuse.com
- Danny Sofer, Director, Hyperlative Ltd., wisdom, perhaps... - "yes, please. me, too. maybe the medium is subverting the message after all."
- Kelly Cota, Writer, Cota Consulting, Cota Consulting - "Thanks for reminding me that others also hope to restore integrity to the practice of business."
- Ben Bickford, InterWorld Corporation - "'Share Knowledge, Perpetuate Learning' - Ben Bickford"
- Jonathan Richards, ringleader, SciNet COmmunications & Research, My own home page(always under construction) - "Very few people 'get it' when the information is presented from the 'Fortune 500'- but at least let's give them the info and the public - the so called proletariat, the 'great un-washed' decide..."
- Joshua Knauer, Founder & CEO, GreenMarketplace.com - "This manifesto needs to transcend just the way we view the Internet and people, but extend to our planet as a whole. Ecology is a wonderful science for understanding how the Internet can grow and develop in a sustainable manner. Waste = Food and Food = Growth My company, GreenMarketplace.com, is committed to furthering our understanding of the planet, and how our decisions as consumers can help shape the health of people and the planet in future generations."
- Mark Aldrich, Program Manager, Sprint Corporate Security - "The cathode ray tube is the retina of the mind's eye. Long live the new flesh, with its new thought, new media, and new clues."
- Dana Anne Hughes, Myself, Life - "Our humanity has been buried beneath fear, paranoia and greed for decades. Why can't we all just get along?"
- Jean Rousseau, HHC (Head Honcho in Charge), Brave New World Management/2Bdigital.com - "The salvos for the clued in generation. Oh! Thank you. Thank you for speaking our language."
- Pat Escalante, Consultant, Escalante Web Consulting, Pat's Page - "I happened upon this web site through an email reference and I am so glad I did. It puts into fabulous clarity my frustrations over the past 3 years."
- Sheila Normile, HMS partners - "Bingo."
- Bill Heckler, Electrical Engineer, U S WEST/Real Estate - "I find this a very interesting philosophy. That people could actually talk to each other openly and honestly is not a unique or powerless concept, but is in fact time tested and timely."
- Howard Greenstein, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft - "One part of my job is to bring the customer's voice inside Microsoft, and get the results back into the marketplace. So, I'm getting on board. I was there when Rageboy was born, after all..."
- J Carnell, Director, Digital-Ghost Studios, Studio page - "A clean wind sweeps in off of the landfill of bloatware, spam & Corporate hype. I salute you in the fashion of Monty Python & the Holy Grail. I for one am tired of seeing someone bang together coconuts and claim they are Knights riding a horse. Toss all of that PC crap in the dumpster next to your copies of Windows and try something new, thinking for yourself."
- Chuck Yorke
- Hendrik M.J. Arnoldus, Web Developer, Arnoldus Enterprises - "... and there are companies that think that instant messaging is proprietary (and want to keep it that way) ...."
- ian c rogers, CEO, FISTFULAYEN, why ian c rogers is a jackass - "Ah yes. A network of people who do get it, who are interested in entertaining the world, making new friends and amazing others with good ideas, and maybe even make a little (or a lot) of money along the way."
- Julian Tan, Sales Technology Analyst, Whitehall-Robins Healthcare - "'My mind is working, but my hands are tied...' Companies that stand in their own way will not win the race, but will be spectators with an obstructed view, crowded around the starting line, 26 miles from the true destination. Strap a number on me and let's go. I may not win, but they say that reaching the finish is the true accomplishment."
- Neil Hewitt, Features Editor, EXE Magazine, Me (very briefly) - "This is a radical message. I agree with you completely. The question is no longer 'If?' but 'When?'. And if we all do our own little bit, when could be a lot sooner than we think."
- Christopher T. Palmer, Publisher, TequilaFancy.com - "Wow...How long have I been saying this now?? I gotta start writing this shit down when I think it...sheesh ;-> Thankfully, I'm on that train...not laying down on the tracks."
- Kim Regan, sys tech - "Amen, but...well done, this stuff gets YOU! You buy it and have garage sales to get rid of it. Mumbling the whole time."
- James Jarrett, Senior Staff Engineer - Interaction Designer, Bayer Diagnostics, online resume - "One day, I'll work for an organization that's on the Clue Train, rather than one that isn't even aware of it. And that day isn't too far away..."
- Isis Heart, Publisher, Urge2Write - "Expressing truths-reacting- and finally becoming an active force enabling positive changes, without fear. A stepping stone through commitment. A great manifesto & community. I'm here for you all."
- Laura Parrino Byxbe, Headhunter and Career Coach, My Recruiter - "I've been the outcast at every company I've ever worked in because of my value system, which echoes the tenets of your manifesto. I finally work for myself - I'm tired of the old corporate song and dance, and all the traditional communication blinders. The internet allows immediate, intimate access with the world - what an incredible tool."
- Charles Anderson, Technical Services Manager, County of Kern - "What a load of crap. You've managed to take the art of whining to a new level." [Why thanks, Charles! And we notice you work in Government...]
- vera waldorff, Graphic designer - "Por fin algo con lo que me puedo identificar a nivel usuario/corporativo"
- Colleen Berding, cberding.com, Welcome chez Colleen - "And they revolt...look out fat cats, it's time to pay the piper! As they say, knowledge is power, and your customers have it..vive le pouvoir du peuple!"
- Lou Covey, account manager, VitalCom Marketing and Public Relations - "The web and sites like this make me feel like I'm in the 60s again and can make a difference. Knowing there are others out there that know the truth makes fighting the fight worth while."
- Kaur Hanson, chief strategist, CEO, Zoom - "To return to the humankind, we web and IT people have a long way to go, too. Let's start using words instead of FAQ, KM, VPN, LDAP, RTFM etc!"
- Brian Richard, Marketing Coordinator, A Large and Well-known Phone Company, brianrichard.com - "How conscious is the Western mind? Some are awake, some are sleeping. When over-exploitation leaves the average American's colon bleeding day and night from cancer induced by pesticides and genetically engineered (and poorly tested) foods, that may be the time average Americans finally open their eyes and decide to do something about the marketing mentality in the West. Let's not depend on the 'average' anymore. Let's get to work!"
- Kurt Hansen, I.S. Manager - "You're paranoid and egotistical! Get a grip! The bullshit spewing from people who spend too much time staring at computer screens is amusing. The net is a new medium which requires new strategies. It will have a significant impact on businesses and consumers. It's not the answer to every question or problem. Except maybe for people who communicate mostly via a computer." [May we introduce you to Charles Anderson, above? You guys would clearly hit it off.]
- Jody Lentz, VP of Buzz, eConception - "Markets as people? Such heresy might just change the world -- at least I can hope with every fiber of my being..."
- Carlos Cermelli, Arquiteto
- John R. Glenn, Ph.D., Writer/Thinker - "The Emperor always has new clothes. So splendid are the garments, that all stand speechless in admiration. But lo! That murmur from the crowd ... surely not laughter! Assuredly not, Your Majesty, most assuredly not ..."
- Tatjana Festerling, Editor/Publisher, Redaktionsbüro Corporate Publishing - "Yes, sign me up. Now I'm sure -- mankind will survive!"
- Kara McCarthy, Consumer Trends Analyst, Publicis & Hal Riney - "I have long believed that corporate America needs to look at itself as corporate Americans - equally responsible for the development and the future of this country as Joe Smith as he's attacked by Sally Jesse Rafael! We all need to think, speak and act as humans with vested interests in this world of ours and stop acting like some vital screw in a great marketing tool or synthesized feeling machine (i.e. 'we're listening'). My title may instantly shed a negative light on what I do and see, but I read about, and listen to, people, not consumers. And when I think about a campaign, or even just file away a story into the recesses of my brain, I think about what we can all do to effectively, and positively, change our society. Knowing there are others who are trying to do the same lightens my heart and makes me feel quite hopeful about the future of business and society. Have already started spreading the gospel!"
- Ken Head, President; Realtor & Juggler, Cross Country Relocation, Inc., home page - "This is wonderful and supports my thoughts for years. I will be sending a link to this page to everyone I know."
- Chris L. Campbell, Manager-who-is-struggling-to-remain-human-within-the-corporate-construct, Arthur Andersen Business Consulting - "There is a curious amount of bitterness that permeates this manifesto - at what point do we become a 'they' within the corporation? Every last member of a company (including the management) is human. The challenge remains as it always was: how to overcome the flaws in our nature and prevent a collection of 'we' from becoming the 'they'. The only answer comes through leadership - men and women who burn brightly enough that they inspire their followers to become something more than cogs in the corporate machine. Our goal should not be to criticize and abandon the existing structures but rather to transform and renew from within. We need a new generation of leaders. Count me in."
- Patrick L. Reilly, General Manager, IsoQuantic Technologies, IQ Tech - "And so it begins, the dumbification of the masses. I resemble that remark."
- Randal Leeb-du Toit, Founder, the tribalweave group - "The language of humanity, our collective consciousness, is what is driving the Internet forward to beyond the hype - may your train continue to lay down the tracks."
- Jose Raymundo Nonato Bezerra, Jose
- Albert Mispel, Systems Analyst, home page - "Our telco in Australia was a public service organisation. When privatized the mission was changed from service to the public to returns to the investors. Much like Trollope's 'Morality! Since when has the law had anything to do with morality?'" [Thanks Albert. btw, please check the spelling of your last name? Did we get that right? ;-)]
- Wolfgang Wendl, Sales & Marketing, http://www.project-it.de
- Peter F. Belanger, ...and when the ball drops., none. - "a new age is upon us. Human society has found a means of connection beyond anything in all our history. The earliest life forms on this planet reached out and networked and evolved to higher forms. This is but another step in the growth of our kind. We all thought something would happen. those who have the clue see it comin. not sure exactly what it is, but it's big. btw: if you're readin this on the original list, you're over 500k down this text, you didn't read all that in one sitting, did you?"
- Magnus Lindahl, webmaster, StreamServe, Well, yeah... - "This is nice!"
- Brian Machesney, IBM Corporation, Microelectronics Division - "91 Rules!"
- Stacey Laine, Executive Assistant, My home on the 'net - "I got this link from a friend on (where else?) the internet! I have to say I agree with nearly the entire thing. In fact, I found myself chuckling because a lot of it has to do with things I have been saying for a long time. Companies need to take the focus off of the 'We're fortune 100, fancy-schmancy, blah blah blah' crap and focus on the people, who happen to be the same people that they themselves are, and that the company's employees are. Good work! I love it!"
- Jose Perez, Internet Specialist, RGB Web Solutions Inc - "The Net has changed our way of life, when are we going to change the Net?"
- Dave McAllister, Director of Strategic Technologies, SGI, Nature' FX - "The clues are all around us. The trick is seeing them. After all, it was always easy to solve the mystery after Sherlock Holmes pointed out the clues. I consider this site to be my 'Sherlock' muse."
- George Parry, Executive Director - Strategic Planning, Capitalink - Global Investment Bank, How to Achieve Real Wealth - "Empowering the individual to be the best he can be. Fracturing the corporation. To bring dreams to reality. To have fun doing it. To achieve it by empowering others. Real wealth is creating choices, powering passion, liberating ideas. Ideas and passion are the commodity in shortest supply and in greatest need. Capitalink filters and funds passionately held and innovative ideas."
- Wayde Bull, Planner, Principals Pty Limited
- Deborah Graves, President, Lunartic.com - "The Holy Grail of the Internet! When will the rest of the world catch up? Rage on - I'm with you!"
- ken robertson, web marketing specialist, autodesk, inc. - "Dig the humanity. Like Flannery O'Connor said, 'You have to push as hard as the age that pushes against you.' Add me to your growing list of pushers. Great stuff."
- Tommy Saether - "If you take a look in any ordinary newspaper (or just take a trip on the net for that matter) these days, you can't avoid seeing the countless adds ranting on about: 'Yes, buy our product, and when you get some brains, buy the product that you really needed - or wanted' Question: what will actually happen when the market begins to murmur in a strangely unpleasant way? Will ppl like i.e Bill Gate$ (a totally random pick :)) invent another 'package' for us to devour, or will they actually wise up? (and in the same process, acknowledge that we, too, have a tendency to wise up, or will most of us still look like cattle being led into a barn?) if you think you can hack it, stay tuned and find out... At the very least, it will be a wonderful journey. -Please indulge my poor english, as i am just a poor consumer. -I totally expect a flaming for this, but hey! i get to roast some marshmallows. woohoo!"
- John Stote, Manager, Systems and Technology Development, Royal Trust Global Custody - "Well said. It just proves that there is a place for truth and honesty. Must go, got some words that need spreading."
- Brad Zimmerman, Network Administrator, Europa Communications, Exocet Industries - "In my opinion, the Open Source and GPL movements personify the Cluetrain Manifesto. It's simply a new marketplace and things will end up being different. That's just evolution hard at work."
- Vinki Singh, Manager, Ernst and Young
- Erik Olson, Network Administrator, PEI, home page
- Sharon VanderKaay, president, Collective Wisdom - "Historians will write about the Knowledge Era, which was immediately followed by the Cluetrain Era."
- Scott Eitel, human being - "Maybe when business gets a clue I won't have to explain to telemarketers why they just got their company blacklisted. Be afraid market-droids, be very afraid."
- Phillip Djwa, web guy - "Philosophy and business welded together make a lot of sense. Ain't it hard being a 90's biz type and fit in some aspect of humanity? At least you all have taken a whack at it for us. Thanks."
- Shawn Haley, Publisher, Eagle Creek Publishers - "Your manifesto embodies the truth of the web. Companies cannot advertise on the web. They need to practice public relations instead."
- Malcolm Campbell - "Mr Gibb's editorials in Network World brought me to the site to see for myself; I had to disagree with his view that this is 'pinko' rhetoric. He has confused material value with quality. Anyone who has read 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' knows what I am talking about." [We tried to read that article on the Network World website, but it wanted us to register, and the registration form wanted us to answer endless market demographic questions. We gave up.]
- pjw, tech, NoWonder!, Bits&Bytes - "Congratulations! 50 billion potential buyers can't be wrong."
- Tony Monroe, Confoozled Human, The Nog Network, home page - "Riddle me this: individual humans tend to be smart, open, and honest, while groups or companies tend to be massively stupid, massively paranoid, and massively deceptive. Businesses, as groups of humans, take great pleasure in screwing individual humans. (Honor thy mother and father indeed.) Is there something I'm missing here, or should I be glad that I don't understand this corporate logic?"
- cyberdiva aka Pasty Drone, CEO, NewsTrolls, Inc., NewsTrolls, Inc.
- Scott Cohen, Spoonfed - "Lordy, I hope this works. I wish I could make clients read this."
- Paul Bean, Internet Serf - "As I sit here working with the new standards (all fonts to be 9 point Arial on a white background and a 1/4 inch border around the text... I wonder if we will ever get our point to the corporate brain."
- Socrates Berton, a BGB (Battered Green Belt), guess... - "Does Jack Welch think GE is on your cluetrain? Is that why he's turning his 85,000 professionals into bureaucracy-babbling Six Sigma clones? Is that why for every 'A' player, there is an equal and opposite 'C' player, for every '1' there is a '5,' even within each statistically-non-normal group of ten people? Is that why, prior to customer all-ops meetings, the 'Party Line' is distributed (containing THE official opinion on each and every customer issue, and thou shalt not stray from the Party Line in any communication with a customer)? Is that why there are 'Green Belt' projects designed to increase the detection efficiency of e-mail and internet 'abuse'? Is that why we no longer have presentations -- we have 'reportouts' or 'pitchouts'? Is that why corporate initiatives aren't simply implemented, they are instead 'operationalized'? Is that why our required toolchest (i.e., enforced religion) goes from TQM to SIPOC... from TOPS-8D to SPC... from SPTC to SST... from DOE to RSM... from QFD to Ppk... from OTR to NPI... from MGSP to MSA... from NGT to MCPH... from Kano to DMAIC... from ANOVA to CAP... from BPR to Business Y's... from ARMI to CBT... from CoE to CTQ... from DAS to DPU... from DFR to DFM... from DF to DFSS... from DPMO to EPS... from FTY to FMEA... from Five M's to Four P's... from Poka-Yoke to Ho-Ha... from IRB to KQC... from IMLP to ITSD... from LCL to LSL... from UCL to USL... from EDS to TEDS... from VCP to S2K... from TAT to TDU... from SS to SS... from ROM to RSP... from R&R to R2... from p-value to p(d)... from MiniTab to Crystal Ball... from GB to MGB... from BB to MBB... from GBC to GMT... from GRPI to CQ... from ARB to CBT... affinity diagrams, bar charts, box and whisker plots, cause-and- effect diagrams, check lists, check sheets, control charts, control vs. technology plots, critical path maps, dashboards, deployment flowcharts, distribution curves, dot plots, fishbone diagrams, flowcharts, force field analyses, frequency distributions, gantt charts, histograms, houses of quality, interrelationship diagrams, matrix diagrams, multi-vari analyses, pareto diagrams, PERT diagrams, pie charts, prioritization matrices, process control charts, process maps, radar charts, run charts, scatter diagrams, scatter sheets, scorecards, tree diagrams, x-R charts... Is that why our intranet portal (Eureka) provides a link to the cluetrain on the front page? Maybe there's hope, but I seriously doubt it. It's one big 'cluster-project.' (Boy howdy, that felt good. God Bless you)." [You go, Socrates! What a heatwarming list! ;-)]
- John Hannah, Agronomist, Farmers Co-op, Humphrey NE - "Some of the points are repetitive. I do believe the revolution is here, like all revolutions they are chaotic, therefore planning is pretty useless and the winners and losers hard to identify. Therefore these are times of great risk. In my field of agriculture things are changing at a speed and in ways unseen before or at least not since the introduction of hybrid seed and modern mechanization in the 30s. As a recent employee of a Fortune 100 I can tell you from the ground level that the largest companies in agriculture are utterly clueless as to what is hitting them."
- Jacques van Schoor, Brand Experience Designer, Ogilvy Interactive South Africa - "The ancient principles of honesty, accountability, respect - and even love - are re-discovered and applied to what we do with our lives. Thanks for reminding me that I can be useful to the people we used to call consumers."
- Michael S. Finley, Account Director, Four Points Digital, Good Move
- Lisa Wilson, Educational Services Manager, Brigade Solutions, Inc. Internet Support
- Lori M. DeMonbreun, Systems Developer, My Curves Inc., The Home for Women in Programming - "The cluetrain manifesto is THE new business plan that every new company should integrate into its own heart and soul. Literally."
- George A. Makrauer, Web Meister, ComAd Internet Fx, Corporation, Makrauer Mission - "A closed mind is a neat thing to open. An open mind is a terrible thing to close. (c)"
- Leanne Boyd, uh .. ZooMistress?, Refuge_Earth, WebWerx - "hmmm. ME TOO. ditto. all of the above! (and below, since I seem to never get the last word.) Shame on me: This Boulder 60s child has spent much time lately, thinking that the ISSUES (or mebbe just all who CARED about the issues [RANT, I think, started in the 60s in Boulder]) ... were dead. HA! Hahahaha! This is GREAT!! Oh, and shame on you, if 'yer reading this, and haven't yet signed it! Let the wild rumpus start! Oh this is too Sendakian: Where is my wolf suit?"
- Joy R. Gatewood, Website Manager, Waking Dream, Waking Dream - "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem, right? So we all have a responsibility here to question authority. If you go to a website today and it is badly done and you can't find what you want - email the webmaster! Go to the government websites where you live, and if your city, county and state don't make it easy for you to look up laws, pay tax bills online, or submit permits online - email the webmaster and the governing authorities! It takes only a few minutes, just do it! You've said here that you want to change the world, so get started!"
- Paul de Zeeuw, Web Promotions Mechanic, Neapolis.com - "Once Corporate America begins to provide a simple human dialog, could you then Clue in the Technical Engineers and Lawyers to start speaking in plain English?"
- Sara Fleming, Project Manager, The Web Producer's Guide
- Allison J. Henry, Creative Product Designer, Hallmarkcards, Inc
- Michael J Snyder, CEO & President, Red Robin International - "An all out 'Unbridled' aspiration to re-think how you behave on your journey."
- Ryan Wahlstrom, Marketing Research Manager, Omaha World-Herald - "Sometimes it doesn't take thousands of dollars, complex statistical analyses or eating M&Ms behind a one-way mirror to find answers to your questions. Put your ear to the ground; really take the time to talk to the people around you at work and in the community. Spend some time listening and caring about people outside 'your world' and you might understand a little more about theirs. Welcome aboard."
- Nancy Block, tech writer and part-time hot glass and jewelry designer, Sun Microsystems - "**YES!!** Unbelievable how hard it is to find out from the customers (without going thru several filters, like marketing) what they want, what they think, what WORKS for them. Go, team!!"
- Stephen Callender, Chairman, The Marketing Society, UK - "'Vision' means looking beyond the horizon of what your eyes can see. What's easy to see is that the world is changing faster than it ever has. What's hard to see is where it is going. All I know is that there are no limits, there is no ending, there is no last chapter. In thinking about our communication, we must not allow ourselves to be confined by today's parameters - they won't be there tomorrow."
- Mark Cawston, MCA Ltd.
- Richard Miller, Information Technology Specialist, Marin Independent Journal, home page
- Hendrik-Jan Bosch, http://www.gc.ms, N/I(nteresting) - "Some of the theses made me laugh, several made me start thinking about completely different things.... but basically: the manifesto represents what i have not been able to put into words myself (YET!)"
- Jacques Vilar, Project Manager, MPL2.com - "As an employee of a new .com company - it's refreshing to see that other's, better than me, feel as I do. Thank God that I have colleagues, in house, that require new employees to visit the Clue Train. 'Yea, though I walk through the valley . . .'"
- bird leigh williams, consumer, well not very, c'mon bucky, i read egr....YOU figure it out - "welp, i thought they were crazy as hell. now they tell the truth. oh no, perhaps this indicates i'm crazy too. well, ain't it fun???"
- Chuck Bowlus, Managing editor, Rawlins Daily Times - "Finally. Somebody said it. May many people listen. Before it's too late."
- Gene Lawrence, musician, Alphakittens - "Cluetrain? It's Satori. We're not talking Hello Kitty here... Not that I don't have those stickers on my Stratocaster, and that's where they belong."
- Brian Wachter, Internet Development Director, Catalyst Communication, Compago.com - "Of course."
- axel b. maser
- R. Sridhar, Principal Practitioner, IDEAS-RS, home page - "It is such a relief to read the manifesto. Frankly it is refreshing as well. Human beings to human beings is what this is all about. Thanks for creating this awareness & a movement."
- Ray Jarratt, Managing Director, fforesite - "It has long been crystal clear to us that the single most important thing that our clients can do online is learn how to behave properly. We tell them again and again, if they cannot conduct a civil, well mannered and intelligent relationship with each other as people, then they should keep their hands in their pockets and stay off the web. Only a few get it - yet."
- Amit Khosla, President, The Acacia Tree - "I am beginning to wake up and feel empowered."
- Rick Pressler, Senior Documentor, CNET, Everything at Once (under construction of course!) - "I'm in. Even good companies have trouble resisting the urge to spout nonsense. The Web is cool because the real voices are here and we know how to find them -- but let's make sure everyone has the same chance. Often those who need it the most get it the least."
- Cliff Havener, President, Browth REsources Group, Inc, Meaning - The Secret of Being Alive - "The craziness, which Dilbert reports every day and Cluetrain is dedicated to alleviating, comes from one fundamental issue. The vast majority of people in business, especially the vast majority of senior managers, do not know what business IS. If you don't know the true purpose of whatever it is you do, you literally don't know what you're doing. That's the essential source of the craziness in business."
- Ira N. Bachrach, President, NameLab Inc. - "IMHO, the internet is being diminished to a form of television by intrusion of all forms of advertising...a trend unfortunately accelerated by the implementation of broadband technologies (which potentiate even more obtrusive advertising)."
- Lyle B. Højbjerg-Clarke, Web Cartoonist, Mooloo - "Finally! A site that explains what I've been raving on about. This'll make my sermons easier."
- Pasquale Russo, Presidente, Professional Operators Internet Networking Training, mix page - "E' nel mutamento che le cose si riposano (Eraclito)"
- Jerry Lynde, um....Tech Support?, bigsky.net, Me -n- Mah Baby's Website - "Yeah...finally someone that I *don't* work with said it :o) I was beginning to think that the only way to work for a company that makes sense was to form my own. Thankfully, the ISP I'm with now is quite reasonable. I didn't say the last just because I'm at work right now, I said it because while at work, I can do this type of thing w/o reproach... (sigh) ya know... Y2K being the 'end of the world' brings me relief..I mean this world needs to end ASAP, and it looks like the next one is a gonna be sweeeet :o)"
- Don Hodun, Supply Chain Director, Hatch and Kirk Inc
- Kevin J. Bayuk - "IOIOIIOOIO -- isn't it beautiful? Poetry."
- Tim Cocks, Mr, NA - "A genuinely interesting read."
- Mendicant-Bob Odom, Inhabitant of the Computer Outland, and spotty-faced geek-provacateur, The Back Lounge of The Tour Bus!??! - "Ahhhh...A Mormon Tabernacle Choir of Gettin' It! One would fervently hope that all members of the assembled would take the lessons imparted herein and go hence, unto the wilderness of Option-vested, mouth-breathing quasi-lobotomized behaviours and impart these lessons. For verily, changes such as these require grassroots proselytization and the mathematics of exponents."
- Peter Lindner, Plaut Consulting - "Groundbreaking and forward going. A must read for everyone and even not just read.... understand!!!"
- Linda S. Edwards, Computer Support Services/Help Desk, McKessonHBOC - "You have said the things that I have been thinking of for a long time and have been afraid to say out loud."
- W.J. Sundermeyer, Project Specialist, American Century Investments, mutt - "I am a writer. Not a content provider. If, as a friend of mine once said, the decline of the corporation began when personnel departments became human resources departments. Its fate was sealed when brand became a profession."
- Arne W. Flones, Long Ship Software, Web site - "We are neck deep in a technological revolution which, in future times, will dwarf Gutenberg -- recently named the most important individual of the past millennium. Part of being clued into what's happening is to open one's eyes and see these times for what they are: the blossoming of a new renaissance. My best advice: The old rules no longer apply; throw them all away and find a new path with new rules. Tell the truth."
- Brad Marx, Market Account Executive, CompUSA - "Unfortunately, my firm has nothing in common with this manifesto. There are so many good people, both customers and employees, that are abused daily. The company points a finger at the market while it slits its own wrists. What a tragedy!"
- David Jones, Director, Public Sector, Xerox Europe - "Two observations 1. The ideas behind the manifesto are perennial truths. But the Internet makes them more urgent (if a truth can be urgent) 2. I have a 96th for you - 'Content wins out'"
- Chuck Adams, Program Leader, Instructional Technology, MBAEA - "Hell yes! I am moved and impressed. I left the corporate world because of its' total lack of 'human-ness.' Its' 'do everything, sacrifice everything for us and we will buy your soul and everything important to you' lifestyle. The self-importance of the corporate culture can suck you in and drown your human cries if you are not diligent. Now, I am on the Cluetrain, and I'm not getting off."
- J. B. Van Wely, Consultant - "Insouciant, prophetic, idealistic, not to mention 'Right on!' and 'In your face'. I like that in a manifesto."
- Michael L. Perla, Student, home page - "The rise and fall of impression management. Think long and hard before you speak, and maybe your specious diatribe will be perceived in the manner you intended . . . and maybe it won't. Long live open borders, shared knowledge, and frontless three-dimensional individuals and companies."
- William Goldsmith, CyberGuru, KPIG Radio, KPIG Radio Online - "Amen! You've articulated far better than I could my emerging conviction that the days of all-controlling soulless corporations are numbered - and it ain't a real big number."
- Daniel Upton, Software Project Manager, Financial Profiles, Inc. - "Well said, comrades! Isn't it a shame that freedom, education, and VC money are so difficult to obtain these days, even for those with the balls to act - rather than just talk - boldly. Here's an open question: 'What happened along the way wherein yesterday's successful visionary entrepreneurs stopped participating in today's market conversations and begin trudging along? Here's a more difficult one, 'If you are a leader, what makes you different?'"
- Jerry Holtaway, Creative Consultant - "The challenge we need to survive, to thrive and to drive. Thanks."
- Jonathan Freed, interactive producer, Colle & McVoy - "clear, concise and very helpful"
- Gene Mastro, Person
- Max Freedman, Treasurer, Four Seasons Villas and Travel, home page - "Our small, but growing travel services company is seeing it's percentage of reservations from the net increasing phenomenally year by year. We find these customers much more knowledgeable about our services and destinations both in the Caribbean and Europe. This is due to their expertise on the net and their ability to cross check our information. Generally they are much more aware of the service and support we offer and what we should be offering. We learn from our 'neteducated' customers precisely because they know how to validate information from the net. We and they are both stronger for the experience. We and our customers listen to each others voice. Those who doubt this should discuss their point with the Dodo. I'm sure it will be an interesting conversation"
- Ashley Penney, Network Engineer, Versatel, home page
- Kevin Woolley, Director, Geomantics - "Every once in a while someone pulls down what's in the air and distills it into what you really already knew to be true. I left corporate employment and started my own company for many of the reasons you cite - only I never got them down into words!"
- Clay Bodine, Creative Director, The Jack Morton Company - "This is the most important information that we all know but were afraid to say about how the web is radically changing everything. It's like an electronic version of the 80's user group where everybody swapped software while they defined the market."
- David Woodward, Managing Director of New Media, Copeland Hirthler design + communications
- Stefan Grunow, Management DCC Interactive, Hanseatische Medien Systeme DCC GmbH, No reason to be ashamed of www.sexycom.de
- Janet Harvey, Communications, Alberta Official Opposition
- Peter Abrahamsen, Friendly Sysadmin, Intergalactic Consortium of Freelance Contractors, Personal Homepage - "And the falling shall lock us, Until we join once more in Erisian glee. Thank you, your site has restored some of my optimism regarding the Direction of Things. As they are, Things are poorly balanced, and your site is among the movement to restore badly-needed truth and anarchy to the People."
- Susan M. Weber, member of the planet, Earth - "What else can be said? You guys summed it up perfectly, and even quoted Elvis."
- Don Klepper-Smith, President, DataCore Partners, Inc - "Good reading! Reminds me of what my neighbor's cow said when they were carting him off to the slaughterhouse. He said, 'Sweet Jesus, this is no simple trek to the North 40....'"
- Patrick Writer, President, 2mn8 Web Shows - "The Internet is not getting bigger; it's getting smaller because 90% of all small businesses cannot do business globally. Attorneys, doctors, pastors, grocer, bakers and candle stick makers who all have products and services that are sold to the local community. The Internet of the near future is a network of these people and their communities. Sometimes less is more."
- Norman Furlong, Director of Integration Services, Impresse Corp. - "An impressive bouquet of questioned authority. Slight unpleasant Libertarian taste, but finishes well. 94/100"
- Anthony Watts, Interface Designer, CYBERplex - "So long, and thanks for all the fish."
- Thomas Downing, Senior Research Engineer, Concentrex - "The networked market is just beginning to emerge. But the success and power of networked communities organized on new models is already proven by Linux, Apache, Seti-at-home, and many others."
- Sean Howard, Digital Strategist, Business Consulting Group, ICE, Ookie old site of mine. - "Once it was about making companies listen. Now it is all about creating a new reality. It's important that we foster the new conversations and markets so that companies are forced into change by the only thing that matters to them, their bottom and top lines."
- George Lane, Vice President, Environment, Smith Research Corporation
- Jonathan Knowles, Personal home page - Jonathan Knowles
- Jim Pinto, Chairman and Founder, Action Instruments (now a Division of Invensys), Jim Pinto Writings - "As the millennium turns, there is indeed something significant happening - a unique and special blend of technological and spiritual and even physical. The paradigm is not only shifting - but being totally transformed. It's exciting - and awesome!"
- Chris J, person, Chris J's site for the Terminally Bored - "I am one of many who worked in the Corporate 'Customer Care' field, and found my empathic ability stifled by carefully scripted mandatory response. I left in disgust. Wake up, CorpAmerica! We're sick of the shit! Time to ride the Cluetrain."
- Gene Gregorio, PR Consultant, Wave19 - "Start the revolution! Let's bring down the walls and usher in a humane civilization."
- Stacia Smales Hill, Director, Smales Hill Ltd - "I have renewed hope that the force of the internet will win out over the force of the corporate entity. Thank you for giving me back that hope."
- Ivan Ginev, webdesigner, webmaster, striving to become a webdisaster, ITERRA.net - "A good try... If you make the manifesto a little bit shorter and force it in everyone's mind, the Internet will become a much more amusing and efficient thing."
- Casey Kaplan - "Learn the Cluetrain Manifesto, Share the Cluetrain Manifesto, Be the Cluetrain Manifesto---And you'll beat down the competition!"
- Carin Nordström, Internet Free Agent, Solleron Internetkonsult, Carin - "I think it's all about communication and ethics."
- Marco Rocchi, Senior Producer, CYBERLAB Interactive Productions - "Thank You. This will futurize the enterprises!;)"
- Meghan Retzlaff, bons mots: a world of words - "I have never agreed more with anything that offered to let me sign my name to it."
- Dermot Balson, Principal, Willim M Mercer - "Superb"
- Robb Bush, Creative Director, i2 Technologies - "How do we know when we are done?"
- Bob Cortez, The one responsible, Total Quality Marketing, Inc., 12 Step Program for Sales Techniquers - "Every once in awhile something truly revolutionary comes around that makes so much sense you wonder why it hasn't always been that way. Caned Beer is one example, the Cluetrain Manifesto is another. Such a clear example of the best that people can be, should be and will be."
- Javier, Marketing and Advertising, Donde Comprar
- Boomer Beemans'Emporium, owner, Beeman Associates - ""
- Dan'l Danehy-Oakes, Writer, NetRoach, and Cynic, Danehy-Oakes Fact & Fiction - "I've been trying to say this stuff for years -- my daytime employer markets heavily on the basis that the Internet is radically changing the way business is done, but even they just plain Don't Get It. Hey, corporations, listen up: the Internet is NOT a new way for you to reach your 'target markets.' It is a new way for markets (us) to reach YOU."
- Bill Kehr, V.P. Strategic Planning and Customer Research , Nuveen - "Networks turn traditional marketing on its head, create blinding transparency, and give power to the people. We're not in Kansas anymore."
- Gary Crumpler, One of the Guys , FlipSwitch Entertainment - "This manifesto expresses an ideal that could inspire a revolution. Makes sense to me."
- Brian Direen, Director Business Development, Waikiwi Natural Health Inc. - "Wow! The way to the road ahead."
- Frank Jossi, Content Cafe - "I plan to use and I'll be interested to see if clients 'get it.' We'll see..."
- Ann Podolske, Editor - "While I agree with the overall premise of the manifesto, I look forward to your book in the hope it had a good editor. You decry corporate bombast, yet what you labor to describe in 95 theses what could have been expressed much more briefly, understandably--and perhaps more important--more memorably if you'd taken the time to condense (not just collect) your thoughts."
- Rocio, Diseñadora Gráfica, Agencia de Publicidad
- David Pulford, Chairman, Charville Estates - "This week, this coming year I will be mostly putting your words into practise"
- Dick Assfuq, The King, Everything - "Get it losers! Your sorry fucking stay on this earth is soon to be over. The pathetic and sickening dreams that have disconnected you from real people and real things is outmoded and ready for the garbage heap! Feel the real revolution! The fake orthodox one we had the first time didn't count." [Dick, we bet that's not even your real name!]
- Tristan Magnay - "and to think there are still people arguing against evolution."
- L.L. Lummus - "It's about time somebody said all this! I'm so sick and tired of having questions about a product and having to access some 'Help' page that never has the answers, or having to send an e-mail to some faceless person who almost never answers, or talking to an employee on the phone who can only read the answers out of a manual, none of which have to do with my question! It's about time companies stopped and started really listening to their customers instead of treating them like cattle. The writers of the manifesto are right -- word does get around, and some companies might not like a lot of the words that get said about them by ordinary people around the world."
- Casey Hughes , Chief Community Officer, smalloffice.com - "What we share, at the core of our values, is the very old notion of community. One that will surely transcend and enfold the linear institutional models of the industrialized age. How refreshing and humbling are the new principles for self-reference, self-organization and self-governance. Onward to true community!"
- Adrian Clulow - "Mirror, mirror on the wall...come the revolution."
- Derek Craig, Creative Director but what the ____ does that matter, Leo Burnett Melbourne - "It had to be said. It had to be said emphatically. It had to be said now. It has to be acted upon. NOW!"
- Jaime Palomino, Product Manager, Terra Networks Chile
- L. Jay Williams, Director of Publications and News Information, Salt Lake Community College - "Higher education better get aboard. The train is almost out of the station. What a ride we all have in store."
- Sam Jones, Account Executive, Leo Burnett Advertising - "Let the revolution sweep away the bureaucratic red tape that impedes the progress of the young. Let customers dictate their wishes. Empower the collective. The future is ours, unscathed by demographics, all research will focus on me and me alone. On the net I have the power to choose."
- Bob Treuber, VP - General Manager, CyberSightLLC
- Anne Holland, CEO, MarketingSherpa.com - "There are 'attack' companies that get the Web and there are 'defensive' companies who will never understand Cluetrain even if you engrave it on their foreheads."
- Charles Hett - "The Internet and WWW must serve Humanity - not vice-versa. Sometimes they all forget. When it comes to the crunch, if we don't find the human being, we won't find much of ourselves either. Time to Come Home."
- Chris Heatherly, Internet Strategist, frog - "The traditional corporate structure exists to consolidate power in the hands of a 'chosen' few...to tell workers and customers who they are and what they want. It is fascism. The Network allows us a new structure that overwhelms the 'big lie'. Thanks for writing this!"
- Linda Sennett, Facilitator, The Polaris Team, Transforming the World of Work to WOW! - "Einstein was right: We are all connected. To think that we are separate is an 'optical delusion.'"
- Jeffrey Bohmer, Consultant - "Tick, Tock ... RING: It's On!"
- William E. Dobbins, IV, Analyst, Andersen Consulting, home page
- Tyler Durden, SIR, Project Mayhem - "What a load of pretentious fertilizer - unqualifiedly the most namby-pamby, froo-froo, touchie-feelie, neoAquarian gobbledegook NewSpeak that I have had the misfortune to waste a whole eight seconds reading. DIE, YUPPIE SCUM!" [A pity, really. Another five seconds and you might have gotten it. But we liked "froo-froo"!]
- Raphael Spannocchi, Person, helma.at - "Some points in here are very good, but i don't like this us-the-workers vs. them-the-corps attitude. Nobody needs to work for a corp, I quit doing so 2 years ago. In general I see a double trend: Corps are getting bigger, and sometimes more decentralized in that process (paradox, but true), and a lot of small companies are emerging and thriving, on networked markets. But they are staying small. When they reach a certain size, they get bought. But that leaves the people who started the companies rich, and so everybody's happy." [Right. Read the remarks of all the happy people on this page.]
- Tony Cocks, Systems Engineer, Lotus - "You know it makes sense."
- Lesleigh Lippitt, Teamware Coordinator and Y2K Project team member, Quad/Graphics, ecoeco - "Immediately sent this to the founder of our company..."
- Bob Owings, Owner, TIPS - "Most of the time, when looking at a company website, I feel like it must be trying to communicate with someone other than me. But here's the thing - everybody I know feels the same way!"
- Eric Azevedo, Web developer, Fusiondm, My sideline
- Christopher Newell, Instructional Designer and Project Manager - "In each day and age a message calls forth the strength of the individual and the combined power of collective. This message and spirits who carry it remind us of the power of the mind and the soul, not the materials but the hands."
- Bo Manning, Partner, Deloitte Consulting - "Nothing happens without a request and promise; therefore, we use language to invent ourselves."
- Nils Wirell, Business Student, Gothenburg School of Business - "Being a business student I get bombarded with all sorts of archaic marketing theories. Today I had a paper I wrote on One-2-One marketing returned to me with the comment, 'The theories have not been scientifically substantiated.', and a low grade. Anyway what I am saying is that everyone, including university professors need to realize that we are going into a totally new economic system. If you want to be on the forefront of this new economy you need to be able to create, adapt and manage theories. This is what the cluetrain has done. I am so impressed guys. Just waiting to get out of the institution so that I can help develop this 'Brave New World'."
- Ben Hammersley, Internet Reporter, The Times of London - "Don't just tell people. Hold their hand...show them, let them grasp the point themselves"
- Cori Taratoot, Director of Agency Services, CyberSight
- Timm Pilcher, Director of Research & Communications, New Iowa Schools Development Corporation - "Well, well well -- it's about frickin' time. We've been trying to ride this train in the educational sector for about nine years now, only to be met with 'shields up' from all players. Finally, someone understands."
- Tim Smith, Founder, The Stencil Group - "Having read a near-suicidal amount of mission statements in the last five years, I can only say: Thank You, Thank You and Thank You. Bring back the humans!"
- Suzanne Keller, Ph.D., Consultant or jack of all trades, The Computer Merchant - on site at NYCS - "Companies have nothing to loose by empowering their employees to learn. Fear of knowledgeable employees runs rampant. All I want to do is learn new things - few get the chance. In the old days, people actually taught you how to do different things - you didn't have to bring minutiazed skills with you. Pay for training - let people learn - it can only help our organization!"
- Michelle Nelson, Marketing & Communications, MathEngine
- Madhu C. Kiefer, Manager Change Management, Andersen Consulting - "Read the signs - the big wheel keeps on turning - things are changing."
- Tim O'Donnell, Senior Program Director, Management Consulting, SCT Corporation - "These guys really get it. Loyalty to the employer or supplier has to be earned every day. Most companies don't just refuse delivery, they aren't even on the route of the clue train!"
- Charles Crutchfield, Human Interaction Consultant and former corporate webmaster - "I've been on both sides of the wall, and probably shored it up a bit from time to time, to be honest. But the difference that was made when my last web project grew into a real community of developers (on both sides of a software giant's firewall) was beautiful to watch. Customers became friends with support analysts. Developers inside and out became excited about what we were building together. People were eager to buy, use, and contribute to our products. It was amazing, and it is the model of community that eCommerce, ALL commerce, cannot afford not to move towards. The tide has turned, and businesses just have to decide whether to ride it, or keep trying to hold it back with a broom."
- Bradford Kenyon Hull, Long-time technologist and visionary, Tera Computer Company - "In spite of the strenuous wittiness of it, there is a lot of truth here. This is the cure for Dilbert's world, and it can't be stopped. We're like the mammals watching the dinosaurs fall."
- Kerstin Forsberg, Trend Watcher, Adera, Home page of Kerstin Forsberg
- Peter Rowley, Senior Management Consultant, Knowledgebank, home page - "Years ago, when we first learned the art of the strategic conversation, it was presented narrowly, as an internal management discipline. At that time, we saw the opportunity to extend the conversational circle to our suppliers and customers - a logical extension to all within our value chain. So today, as we break down and re-build our client's businesses, we remove the corporate veil from the human face of the organisation, in order to socialise it within its communities. Unfortunately for so many companies, like the school yard bully - they don't play well with others."
- Paul Holman, Special Agent, Fort Nocs, Inc., Personal Propaganda - "I live in Alaska. Beautiful place, huge mountains, lots of wildlife. There's something here for everybody. What pisses me off is marketing droids who fly up here, come to my office to pitch their wares, buy me lunch, go to the hotel and then fly home. They come all the way to Alaska and can't find the time to go skiing or fishing, or at least drive along the inlet and see some moose or mountain goats? Stay home you dipshits. I don't want your stuff. I'll buy my own damn lunch. - pablos."
- Matthias Parker, One Of, The Masses - "Ah yes. The Cluetrain whistle loudens as it approaches the crowded station. Amid all the Internet noise and fumbled marketing monologues of the corporates and carpetbag-wielding snake oil peddlers, somewhere out there a woman is breast feeding."
- Jorge Mendoza, Visual Artist
- Carl L. Chick, Senior Procurement Specialist, EDS - "Visionary!"
- John Speck, just a guy - "Companies are inherently control-oriented, anti-anarchic (totalitarian) and anti-human. They will not swallow this pill without a fight. If humans within a corporation are allowed to ideate without 'leadership' and realize their ideas, then those with the best ideas will naturally rise to the top. What will happen to the useless garbage already occupying that territory? ps. Where's my pants?"
- Richard M. Troy, Chief Scientist, Science Tools Corporation, Richard's home page - "The manifesto articulates what I've seen first hand. It was so tiring to fight my corporate masters to do the right thing, and if I'd had this manifesto to point them to, they might have caught a clue. As it is _all_ of them are out of business. That is, I suppose, as it should be, but what makes me sad is how many people I saw chewed up in the mechanizations of these companies, and the years of mostly unappreciated hard work put into products that have died along with these companies. Again, these are human tragedies that could have been avoided, if only corporate leaders caught a clue. -sigh-"
- Suzanne Morine, Software Engineer, Aritek Systems, Inc. (not "my" organization, but they pay me), home page - "I think the cluetrain manifesto is pointing to what life will be like two decades from now. My comments about the Internet are at http://www.dimensional.com/~suzannem/web_pov.htm"
- Allan Denham, Ordinary Bloke - "Yes, that seems nice."
- Jon Kendall, Director, Castleton Partners - "The most exhilarating manifesto I've read today! First task: I'll check our website for bullshit."
- Pat Ponder, Marketing Manager, Educational Community Credit Union - "The financial services industry (offline) may be among the most Dilbert-like of any other. There is a prevailing attitude that our members (we were way ahead the curve in not using 'customers') will accept exactly what they tell them, exactly the way we tell it, and arrive at exactly our understanding of it. I was hired because I wasn't a financial type, and our CEO recognized our corporate communications were too far removed from the membership. I find myself constantly asking 'stupid' questions, not always because I don't know the answers, but because I am trying to be an advocate for normal people."
- Sudan Martin Jackson - "Now ain't that a kick in the teeth for some people. You know, I've bee telling some of this stuff to my colleagues for ages. Someone made an interesting comment on this page about the tearing down communism and now capitalism... To tell you the truth, this all sounded like propaganda to me at first, even sounded like the ten commandments, the Koran, and a whole lot of other things as well, but in the end it's just plain ol' common sense. Funny thing is, we've all known the truths spoken in these word, so how come no one's mentioned it before (would probably be the question on most lips). The answer lies within the manifesto itself. This message has been voiced millions of times, it's just that many of the voices weren't carried as far due to the lack of the right medium - brilliant."
- Sam Jones, MR, Leo Burnett Connaghan and May
- david allen, loan representative, writer, ft mortgage companies
- Michael F. Aube, Software Architect, Perot Systems Corporation, My Home Page - "I can't stop grinning :>). I get a great mental image of a train, decorated on the outside with Blue's Pawprints, with plenty of Thinking Chairs on the inside, and a conductor who walks the aisle, passing out Handy-Dandy Notebooks... Sign me up as a 'cluebie!'"
- Jakob W. Christensen, Customer Development Manager, Framfab - "Markets as conversations is all about end-consumers bundling together to rewrite the rules of negotiation power and existing corporate structures. To the world of fast moving consumer goods, market as conversations is a new phenomenon. However, to the world of Business-to-Business relationships it has long been recognised that markets are tied together by human interaction - not products. BtB corporations of today has yet to realise what the digital technologies such as Broadband IP, Narrowband IP and WAP will do to existing BtB market structures. And no one I know of has yet undertaken the challenge to put things in perspective. How about a Manifesto from Cluetrain release 2.0 with significant focus on BtB relationships and digital technologies."
- D. Lynde, Webmistress, WeRock.org, Just us! - "the manifesto speaks right to the issues that my husband and myself have faced both in the workplace and as a part of the market. Thank you for spelling it all out for me, so I now know that it's not just us :o)"
- Eric Snyder, President/CEO, TCM.com, Inc., About Eric - "I've joined the conversation!!"
- Anantha Padmanabhan, Senior Systems Consultant, Compunnel Software Group Inc - "Wonderful. It has taken a long time for somebody to say what is in the manifesto."
- Harold Moorehead, Publications and New Media Supervisor, SLAC - "Any organization promoting clarity in language has my support."
- Linda Lo Castro, Bright Opportunities - "It's been a long time since I read something on the Internet and thought: I agree with this 100%, I wouldn't change a word if I'd written it myself."
- Marina Streznewski, Aunt to Kelly & Ziggy - "(With apologies to the O'Jays ...) People all over the world Join hands Get on the Clue Train Clue Train! THANK YOU for getting inside my head and making it all make sense."
- Sam G. Stolzoff, Vice President - Investments, First Union Securities - "Yep."
- Rich Gardner - "Revolution - sadly, it seems, only for the intelligentsia, but interesting none the less. There are a lot of people out there that NEED rules, that LISTEN to advertising (you only have to look at the ridiculous prices people pay for crap with a badge to work that one out). Sadly there are many many sheep out there, this is a fact, not arrogance. There are also many people who take advantage of this. As long as there are poorly educated people there will be people on power trips, we can start the revolution, but it will be a long time before we eliminate the poor and badly educated, at this point the power mongers will follow. Anyone, who'll clean the toilet? :)"
- michael angel, http://www.oyster.co.uk, home
- Yoric, Master Jester - "An interesting view of business. I recognized a lot of this type of thing working at web design this past summer, attempting to receive tech support from the friendly Microsoft corporation..."
- David Rogers, Artist/Animator, Mystic Thresholds Productions, Home is where your pixels are. - "In the time it takes me to read this I have grown wiser. I am in touch with things that only a year ago would have destroyed me. Not only does my knowledge expand and my understanding grow, but in this binding to the network, I come to understand our strength."
- Caleb Hutchins a.k.a. Demosthenes, Amature Page Builder, Game Player, Idiot., Even Idiots Can Win - "Ahhh, some non-catchphrase sense in this sad Seinfeldesque world of ours. Hey Billy G, you reading this? Sure, you can fool a whole lot of people with your spindoctering, product swiping, and monopolizing, but you can t fool us. We are the ones that are going to do things. We are going to listen to people, and talk to people, and make things better then you ever could. We are the upstarts, the iconoclasts, the people with no business experience, and we are the future. You can go with us, you can go against us, or you can stand by the sidelines, but you cant ignore us. The future is clear."
- Jason Bunston, Owner, Elite Conceptual, That special place - "A great distillation of the true spirit behind commerce"
- Miguel Boyer Arnedo, Still thinking about that, Telefonica - "This manifesto reminds me of a book and latter theory by german philosopher Jurgen Habermas on the topic of 'Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere'. Was an analysis of media during the 20th century. Wonder what he thinks now of this new public sphere through the hyperlinks. In any case, i agree with the position you express. I wildly agree, in fact. Productivity and happiness absolutely need freedom and respect. And it's horribly lacking. Power tends to be self-centered, not careful, and not really caring about what is to be achieved, the purpose and the means."
- Jim Marshall, Ultimate Nobody - "The need to cleanse the corporate sector of its penchant to indulge itself in greed and stupidity is more needed now then ever."
- Joe Wilson, joecode, home page
- Greg Rice, Owner, Reflex New Media - "Right on the money! Should be required reading for anyone who owns or manages a business!"
- John K. Quetsch, Teacher, LEUSD, Room 14's web site - "This NetDialog can affect every bit (or bite) of our lives. It is becoming (and will be) the technology that enables good ideas to prevail. Long live good human spirit and imagination!"
- Sean Christiaan Marshall, D.Ac., President, Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine - "Open-sourcing, honesty, integrity, availability, authenticity? ... in business, education, health care?... What a concept! What a blessing! 'bout time! Oh well, there goes the neighborhood."
- Mark Halstead, Managing Partner, Clear Sky Systems, home page - "When you find ideas that the corporate uber-morons hate as much as they hate these -- you know you're onto something good."
- Jeff Adkins, Teacher, Astronomer, Consultant, Tech-head, Adaptive Consulting, Plain old home page - "The manifesto has the characteristic of good literature in that it makes you think. Those who do not learn about the future are condemned to live in the past."
- John Dolan, Student, Washington College - "'Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabat.' - Aeneas"
- John A. Nekritz, Consultant, MacTek Ltd., web connections - "knowledge is power, empower yourself! Light the fuse of social consciousness."
- Cassandra Johnson, Client Relations Manager, CareGuide - "Cluetrain and it's authors have changed my view. Through the community of information sharing that is growing out of Cluetrain, I have found my personal value. In the last 6 months, I have moved from a clueless company to one that is very clued in. Customer Service (which needs a new name!) is my passion and the manifesto is in line with my philosophy of customer service. Let's try to enjoy our exchanges of information and things. Let's stop trying to get the upper hand in every exchange. Let's trust each other not ruin each other's day."
- Steve Yost, Founder, Take It Offline - "Lots of good points, and an attitude to get them heard. Hey, the final exam is cumulative!"
- Timothy W. Cunningham
- John Doe, Debunker, CNN, Brian's Disciples - "What a load of obvious circular reasoning. 'If the sky is not blue, then it's SOME OTHER COLOR'. No kidding. Reminds me of the scene in Monty Python's 'Life of Brian' where Brian says to the crowd: 'You've all got to think for yourselves!' The crowd repeat this in unison, of course, pause, and then say (again in unison) 'Tell us how!' There is a great myth being sold to you RIGHT NOW. The myth of the village. Every TV show is about it, every sales pitch relies on it, and this website is just another version of it. There is no village. Never was, never has been, never will be. It's all true. You were just created - with a memory of everything that you know. I am a figment of your imagination. It's all a lie." [...including your identity. how bold, how fearless!]
- Moritz Winter, University of muenster
- Kim D. Roberts, Director, UWA Extension, The University of Western Australia - "Cluetrain is a great resource to have come across. Dinosaurs are going to be very large road kill. As an old Chinese proverb says 'Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed'."
- Vera Waldorff, Web Designer, undisclosed - "It is so funny to work in a place so well described in the manifesto (my company), i just went through a 'welcome' cd, targeted at newly incorporated employees. Oh marketese, oh bullshit, it is ALL there. I'd like to speak with the copywriter over a beer/coffee, we'd have some laughs..."
- Ruth Vechio, Owner, Blue Ridge Computers and Graphics - "It was said so eloquently so many times on this page....But, in short.....Yes, ladies and gentlemen.......Some of us have 'woken up and smelled the coffee' and now look-out world, here we come !"
- Steve Chavez, Artist - "I am still unsure if it will be glory or tragedy. But soon everyone will know 'The Emperor is not wearing any clothes!'"
- Dave Baker, Director, The Xnet Group
- Chris Arenas, Owner, Sedona Consulting Company - "As a 'new' business consultant, I found cluetrain to be what I was looking for to express my voice on paper, so that other humans could understand what I could help them with."
- Hans Suter, President, STZ spa - "Maybe Elvis said it best, but Howard Gossage wasn't far from best when he said: 'media planning is like making babies, sometimes one contact is enough'."
- Hilary Rhodes, http://www.tafensw.edu.au, Hils Design and Music Pages - "Let us break the current stranglehold that Yup Talk has on our language throughout the mainstream media. Let us break through the 'bottom line' Let us drop the 'ball park figure' Let us blow away the 'line in the sand' Let us make verbs nouns once again."
- Christine McGavern, Graphic Designer, DBCORP Information Systems Inc. - "This goes straight to the president's desk - then, to our website so everyone else can read it! Thanks for putting a face on the good fight."
- Ana Neely, VP, Cave Art Studios, Inc. - "I have felt for some time that the old ways of doing business were a complete and total failure. It's great to see those ideas expressed so clearly. There is hope for the new economy if we fight for change and demand that people be treated more honestly and more fairly."
- J. Doe, http://provider.com - "Hmm. Prediction: time will prove that 90 of the 95 'theses' are false. The others have always been obvious. Life goes on. Cluetrainers: get a clue." [uh-huh. but which five are true and obvious?]
- David Haskins, does it matter?, Training Innovations - "Let's rid ourselves of meaningless buzzwords like 'learning communities', and others that even appear on the cluetrain website. We can tell if you don't 'get it'."
- Jason Fried, Partner, 37signals, 37signals - "It's the truth."
- Frank Lee, Internet Operations Manager, Asia Pacific Rim, 3Com, Franko's home page - "'Power to the people!' The '60s catchcry is the '90s corporate nightmare. Understand, or follow the dinosaurs into oblivion."
- Tom Weathington, Senior Technical Writer/Preacher, home page - "While I admire your spirit, I sigh for the denouement of your breathlessness. I've been a Netizen myself for a few years, but mostly I see power continuing to consolidate in the hands of fewer and fewer media entities. All new inventions have been greeted with such eagerness and political faith, but all, alas, have failed to deliver their expected results. Mostly we continue to discover new ways to kill each other with them and transfer authority from the many to the few. The same will inevitably happen with the Web once it reaches critical mass. The only other objection I have to your eagerness is with your implicit assumption that The Market is fair, rational, and democratic. It simply isn't: nature abhors a vacuum, and your exhilaration over the Web as a market tool does little to subvert the market forces the Web should one day stand athwart. You're still, for all the pomp and circumstance, knee deep in the dominant (and dominating) discourse. You won't win the war by playing by observing the enemy's rules of engagement. I once held out the same hope you fellows do, but am now much less sanguine about our collective future--online or off. That said, however, run the good race, fight the good fight..."
- Russ Lemken, Director - eBusiness, Principal Financial Group - "After apocalyptic floods, a re-emergence of things with value and permanence comes. If our leaders can learn to embrace it, the new wave of power flowing to customers will kill 'marketing' and revive creativity and innovation."
- James Sherrett, Content Editor/Writer, Stockscape.com, Personal publication - "This is an excellent start of a continuous movement: citizens reclaiming legitimacy within a public dialogue. The difficult part is instituting such high and aggressive principals, and shifting the inertia of a large portion of the population with direct action. Intentions are nice, action is what we need for new practices."
- Scott Waller, GTE - "If he was so smart...where is Martin Luther today? I find it ironic that the tone of a manifesto is so anti-conversational. And...we need to use a 400 year old format. It reeks of a stretch...that being said...it is right on target."
- Jeff Sabatini, Associate Editor, Automotive Manufacturing & Production Magazine - "corporate amerikkka can go to hell"
- Deb Cowden, Senior Accountant, EmCare - "How novel, the idea that good writing and design should magnify the experience of being HUMAN rather than push us ever closer to 'the collective'."
- John Gaynard, Associate, Systèmes & Ressources pour l'Organisation Apprenante, Systems And Resources For The Learning Organization in France - "I came across your site while rereading Provocative Therapy by Frank Farrelly and your message sounded similar chimes to Frank's : the best way to get through to the supposedly insane (i.e. for many companies the dumbos in the marketplace or the employees) is to talk plain English, French, Spanish or whatever (m)other tongue we share with each other. In the non-virtual world where the traditional PR guys have been traditionally paid millions to bullshit and manipulate meaning that's what's truly provocative : using a set of internet technologies to talk and make sense where whatever we say can be checked out instantaneously."
- Chris Clarke - "This is a long-awaited idea. My question is... 'Will anyone bother to follow?'. I hope they do."
- William A Romano, Internet Developer, WhiteBarn, A hobby Page - "I left my last job because management (a new CEO) didn't seem to come equipped with anything resembling integrity. To see these in writing gives me hope that someday, companies will embrace these thoughts, making a better world for everyone."
- Jim Lindenschmidt, Philosopher-in-Training, University of Southern Maine, home page - "We are on the cusp of the first climax of the information age; the cluetrain manifesto will be regarded fondly by the historians of the future."
- {CEB}, Tech Head, n/a - "You listening Aiwa? Your days of consumer abuse (http://www.esafety.com/esafety_cfmfiles/comments.cfm/819) are numbered."
- Evan Canter, Educational Content Editor, Edventions. Inc., home page - "In your book you write, 'Mass production, mass marketing, and mass media have constituted the Holy Trinity of American business for at least a hundred years.' (The Cluetrain Manifesto, p. 12). Mass education should be added to this list, as well. Our schools are designed for industrial-age business. Just as no one could predict the effect of hypertext and images on our economy, no one can predict what our schools will look like when teachers, administrators, parents, and Joe six-pack start to talk together. People inside of schools look at their 'market' with the same arrogance that corporate america views its customers. We need public education, to be sure, but x number of years from now, it will look very different. By the way, yours is the first business book I've ever marked up with comments and exclamation points."
- Isaac Swiderski Zelditch, Co-chair & webmaster, Ann Arbor (MI/USA) Huron High School Gay-Straight Alliance, A. A. H. H. S. G.-S. A.
- Francine Hardaway, Partner, Stealthmode.com, home page - "Remarkable that companies don't know all this, given how much money they spend on competitive intelligence; but what a great opportunity for anyone who does to participate in a new lifestyle."
- John J. Visci, director, geo image group - "Thanks, now I feel the validation and glorious connection. I want my rail pass."
- Wendy Zaritsky, Owner/Founder, HEALL - "At last someone is voicing what we have been thinking for years. Power to the people."
- April Scimio, Director of Communications, Penn State Alumni Association - "I've gotta go and spread the Word."
- Erik Riese, Consultant - "In the new economy, people and relationships they form will be more important than money."
- David Moskowitz, President, Productivity Solutions, Inc. - "It's about time! e-commerce is what you do; e-business is who you are! It's people and interactions -- obvious, and all too often ignored! The manifesto is like the little boy who saw that the Emperor wasn't wearing any clothes. The Internet is about communications, not technology. The issue is people, individuals, treated with respect and decency. Thanks for the truth!"
- Arpi Armenakian Shively, Writer/dreamer, Shively Communications - "I'm almost in tears reading your stuff on this site. I knew robot-speak was wrong but thought I had to play by the rules the 'big guys' had laid down. Thanks for cutting the crap!"
- Wendy Rae Zaritsky, Chief Visionary Officer, Founder, HEALL - Health Education Alliance for Life and Longevity, portal community to body mind spirit & earth well being - "Revolutionary and on the money. I've been watching for the signs of an organic shift in consciousness about business paradigms. I'm excited to promote and be a part of this community. We welcome your input."
- Krispin Sullivan, Owner, Leaves of the Tree Health Education Foundation, Nutrition and Health - "The manifesto speaks for me. The way I decide to continue doing business with a company is to ask the employee I deal with how they are treated, as a human being, is there a listening ear from upper management? benefits, rewards (when appropriate)? Is there concern in the company, by co-workers and managers for employees, short or long term? If the company doesn't care for their own employee(s) they won't care about products, services or me either."
- Judith Weiss, consultant, right connection
- Bruce Fryer, VP Product Marketing, QVtech Inc - "Our job as marketeers is to fuel the flames of the conversation. My job is the head arsonist. Out of chaos comes opportunity. Interrupting conventional conversation ensures the right conversations can occur."
- Ted Baker, Program Director, WHMP Radio - "As I write this, it is 12:40. I am waiting for our 12 noon meeting to begin. Isn't it amazing that computers, which we were told would dehumanize us, are actually giving us the opportunity to be more human than ever? See you on the train."
- Stan Stahl, Ph.D., President, Solution Dynamics - "Back to basics in the brave new world. Bravo!"
- Stephen Sheal, consultant, Businesslab - "I'm so used to working for 'organisations' that treat its own employees like commodities (a.k.a. shit) and customers like conquests and/or minor irritations, I almost feel like I'm signing a declaration of independence. Give me freedom or death?! Down with the arrogant know it all bozos that 'run the show', long live the less than loyal individual that doesn't give a damn for the brand and won't be 'managed' in any relationship! Viva imagination, death to business school!"
- K. Johnston, Career Consultant - "A breath of fresh air for humanity! The sooner the better."
- Niels A. Heemskerk, Vice President , Illinois Manufacturers' Association
- Lloyd Linklater, Corporate Senior Software Engineer, Concentric Network - "We are losing the human touch more and more. We can't get a job without demonstrating fluency in 'corp-speak' by way of highly prescribed and stylized resume formatting. This mandate is enforced throughout corporate life in a manner described in the excellent movie 'Smile'. (That movie shows how such things are perpetuated in a society that sees that it is a poor way to live.) It is hard to find a human company. New ones are the closest. After the third reorganization, it is, usually, pretty much over."
- Peter Olsthoorn, Dutch Journalist, Planet Internet, home page - "As as a correspondent for Dutch papers in Central Europe between 1980 and 1990, going there with social principles I saw how bad socialism was for the people, who finally tore down the systems. Now, as an opinion leading Internet journalist in the Netherlands I read the 'Cluetrain Manifesto', a nice statement, but also forgetting the millions without the abilities to take part, neither interesting for old fashioned companies nor for your new, happy, free, but maybe also selfish circles of communication. Look around you, find them, and help!"
- Jim Burt
- Michael Mussington, Information theorist - "The Train is coming. Be on it, or be under it. The choice is yours."
- bruno sézille, manager of the telebusiness unit - France, Mercury Interactive, home page
- Peter McElhinney, EVP, The Whitlock Group ebusiness solutions - "All commerce is conversation. What has changed is the capacity and richness of widely available communications channels. The Cluetrain vision is spot on in its vision of the changes and challenges to the marketplace. Time will tell whether its radical optimism about the outcome of these changes is justified."
- G. D. Geldro, Writer - "Finally! No more nonsense."
- Daniel F. Bassill, President, Cabrini Connections Tutor/Mentor Connection - "When history is written in 2001 the impact of the Internet will show as BI and AI. Never has a single individual had as much power to change the world."
- David O'Connor, Technical Delivery Team Manager, EDS - "Please send me the 4 color glossy pamphlet on this subject and I will share it with my management chain for consideration. If approved we will start a committee to work it into our mission statement." [Thank you. Your views are very important to all of us here at Cluetrain, Inc.]
- John R. Krivacic, Associate, Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. - "I've just begun reading the Manifesto. It is amazingly insightful with an interesting historical perspective. I am eager to really get into subsequent chapters. All to often in our desire to produce results we seek to create repetitive and boring processes and standards to make ourselves efficient. When simpler alternatives such as try it and learn from a failure seem to work with astounding results. Good luck in future conversations."
- Nicole Wagner, Web Technologist
- John Foreman, Retired CWO-4 USN, USN, Return From Tomorrow - "Cluetrain has put on paper what I have learned in my heart through a lifetime of trial and error. The people that have signed this page read like a Who's Who of the Cyber World we have all created."
- Jim Holt, Director of Research and GIS Development, icontact Media Inc. - "...and some of us aren't coming back to shop anymore."
- Stanfield Gray, musician, grayman - "Monoliths are whoring me so as with you I've changed my price accordingly. Who is the fool that would piss on a rose and call it to grow?"
- Charles J. Cirronella, President, ebizformation.com - "Last century the 'network was the computer'. This century the 'netowrk will be the corporation' and the 'network will become the markets'. THERE IS ONLY THE NETWORK!!!"
- Ralph Ashbrook, Project Felicitator, Wilmington Trust, business is pleasure/ personal is business - "'An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered.' -G.K. Chesterton"
- Deanne S. Hart, Analyst, International Data Corporation - "Like cold water in the face, the cluetrain manifesto folks ain't working for the clampdown. It's so excellent, and the fact that it's written by people with real cubeland backgrounds makes it even more compelling. Rock the casbah."
- Robert Blank, owner, Blank Productions, Blank Productions - "amen!!"
- Wilfrido Morales, Imagineering Director, Z-4 Enterprises, N.A.F.T.A. (North American Free Thought Agreement) - "Think Free and Network your thoughts!!!, remember the most important thing in this world is each other, alone you are nothing."
- Chris Abraham, Open Sourcerer, MemeSpace, Chris' Page d'Amour - "It is the end of the beginning!"
- Maxwell Reid, Undisputed Jesus Christ of Telecommunications - "Nice work. A buzzword filled manifesto lamenting doublespeak corporate meaninglessness. Definitely useful for scaring the powers that be... Hopefully I can get a raise out of it;)"
- Scott Zak, Programmer, Connecticut State University - "Wouldn't it be nice if the bureaucratic behemoths of government organizations hoisted themselves out of the 1940's, noticed the DEAD END sign and walked directly into the 21st century? They might regain the trust and faith of the citizenry. But, as has been proven time and again, government cannot (will not) lead, but can only follow. Carry on, full speed ahead! I'll try to keep up."
- Eman Real, Movie Maker, sobegirl
- Jon Wretlind, Creative Director, PixelDance Communications, My portfolio site and repository for thoughtgunk - "If the exchange of free thought is considered sedition, then cart me off to the guillotine!"
- Russ Emerson, Customer Support Subject Matter Expert, Cisco Systems, Inc., Home - "I always suspected that talking to customers every day was a better learning experience than any MBA program. How utterly refreshing it is to see all the things that I've learned, codified as The Right Way To Do Things."
- Janice Vincent, Manager, Documentation, CT Technologies - "I've lived this philosophy since the age of two and gladly add my name to the manifesto -- but warn that pride in 'talking humility' instead of being humble can be lethal. As George gave it to Darth to transmit: 'Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. Its power is insignificant next to the power of The Force.' The human network is 'the force' at work here, but it can be blasted in a nanosecond by pride."
- Mark A. Reynolds, Automation engineer and musician, Just some guy - "This is of Epic proportions, just bought the book by accident 'yea right' there are NO ACCIDENTS!! Its just time, Perhaps the clue in the gap between each of us is in the attitude of forgiveness, meaning letting go of what one thinks or feels another person should think or feel. This promotes creativity, which sponsors extension, which brings about collective growth, which diminishes lack, which is the illusion that started the whole mess in the first place, thinking that there is not enough to go around. Lack is the mother of control. And fear is the father of lack. This is all quite grand I must say!!"
- Eric Vessels, Paint Systems Analyst, Premier Manufacturing Support Services, LP, red25 web design - "There are many books, magazines, web sites, and people on street corners talking about e-business these days. It all means nothing unless we understand this manifesto and the theses. This is going to be a long train ride, so hold on tight. Can I take your bags, sir? Oh, you won't need that ticket........"
- "Big Mike" Reynolds, Autonomous Footsoldiers, Autonomous Footsoldiers
- Christopher Hahs, Research Associate, Center for Neighborhood Technology - "Markets are conversations. I agree. And there is a lot to talk about."
- Paul DeCoursey, Web Developer, Liberty Online, My Little corner - "This is awesome, things I have always wanted to express but I hadn't the words. Keep it up, we will be heard, the revolution is just beginning, and it will not be televised."
- Don Waters, Vice President, DezignWyrX - "YEAH!!! preach it, speak it, be it!"
- Ben Tye, Sema Group - "The manifesto is a must read for anyone involved in 'business' today. In spite of the 'mega merger' and the rise of cubicle culture, we are witnessing an unprecedented desire to reach out and talk with a human voice. Pass the word."
- Richard Lane, Director, Focus, International, Stonehedge Gardens - "so, after all, this is the fabric of reality...hmmm, we knew it all along, if we only had the foresight, and hindsight to listen."
- Patrick Neeman, Product Mgt., Web Technology, Stamps.com, The Daily P@ - "The network is the computer. The network is the planet. The network is one to many, and many to one."
- Candy Paull, author and songwriter, freelance for nine years - "I read the book and agree. The human voice is awakening as artists move from peon status in the corporate clone world to freedom of expression in the brave new world of the Net. Thank you for the affirmation of creatives and storytellers everywhere."
- Frank Tait, Sr. Vice President, Global Marketing, SCT - "Truly Amazing - The manifesto reads like the way we try to educate our children - to be open, honest, share and care - with a healthy dose of plain old common sense - would that we all regain that aspect of childhood in our business dealings."
- The Original Tom Watson, Chief cook and bottle washer, Watman Associates, Tom's Cyber Home of things beautiful. - "A common sense speak on the fact of how the serendipitous free exchange of information is progress. Hey Mikey, I think I like it."
- Bruce Denham, Information Designer, eCustomers.com - "It's speaks for itself. Wonderful humanity!"
- Jonathan Joseph, Student - "I'm on the Clue Train! This site proves that the 'Net was meant to be a vibrant exchange place for *humans*, not a deadened advertising medium for *buyers*. I love it. The end of the shapeless mass, of the 'average consumer', the rebirth of the individual... this is big. Once the human being becomes an individual first and a consumer after, not the other way around, we have the basis for a HELL of a revolution."
- Stephen Downes, Information Architect, University of Alberta, Stephen's Web - "Employment relationships in today's environment are partnerships. Employees today are often looking for more than just money. They know their job will disappear in a few years. They want professional advancement. They want to form networks. They want to put their signature on professionally designed (and competent) products."
- Rob Linwood, Societal Malcontent, auntfloyd.com - "A world where people control corporations and not the other way around? I simply can't imagine something *that* radical!"
- Alan Dorn Hetzel, Jr., VP, Network Engineering, Enron Communications, home page - "Since sometime in the eighties, my .plan file has contained one line... 'network everybody'. This book really makes me smile."
- Pedro Milliet, E-Advisor, No title - "Bravo. Most problems companies are facing online are caused by bad management who are simply not listening. After all the internet is not about a technological revolution. Its about human communication on steroids. I'm so glad the train arrived just in time."
- Annika Hayes, Product Developer, HealthyTravel for Body, Mind and Soul - "This is a 'Yes, yes, yes,,', You found a way to put it all into words. We have our tickets and we are on the train. Thanks for blending body, mind and soul into our daily lives."
- Dan Hanrahan, VP, Global eBusiness, Wiredinn - "'Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves.'"
- Jean-François DAVID, Strategist, Paris, FRANCE, Informal Networks is the key - "I sign and like that club !!!! but... will individual interests disappear? Are profit objectives off? Manifesto for adult, non-angelic, informal human networks ..."
- Dusty L Fisher, Webmaster, Workman Publishing , Web Strategy+Crisis Management - "See it in action at: http://page-a-day.com The letters speak for themselves."
- Matthew Soroka, student, UMASS Amherst
- Larry Fairman, Chairman, The Boardwalk Group - "The asshole journalist in 'The Fountainhead' asks Roark, 'So what do you think of me?' Roark replies, 'But I don't think of you.' Bet the new economy will have the same conversation with the clueless corporations. We're pushing clients towards the light. Hope they get it in time."
- Michael Brownlee, Co-Founder, Visibiliti Unlimited, LLC - "1) Thank you. 2) I just read the book. It delivers what was promised. But I found it eerily anachronistic to have to buy a $23 hardback *book* to read your work. I'd rather pay you authors directly the couple of bucks (tops) royalty you'd receive from the book sale, skip the publisher and the distributor and the bookstore, and download the book directly from your website. Much cleaner. Those other folks in the chain clearly aren't in this conversation, so why should I be paying them money? And why should you be supporting them? Next time, just forget them. You don't need them." [books are still useful for many reasons, not least of which is that not everybody is on the net. yet.]
- LR Fox, President, fox.content, inc. - "too much talk, too many meetings, not enough chat"
- Donald A. Willcox, Principal, Commercial Tenant Representatives, Don's office space page - "Have the courage to be yourself.."
- Christian T. Lampe, Archaeologist, Bartender and M.S.L.S. candidate
- Maggi Huylebroeck, Controller, Internet financial Network - "Thank you. Now that we know we are all speaking, perhaps we will begin to listen."
- Mark T. Farmer, Interactive Strategist, MMA - "Thank you for articulating what I have suspected for years. I have become as evangelical as an Amway salesman recommending the book to anyone who will lend me an ear. You are making a difference in the way I advise my clients."
- Sue Wittenoom, Project Manager, Lend Lease - "Have been running alongside the cluetrain for a few weeks now - 'bout time I climbed on board - I'm heading in this direction too."
- Matthew Filios, President and CEO, Virtuas Solutions, Inc. - "'It's not a mission statement. It was just a memo!'. Don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does."
- Erik Olsen, Human - "These Ideals will give Scott Adams a chance to take a vacation from doing Dilbert. At least there are enough of us left to still laugh at Dogbert after the New Market opens up. ;)"
- Bob Dillingham - "I can't wait to see what God has in mind for such an honest, liberal idea."
- Toby Quiroz Jr., Human (R&D Technician), National Instruments - "Cluetrain is a bullseye!!!"
- Wells Davis, Managing Partner, Director Of Planning, TBWA/Chiat/Day Canada - "I have met many intelligent people in advertising and marketing circles. I have learned many things from them also. However, what is missing is the emotional connection. If I know something but don't feel it I store it as mere trivia. On the other hand, I have met a few wise people in this business. The difference is the wise ones do not profess to know everything or even to know that many things. What makes them inspirational is how they can apply what they know to further the emotional and spiritual nourishment of their fellow man. These people do not tell you how to 'shift paradigms', or the secrets of 'e-tailing' or any other marketing buzzwords. They tell you about humanity and how to respect, honour and connect with it. That is the secret of success in this business and life. That is intelligence that I can feel."
- Jerry Beale, Creative Director & Copywriter, Behind The Lines - "After a number of years riding the multinational ad agency gravy train, we finally said 'You guys don't know it yet but the line's been blown up ahead. We're gettin' off now, and striking out cross-country!' This site if fantastic!!!, and I'm going to talk all my clients for a guided tour (even if it costs me business)"
- Brian Chambers, Porter, as needed - "Devoured the hardcover. ('I was so hungry I ate like I had two assholes.' - ?) Thank you! I must guard against zealotry now--rarely persuasive. Better to mention the cluetrain casually, forward the link routinely, borrow from it liberally, and live it fearlessly."
- Maarten P. Bos, Consultant strategy and business development, Altuition - "Fantastic, finally the word is out; The web/ICT is not about techniques it is about people !!!!!"
- Shmuel Mikel, Research & Development, TheImageGroup, Personal Site. - "Big business, welcome to the post-modern world. Here, we believe in stories and we believe they will happen with or without you. We'd love for you to come along for the ride but you're going to have to leave the baggage at the door. Don't think we think we're in charge. No, none of us are, we just had an easier time coming to grips with that. You see stories happen, like trains, there's no stopping them."
- Gregg Gallagher, Director, Strategic Product Planning, Fujitsu Business Communications Systems
- Barbara Stahura, freelance writer, Clariti Communications - "You're right. Life IS too short, which is why liberated myself from corporate life in '93 to become a freelance writer. The Internet has transformed the way I do business and opened many doors not available before. In my own small way, I plan to be part of the continuing evolution and community-building. Add me to your list!"
- David Mathes, President, Akka Systems - "The train is leaving the station. Get on board."
- David de Prado, Consultant, Teknoland - "De vez en cuando el espíritu de Internet emerge con fuerza. Gracias."
- Zuhuhpxy Bullit, Adam Williams, 333, ChORONZON, Adanak Keteretic, Zühü PanSiva, Him the Strange, Owner of Digital Inc - Vocalist, Instrumentalist and Producer of Ring-Author of Occult Books - Head of I-Magi-Nation Music Label - Grande Master of the Cabal of the Rejected; Order of Discord, Digital Inc, Ring, I-Magi-Nation, Cabal Reict, uhh...cant remember. - "As an Occultist, studying history and 'hidden' mechanics within communication, I came to these models of cultivated conspiracy all the time. Damned Kudos to you all! If there's one thing the business of 2000 must realize - it is that WE have the power. The consumer, the employees, the human beings breathing, buying and making their shit. What's a Logo? Some sign we piss on, stumbling home from the bar!!!"
- Aaron Hirsch, Founder & Principal, Bincept, me. - "Yep."
- Amy Rubin, Interactive Content Manager - "Reading this book brought me back to where I was four years ago when I began working in the industry -- excited, fascinated, and full of all kinds of great emotion and ideas. It made me remember WHY I do what I do--well, not the brochureware for vaporware (just had a meeting debating the merits of the spinning logo/flaming logo). Time to retake the Web away from the clueless and bring it back to its roots!"
- Jim Gilmartin, Coming of Age, Incorporated - "If the authors were here, I'd buy them a round of drinks. Preaching the gospel is hard work, but when someone gets the 'word' it's worth it all. This cabal of supporters will drive the 'word' to the far corners of the earth and set us free."
- Mark H. Parr, President (Soon-to-be titleless), Broadcast Wireless Management - "'Life After Television', George Gilder, 1994, reserved my ticket for the maiden voyage of the Cluetrain. What a great time to be alive! As the Internet represents the culmination of some of humankind's greatest technical achievements, the Cluetrain Manifesto represents the ideologies of our freedom-fighting predecessors and marks our course out of the humanistic stone ages. I am certain many won't get it. I suggest a title change/addition to the second printing which may help; the cluetrain manifesto, the end of business as usual, 'READ & HEED'. Thank you Christopher, Rick, Doc and David!"
- Alasdair Scott, New Media Director, AMXstudios - "Guys, this ranks up there with The Illuminatus Trilogy and The Iliad. Collectively, we rock!"
- Guy Pressault, Founder, Sysdem inc. - "McLuhan got it all wrong. Forget the media, the process, the network, the Internet... e-business slash e-commerce, slash e-marketing, slash e-hype is about the message. It's tone, it's an entirely new way of e-speak - a true 2-way street."
- Nacho Gonzalez, CEO, InfoJobs.Net, home page - "Killer!!!"
- Jordi Molas, Creative Manager, Grupo Intercom, Photos - "Great. Amazing. All inside of this manifesto WILL BE true... Sorry, I would say: IT'S BECOME a reality. I want to fight to live in the middle of this New Order of Communication."
- Juan Cassagne
- William Browning, Computer Industry Management Consultant, Varies - "An indicator of this frightening, but not surprising, trend is also the number of Executive Managers who commented on this list with witty wisdoms that had little to do with the Manifesto itself, but rather some other grand meeting they must have been recalling instead of asking questions and listening. I applaud those who refrained from commenting out of thoughtfulness, or uncertainty, rather than force feeding others one last line of jargon."
- Bill Martin, Director of Strategy, Andersen Consulting - "For the past half decade, I have wondered why there has been such dissonance between myself and the organizations I have been a part of when considering the raison d' etre of the Web. The Cluetrain Manifesto has crystallized many of the fragments of arguments that have crossed my mind, and sometimes my lips, in tilting at corporate windmills. I am indeed chagrined that I work for an enterprise that proposes to help other organizations understand the Web when, in fact, it is perhaps the most ignorant of them all."
- Bill Traynor, Business Analyst, in systems technologies, home page - "Finally."
- Jai deep Musher, PH, Consultant, Optimization, optimal, Optimization and Simulation - Essential Tools for Corporate Survival in the 21st Century - "The 11th thesis applies to not just corporations, but to many other entities, such as universities, colleges, individuals, churches, governments, consultancy organizations, and so on. They all claim to add 'value', but are missing the point as the world around them is changing extremely rapidly, and the old rules just do not apply. Their added value actually creates more problems for the recipients of that value, as it quickly becomes irrelevant. Anyone in a relatively stable job (the classic example of this would be a tenured faculty member in a university, though there are many other examples) has a high probability of missing this cluetrain. This is because they just do not get the kick-in-the-behind that is necessary for adaptation to the Future Shock that we all are facing today. The CEOs and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley get this kick every moment, hence they hopefully are the least likely to miss this cluetrain. If they miss it, they don't stay in Silicon Valley very long. I believe the above thesis applies in many academic environments, which are much slower than corporations in reacting to what is happening to the networked economy. In an info-glutted world, how much do the professors and Aphids know anyway (yours truly happens to be one of the latter, so I know what I am talking about;-). Sometimes it seems that having a Ph.D. is a license to bullshit, as mostly you are allowed to get away with it. Will not happen for very long though. Look at the prevalence of totally irrelevant courses that are being taught in the colleges and universities today. Academia, most of it, (led by a secure and tenured faculty) is sleeping in an ivory tower, and just as many corporations are, is missing a cluetrain of opportunity. These corporations and universities will be the fossils of tomorrow."
- DJ Dody G, IS Manager , AIESEC United States, Inc - "Finally!!"
- Sean Mis...Bumm, Paintball 2-Xtremes Magazine - "Dear readers, Hello. I am Sean Mis but you will now know me as Bumm. I am a columnist for the ever-so controversial magazine Paintball 2-Xtremes. I have read this manifesto and i totally agree man. We are on the brink of a new society, and culture. For all I know, it might already frickin be here! Learn as much as your fingers can, the more you know, the further ahead you'll be. Take care... Bumm"
- Michael Francis, Who needs one, The Rethinc Group - "As the cluetrain pulls away from the station one has to wonder, did the status quo even hear the conductors overwhelming shout of 'all aboard,' or was it stuck in meeting debating how many wheels did the train have and what its ROI was last quarter and could they co-opt, by merger/buyout the track. The little train that could, just did!"
- Yann Oehl, Art Director, allrecipes.com - "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
- David Crowther, Technology Fund Manager, Co-operative Insurance Society - "A wonderfully wise set of words which could not have been written by one individual."
- Robin Munn, Comp. Sci. student, Wheaton College - "Yes, yes, yes. I've railed about what I call 'corporatism' for so long that I was beginning to wonder if anyone was listening. Now I'm reassured that I'm not the only one. Good work, folks!"
- N.L. Walls, Online Content Developer, sacbee, Ismedia.org: more applications of the logic stick - "Once in a while, I read something that renews my faith that blind corporatism won't kill my creativity or the creativity of others. Dead on."
- Travis Pugh, Sr. Network Engineer, ShoreNet, The work I might never get to - "Just changed jobs during lunch ... and e-mailed the manifesto to my ex-boss. My new job (the listed one) is with a company that believes in the manifesto. My world resembles the manifesto. My voice will be heard."
- Eric Robison, President & CEO, Clue Computing, Inc. - "You won't win in this market by suing your customers, your competitors, your employees, or anyone else. But you will lose a lot of business and people if you try to dominate markets by using lawyers instead of negotiation and cooperation."
- Steve Alexander, Vice President, Triadyne of America, Inc. - "The world is waiting for this conversation. I feel privileged to be living on this planet at this time. I think Ayn Rand started this conversation a long time ago (and maybe Aristotle even before that). There is no 'society', 'company', or even 'government'. There is only people, individuals, mothers, dads, sisters and brothers."
- Brad Bulger, Perp, Potatoe.Com - "In the future, children will be as amazed to hear about these things called 'jobs' as we are now to read about people in our past voluntarily having their hearts cut out with obsidian knives."
- Mark Reid, Me, , University of New South Wales, home page - "If all work was all play it'd make Jack (and the rest of the world) very happy."
- Erik Tokle, Electronic Media Coordinator, IEEE Computer Society - "By leveraging your position as a content-rich meta-warehouse information portal, you have enabled the B2B community, as well as the open-source movement, to advance into the new paradigm of one-to-one communication. Deploying this 'fundamental branding strategy' allows your site to generate increased mind-share, build a strong platform of Web-enabled eyeball impressions, and provide a dramatic increase in the click-through rate of pre-IPO e-commerce start-ups. In addition, by dynamically partnering with some of the leading-edge companies in New Media, you are positioned to gain the first-mover advantage in both viral marketing and the click-and-mortar distribution model! Kudos and congratulations to your marketing strategists on a campaign both timely and entertaining. Bring on the VC's!"
- Michael Winn, President, Community Capital Consultants, Inc.
- Judson Voss, JAV(Just Another Voice), Now What? - "Conundrum #1: If a customer tells a company what they want will they hear them over the marketing machine? This isn't your parents community! Just build it."
- Mike Leahy, Group Vice President, Marketing and Sales, Nielsen Media Research - "I have jumped on board in a big way. 'Our greatest fear is not failure, but that we are powerful beyond all measure' This conversation will release many."
- J M Cerqueira Esteves, Arte Numérica - "This is the Writing On The Wall for corporate bluffers. Read this and learn. While you can."
- Marco Morosino, Journalist, Content provider for Satellite tv - "Cluetrain manifesto talks about the power that we have as consumers and it adds new fuel into the engine of markets development. The net means freedom of letting ideas circulate globally."
- Patricio O'Kon, Marketing & Conference Manager, EJ Krause Cono Sur - "The magic of the www is that it permits us to talk with our customers, and provides us with opportunities to understand them better. It's just a matter of listening, and treating them as 'names' not numbers. That's my mission, and that's the way I try to work every day"
- Jennifer Mueser Bunker, Executive Director, The Center for Society and Cyber Studies - "I am a professional 'watcher' of e-phenomenon. My observations are this: The time has come when linear thinking/living/transactions/societies are ready to be replaced by 4-dimensional interconnected/networked versions of the same. The ravenous beast of capitalism utilizes the all-powerful centric organizational structure, but visionary institutions of all natures are awakening and moving towards distributed methods of functioning, which ensures that reliable, verifiable, and instantaneous information is available to empower everybody at the same time, among other things. Top-down hierarchy is sufficiently challenged, as are our relationships to commodities via the power of the Internet."
- Christi-Lee Gibson, DPEC, Inc. - "Finally a place where I fit in!!! It really isn't such a lonely journey, and without the internet it wouldn't be happening!!!! Thank you!!!"
- Susan Moore, Promotions Manager - "Straight talk from real people instead of corporate-speak has always been my manifesto. I've waited a long time to be in vogue but it was worth the wait. Tear down the wall..."
- Bob Greenhalgh, Sales Guy, Sutton Group/Kilkenny Real Estate - "Hot Damn!! I'm gonna ask some questions just to see what kind of answers I get."
- Adrian De Lope, President & CEO, Libertis.net - "We, the Libertarians, fully acknowledged and embraced the Cluetrain Manifesto since we first read it in 1999. Following its lead, we established a Free ISP service for Latin America based on an undying principle: People want useful knowledge and information. With over 14,000 current users, we strive, daily, to provide them with a free, easy-to-use, personal Internet service. History shall confirm or deny our success."
- Scott LeMaster, Project Manager, Big-ass Company - "I'm breaking out of the firewall now. Thank you for putting words to feeling and ideas, sharing them and re-lighting the fire inside that says, 'I know this is how it should work. I know what I'm talking about.' Every time we open a new avenue of communication (online or other) we get flooded with communication. The discussion was always there, we just hadn't been listening well enough. We're scared of the flood. But dealing with the flood is the best way to figure out which way the train is coming from. That's not very human sounding, but like I said. I'm at work."
- Gene Lancour, Senior Communications Analyst, USOP IT - "I spent twenty years learning how to correctly parrot corporate patois in analysis, documentation, and training; and the last five years learning how unnecessary and counterproductive it really was. My only vested interest is in effective communication: Talk to me, not at me. Convincing others of the approach is quite a different matter. I applaud your efforts!"
- Patrick Misterovich, Director of Academic Computing, University of Detroit Mercy
- Tanadi Santoso, Chief Directive and Catalyst Officer, www.sam-design.com, Tanadi Santoso - "YUM YUM YUM, this is a DeLICIOUs book! love it! i read it, read it, reread it and reread it. The meaning penetrating my brain and creating a huge HUM inside, rushing some adrenaline thru my veins.... A little bit out-of-this-world, with the blend of SALVADORE DALI and David Coperfield, i m suspended between heaven and earth. a rare read that only comes once in (long) while, on the top-ten-net-books (well make it top-ten-any-books).... gee even tompeters.com put a topic on it!!!..."
- Mind Dancr, Webminder, International Association for the Advancement of Internet Relay Chat [IAAIRC], About Me - "Though I have not yet read the book, the manifesto strikes a chord with me. Besides finding our voices on web pages and usenet, people are also getting in touch via Internet Relay Chat [IRC]. This medium has great potential as a means for companies to get in touch with people. As befits my IRC origin, my signator name is my nom de net. My e-mail address is available at my personal webpage."
- Randy1, Contracts Manager, Aerospace Integration Corporation - "I believe in the creed; there is a need; the manifesto is the seed; embrace it and succeed."
- Claude Adair, Life-long Learner and K-12 Technology Consultant, Thomas Communications & Technologies - "As flies to wanton boys are Schools to their communities (students and parents). They pull off a School's wings for sport.... and I am reminded daily - 'Every act is an act of Self-Definition. Everything you think, say, and do declares, 'This is Who I AM.''"
- David Heath, Technical Manager, Triton Secure - "this brings to mind a quote I often use when people depart an organisation for more fertile employment... 'A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for.'"
- Chris Woodruff, Founder, Worldwind technologies, Inc., Chris Woodruff Web Home
- Frank King - "My firm teaches. Can it learn? The Cluetrain rolls on. How long have we got?"
- Bob Crispen, proprietor, The VRMLworks, home page - "The 3D Net that's coming sooner or later isn't about banner ads or animated products. It isn't even about providing a rich setting for chat. It's about enabling people to get closer to other people in a more natural, intuitive, and immersive way. When that happens, human beings will have opened up a whole new capability for our species, and we'll have to re-examine our assumption that 'IRL' necessarily denotes something richer and better. How does that relate to businesses? Y'all better listen up -- I don't care."
- Eric Charles Walle - "It's an eerie and energizing sensation to read these keen observations of social evolution. I truly cannot thank you enough for making me laugh and giving me such food for thought - a feast, in fact. Now, off to spread the good news....."
- Joel Flynn, yet another village idiot, Halcyon Days, what can only be described as a "trip" - "And all this time I thought I was going crazy..."
- d. e. Cadmus, Internet Strategist, Yellow - "Amen."
- jamal mecklai, MD (mad dog, masala dosa,, master of delight, etc.), eMecklai - "re: # 29 - Jerry Lee also had it right - there's a whole lot of shakin' going on!"
- Craig Pfeifer, Software Engineer, webMethods, Inc., home page
- Ray Gulick - "So, I just want to know one thing: Is it still hip to be cool?"
- Charlie Grantham, Internet Business Producer, Institute for the Study of Distributed Work, home page - "The Internet will have a far greater impact on society, our economy and political structures than the advent of the printing press. It has already begun to create a new social psychology on the planet that will forever alter status and power relationships between individual citizens and larger societal organizations. the pod is here and sleeping under your bed--better look!"
- Paul Penny, Chief Technology & Knowledge Officer, Strategic Technologies, Inc., Extrovation - "Despite inflation, a penny is still a fair price for some people's thoughts. I guess the thoughts in the Manifesto are worth at least the 2,000 pennies I paid Amazon, given that they capture what I have known to be true, but have been unable to articulate. Thanks for the inspiration."
- Frank Slavinski, Insurance Consultant - "A new economy, new rules, the truth is out. The end to corporate happytalk and the beginning of empathetic dialogues that creates a win win for all stakeholders. Play by the new rules or the cost will be bigger than you can imagine. Great Stuff!"
- Esme Vos
- Deijmann, Winfried M., Degree in Effective Heresy, Horizon Training Group Holland, Motion , Notion and Communication - "the cluetrain manifesto is the best wake up call to our society at this moment, simply because of its effective heretic nature."
- Eric Johnson, Grad Student, Dept. of Philosophy, UCSD - "Oh how we long for the day when companies treat us like friends - when they know if its time to play or to work, when they can sense when we need a hand or need to be left alone, when they understand that we are not instruments but human beings. We demand loyalty, respect and a passion for doing the right thing."
- J. Michael Kinney, Disruptive Influence - "The times they are a changin - again. Or maybe still. I think this is where the protests of the sixties were headed. Power to the people."
- mark williamson, publisher, FHM Magazine, home page - "love it; a book about people and business that you know deep down, instinctively, in your gut makes complete sense."
- Kai Timmermann, Founder, Simpatico
- Rence Preston-Koenig, person, employee, wife, mother and the list goes on - "The key to living life at 'velocity' is to live it as human-ly as possible. In a world where we connect in virtual ways it is easy to loose the fine art of finding each other as people. Real success in the future will come from knowing this."
- Lisa Maxon, Business Strategist and Disruption Agent, Groundswell - "Full Speed Ahead into NOW! The Cluetrain Manifesto says what's already so. Get on the train of real communication or get left behind. I'm excited to be on board the Cluetrain."
- Sal Lupo, Evangelist for Change, Marsh, Inc. - "All aboard!!!"
- Christine McGarvin, MSSW, PHR, Synergist, Peaceful Settlements Consulting - "Culture is a dynamic process where members share information that minimize uncertainty and reduce risk. The cluetrain manifesto articulates culture change that is not limited to time and space. It marks a new culture of constant evolution - a springboard of consciousness to a new humanity."
- Duellist, Lone Gunman - "This says it all. Get on the train or get caught by the cowcatcher."
- Ryan P. Ripley, Vice-President, AdExtra Enterprises Inc., Kind of Blue - "A truly thought provoking book. It is nice to finally read a book that is not a long prose, but actually a conversation. Hopefully this book becomes the shield that forward thinking people use to change the corporate and business world."
- Paco Xander Nathan, founder/editor, FringeWare
- anders e. krag, senior copy writer, kunde & co - "An indispensable experience. I believe it"
- Saju Joseph, Business Consultant, Planetasia.com
- Jeff Stevens, considerITdesign
- Martha Garvey Jr. , Writer, Writing Coach, Teacher, Moving Stories, What I know so far - "Exciting stuff--and smart as hell. Good to know that Official White Guys have gotten it. I've been online since 1981, and this is the deal: the Web is making the world one big town square, whether we're ready for it or not."
- Craig Thomler, VP Marketing, ConceptZone - "The Internet has restored word of mouth to the forefront, and this cannot be stifled. For the first time business models are evolving that hold word of mouth as their key proposition, and they are working more successfully and faster than any previous way of doing business."
- bladerunner, replicant duster, retired - "In the 21st century the perfect corporation will have no employees at all. Everyone will bid on pieces of work in the marketplace."
- Michael D. Crawford, President, GoingWare, The Art and Music of Michael David Crawford - "I came across your book because it was in the 'L' section where I was looking for Lessig's book 'Code - the law of cyberspace'. It leapt out at me. I begged my fiance to buy it, but we only had twenty dollars to our name. I waited eagerly for my check to come in from my client, and first thing I did with the money was buy the book. Now I can't keep my hands off it."
- Owen Densmore, Chief Skunk, Sun Microsystems Lab - "Funny thing. I just started reading cluetrain. And also working with a colleague about an awkward situation involving honesty. He's seeing a marketing type promise an important customer things he cannot possibly deliver. And selling my company down the river just to further his own career. It won't work. Others see this happening and we will fix this. Honesty, reputation, and dialog are being teased out by the cluetrain gang as the ghost in the works for building the effective new business model."
- Susan Macfarlane, Coordinator, Organizational Development, Lake Forest Hospital - "The Cluetrain Manifesto belongs in the National Archives along with our country's earlier claims to freedom -- The Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation!"
- Robert Future Ristic, Trade Development Manager, Japan External Trade Organisation Perth Office - "Language is over-rated as a means of communication. The so called 'experts' create self perpetuating myth about how cultures and societies are different, yet the fundamentals are the same. Alas, sense is not so common anymore."
- Dean Williams, Owner, Williams Savvy & Associates, Savvy: Using life's shades of gray to make your case in black and white - "As governments retreat from their role in our society, we need people and organizations to become more proactive in the continued development of a just and civil society. I hope that my organization and yours, will help make this happen."
- Casey Grimm, QA Engineer, Silicon Spice - "Do you not believe that you sell to a networked public? A third of the population of the United States is networked. Do you do business here? You do business with a networked market."
- Geoff Reiser - "So sad that such a message is needed, but it sorely is - long live the realisation that people in companies are actually dealing with people."
- Kishore Balakrishnan, Mr, SAP, carnatic.com - south indian classical music
- xenophon, strategic adviser , xenophon on web - "Following the clue train progress has been a receipt showing that I haven't been out in the blue the last 25 years. Industrial structures have too long been providing In-dust-trial on human capital."
- Jim Palmer, Systems Analyst, Healthcare Management Systems - "As one of those in the trenches, I say about time! I've had enough of the smugness exuded by all of the 'net savvy' commercials on TV. Let's learn what its like to be human once more."
- Karthik Chandramouli, Specialist, Strategic Planning, Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America
- Richard W. Smith, Game Designer, late of EAC, Cavedog. Currently at CDIS (school)
- Tom Whipple, librarian, Whittier Elementary - "This sure doesn't stop with business and markets. Institutions that want to survive should check it out."
- FreedomBuilder, Trustee, The Uni-v.e.r.s.e. - "Poignant and fairly accurate, IMO. More power is derived from choosing action over stating needs, wants or have-to's. The alignment of the cluetrain with the burgeoning resonance of near-infinite wealth the Internet is providing is clear and strong. You have my support!"
- Paula M. Blanchard, Partner, Schineller & Blanchard IMC - "Outstanding in-your-face insight. You have crystallized the revolutionary realities of the New Economy. Great stuff!"
- Caitlin Clark-Zigmond, President, Omni Management Systems - "Finally, I am not alone! So many companies think we are waiting to be created by, sold to, enlightened with the web, but in reality we are only trying to express ourselves and to communicate our human nature. I need therefore, I find. That's what the web should let us do, keep interaction simple & direct."
- Dmitry Boldyrev, Senior Slacker, Subband Software - "mostly harmless.."
- Scott Carey, Account Executive, bigchalk.com - "Very cool."
- Miroslav Novak - "Every statement in the manifesto sounds so extreme! As I paused at each, however, I had no rebuttal. Sometimes, 'in your face', is the only polite thing to do!"
- Betsy Monier-Williams, Corporate MIS Trainer, Moog Inc. - "Why couldn't I have found this years ago. I'm on the caboose, but at least I'm on the train. Getting a clue in the defense industry is like buying a $12 toilet seat, next to impossible! I'm sharing as much as quickly as possible. Thanks for laying down the first bit of track."
- Paul J. Larkin, Chief Technology Officer, BX.COM, Inc., Network 42 - "My only expression is a sigh. A sigh that signifies that someone else out there simply understands...."
- Gary Oing, Sales Support Manager, Sun Microsystems - "All of the theses resonate with the themes of 'power to the individual' and 'the truth shall set you free'. The enlightened response to them should apply not only to B2C (biz-to-consumer) but perhaps even more so to B2B (biz-to-biz) and B2E (biz-to-employee) environments and communication."
- Tim Holt, Internet Developer, (now) QSent (then)Rogue Wave Software - "I am the second employee to leave my old company who will post the Manifesto on the doors as I go. There's more than one type of clue train. Some actually take you to stations with regular patronage."
- Ed McFarland, "material management analyst" , Lucent Technologies - "Corporate directors, please read the Cluetrain Manifesto and then tell me why we 'associates' are (poorly) trained how to do the job but not why. Also, tell me what it will cost NOT to do something instead of what it will cost to do!"
- Landon Kite, Jr., President, Quantum Management Associates, Inc. - "I like the song you are singing; keep singing!"
- Stephen E. Douglas, Business Analyst, varies, home page - "I read about it for the first time yesterday (2/10/2000), bought it last night, and finished reading it this afternoon (2/11/2000). My head is still spinning. It is like reading my own personal journals for the last 10 years. Have you guys been crawling around in my BRAIN?!"
- Matthew Jacob, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, Feral Software - "Just reading the first 10 of the theses was like coming home to a home I hadn't arrived at until now. Thank you."
- David Week, Managing Director, Pacific Architecture - "Not just the web. Life is conversation. Interchange between living beings."
- Jaime López Giménez , Founder, Portal Marítimo, s.l. - "It's nice for me to find your clues. We're starting these days, and any clue is great to find our place."
- Sunil Malhotra, Design Strategist, for and beyond the new millennium - "HappyToTurnPositive://WonderWhyWorld.CorporatesLackedUserEmpathyTillRebelsAiredInsultingNotions.CreatingOverallMadness"
- Will Ganz, Lord Master of the Galaxy for the Day - "The clue train ain't the gravy train!"
- Luke Asbury, President, LA Information Systems - "If you thought Dorothy's tornado was a wild ride, hang on for this one. 'I don't think this is Kansas anymore, Toto'."
- Helmar Rudolph, Corporate Brain Surgeon, Argo Navis Consulting Group, A visionary's home on the Web - "It fills me with great joy and satisfaction to see the public acknowledgement of my own beliefs, vision, opinion and ideas. May the force be with you in a world that is increasingly ruled by the likes of Coca Cola and Microsoft - and the word FREE. You have all my support!"
- Jim Cognito, Facilitator, TMT group LLC - "The ignorant will laugh But the wise will understand."
- Ross Mayfield, President, RateXchange, home page - "The Network is the Market"
- Thomas Rohde, Designer, Consultant, Counselor , Tom Rohde Media Design/BONOBO.COMmunication - "Fascinating! Power To The People!"
- Robert Rosenberg, Owner/Operator ariga.com; co-founder Koldoon.com, DataSphere ltd., Ariga: Publishing for Business, Pleasure and Peace from the Intersection of Three Continents (Since 1995) - "I've been waiting for someone to notice that B2B and B2C are going to be irrelevant compared to the C2B world that the 'net is truly becoming. Thanks muchly. Just please remember, the Internet is not American. it is Global."
- Tim Zajis, Intranet Architect, American Fidelity Assurance - "Oh ya! To do e-business, you have to BE an E-business. And being an e-business doesn't come easy. It's going to get interesting when these ideas infiltrate our 'e-business' approaches. Conversation, communication, connection? Customer communities? Someday we'll understand that its about e-mail, chat rooms, discussion boards and yet to be invented digital interactions, not corporate web sites, marketing brochure-ware and ISD invented 'interactive' applications. Til then a lot of us in the trenches will need life lines like this to hang on to our remaining sanity. Fire the imagination, fuel the conversation and don't loose your edge. We need this kind of stuff."
- Phil Shapiro, Community builder, One World Media Center, home page - "Let no one doubt that the words spoken in this manifesto ring true. There's nothing like a good manifesto to brighten one's day."
- Joe Hamelin, Sr. Network Engineer, Flying Crocodile, Inc., SPSE - "It seems that the company that I work for is on the clue train, maybe that's why we've grown from 7 employees to 70 in one year with no plans or need to IPO. Now I just need to get my vendors a clue! Are you listening PSI, GBLX, Teleglobe, ELI, Qwest?"
- Hernan Casanova, Op. Manager, Internet Developers LLC. - "Read the book. I couldn't agree more. There are no more dumb customers out there. This will become true in the political arena as well. (Hopefully)"
- Diana Dru Botsford, President & CEO, Solar Cafe - "The dawn of a new century does not have to be met with the witless terror the mainstream media would like to inflict upon us. Why? Because the internet is truly creating the global village where we can support each other. Educate each other. And initiate a wave of humanity's evolution that the big buck companies can NOT control. They say 'knowledge is a dangerous thing'. My question is, for who?"
- Chris Johnson, (you decide), Airwindows, Airwindows - "It's not that corporatism and big faceless business will dry up and blow away- it's just that the cluetrain model will work better for a more interconnected society. To me, that's enough to follow it..."
- Jim Burrows, Creator, The Curiosity Cafe - "Ghandi showed us the power of an unarmed non- violent citizenry. We will now learn what the enthusiasm of that citizenry will bring to our futures. I see a rainbow of ideas and a thunderstorm filled with passion. I am glad my children get to live in this world."
- Jennifer Davis, Student Account Representative, Savannah College of Art and Design - "Your theses provided me with a shot of inspiration; working with a fairly new 'corporate culture' has not insulated us from the paranoia and self-censorship one expects in a more traditional business. It is my goal to share these with as many of my co-workers and managers as will listen. Thanks!"
- Sean Kelly, Environmental Engineer, IT manager...doing what needs doing, Komex Europe - "This gives voice to thoughts my mind has been trying to form...Thank you."
- Jared Shaw, Corp. HR Manager, CommuniCare Health Services - "Everyday I walk the halls of a museum filled with relics and the remains of a time that long ago (10-15yrs) perished. Being 22 and the youngest in my corp.'s Home Office (by 10 years), it is easy to see the intense ability, intelligence, experience, and resourcefulness of the men and women around me... but I still get a tear when I tell them, 'The markets that took you 20 years to 'understand' no longer exist, change everyday, and are waiting at your front door-step with questions and suggestions you must receive, interpret, accept, and act on now or be abandoned.' Thank you ringleaders, for helping corporate America face it's worst fear, fundamental change."
- MuhaNa Fertal, artist/ housewife /homeschool mom, Fertal family - "bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you"
- sandra fontana, gunpowder
- Brenda Laface, Wellness Counselor/Consultant/Distributor of Biomagnetic & Far-Infared Technology, Nikken - "Finally a move . . . a global move toward the obvious . . . toward a way that allows me to finally join the world! Thanks"
- Paul Edson, Technical Support Representative, ExpressNet, home page - "Although I've clued in somewhat late in the game, I've already arranged for pointers to this site to be forwarded to everyone of remote importance at my job. It's time that business realized that dehumanizing employees and customers rarely leads to a satisfactory relationship with either."
- Richard K. Worthington, Seattle Real Estate, lakeunion.com - "Truth. On a stick. Finally."
- Jennifer Fader, Publicist, Jennifer Fader Public Relations - "Here's to honest public relations."
- Oliver Breidenbach, The far side of my mind - "As a 'marketing' person, I feel deeply disturbed yet oddly relieved after reading the book. Somehow we all have already suspected this, haven't we? Interesting times, indeed."
- Keith Hunt, responsible for some technical stuff, The University of Akron - "More like 9.5 theses, repeated 10 times each, but I like it anyway."
- Paul J Treacy, sales Executive, ECN - "It is very refreshing to see that people in the world are starting to have a clue but embarrassing to see that most are still nonemotional, uptight fools that will probably never have a clue. I loved the book and shall get it into as many hands as possible. Be brave don't sell out."
- Jason Collins, MIS Analyst, Logistix, People and the Fallacy of Me - "We hear the voices every day... which one will we listen to?"
- eduardo griffa, VP Marketing & Solutions, CEA, Ericsson - "I have no clue if all what the manifesto manifests is right or even if I agree with it (it is nine o'clock on a tuesday night and I am tired). What I can say is that yes, this is a conversation, and this can change the world if we do not forget all the rest of the people who have (still) never made a telephone call! In the meantime the dialogue will be of elites (us!)."
- Ricardo Alvarez Felix, CEO, Realidad Alternativa, home page - "About time somebody noticed that the human being must not be boxed as a series of stereotypes. We do not come to the internet to follow the same patterns given throughout time by established organizations that take our participation for granted. We come as free individuals trying to cope with this new sense of information freedom and to grow as humans... the new revolution is just beginning."
- Dan Strayer, Help desk coordinator, EDS - "This is all SO true...."
- John Naughton, Internet Columnist and general-purpose troublemaker, The Observer, John Naughton's Home Site - "At last! Some folks who understand business AND the Net."
- Mark Thomas, CEO, World Herbs Pty Limited, aspects of a life - "The authentic voice of one human being describing their feelings or experiences is of more value than all the millions of dollars spent on advertising creativity each year. Corporate culture is destroying our lives and our planet yet it is all being done by people like us! The answer lies in each person finding the courage, day by day, decision by decision, not to be part, any longer, of this inhumanity. Thanks for the manifesto."
- Josu Saseta, E.K.D - "'To be or to believe'"
- Ricardo Aravena Duarte, Computer engineer - "The human's power is not in the technology but in the society."
- Malcolm More, No fixed title, Cap Gemini - "The Cluetrain message talks to me ('Find your voice and use it') and to business ('Stop talking at your customers, talk with them') and, of course, to the market which occupies the space between me and business. I'm working on the message for me (by signing up, among other things), I wonder which companies are working on the message for them?"
- Tony Pigram, eBusiness Consultant, iienet, eBusiness Resources - "After spending six years working for these prehistoric companies and fighting all the way, it is so nice to know that others feel the same way and are uniting to make a difference."
- Jim Good, Director, Atlantic Software Gmbh - "With the right PR, this page is positioned to become the preeminent provider of mission-enabling vision-oriented synergistic business humanisation. I love the Cluetrain Manifesto. May its spirit never die despite whatever successes it enjoys!"
- Bill Baker, WM. Baker Associates - "The Cluetrain Manifesto is the new business paradigm."
- Sharon Jill Bear Bergman, Content Coxswain and Utility Wordsmith, JobDirect.com - "The truth being told doesn't have to be the same as yours, but if it is someone's specific truth, it shimmers up off the page or screen or stage like light. It rises up and meets up with your truth."
- Patrick Shannon, InfoPackager, Nature's News - "Through networks, human communities have begun to act more like natural systems. Nature is not a hierarchy! Nature is an ongoing conversation, and no one is left out. Human hierarchical systems are doomed to failure in the long run. It's only taken 10,000 years for us to begin to see that our organizations must take a hint from natural systems. 'Old Think' corporations are referred to as 'Dinosaurs' for a reason!"
- Tim Chambers, Founder, PIkes Peak Perl Mongers, home page - "Perhaps, it's slightly presumptuous and revisionist to compare this movement to the Reformation, but, hey -- it's apt nevertheless. Hmm, let's see. It was some 60 years from the printing of Gutenberg's first Bible to Wittenberg. It was only 10 years between Tim Berners-Lee and your book. That's Internet time for you. Well, just call me a Protestant :-). Hey, cool! I tell Ed Yourdon about the cluetrain manifesto, and three days later it's one of his featured books (http://www.yourdon.com/)! Thanks, ESR, for pointing me here."
- Antonio Allegretti, COO, iMTi, Job ain't nothin' but work. - "Word. Corporations may be able to hold their composure in a high speed chase, but only humans can look good without a shirt. Compelling only if you care about mankind."
- Rory Owen, M.D. / President, GeneSciences.com, DNAmedicine - "Amen! Long live the Revolution. We deserve our voice and some say in the matter! Great book - I soaked it up."
- David G. Simmons, President, Ideawise / OTG, Inc. - "A 'company' is or at least should be an avatar, a gestalt composed of and driven by its human components. Unfortunately many 'people' are merely extensions of their soulless company. The balance of power is shifted in the wrong direction. Their existence as individuals is an illusion. The inspiration which breathes life into Cluetrain is simply seeing people as what they are. People. If 'R&D VP's' and 'S&M Dir's', and 'CEO's and the like can begin to see themselves as people again, maybe they will be able to take something meaningful away from such valuable commentary as Cluetrain, and subsequently take back control of the monster which they at first created and now have become. The world is not full of revolutionaries, but as history has demonstrated, the population will occasionally recognize when they have gone too far in one direction, and then a few resonant voices can stir long quiet thoughts in the vast population. So keep it up Cluetrain. I am willing not only to jump on board, but to jump off and help you lay some track down if the need arises."
- Chris Juneau, Sr. Manager, Product Marketing, LapLink.com - "All businesses cannot run from the ideas outlined in the manifesto. They must run to the ideas in order to succeed."
- Michael Fiorot, Territory Manager, Grainger - "I may be just a simple caveman...but even I have heard the clarion call of the Four Horsemen of the Cluetrain, bolting headlong into the Networked Age....let's move it all out there!"
- Sir S.F.P.Koopmans, MMS, PKCompany, Sir PK - "It has inspired me for a lifetime and has enabled my companies to exist for eternity!"
- Mark W. Lee, Finance Jerque, Club Capital Group, rested minds - "To the lost souls stuck in prairie dog country, the manifesto may shock you into a reality which you've been scared to admit was just outside your perception all along. One day, all this will make perfect sense to even the guys who still make you wear ties and shoes to work. Then of course, YOU will have become the conventional wisdom. Until then, we all remain rich geniuses. Peace."
- Michael Geer, Chief Conspirator for Change, Extreme Properties, Inc. - "Control, Control, Control. Markets, customers, products, research, employees, practices, knowledge....and the walls came tumbling down when we started talking to each other. The 'control' was always an illusion....nawchash, in Hebrew, what Eve engaged at the edge of the Garden. Nawchash...to hiss as in to whisper an enchantment or a spell. The 'snake' has always been an illusion, for it MEANS illusions. To practice illusion, magic, enchantments, spells, prognostication. Control is ALWAYS an illusion, an enchantment, a spell....it wasn't Humpty who fell this time....it was The Wall...the Cluetrain stopped in my precincts and I discovered I was already onboard. To be awake, alive and able to See. To Hear. To Understand. Radical Understanding. Education comes from the Latin edu-care....to bring forth from within...the new manifesto insures we all share what is already within...not what we're bred and packaged to understand....not the lies, deceit and illusions of Control Freaks. Free markets. Free enterprise. Liberty. Mail this Manifesto to everybody you know. Do it. Do it now."
- Richard Orkin, President of Creative Services, Dick Orkin's Radio Ranch - "Brilliant. The right place, the right time!"
- Chiranjit Basu, Engineering Manager, Cincom Systems Inc. - "This book should be required reading from 5th grade on! And a prerequisite for any job."
- Dan Nash, New Vision Consultant - "Not since Rock n' Roll changed the landscape of modern cultural values and motivation has anything come along to so well define and guide the heart and soul of the people. Long Live the Manifesto!!"
- Ingeniero Jose Jesus Nunez, http://ingeniero.web.com - "What I have read is just fabulous. You have a very very clever idea about consumers' thoughts. Congratulations for your clever view of the times we are living in and the times that are coming. Not many people understand it as well as you do."
- Roisin Robothan Jones, Brand Strategy Consultant - "I love you, Locke Stock & Weinbarrel! Let's all live as artists with our work as our medium."
- Wyn Morris, Product Marketing Manager, The Blood-Horse, Inc./Eclipse Press
- Amy Miller Acosta, citizen of the world, my carefully crafted then neglected-for-four years site; it's still valid though - "The signatories who wring their hands and worry that The Corporate World will not heed the manifesto need not worry. The change is happening anyway. The Internet has permeated our collective psyche and is changing the way we communicate and treat each other. It's only a matter of time. And thank goodness. The other way was desensitizing."
- Peter Haynes, former Application Architect , big insurance company - "I know this place - I work(ed) there - I will not close the door on my way out - the fresh air will do them good."
- Wendy Jameson, Director of Marketing, Scitor Corporation Enterprise Solutions - "To those of us in marketing--it's time to stop making excuses for the communications we prepare. It's time to start participating in the dialogue. Dare to live consciously!! 'So let it be written, so let it be done.'"
- Ben koot, The art of deleting, a new industry????, Travelcompass, welcome - "The right way to proceed, however, how to convince the rest of the world. I am trying to educate my industry (travel & tourism) that at least 70% of all e-mail messages can easily be replaced by more efficient forms of communication. Saves time, frustration and wondering why you don't get an answer.... People don't have time, so use real 1:1 communication. as long as corporations do not offer this as default standard, it'll never work. Kind regards, Ben. p.s. you may shoot me if I'm wrong"
- Michael Bowen, Evangelist, Hyperion, Sixo - "It's no picnic steering the ocean liners of commerce. The Manifesto alerts all old captains that there are new sloops in the water. If you can't shake, drown in my wake."
- Tim Churches - "A few good thoughts but the whole thing reads like a promotional blurb for the latest Tom Peters fad: buy our book and save your company! Why should we care about the companies and their shareholders? Let them perish and new, better organisations can take their place. Or is your message really about protecting 'shareholder value'?"
- mike jay, Happeneur, B-Coach Systems, LLC, Executive Coach - "'a rising tide floats all boats'"
- Nora Stevens, teensy tooth in an enormous gear, Ontario Power Generation, home page - "It's a pity that the guys who make the big decisions at our plant are so unapproachable. They do the talking and we do the listening (somewhat). If ever there were a group of people who needed a clue, it's them."
- Denis G. Miller, President, Silverdale Consulting Inc. - "This is the most clear, direct and invigorating exposé I have ever read. My work history has been one of suddenly realizing that despite all the words about being a 'people' company the corporate mentality is one of keep them quiet, keep them in mushroom mode and they don't have anything useful to tell us 'managers'. I have actually been disciplined for talking to machine operators and soliciting their opinions about what is wrong with their machines and what would help them be more productive. 'You are an engineer, you do not need any advice from those hourly types!' I left soon after."
- Shane Snipes, Chief Net Officer, Fund for Public Interest Research - "An exceptional summary of how people are transforming who they are in the world and forming a network to support that self fulfillment."
- Michael L. Koetje, Chief Kid, M.L. King Day Home Center - "I work with children and families on literacy and communication issues in an Early Childhood Education program. They get it pretty fast. Empowerment comes from the bottom up, not from the top down. Business might get it some day. We can't wait. Thanks for sharing and inspiring."
- Steven Finkelman, ex ceo - "I'm happy to have found this site. (thanks to Wired). It's time everybody woke up and realized that business are run by human beings, for human beings. And that 'Business' is NOT just another term for institutionalized abuse. It's time for some common sense and Socially Responsible Computing."
- Christopher White, Installation Manager, MEGG Associates Inc. - "The Cluetrain? A freight train, unstoppable. Here we come."
- D. Morgan - "The fact that everybody from the Wall Street Journal on down is so complimentary to the Cluetrain Manifesto doesn't prove that it's an idea whose time has come. It proves that it's an idea that threatens nobody in the business world. What harm is there is quoting platitudes like 'let's be more human' and affecting authenticity because it's good for business? The most amusing thing about the manifesto is that it was co-sponsored by a leader in the Linux movement, a model of the decentralized 'community' that the manifesto preaches. Of course, the Linux community is far more arrogant, cloistered, paranoid and hostile toward 'regular people' than any proprietary company is. If users find the OS unintuitive, Linuxheads flame and berate them, and resolve to improve nothing. At least the lies from the corporate customer service department don't involve name calling. Linuxheads have never been known to be good at 'conversation.' Ask for help on most pc-related help lists and you'll get that great Net generosity. Ask for help on a Linux list and you'll get abuse and derision for being too 'stupid' to have figured it out yourself. Check out the Linux advocacy sites which try to tone down this geek hostility -- and you'll find even *these* telling them how to talk to 'stupid people' (a phrase I've found on three different sites). Linuxheads are far more contemptuous toward those 'real people' out there who use their products than the corporate suits ever were. In fact, they're their own worst enemies when it comes to widespread acceptance of their own product in the desktop market. My point is this: none of distasteful and highly NON-CONVERSATIONAL character traits of the Linux community were developed in or by hierarchical, top-down corporations. They emerged through the cliquishness of a self-selected, bottom up 'community.' Remember the nastiness, pettiness, cruelty and unending vindictiveness of those high school cliques? Those were nice, organic, self-selecting, self-organized communities too. No memos or company dinners forcing everyone to be nasty to each other. Naive theories of the 'free' market are no less naive when they're extended to the emotive market. It's absurd to think that 'free conversation' or 'free self-organization' will always and necessarily lead to democracy and 'synergy' and efficiency and wealth and love. Tribalism is just as nasty and dangerous as hierarchy. Hey, I'm all for people, too. But there are no real ideas here and certainly no conversation. The new movers and shakers signing above don't want to talk to people like me anymore than Redmond or Coca-Cola does. I note bemusedly that the few dissenting voices in the signatory list are sarcastically one-upped by the editor's red pencil so that they will not send any interference patterns across the herdlike resonance. Yawn. In the end the new virtual class will probably be more ruthless and evil than their predecessors, though they'll be more clever at sugarcoating their exclusions with libertarian rhetoric: We invite everyone to belong! We want everyone in the conversation! (So those who aren't in it don't deserve to be!) Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." [this particular editor (neither "Linuxhead" nor libertarian) thinks many of your observations are valid and worth heeding. stick that in your herdlike resonnance.]
- Alejandro Godinez, Ing., ITESM, Home Page
- David E.Rothacker, Director, AREA51HVAC.COM., INC. - "Have I been saved? With thoughts of entering the corporate world wielding steel to slay the mighty dragons of ivory towers... perhaps in retrospect I need more preparation. While it seemed like a solo battle at first, I've discovered others who also believe in the cause. I think I'll hang around and partake of a little manifesto nourishment."
- Brenda G. Howard, Owner, CreativeWriting.com, LLC - "Gosh you guys - I still have mixed feelings about having Corporate America wake up. I mean, the ball is already rolling, with or without their knowledge. Social and economic change is already happening, whether they know it or not. It's kind of fun being at the party where all the people understand how to enjoy themselves - without having to be told how to have fun. ;-) Okay... If we must invite them to the party, I guess we should. Count me in."
- James Bergstrom, guide manager, Pink Jeep Tours - "Authentic and genuine are the keywords for your new paradigm search. Economics/marketing/business must all be open to these values. Advertising is not the voice, it is an expression of the lack of these values, the need to proselytize. Organized religion has begun to experience this shift. Now it's business's turn. Cheers!"
- Omar Javaid, CEO, Mobilocity, My Manila site. - "Let's have some serious fun."
- Amanda Restifo, poopoo-er of titles, Paine/Pomeroy Marketing Communications - "A train that doesn't run on tracks? Beautiful. Count me in."
- Stephen Lindstrom, Chairman, WellStreet International, Inc. - "The Manifesto was recommended to me by a friend who is a truly personally 'web-enabled'. Glad he did, I am starting a new ecomm company and come from the analog world. This helped me solidify my thinking and challenged some other thinking as I think about the role of my venture and how it interacts with the world. I have not heard the word conversation in a long time, it was like an old friend coming back into my life. I promise myself not to use the work communicate any more. Words have power, and i intend to engage in many more conversations. thanks for the conversation with me in the book."
- Tim Rourke
- William Paul Fiefer, CEO, William Fiefer Corporation, William Fiefer Corporation - "In the 19th Century, James Clerk Maxwell constructed the theoretical foundation of electromagnetism. Thomas Edison ran parallel to Maxwell, developing the practical tools that capitalized on electricity. Like Maxwell, Tim Berners-Lee created the architecture of the World Wide Web. The best site developers working now are Edisons, making practical realization of this vision. Together, they flesh out the superstructure and turn what remains a primitive Potemkin environment into the next major vehicle for bringing people and their devices together."
- Jae Lee, Founder & Chairman, IamValley Inc. - "You guys definitely tapped into the collective with this one. Those who get, will get it, simply because they have been thinking along the same lines for a long time. Those who don't get, won't until it taps into something they have within themselves. Until they do, may the chips fall where they may."
- Bert Barkson, Creative Director, Barkson Design, home page - "It's nice to see people are finally coming around. It took longer that I thought it would but, thanks to sites like Cluetrain, the 'right' mentality is finally catching on..."
- Jacques Genest, marketing consultant - "markets are conversations. More, they are dialogues."
- Siyavash, SyntaxError, BlueLake Software, Siyavash - "I like it."
- Bill Senft, President, dotComversation - "I believe so much in what you say that I built a company and software platform around the idea. Forget about 'automated this' or 'automated that', the Net is about CONNECTING PEOPLE WITH NEEDS WITH PEOPLE WHO CAN HELP. It is NOT one more step on the path where 2% of the people do all the thinking and the other 98% are just a gullet to feed. Bring everyone into the network and watch the collective intelligence GROW. The world is one big CPU - we just need to connect the circuits - the minds of the people!"
- Gretchen Williams Jurek, referente culturale (cultural referent), View PointS - "The founder of View PointS and I began our dialogue over the Internet, and are now collaborating on several joint projects. His main field is Communications, and he has seen this phenomenon coming! His company has been spreading the message, and some of the clients are starting to GET IT. Many are not. It is one heck of a ride. My main fields are 'the arts' and natural history. No 'techie' here... but I find that all in View PointS are visionaries. Visionaries, we are finally getting OUR chance! Remember the old adage, 'Anarchists, Unite!!!' I am so glad to have found this! Thank you for solidifying what we have been trying to talk about!"
- Eric Norlin, Financial Advisor, First Union Securities (but, of course, not representing them) - "In my world, so many have missed this train that we may have to build an annex to the station."
- Dimitri Giardina, university student, My home page! - "1) i haven't time, now, to read all thesis, but i think it's a great think that net-users have to free their minds and know that they are free to move and not to be moved on the net (and i think on their life). 2) here in italy, there is an explosion of net users, but only a little part of them is conscious of the powers of the net. (for powers i mean the revolutionary potential to culture); many people use the net only because it's 'beautiful' and 'modern'. 3) short comment? i can't create a new future only sending short comments."
- Hilly Ehrlich, Marketing Director, eSelective Technologies - "Insightful, visionary, what can I say, except... 'more power to your elbow.'"
- s. sadagopan, senior consultant, Satren - "This is the definite guidepost to the future.."
- Philip T. DiPeri, Managing Director, Stonehenge International
- Rob-Roy McGregor, Author, Bolsa2000 E-Anthropology, Virtual Pilgrim Index page - "Maybe now we can get some real work done!"
- Steve Hawley, Web master, The Society of the Hawley Family, Inc., Southern Utah Wilderness Society of the Pacific Northwest - "This is the answer to the not-so-rhetorical question... 'What is the Matrix?'"
- Bob Sell, Member, Morton Marks & Sons, LLC - "... With an overwhelming belief, (over the last 15 years of sales at multiple organizations both large & small), that I was onto something... The Cluetrain Manifesto finally confirms what I've been telling myself, owners, managers, customers, & friends all these years: Why can't the businesses I gave my loyalty to TELL THE TRUTH? Not only in all those promises made to me, but to all other 'markets' as well? The Internet & Cluetrain is the vehicle validating my many career moves and the choice recently made to go into business for myself! Thanks Cluetrain, & well done."
- Don Brenner, ONE color - "I have lived in less developed countries where the market is a face to face daily experience. There needs to be a place where you can tell other members of your market that 'Rosa's pig ears are tough' The internet can be that place." [yeah, I thought they were a little chewy myself.]
- Gwyn Waters, none at the moment thank god - "I got so tired of trying to tell the grand fromages that the marketeers were wasting far too much time and money theorizing what their customers wanted. The customers were screaming louder than I. Finally, I just had to leave."
- Elmo, Producer, The Great Ideas Radio Show - "To the cluetrainers - Congratulations. You've discovered the simple truth we've been avoiding for generations: that the keys to the foundations of human consciousness lie not in the past, but toward the future. To the naysayers, particularly J. Doe - Congratulations. By using this messaging system as a forum to declare your contempt and disbelief for the Cluetrain hypothesis, you've managed to prove the Cluetrain hypothesis. Pavlov would be proud."
- Carol LeKashman, CEO, odysseas, inc., home page - "There's always time to talk there's rarely time to listen: the guys who get it, MAKE the time."
- John-Scott Dixon, VP, eCommerce, Sprint/Sprint PCS - "From within the walls of a Fortune 100 company - the cluetrain precepts are radical. So radical, that I believe most members of our senior management team will look for the first available window to jettison this work. For many, it is the exact opposite of their life's approach to work. However, because they are smart folks and it speaks to the heart, they just might find the courage to try a new approach, to open up, to listen... It is my hope and aspiration to have as many senior level executives exposed to this book as possible (at least the ideas)."
- Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin, Editor-in-Chief, Center for Business Practices - "I recently quit an organization because the executive director actually looked me in the eye and said: Dissent is a threat to our assets. I am hopeful that the interconnected, hierarchy-bashing nature of the Net will ripple out into all aspects of life ... but there's a long way to go. Hope this train is solar-powered."
- Terry Temescu, President, The Lyric Capital Investment Corp. - "Finally, or maybe not so finally, a voice of reason from the cloud of commerce. At base, markets satisfy only if they work at a spiritual level. The ultimate currency is not found in anyone's wallet."
- John Coffey, Utility Infielder, Moss Software - "'Overt subversion' as the Internet was described to me by a long time corporate manager."
- CHUA Horng Shya, Vice President, Marketing, OneKnowledge.com
- Gadi Dechter, Content Developer, Content Strategy Partners - "You say obvious things. You think you're smart. You're typical marketing morons. We know this. We are your clients. We hate you. We hate that you can't construct. Full sentences. We are the people who work for you. The Internet hasn't improved your intelligence. Nothing can help that. Nothin will change."
- Ellen McCurley, just became a independent worker, to be formed - "Finally a book that sums up what I have felt and thought about business for years feeling often like the 'outsider'. I just left an ebiz start-up company with a ton of other people because it is run with an iron fist by a bunch of dinosaurs that don't know that the train has left the station...because they are too busy admiring themselves and their wallets"
- Alec Rosen, Public Relations consultant - "yeah baby! the train has left the station (pick your metaphor - boat left the dock, whatever ...) and oh my, it looks like it left most of corporate america in the dust ... oh well ..."
- Daniel Benedict - "The internet represents the latest, and most profound addition to the system of communication that makes up our collective brain. I believe this manifesto represents the possibilities for real progressive change it may hold for humans."
- William Lees, Corporate developer and shareware author, home page - "Some time ago I thought the Net was getting so bad people should take an exam before being allowed to use it. Now I realise it's the corporations that need the exam, the people are just fine! Good stuff..."
- nahit hanlioglu, officer, military
- Bill Tchakirides, Senior Consultant, CSC/Financial Services Group, Bill's page - "This may be the single most important list of observations and ideas in the information revolution. Any company, especially a large company, would be making a distinct error of judgement not to consider the ideas raised."
- Jeremy Hunsinger, Manager Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Tech, home page - "Getting on the Cluetrain is not just for business, but for education, perhaps more so for education."
- Bruce Butterfield, President and CEO, The Forbes Group (no, not Forbes magazine) - "It's not about marketing; it's not about companies. It's about human relationships and self-forming groups. The web doesn't change how you do things; it changes what you do."
- Juan Villegas, CEO, Solutech
- Brent Smith, Senior Minister, Fountain Street Church - "This is the 21st Century's version of the House Church."
- billy beggs, i am. as yet, untitled. praise be. - "i was so close to the yellow lines but i got wise and headed back and now i find the train the best way to travel. keep the faith."
- Marty Louzicka, Bc., University of Economics
- Howard Alford, Teacher, South Tahoe Middle School, The Tahoe Alfords - "Cluetrain opens my eyes, ears and voice. Can my students and I benefit from Cluetrain? Yes, but in what ways is part of the adventure..."
- David Schneider-Joseph, David Schneider-Joseph's Web Site
- Rene Boucher, President PbN Corp. PNN Inc., Paintball News Network - "'Evolution' to Evolve to Grow to Learn! 'You are looking at the future and WE! are IT!"
- Jane L Stroede, LPTA, Lic. Physical Therapist Assistant - "Over 50 years ago my Dad was a salesman and proud of it. He knew then that the first contact with another human being was meeting a need. Nothing more and nothing less. Eventually, they might buy what you are selling, if they need it, but that came later. First, connect as members of earth. Oh, and the fatal error: Buying your own bullshit."
- Sunny Owden, HMFIC - "It's interesting that the only comment you made were either defensive, self-congratulatory or mock-humour*. It seems to me that the 'signatories' are really just people and should be treated with respect, whether or not they say anything sensible. *Here they are: - [absolutely. yes. send stories to letters@cluetrain.com.] - [thank you. now it's all suddenly clear!] - [beg to differ. making front page of the Marketplace section in The Wall Street Journal doesn't exactly qualify as being ignored.] - [Frankly, your comments suck, but we're putting them here because we can infer you've been thinking Deep Thoughts yourself. ;-)] - [Why thanks, Charles! And we notice you work in Government...] - [May we introduce you to Charles Anderson, above? You guys would clearly hit it off.] - [A pity, really. Another five seconds and you might have gotten it. But we liked 'froo-froo'!] - [Right. Read the remarks of all the happy people on this page.] - [...including your identity. how bold, how fearless!] - [uh-huh. but which five are true and obvious?]" [I can see why they call you Sunny.]
- Pat Fosness, Finance Manager, US West - "Oh YES!!! People, not numbers, not cogs in a machine either inside or outside the firewall. Even the Machiavellian power and control beasties are people - and they'll realize it when they stop...to listen."
- Dan Denault a.k.a. !r00t, Network Administrator/Internet Programmer/Ihavetodoeverythingbecuasepeoplearecluelessguy, Corporation for Standards and Outcomes, ePowerApps.Com - When your MIS department says it's impossible... - "Being a young individual at the age of 22 and holding the position(s) that I do with my current employer I have had my share of techno vs. the marketing team battles. Early one morning my CEO came into the server room and said to me, 'I read this book this weekend and all of the things you have been telling me were true'. He then proceeded to give me a copy of the book to read and stated that I would enjoy it. After reading the commentaries, quotes, and prefaces, I was unsure that this book was for me. After reading the first sentence in the third paragraph, which caused uncontrollable laughter to spout from my vocal chords, I knew I was wrong. Only one word comes to mind when contemplating on what should be said to the authors. Thanks. Hopefully the attitude of - he is just a young kid, what does he know - shall soon be a thing of the past."
- me, s, n - "fantastic"
- Vinod Subramaniam, Consultant, NIIT Limited, Vinnie THE Poof - "Well looks like I finally found a kindred voice. I started my career in 1990 but was sacked three times since the blokes considered me a Maverick. Now I have a voice on the web that speaks my language." [hey, getting fired for the first time is like getting your Wolf Badge!]
- Bruce Vann, Marketing/Sales Manager, Western Region, Optoma (formerly CTX Opto), home page - "Dialogue Marketing will be very difficult for you traditional marketers, but what else are you going to do? As you can plainly see here at this site and in the book, you have no choice in the matter. Dialogue requires honesty and heartfelt expression not polished professionalism."
- Mark Paul, Partner, Synergy Consulting Group, LLC
- ryo koyama, president & ceo, iReady - "courage is the willingness to see the truth and actually do something about it."
- Will Evans, Retail Sales Manager, Bolder Technologies - "Way to go. Imagine work being directly related to your 'real' life and not the time sucking interruption it so often is. Here's a revolution that might be worth fighting for. An honest, real conversation."
- Bram van Rijen, Creative director, VV Productions, home page - "It's like coordinating a global conversation. Only seeing people talk is one thing, participation is another."
- Michael Guettler (Australia/Queensland/Brisbane), Citizen of the World, Web Site Proofreading and Appraisal Service - "Cluetrain IS already moving from the station. 'Another passenger who wanna get on, wanna get on, wanna get on ....' E.John/B.Taupin 'And there's a slow, a slow train coming ...' B.Dylan So many corporate giants are going to have two yellow lines running them over .... it may not exactly be egg but it's yellow!"
- Cyberpenx, Internet Manager, Partido de la Vida, home page - "Soy un trabajador del conocimiento; un claro ejemplo de un empleado que quiere comunicar y recibir información sobre todo lo que ocurre en el mundo y gestionarla adecuadamente en la red con herramientas estándars y transparentes. La gestión del conocimiento es continuación de la teoría del sistema nervioso digital, se trata de una nueva visión que cambiara la forma de hacer negocios en las empresas, de manera que "aquellas que lideren este mercado serán las que ofrezcan mas información a sus empleados y las que sepan utilizar mejor las nuevas tecnologías". Se basa en acumular el conocimiento de los empleados, unificar el correo electrónico con herramientas estándares, utilizar la Web y aprovechar este aprendizaje para no repetir errores. Las empresas jóvenes que se han creado en la era digital surgen con una cultura de la que carecen las tradicionales y hacen un gran uso de las nuevas tecnologías"."
- Thomas Simon, Developer, Caucus Systems, Inc., home page - "Been tuned to the emedia conversation for many years...let's collaborate."
- mr. big, president, big productions, inc. - "Even Jr. Parker wouldn't call this a mystery train..."
- Allegra Sloman, Customer Service Coordinator, Statpower Technology USA a subsidiary of Xantrex
- Andrew Miller, Editor-in-Chief, The Campanile (high school newspaper in Palo Alto) - "Thank God somebody said it! We've been so caught up in the phrasing of 'paradigm shifts' and 'eyeballs' and 'audience' that we've forgotten the idea of markets in the first place."
- Mark Steward, Staff Anarchist, MAST, Bring Me A Geek - "Either get on the Cluetrain or get run over by it...your choice. I've been preaching this for years...but you definitely wrote a better sermon than I did. Thank you!"
- Gaspar Torriero, Technical Trainer, DIGICOMP AG - "I have been teaching more or less the same since 1995, but never so clearly expressed. For me, the Manifesto is perhaps too obsessed with corporations. Small companies ARE listening. Let the others disappear. I don't care."
- Gregory W. Brickner, Student & e-zine Editor, The Financialist, FinancialStreet - "Someone finally figured it out! The net is more than a bunch of switches, servers, and phone lines, its people. The Cluetrain Manifesto said in one voice, what all of us have been trying to say."
- Nick Jankel-Elliott, funky business consultant, happy dog - "Not the answer, but certainly the right questions."
- Paolo Bouman, copywriter, Data Gold Slootweg & Smidt, home page - "Who needs a manifesto? The manifesto says what every sound person knows and has always known. But then again, why can't you hear it in our language? Some of my clients are willing to pay me gold to write beautifully slick crap. Of course they want crap, because their competitors have been talking in crap for ages, and they are doing well. Hope I'm still able to hear words from the heart. 'Cause I am positive lots of people will listen."
- John Formosa, Creator, The Swurv Project - "The castle is falling! Its about environments. Its about paradigm shifts. No longer is 'the medium the message'. Guess what, You are the message. Enhance, enable, empower, those are the 'real' e's! Time to swurv!"
- Dom DeBellis, Information Architect, Watercolor Group - "If I hear one more company talking about 'responsive customer service' or 'solutions built around you' or some other marketing happy hogwash, I'm going to have to hit something--hard. Cluetrain is articulating much of what we (normal people) have been saying for years: listen to us. We're you're customers. What you call your 'target market.' Don't talk down to us. We know our needs. You don't. Try to spend less time talking and more time listening to us . . . Um, are you listening?"
- Vincent D Lowe, VP Business Development, Aqueduct Information Services, Vincent's Home Page - "...it's about time that someone expressed this lucidly. Thank you. I am fed to the gills with companies that treat customers as statistics. 'I'm sorry sir, our policy doesn't allow...' and 'All representatives are currently busy (and will be so for about the next 90 minutes)...' and 'By assaulting these commodity protocols, we can insinuate our own technology as the only valid options in the marketplace...' I'm getting heartburn right now just thinking about it."
- Mike Cunningham, President/CEO, Harvard Computing Group - "Defining and adopting to new ways of doing business will determine the long term winners. Cluetrain makes it clear. Old Rule: Control is King, New Rule: Flexibility is king."
- Alan Stark, Director of Marketing, epixtech
- Peter J. Lucas Jens, Development Director, VCA Velds BV - "It feels like coming home, reading the manifesto, tears in my eyes, because I somehow felt recognized in my unrelenting belief (and efforts) to use new technologies for one and only one goal, improve intra-personal relations. And we succeeded so far, against the market's opinion."
- Frédéric Lefebvre-Naré, consultant, Isée - evalua, Ingénerie socio-économique et évaluation de politiques publiques - "Merci et bravo. Parmi les 95 thèses, je préfère les positives aux négatives. Les entreprises, comme toutes les communautés, sont des êtres communicants. Il faudra aussi apprendre leur langue : il y a plus d'une langue sur le net."
- Magnus Hoppe, Knowledge worker, Malardalen University - "The way life is defined is about to be redefined."
- John Hancock, Owner, Belsonics - "This appears to be a lately redubbed version of William L. Livingston's, who unfortunately did not have access to, or the need of, a computer. However, he did manage to cover most of these items in his original book 'Have Fun at Work'. I would refer you to it as an earlier edition."
- Chuck Fellows, Human Being, Retired/Self Employed - "Every member of the Boards of the Fortune 500 companies must read the book. Hopefully they will become signatories. Lao Tzu (and others) get to the core reason why Cluetrain is necessary: 'Fail to honor people, They fail to honor you; But of a good leader, who talks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will all say, 'We did this ourselves.' Our children's teachers should read as well!"
- Travis L Crafton, Systems Administrator, Raytheon, home page - "This is the stuff of life. It is the essence of humanity and the root of what matters. Speak on brothers!!"
- Michael Feagans, 4npo.org/.com - for non-profit organizations - "It's as if you have read my mind. I was beginning to believe that my efforts to be honest and personalize my web site were stupid. I now know that my wife was right, I'm cutting edge."
- Timothy Stein, Self employed house dad - "I was locked in that corporate box for 20 years. NO more."
- Gary D. Dickinson, Director , Morgan International Group, Inc. - "Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. Lets blow the damn doors off the corporate drag asses, kick ass and check id's. Tell me where the army is going to gather and I'm there!"
- David J. Momotiuk, Student of History, Coureurs des bois Productions - "I AM AN EXPLORER. A new world is before us. As a student of history I Travel, research, ponder, and Map what I see and experience. I do this along the same shores, and the same landscape as those who have gone before, But with different eyes."
- Peter Alexander, Citizen of Canada, Humanity - "Righteous! However, you get an A, but not an A+. Do you have the guts or the wit or the inclination to entertain a slightly dissenting opinion? Herewith: Probably as a result of the fact that you're Americans before you're Humans (you want dialogue? I'm trying to provoke a reaction, dear self-appointed Cops O' the World), almost all of your vocabulary is about rectifying the business world ('I'm gonna show this manifesto to my board of directors...') Before you develop repetitive stress injury patting yourself on the back, tell me what you think Cluetrain can do for humankind, social justice and meaningful democracy! You hint at the ultimate 'market' -- the marketplace of free ideas -- but I have to chuckle when I observe that your vision of a paradigm shift, as expressed, consists merely of ruffling your bosses' feathers. You/we will have to build in a role for good old-fashioned ballots (no search engines and metanames allowed: I mean hard copy, X's in ink on paper, like they cast in South Africa to end apartheid) or your revolution will consist merely of replacing one form of corporporate hegemony with a new, net-savvy version. Don't get me wrong -- I am on board and I sing from my soul a loud chorus of support. But let's explore what Cluetrain can do for the two billion humans on the planet whose income is less than $1 a day. Suggest to me how Cluetrain will counteract the autocratic pablum coming our way from AOL-Time-Warner-EMI et al, in a continent that (as one Cluetrain correspondent put it) favours Letterman to Luther. You guys are gorging on the low-hanging fruit. You rail against trivial inconveniences ('my boss doesn't understand me as a person...'), and articulate absolutely no sense of what you're prepared to sacrifice to benefit 'people of Earth.' Who among you ever felt the cold wind blowing on his ass? Would you vote for tax dollars to fund online literacy programs, delivered world-wide so that Kosovo and East Timor and North Korea and Burkina Fasso and Sudan and Cuba and Nicaragua can join your conversation? (Or will there have to be a hyperlinked Cluetrain (TM) banner ad on the web site to finance the IPO fees?) The seeds are planted: think of the Zapatista website from Chiapas... think of the fax machines from Tienanmen Square... think of the activist network in Seattle and the WTO... Cluetrain is bound for glory. But before you rejoice that you made the market personal, understand that the Net will make it political too. The greatest contribution of the Net will come when it teaches overfed (North) Americans the concept of humility. (And yes, I realize that we Canadians are fundamentally no better)." [what's this about low-hanging fruit? right now I'm eating a double bacon cheeseburger!]
- Terry Christiani, Channeling and Factualist, Symantry Marketing
- Petteri Terho, CEO, Speed Ventures Oy - "The future is here sooner than tomorrow. if we don't change we don't survive. simple as that. but it already happened yesterday. the bottom line of measurement in every business is the last line of the financial report. if that is your only focus it will be the number it could be if you did it different. businesses are measured by people, not by numbers. the biggest asset is not the money. it is the people. the clients are people. not money"
- Ben Spitz, evolving, working on it - "Looking into implementing this in a big way. Keep your eyes open -- especially any engineers out there looking for a different lifestyle."
- Daniel T. Bloom, President, Daniel Bloom & Associates, Inc. - "Have just finished reading the book. It is one of the most intriguing books I have read. It opened some thoughts very similar to my reading the Critical Chain by Eliyahu Goldratt. It is one volume that will remain permanently in my library."
- David K Buchanan, Business Analyst, SaskTel Mobility
- Julie Thompson, Managing Director, C.C. Pace - "BE BRUTALLY REAL! Be authentic with everyone you deal with, and first be that way with yourself. Not knowing who you are and what you're about is utterly boring for anyone interacting with you...anyone but boring people, that is."
- Matthew Gilvey, Db administrator
- John Howie, Virtual Educator, Rocky View Virtual School - "An amazing effort. Most of the ideas stated in the manifesto and 95 theses directly relate to the world of education. Now I have to try and explain the concepts to my boss!"
- linda cadigan, techno-geek-girl, ultrabac.com - "Dang! Just exactly what Socrates said...and oh yeah, Can you SuperSize that?!" [yes, and we also validate parking.]
- Dave Dix, A computer ignorant everyday slob; a failure with no skills, no money, no future but a good imagination., none whatever - "Its cool. But what of us who have clues but no skills, no degrees, no capital and no way out?"
- Awilda Ayala-Rivera, Human Resource Manager, Armstrong World Industries
- kate sonnick, creative director/writer, buck & pulleyn - "last november, while crossing the street on a green light in new jersey, i got hit by a bus. this morning, at precisely 7:35, i got hit by a mothafuckin train. ah, i feel much better now."
- C. Paul Desjardins, Account Consultant, BCE Nexxia Inc. - "I have always used my real voice in written communications. My mother, who was a school teacher, helped me early on to become productive as a writer by urging me to write as though I were speaking. I agree that markets are conversations and I have found success in addressing my customers with conversation, even in the written word - even in formal proposal responses - even last year in Year 2000 Compliance Statements. As a matter of fact, I differentiated our company from all others and consequently earned some significant business on the basis of a clear, plainly spoken Year 2000 Compliance Statement."
- Bill Dunlap, Network Administrator, La Petite Academy Corporation - "Wow! These are thoughts that have been in my mind for years, but that I have never found the words for! Oh, and... my opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my company, its management, or its other employees."
- Noel Howard, Not Important, Not Important - "I doubt that you will publish this since I am not in awe of what you are doing. And, although it is largely true that big organizations engage in double speak and sophisticated de-humanization techniques, this is not a new revelation. And the Internet won't change anything, really. It will be used for commercial purposes, even if its language appears to be more human and real. It was Sam Goldwyn, I think, who said, 'Honesty, that's the key. If we can fake that, we've got it made.' Commercial interests will win on the Internet, even if the voices are made to sound more like 'us.' The Bible warns, 'They will make merchandise of you.' Always have. Always will. The Internet won't change that. So, as we plug into this powerful new tool, let us not put our hopes into it. Instead, let us seek immutable truth that has been available to us since the Garden of Eden."
- Dan Kurchak, President & CEO, Charismagics Incorporated - "People are finding their voices and are becoming empowered. If you are not listening, you will end up outside the marketplace pitching your wares to the wind."
- Andrej Falout, ND/NC, falout.com - "Crippled communication is partly the result of need to accommodate all levels of social skills. Think stupid. Is the Internet fooling us into believing that percentage of intelligent people in population is increasing, just because they can occasionally find each other now thanks to the Internet, or is this for the first time fact, since the down of the humanity? See my little rant here: http://www.falout.com/falout/andrej/documents/why_is_internet_so_popular.htm Good luck to us all! And thanks to you all."
- Conrad Golightly - "Gets the point across nicely."
- Stan Cotton, Founder, 100% Cotton Concpet Co, Outrage - "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. Most people when they get a bad deal, they grin and bear it. Outraged people smile and do something about it."
- Asa Hopkins, webmaster, Bi-College News, home page - "Right on."
- William T. Mahan
- Robert C. Watson, Web Generalist, Watson Web Works, The page I maintain to keep in touch with my family - "All Aboard! The ClueTrain is leaving the station. It's leaving slowly at first but will gather steam and soon be roaring along nicely. Many are standing at the station, wasting time, ignoring the fact that the train has begun moving. They figure they'll eventually hop on when it looks like they need to. Others are on-board, but are getting off early because they're afraid of the speed and the perceived uncertainty of the destination later on. But the rest of us are already on-board and that's where we'll stay. We'll stay because we know it's going on the right journey...a journey with a different destination for each one of us rather than the single, empty destination offered by other trains we have ridden before."
- Brian Robertson, CEO, Visible Markets, My home page
- Hugo A. Angel, Technology Manager, Combiser S.A.
- Jyllian Mitchell, Programmer, Qup Systems, home page
- Kurt Kurosawa, Webmaster, USAF Heritage of America Band - "I don't sign petitions or partisan declarations. That's illegal in my line of work. But this is like signing an agreement with the laws of physics. Less controversial, actually, because the laws governing human behavior are far more durable."
- Linda Pashka, Program Head Curriculum, Communication Department, British Columbia Institute of Technology
- Alan Francis, Director w/o , Brainpower International - "Good, having touched the first veil of that imaginary persona(mask) and facing ourselves and each other, we notice... we are here, a part of a larger whole, curious, instinctively we look up as no artificial hierarchy blocks our view, but such an internal meeting is even more difficult then the throwing off of a corporate persona. Will those who have taken this first step go further or will they rest content to be the new ' do-gooders ' or perhaps you were seeking applause?"
- Scott Johnson, Class Clown, Zen Warrior, Resourceful Human, Allstate - "Oy, up Cluetrain!! I hope that every ineffective middle-management suckup out there reads this (and sends it to their boss, too). I'll be sending it to everyone in my company (I'll let you know if I still work there afterward). Maybe then we won't all be viewed as clock punching slackers with no brains and no 'real' value. It's hard to believe that so many companies and 'experienced managers' just don't get it - it ain't just about money, folks. It's about enjoying Life, feeling good about what we do and caring about the other guys. Believe it or not, you can still be 'successful' that way <gasp>. Good luck to all - here's to Life!!"
- John Gruenenfelder, Rivendell - "Indeed we are immune to advertising. Or, at least, I would like to believe so. Still... web ad banner companies make a lot of money, and I still feel physical pain when I see most TV, so it must be doing something."
- Karl-Peter Gottschalk, AlwaysMac.com - "Sign me up. I was on the cluetrain before it even had a name. So very pleased to meet y'all."
- Peter Hale , Software Developer - "A wonderfull concept. We people are services to each other. All we need are the tools to communicate and facilitate those services, whatever they may be. As a developer, I am willing to write those tools."
- Christopher Roper, Director, Landmark Information Group Ltd - "The Cluetrain Manifesto coincides with my own conclusions about the Internet so I love it to bits. Keep up the good work."
- Erik E. Weaver, Partner, Web Design Partners - "The Internet is arguably the single greatest invention of all time; it is certainly the single greatest invention of the Industrial Age. It is leading us into the 21st Century (which I expect is the dawning of the Information Age) sustaining it's tremendous growth by harvesting grassroots FREEDOM. Since the philosophical foundation of the Cluetrain Manifesto is built upon this Freedom I am happy to sign. Free use of the Internet by all the people of this planet will have an effect upon our future social evolution similar to the American Revolution's effect upon world governments of its age."
- John Fandl, Director of Product Development, Vanguard Solutions Group, Inc. - "Be Yourself Slide forward down the curve, (deviations ring the bell). Those who listen redistribute in the new bell you have wrought, They are now among the few (and new music can be sought). -JF The new bell rings at the station and the train disembarks. Will the few become the many? Things like your manifesto help to crystallize people's thinking. Good job!"
- Adam Hodge
- Brian Toole, Regional Manager, VerticalNet
- Dave Kleist - "I don't think that I agree with all of the theses, but I do agree with the intent. I don't think that we'll see broad, sweeping change occur quickly, as the transition is going to be difficult for many consumers and many businesses. I think that it will occur over a generation (a real paradigm shift like Kuhn describes, where people and institutions DIE before things really change, not that 'impactful' pseudo-language b.s. term used by sloped-foreheaded, knuckledragging drones)"
- Claudia Curtis, You name it, I've probably done it. - "Before we can get a clue we have to know we are clueless. To get that we are clueless requires a dialogue, speaking and listening, the clues will appear out of that. Thanks for speaking, I'm listening and so are others."
- Gwilym Griffith-Jones, ceo, wordarchive.com, What I do - "Art is Life"
- Greg Longtine - "It seems that a long awaited clear voice has been liberated. US"
- Bo Buma, consuprodupolitworkerboss, Stractics Netherlands - "Sure, a great wake up call. I will sign it wholeheartedly and will implement wherever possible. What makes me less enthusiastic is all these comments telling you to send it to the CEO or wishing someone did. Get a life, be empowered, make a difference. What else is everybody signing this manifesto for? Not to wait till somebody does something about it? To you and all the others, see you on the barricades."
- Perry Trimble, Sr. Database Administrator, BAE SYSTEMS - "The Future is approaching at the speed of light and the Train has a full head of steam and is pulling out of the station... All Aboard.. Sign Me UP..."
- Craig E Curry, President , Craig Curry Consulting - "I have worked in the ERP consulting business for over twenty years. I know my success is derived from an ability to communicate from the lowest rung of the ladder to the highest. I only wish the rest of the industry used this skill."
- daedalus, Consultant, home page - "This smells right, and it looks like a lot more fun."
- Young Hwang, Manager, Samsung Electronics
- Jan Bjerregaard, Country Manager, Linq - "Welcome to the reality of the virtual world."
- Eric Sandvik, System Admin and full time Student, Spectrum Banc Servic Corp - "Others have noted the logical aspects of this manifesto and they are all great. I'm here to share my emotional views...WOOO HOOO HOOO! Thank You."
- Tim Byrd
- Scott Graham, Artworker, Fifth Ring Integrated Corporate Communications - "Our company has been trying to convey these ideas to clients for a while and it comes as a revelation to them..why doesn't everyone think like that..they say. Well done for writing it down"
- Johan Pretorius, Owner & Technical Director, Solfact Internet Projects, Johan Pretorius (Solfact Internet Projects) - "We are shaping the future of commerce ..."
- Michael Bravo, a person, TAG Ltd - "I'm glad someone had the time and courage to sit down and get all of this together."
- Jon Nguyen, Consummate traveller and net student, MyfriendsandI - "Speak up or shut up! Get out of the line or stay in line! Tell me the truth because I know when your lying!"
- Ronald J. Kensey, Presidemt, Kennon Aircraft Covers - "I have read it and agree with it ... and for years I have wondered why most of the corporate and government web sites didn't provide email links to their most knowledgeable people ... many offer webmasters address as the only contact. .... now I understand why what their sites were missing ... is so very important."
- Hiroshi Kubo, Chairman, PSP Network
- Verna Allee, President, Integral Performance Group, Verna Allee - "I'm definitely on board, but this train is morphing into a cybershuttle - What a ride!"
- Ben Burnett, Nobody - "Hmmm... some great ideas. I have recently entered the world of high tech and networking and am relieved to see that not every one is thinking about how they can make the web more like t.v. I've worked at lots of different places that have never gotten a clue and have tried to figure out how to bring them up to speed. But now I realise that that isn't my responsibility. My responsibility is to join the conversation and share my input with those that would have it. Those who don't want to chat can move on or get left behind. They'll still have a market of sheep who like it safe with large print labels, but at least the unambitious and sedentary won't be clogging up our bandwidth. We'll just route around them. Like I step around them getting off the elevator, or like I weave between them as they try to cross the street in rush hour traffic and get stuck in the middle of the intersection. Hmmm... maybe they will clog things up a little. But not like before. I'm actually the kind of guy who doesn't like the bad things to go away completely. They remind us why we're glad we're doing it differently."
- Derek Willis, Founder & CEO, IndustryXone.com, Inc. - "The ubiquitous garden rake's been placed in the path of the corporation.....Keep On Truckin'!"
- Brooker Buckingham, web strategist - "After the suffering through course after course of 'beige pudding' media, I'm dazzled by the possibilities that Cluetrain will engender. 'Bought and sold' may become an artifice yet. Anyone connected with media, PR, marketing and related ilk can feel free to find that voice and start conversing. The Cluetrain sticks a firecracker up the ass of post-McCluhan intellectualized claptrap and signals a new era. If you aren't conversing, you are dead."
- Paul Lewis, Management Consultant and Heretic, DMR Consulting Group Inc - "You see that big light and hear that honking sound. No? Don't worry about it."
- Charles Nowlin, President, Facere Incorporated - "Right on. Where the cold northerner meets the warmth of the Gulf moisture, we have turbulence. Watch out industrial-age corporate America; you're all wet."
- David Alderman, Charter Member, Applied Resources and Knowledge (THE ARK) - "It is refreshing and encouraging to find so many people who have recognized the real source of most of our problems that are yet unsolved. Throughout our recorded Civilization we have come a long ways and solved many problems. In the course of these accomplishments we have also created some new problems. With the gift of the technology and the new knowledge it helps us find, we may now be able to solve more of these newly created problems (created by 'progress') without creating additional new problems. This web site indicates that we are on the right path. For me, personally it will be very refreshing and encouraging when this many people of wisdom and insight find and understand the totality of the solutions that are available to us through THE ARK."
- Roy Thomas Halle, Jr., CEO, Panalign Partners, Inc.
- ROy Thomas Halle, Jr., CEO, Panalign Partners, Inc. - "'The network is not the computer - the collective mind is the computer. The network, the user interface, the data, formatting, protocols - they are simply the bus, the spinal chord, the corpus collosum - that holds this mind together and allows it to speak.'"
- Jonathan Care, Head of Security Practice, Cap Gemini UK plc, Care Family home page - "And the truth will set you free. Free to innovate, free to succeed. Free to hide, free to fail. It's your choice."
- SteveOC, Title ? - its just me here., Eljay P/L - "Jerry Lee Cooper just explained to me how wrong you guys are." [whew! that was close, huh?]
- Tony Rabun, Chief Whynot, Iwaia Corporation, Corp Splash Screen - "If it looks like it cost a fortune and is made of mahogany, why are you using it for a desk? Does it help your productivity? Your bottom line? Does it make you smarter? It's time for the corporate enclave to discover what the manufacturing sector learned in the eighties -- 'If it doesn't contribute to what we do, why do we have it?'"
- antonella broglia, chief executive officer, Saatchi & Saatchi
- Vincent Park, Pres, EDGE COMM - "Trust is the most precious asset of any business."
- Stephen Coakley, President, RapidRegistration.com - "Conversation also requires listening!"
- Maya Drozdz, graduate student, Cranbrook Academy of Art, portfolio
- stéphanie de Bodinat, miss - "Elvis (29) understood everything, and any other comments are a simple repetition of what he wanted to say. To resume, thesis 29 is summarizing all the others."
- Benjamin Ubach Nieto
- Michael F. Doyle, CEO, e-memes.com, home page
- Fran Taylor, Software Developer, Mediabridge Technologies
- Bob Schmonsees, CEO, web2one - "Japan forced Corporate America to come to grips with quality processes in manufacturing. The Web will mandate that we quickly adopt that same quality focus for our messages and marketing communications."
- Michael J. Bierley, vice president, strong health
- Jack Brooks, System Administrator, Bella Vista Property Owner's Association - "If we substitute the words 'Government' for company, 'constituency' for market, and 'people' for employee in the manifesto, we come up with some very startling statements about politics that might make some folks nervous."
- John Sundman, Writer, http://www.wetmachine.com, home page - "I agree with the gist of this manifesto. However, I don't share its optimism, nor its genuflection before 'markets' or 'internet.' The things our new markets are producing are cool, sure, but powerful and dangerous. Too powerful? Too dangerous? We'll see. I pretty much dread the future, when market-enhanced 'transhumans' make me and my children obsolete. I claim humanness as my heritage, and the rest of it be damned. Human readers welcomed to my own modest website, which I hope you like."
- Robert Branche, Vice President, Mercer Management Consulting - "We are just going in a new world which, as life, is bumpy, anarchic, non-hierarchical."
- Kristen Nuwer, Producer, America Online, Inc. - "Yes. You can never serve the needs of all users, members, customers, clients, numbers... and who cares? Serve PEOPLE. Share with people."
- John Weston
- Kris Magnusson, Open Source Architect, Novell, Inc., [ the emperor ]
- Daren Trousdell, Managing Partner, LucidWorks Inc., Daren Trousdell is SMASHING - "Could life be going so well that the GODS had to bring this scripture from above. Could these Wise men - Levine, Locke, Searls and Weinberger - be bringing the words of the mighty God himself? Could Bill Gates be God? We're all going to die! Anyway, I found this book to a turning point in my personal development in this 'new' economy. As a young entrepreneur, I find myself feeling inferior to the competition and rightfully so. This book has helped me develop ways to think outside of the outside box if you get what I mean. I feel very confident that my products will better and will provide value to my customers lives. This is what is important to me and my company now. It is about more than a shopping cart system. It is about throwing this paper paradigm where it belongs...At Microsoft. Daren T March 9,2000"
- Ali de San Martin, CIO, ComputerLand System Support Services - "The 10 corollaries: 1. People won't seek a solution unless they recognize a problem. 2. People in isolation don't become aware of a problem; they need a context. 3. Interaction with the environment and its inhabitants is the context. 4. Awareness is an emergent property of the context. 5. Augmenting the context increases awareness. 6. Whatever limits the context -- i.e., restrains interaction -- hinders awareness. 7. Break down the barriers, and the context will expose the problems. 8. Implicit in the dynamics of the context are the problems and the solutions, inextricably intertwined in innumerable permutations. 9. The context is self-correcting: Awareness -- i.e., problems -- gravitates towards increasing interaction, i.e., solutions. 10. Business, therefore, is not about selling a-priori, canned solutions but about enlarging the context. Gravity will do the rest."
- Patrick Notz - "Bingo! I've grown so tired of what's become of the American society -- socially and economically -- that I often consider defecting. If more people jump on the cluetrain then maybe there's hope!"
- Judy Bishop, Principal - Strategic Marketing, West Coast office, World's 2nd Largest Accounting + Consulting Firm - "It's been said that capitalism is, by nature, a form of change and can never be stationary. Uh-huh. So why do we capitalist leaders change our thinking at such a glacial pace? Nothing in our training has provided us with the level of consciousness needed to wade through the mindless screed being offered about e-business. There is such an astonishing level of ignorance found around online business now, it takes my breath away. Every North American marketer, consultant and venture capitalist should commit The Manifesto to memory. Just as Geoffrey Moore did with Crossing the Chasm, your book has provided a common language for like-minded corporate rogues. Seems some people simply have a greater gift for seeing what's there .... thanks for that."
- Scott Toderash, Chief Technology Officer, Rainy Day Software Corp. - "2 years ago when I knew I had to leave the company I worked for, I said it was for independent practice. The truth is that I spent 10 years working in the largest companies in a small city and I saw the sickening deaths of corpses who weren't even aware that they had been converted to the dark side. When I left my last job, I was a couple bricks short of a Jerry McGuire. I could only describe it as saying that all large companies are bad, but with this manifesto you guys have spoken the truth. This is a truth that I could smell but I could not taste, and although I believed I could understand I had no comrades, and no voice other than those who were disenchanted as myself."
- MC Shipton, Systems Analyst, CIS
- Michael Schwager, http://www.4s8.com, Mike's home page - "Our culture is of people and markets. Our culture is our economy. It's sad that this website exists, or needs to exist. Cluetrain is evolutionary. A real wake up call: Stop producing. Start living. That would be revolutionary. I see that no poets have signed the manifesto. You forgot two items in your Theses. Because I'm nice, I'll include them: 96. If you want to communicate, get off the Internet. To converse, get off the Internet. Meet. Drink tea. Touch. Hug. 97. The Internet is not that important."
- Jamie Clark, Partner, Spolin & Silverman, Santa Monica, the newlaw project - "Oh, yeah. The fun part is that 90% of the dislocation is still ahead. Buckle up."
- Daniel Stutzbach, Engineer, Assured Digital, home page
- Rosangela Canino-Koning, Senior Software Developer, The Image Group, Obfuscated Illumination - "I work for a communications agency. It is our JOB to talk to the 'market'. I think companies like mine could really use this wake up call."
- Kendall Koning, Internet Operations Engineer, EagleNet, HomePage - "WOW!"
- Senthil Nathan, CEO, thamizh.com - "We would like to spread the mission thru our community portal. We LIKE to do this."
- Gary Lawrence Murphy, President and CEO, Teledynamics Communications Inc, GaryM's Dragonfire Homepage - "In 1996, back when we were still defining 'intranets' for our audiences, I wrote (on our Geocities philosophical page) 'Just like the Berlin Wall, the firewalls will crumble, and for the very same reason.' It is encouraging to now see such a show of force recognizing how the economics of community outweigh the economics of scarcity; an information economy is unique because our resource, knowledge, cannot be diminished and can only grow through interaction and discourse. Bucky Fuller would have been very proud of you all!"
- Rob Gelphman, Principal, Gelphman Associates - "Great reading. I have already incorporated this into my counsel giving to my clients. More for my sake then theirs. There is so much money available these days, we are losing our soul in our pursuit of it. We make 10, 20 and more times the money of our folks, but we work harder for it, too. We don't leave at 5:00. Both parents work and the nannies/daycare/ babysitter raises our kids. We are just as guilty of the sins we accuse the previous generation. Restore the humor and purpose. Tell the client to take a vacation. Tell your boss that you can't meet that deadline, you want to go home. And for God's sake, quit that job you hate. Nothing is a bigger waste of time than working at a job you hate. Remember our family is our true wealth. And when you die, nobody said I wished I had worked more. Get a Clue Train."
- Phil Otken, Webmaster, Hyper-Ad Communications, Me - "Clueless no more!"
- Angus Jamie McDonald, guy, Dancrai, Aeden - "Woohoo! Read it, loved it, spread it around. Even if it's bu11$hit, at least it'll help the flowers grow."
- Dale M Bruder, the Strategy Coach - "We are talking to each other because of who we are."
- George Vorsheim, The Cable Sewer Guy, Environment One - "Occasionally our Future catches up with us, like here, like now, like..."
- eugene breger, conversation facilitator - "Love and loyalty are what matter."
- Marcus Leung, Software Specialist III, HP Consulting
- Philip Rink Jr, Webmaster, Anne Arundel Medical Center, home page - "A woman dishing out my lunch at the cafeteria asked me about a computer; she wants to get on the net. A guy in the engineering department who's never worn a suit in his life told me about the stuff he wants to find on our website and can't, and that light bulb over my head flared to incredible brightness and shattered. These people have an Internet strategy of their own, and it doesn't make one damn bit of difference to them what the organization's is. They're going to use the Net in ways that they want to, and in ways that we will never expect. All the time I waste in Informatics meetings, I could be spending with these people and figuring out what I really should be doing."
- Brenda Wire, Sr. Performance Consultant, Aetna USHealthcare - "Baby Boomers unite! Grey is a good color - but not in the board room or executive suites."
- Niles U. Comer, Web Community Consultant, e.ssociation
- Fritz Engebretsen, Chief Scientist, Newton Street Study Group
- Joost van der Leij, CEO, ITfy - "Great stuff. Now let's get the message into the boardrooms."
- Rev Joshua C Bihun, Director, The Afterlight Group, The Afterlight Group - "Vive la Revolution!"
- John Slade, Manager of Business Development, Need2Buy.com
- Subhajit Bhattacherjee, Human Being, This world!!!, home page - "Hmmmm.... the manifesto says that people are human, and should be recognized as such. However, most of the signatories are presidents, CEOs, whatever... as if these designations lend more credence to views and values than the substance. Isn't the point of the manifesto to be more human, than an entity? Is this a paradox, or am I missing something?"
- Kevin Stirtz, Netizen, Stirtz Brothers Trading - "You guys GET IT! Thanks for being there for the rest of us."
- Eric Imboden, Employee Number 1, ImPowered Technologies - "Oh good, I'm not the only one..."
- Ted Stresen-Reuter, Netizen, Corporate Mumbo Jumbo (I'm so embarrassed!) - "In 20 years, none of this will matter, as those who insist on not getting it will either be retired or dead."
- Declan Dunn, CEO ActiveMarketplace, ActiveMarketplace, The Six Principles of Targetcasting - "Why try to control the genius of the audience? Cluetrain shows the power is in the customer, the network, and their passions...surrender and have some fun! The real network power is located between your two ears."
- Nathan Dornbrook, Network Engineer, United States Marine Corps - "No more important collection of ideas has been presented to the web in the past six months, and that's saying a lot."
- John Slade, Manager of Business Development, Need2Buy.com - "Anyone who is trying to dominate business in the future would do well to buy this site and 10,001 copies of the book: 1 copy to read, and 10,000 to keep them out of the hands of competitors."
- John Norcross, Consultant, Cambridge Management Consulting - "A clarion call to lead the charge against command and control hierarchies! 'Oh that a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a Heaven for?' - RB"
- Jennie Floyd, Research Director, Enterprise Networks, Aberdeen Group
- Kevin Brown, Senior Consultant, Systems Consulting Group - "This gives me some hope for the survival of my heart and mind."
- D. James Douma, Sr. Design Engineer, Finisar, Flicker's Place - "In the not too distant past the spark of language catalyzed the transformation of our species. This improvement in our ability to exchange information changed us, at that sublime moment, from one of many unremarkable hominid branches, to the absolute masters of our world - unprecedented in five billion years of earth history. After thousands of years of building on that triumph we've achieved another great leap in our ability to communicate, interact, and organize. If you don't get connected to the reality that this is going to profoundly change our world and all of its institutions you may find yourself following in the footsteps of the guys that missed out on the last great communications leap; the neanderthals."
- steve novick, typist, hawthorn associates, home page - "Lan/Wan bandwidths increasing by factors of 10 - opportunities to travel by speeds of 10. Foot, vs car vs automobile vs plane vs ???. Internet clearly in 3rd generation with every generation getting more bandwidth/more accessibility."
- C. Shawn Morris, Technical Marketing Consultant, JD Edwards - "Just read Cluetrain. I've read other rantings on the impact and significance of the web but nothing as radical as this. Sounds like a Romey take. Late."
- Lan Laucirica, Lucid Drunk - "Tim O'reilly for President of the Internet" [I'll drink to that.]
- Steven Feldberg, Feldberg Communications - "'people of earth' it begins... must be really, really important, right? OK. That this needs to be stated is kinda scary. That corporate bigwigs find this radical is scarier still. Cuz there's not much in the manifesto, save perhaps the specific Internet references, that couldn't be gleaned from watching `Miracle on 34th Street' (the original). But thanks for summarizing all the movie's salient points."
- Oaf - "When speaking of truth and the internet, consider these three questions: (1) This world is certainly round. As pilots know, the shortest path between any two places in this round world is not on a straight line, it's on a great circle. When seeking truth on the Internet, shouldn't we avoid being straight and to the point, and plan to surf in circles? (2) Openness is vital to the Internet, because what's not open can't be found. And what's private is not open. But privacy is vital to trust. Without trust, there is no security, and without security there are no assets. Without assets, nothing is worth much, not even the Internet. But, with total openness, there's no need to trust. Still the trust of many is a powerful asset, which makes the internet worth while. What truth enables the Internet to balance privacy, openness, and trust? (3) It takes wisdom to know truth. Some say that wisdom is the gradient of life taken with respect to eternity, and that life is a journey. These thoughts suggest that an ancient maxim applies to balancing privacy, openness, and trust on the Internet: leave every moment, every idea, every place, every person, a little bit better than you find it. With this answer, there is a corollary question: doesn't God know better, best?"
- Duncan Strong, GooHead, Goo Inc, home page - "You guys are so smart. SMRT! I mean, SMART. Wow. Business books are so smart. Are you guys saying anything that hasn't been said before? No. No. No. Yes. I wish Adam Smith was around and around. MMMMmm, thong undies. Good idea, that!"
- John Shultz, AT&T - "I've been involved in the eBusiness side of the web for a few years and have often felt like the outsider looking in. Community, connections and people are usually not even an afterthought. Thank god I am not alone. No matter how depressing things may look - there is always hope. And it's growing every day!"
- Linda A. Brown, President/CEO, The Brown Group
- Jason T. Pitzl, Digital Output Coordinator, Kinkos, C/U Art - "Thank you Cluetrain. Now if only a certain copy company would listen."
- Thomas Meggs, Individual, odd - "dope. it made me feel all giddy inside."
- liz delesia, customer relations director , Newsday - a Times Mirror Newspaper, home page - "i just picked up the book today and am halfway through it in an hour. i did not want to put it down until my curiosity to visit the website made me take a short break."
- Marc Donner, Principal, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter - "My mother hated comic books. When I was a kid I had to smuggle them into our apartment hidden under my shirt. I read them voraciously and spent all of my allowance on them. I was ashamed, but I kept doing it. Later I understood that what I was looking for was stories, not 'See Spot run. Run, Spot, Run!' Dr. Seuss figured that out years ago and so, by now, have most teachers. It's just another example."
- Jackie D. Brock, DBA
- Zero Piraeus
- Astrida Valigorsky, Creative Director, www.luminant.com, home page - "Now-- this makes me think I might actually enjoy living in the future."
- Julie Ann Brown, Tenured professor of marketing and gender studies, Antelope Valley College, Preserving the beauty of the Victorian Images of the Past - "Let things go...and they grow. As an educator and entrepreneur, I have seen that freedom expands the soul's vision and creative energy. Control binds and fatigues the individual to the creature that as children we knew lived in the closet or under the bed. We know this monster by its first name, fear. Faith increases...fear decreases. The risk return trade-off dies with abusive management by individuals or organizations. The internet is a glimpse of what freedom of creativity and thoughts bring...Economic opportunity and prosperity, and connections to those we thought were different from us, but now we have touched truth through free thought exchange, we transform the fear of the enemy into the faith of the friend."
- Gordon Jessop, President, suite 7: the e-business suite - "if there is one thing i love, it's hurling the wisdom found in this book around during those all-too-frequent, brain-dead client meetings and watching the life signs leap off the chart. it's like electro-shock for the corporate carcass."
- Daniel Mullen, President, Microscience Corporation, home page - "Not so long from now, the CEO and the skate boarder will wear the same uniform - the T-shirt that says, 'Reality Sucks'. It's time to 'get it' or get out!"
- Steve Owens, Consultant, Computer Consulting - "You have nailed the truth to the wall. This should be taught in all schools. You could call it truth in business 101."
- Janet Carlson, President, 111 Interactive, Inc. - "We as a company have been 'on board' for some time now - our on-going challenge is to help the folks in the pharmaceutical industry get past the internal political crap that is paralyzing them, so they can hear the screaming of the lambs -- both internally and externally."
- Will Smith - "Right on! A note to all the 'Personalization Vendors' dreaming up all the new ways to market 1 to 1 to us unexcited consumers. Please do not cloak this new marketing technology as the answer to creating relationships and experiences. Most cluetrain violators will use these tools to sell to their target markets not to empower them with a voice."
- R.M. Holston, Ph.D., Director of R&D, Holston Cybernetics Laboratories, R.M. Holston, Ph.D. - Cyberneticist - "The time has come for such forward thinking. The CLuetrain Manifesto is perhaps one of the most important and unique applications of cybernetics that I have seen..."
- CJ Ficco, Portal Administrator, CIBER, Thoughts of an ecclectic mind.... - "In reading the '95' I noticed a schism.... the accusation of 'Corporations' turning security into a religion whilst your text seems to elevate the notion of 'marketing' to a religion or, at the very least a new societal construct. I would simply caution you not to turn a concept of 'marketing' into anything other than what it is.... a means of one or more human beings to get other human beings to exchange money (a religion in itself) for goods or services. The manner by which humans do this and within whatever socio-philosophical context is, in most respects, irrelevant. You address a new philosophical paradigm with regards to the marketplace. Although this new paradigm may result in a 'better' and more accessible environment for consumers to access various market places, I would remind you that there is no nobility whatsoever in marketplaces or consumerism. A marketplace is nothing more than a location (geographical, societal or electronic) where human endeavor is exchanged for digits on currency or inside a computer. Please don't forget that."
- Ben Applebaum, Bridge Communications, College Stories.com - "Behold the power of good story. But I feel the CTM overstates the amount of online conversation about most products. In most cases, Skippy, they ain't talking at all. And there is nothing worse than that."
- Ed Kim, Human Being, AZN Media, Inc. - "Hopped on cluetrain in D.C. Shed suit. Destination now unknown. What a fun trip this will be."
- quik, Sir, Divine Intervention, The Divine From Above - "ditto"
- Oliver Baer, chief editor and teaboy, Oliver Baer Coaching & Consulting, baerentatze, German ezine for the New Marketing - "Our capital is actually - the arts. We need to become aware of that (Joseph Beuys). There we'll find answers to the questions raised by the Manifesto, I think ..."
- Robert Thomas Edgerton, Software Developer, Follett Software Company - "While riding the corporate train to nowhere day in and day out, through the eternal wastelands of dumbfounded apathy and submissive isolation, someone whispered, 'Hi, who are you and where are we going?' In shocked realization, as if awakened from a trance, everyone suddenly jerked to awareness. Slowly, at first, voices were heard asking the same question. The question turned to a demand and grew in volume to a roar louder than the racing locomotive, 'Stop this train. It's going in the wrong direction. This is not where we want to be and not where we want to go.' As everyone disembarked, a lone voice was heard to say, 'ALL ABOARD the CLUETRAIN!'"
- Robert J Bullock, Dir of Internet Technology, Cityspree, Inc., Robert Bullock's Personal Homepage - "Is it possible? Might corporate America finally wake up? Will people get over the BS, start facing up to the fact that we're all screwed up and confused, and do something about it? Something substantial, something honest?"
- Kristian Hanlon, Business Analyst, Clerical Medical Investment Group - "In 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' John Keats (1785 - 1821) wrote, When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st, "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" -- that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. OK - replace the urn with the 'net - and suddenly it becomes clear - pretty cool huh? Gimmie a C, gimmie a L, gimmie a U, gimmie an E..."
- Leslie Hayman, Founder, Engine X, a personal story - "Cluetrain manifesto is a timely and reassuring reminder that humane and conscious conspirators live in this good world."
- Elmar Geese, tarent - "Its great. I suggest for No. 96: The shareholders do not own companies, the employees do."
- Neil Kleinman, Principal Multimedia Engineer, FlightSafety Boeing Training International - "Before we sink into a morass of cyber-junk, web sites, and mindless labyrinths of endless information that 99.99% of people could not possibly use in their lifetimes, a decision must be made that the quality of life not be determined by either computers, or those that operate and control those computers. The Cluetrain is a good start."
- Steve Morris, Consultant
- Don M. Darragh, Director, Marketing & Sales, ASCC, Inc. - "Organic, dynamic, living, breathing, thinking, feeling, aspiring, changing, growing, searching, interacting, inspiring. Is this a person? The Internet? Don't know, can't tell & don't care. All I know is I LOVE it! Not since the Gutenberg Press have we been so involved with each other, empowered by each other. The Net is not about technology or tools. Its about us. About the process of communicating 1 to 1. And just like those medieval books from the Gutenberg Press forever changed religions, governments, nations & people, so the Net changes us. The Cluetrain is not only a statement of what is, but what must be."
- Mia K., Just Her., n/a [hiya Mia.]
- Bob Adams, Executive Director and Tired Old Cynic, Global Development Center - "If you think commercial outfits have a problem getting the clue, you should work with non-profits, especially those concerned with my 'business', global humanitarianism. What a pathetic bunch. All mouth and no ears! No for-profit business I know treats the public with less respect. Thank you for identifying the problem simply and clearly!"
- Charles H. Southworth, Partner/Chief technology Officer, Earle Palmer Brown, home page - "If we fail to share, we will surely perish. If we share only that which we deem necessary, we will slowly starve. If we can't yet understand that control is an illusion, then surely we don't deserve to participate."
- John Lees - "So spot on it's almost old news."
- Jeanette Garnett, I don't have one! - "As an undergraduate student of International Communication, I believe that the clues you are giving here apply to all businesses that have a future. Survival will increasingly rely on the knowledge of skilled staff. You're speaking to their pockets, good on you!"
- David Barks - "I had lost some faith in the web as a medium but reading the Manifesto has energized me. I'm not saying I am a 'Cluetrain apostle' but I do have additional perspective on what this medium has to offer. Thanks Cluetrain folks."
- PraetoR, Friend, NetActive Internet, My homepage
- Ken Kennedy, DBA/Developer, ezgov.com, The Chancery - "Wowzers. I am impressed. I just left a Nameless Big Internet/Media Company, and I actually gave a copy of the book to the VP of my IT group. I really, really hope she reads it."
- James MacAonghus, Chief Gonzo, planetglow.com , home page - "Let's take this manifesto seriously. Business should be personal, it can be fun and it shouldn't be difficult to remember that customers are people not numbers. Smile!"
- Jason Krumwiede, President/CEO, StartupSeeker.com, LLC - "I couldn't take it anymore. The vanilla ice cream in a white dish goop that oozes from management. This book kept me up at night. 'The dedication to one's highest potential' (stealing a quote form Ayn Rand) is what the Internet is all about. Thanks."
- Preston M. Faggart, artist in charge, Prestoni's Pro Arte, Prestoni's Pro Arte - "FINALLY!!!!!. Why did THEY forget all this to begin with. You have just told me why I like to go to Borders Books even if I don't want a book. Why I love to check out what people are writing at Amazon."
- Ed F Bowers, Managing General Partner, E.F. Bowers L.L.C. - "I have sensed for some time a gnawing undercurrent that the present Powers-that-be don't get it. You do - I do. Great to be in your company."
- Ivan Llamas, Project Manager, Inlander, Kamita Korp - "Another must read for all business people. Maybe it would be interesting to adapt it for the political world."
- Paul M Motschall, Director of Internet Relations, For my technologically challenged old man - "Progress... it always comes with a taste of foreboding... just enough to thin the pack a bit I like what you have done here"
- Kerm Rorschach, Word Nerd & Webmaster, Mare Crisium - "What these guys are talking about is hard to pull off, really hard. It doesn't just require companies to change their thinking, it requires the public to break their training (and just after corporations finally thought they could stop newspapering the entire kitchen floor and lay good carpet). At the same time, this is also the public breaking the training of corporations -- let's hope the latter process is gradual, though: can you imagine the stench if all those MBAs unclenched simultaneously?"
- Robert C. Stein, President, ProspectCity.com, Background - "Tear the walls down, open your eyes, and envision global change. Great piece!"
- Nancy R. Peppard, Cultural Gerontologist, Generation to Generation, LLC - "Cluetrain is a beginning that is very much needed in industrialized and third world nations alike. Whether we are signers or lurkers, we each bear the responsibility to sound cluetrain's whistle louder and louder as we pass along this information along to all we know."
- Henry Quimby, Creative Director, Quimby Communications - "Any search for the truth not only binds us together, but also sets us free. Speaking the human truth is hard. Hats off to those corporations or citizens, it matters not which, who find the courage to do so."
- Charles B. Maclean, Founder & CEO, PhilanthropyNow, home page About Your Host - "Fundraiser/Marketer . . . ask me what I care about before you tell me what you care about. Giving is a learned art and because 'there are no luggage racks on a hearse,' it's a good thing to learn how to give and receive throughout a lifetime. This manifesto is juicy and speaks to the authentic need to desire and be desired . . . with both neurons and hearts firing in the conversation about exchanging our time, talent, dollars and love. Marketing is about Into-Me-See."
- Brian Fisher, Cyberpsychologist & Associate Director of MAGIC, Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre, UBC, home page
- Rich Baker, Musician - "Yeah, the revolution has already happened. Wasn't televised... Dis train is bound for glory... :) Education is the solution."
- Darryl Grant, Mr, RP Data, My home page is currently under development - "Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking and for extending my thinking with your new ideas."
- James P Piper, CEO, MTC Interactive - "The light shines! After hearing Chris Locke and buying the book, I am seeking converts to the cause. I am sure that my company will change because of the Manifesto."
- Curtis P Wiens, Graphic Artist, CPW Studios - "Suddenly the human voice has ears to listen and the time and space to say what needs to be said. THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN!!!"
- George Pinckney
- Fred Thomas, Publisher, Expat_list Mailing list - "Its a 'good one' and should be used."
- Jeff Hallett, Strategist, AppNet-NoVA - "All meaningful change starts from the 'bottom' -- until there is no more top, that is. If we really want to get we are going, we need to get the children involved - now."
- William G. richmond, CEO/President, Elephants, Inc. - "This has always been my creed - glad to see it published and endorsed by a larger community. Old school management might catch on - about the same time they realize the value (read productivity gains) of the home office."
- Ivan Hanzlik, Pixelpar CEE - "Yes. I believe in this. Let's join the ride. Internet can be danger when misused be individual and society. But it can be positive by it's nature. The shift in mind is necessary. Let's shift it."
- Bryan Rackleff, Design Director, Rare Medium Inc. - "We use the same terminology as the Drug Dealer. The 'user' cannot figure out the interface. We talk in acronyms to put up the facade of intelligence. The IA said the DT wants the PM to get a SCSI cable so she can optimize the GIFs and JPEGs so the IE and AOL users can better view it on their PC."
- Scott Kern, PKI Operations Manager, Digital Signature Trust Co. - "Locke's twelve-step program for Internet Business Success (as read on Wired news) needs to be here: 'Relax, have a sense of humor, find your voice and use it, tell the truth, DON'T PANIC, enjoy yourself, be brave, be curious, play more, dream always, listen up, rap on. Do these things and you can't miss.' I can do that."
- Glenn McKnight, Researcher, Global Catalysts Inc - "People in the traditional economy need to learn how to work collaboratively as situations dictate, adapting and forming new short term just in time affiliations. The New Economy provides a means to spark short term and intense activities, creating a legacy or trail to build new experiences."
- Cory Nielsen, Project Manager, FurnitureFind.com - "I once heard 'Put the customer first, make them happy.' I disagree with that statement. If the companies put the employees first, and did what it takes to make them happy, that would make the customers happy. You can't make happy customers with unhappy employees. Example: Fast Food Chains /unhappy employees = unhappy customers. Bravo to The Clue Train for trying to make the world a better place to live (and work)."
- Kevin McManus, Revolutionary, AQP, Great Systems - "This book is inspiring because it cuts through the BS and it shows how technology will bring out the voices in the workplace and world that have been suppressed for way too long. The playing field is being leveled, and no longer will one's appearance and political connections serve as the primary criteria for a formal leadership position. The new internet and intranet connections allow us to better challenge the prevailing culture en masse and lead the revolution - if you don't get it, get out while you still have your reputation with your buddies at the country club!"
- John Pallies, President, Avetel - "The issues raised by the Manifesto are directly related to a 1976 essay by Harvard professor Chris Argyris. In his essay Argyris identified ingrained behavior patterns that reduced organizational effectiveness by inhibiting honest communication. Argyris also discovered that these behaviors were extremely difficult to change which accounts for the fact that most mature organizations still have not after 26 years. The emergence of the Cluetrain Manifesto is a signal that information technology has begun to enable sufficient valid communication to begin to challenge the dysfunctional communication coming from the corporate world."
- Tom R. Pardee, PC Consultant, Maritz Inc. - "Someone in my company must have caught the clue train. I have seen more web initiatives recently than I thought we had employees. What's even scarier is that people are starting to actually use these web services. I'm afraid of what's going to happen if too many lightbulbs turn on at the same time. These new converts could be easily swayed!"
- John D. Fish - "I don't have anything hip to say. When I read the manifesto I got the same kind of goose bumps as when I listen to Peter Gabriel's 'Come Talk to Me'."
- Impossible Elements, human being, div0, change media, change the world - "wake up, you fat ceo's, you cfo's, you stiff collared educated ignoramus. Knowledge is power. the serfs have the power now. everyone can play, no one has to pay."
- Greig Buckley, Partner, BrandWorld
- John Shockley, Conversationalist and part-time revolutionary - "All aboard the Expression Express. Change the way you work and change the way you think. Thank you."
- Hugh Alexander, President, Alexander & Crabtree, P.C.
- Bart op het Veld, designer/partner, VCA VeldsVorm - "Transparency and honesty make your life easier and your job more fun and it's good for business. It creates companies and products -and people- worthwhile. Hey isn't that what its all about? Have fun?"
- Gene L. Huft, UNIX Systems, Amazon.com, home page - "Cluetrain manifesto provides a brilliant insight and an engaging (in fact startling) perspective of things we've come to take for granted!"
- Evan Spence
- Lorraine Spencer, Cyber Services, Inc., people finding information for people - "at last someone understands the demographic of the unique...my dollars, my opinions, my experiences, my decisions."
- Christopher Matson, Engineer, TranSystems Corporation - "Good thing no one reads this stuff or the forces of fear and greed would shut it down pretty quick. Gotta protect the kids you know."
- Rich Westerfield, VP Marketing, Passkey.com, home page
- Rich Westerfield, VP Marketing, Passkey.com, home page - "As applies to the trade show industry, this is why the new vertical industry sites (i.e. Chemdex) may become viable commercial sites and the new meeting places for industry, while the old-line trade events (and even some IT events) atrophy."
- Benjy Feen, Monkeybagel.com, personal website - "One addendum: Today's big Net-driven business got where they are through a fast and sloppy startup mindset that works great for fast growth, but rapidly outmodes itself and ends up destroying clueful behavior. We need a Cluetrain Express for the folks who took the TGV to Stagnation and desperately need to get back."
- DeBrady, Technical Recruiter, GateSource Partners, Via la Manifesto - "Rise up and conquer...or be conquered!"
- Adam Hicks, http://www.ventech.com.tw, A Step Towards a Vision - "This manifesto, by its very nature proves its point. In the past a single manifesto would change the course of history. In this time, there will be many contributing to the change. However, like all manifestos they are not the end but the beginning of a new direction. I sign because I agree with this direction. NAMASTE"
- Elling Aarflot, Copy writer/Creative Concept developer, Lowe Lintas & Partners Oslo - "Openness, fairness, honesty and genuine interest are the key words in any good relationship, be it private or professional. It takes creativity, boldness, self confidence and focus. The reward is beyond currency."
- Rich Lalley, Group Director of Marketing - Miller Lite & New Products, Miller Brewing Company - "Inspiring! Terrifying! Full of promise and fun. As a facilitator of the creation of numerous TV ad campaigns over two decades...some lauded and some lamented...I've started to believe that TV campaigns are as effective at selling as a horse and plow is at tilling soil. Good in its day, but not adequate today. The Cluetrain Manifesto explains why. Wow. So what will we do now?"
- Matt Cohen, Project Coordinator, Webcraft Direct Marketing, New Jersey Rescue, Transport & Foster - "My company is in dire need of this manifesto. It should replace the employee handbook. I have sat and watched for two years as it slowly self-destructs. I fear it is too late for us, but not for others. Good luck."
- L. Benson, Partner, ECCHO Consulting - "As an international development consultant working to empower creative change for humanity in organizations (ECCHO - get it?), I think your site is fantastic! Thanks to the Global Community Center (great site at globaldevelopment.org) for letting me know about you. Keep up the good work!"
- Greg Longtine, V/P Operations, Outsource Solutions Inc. - "I remember my days at (DEC) Digital Equipment and the utter scorn I received when I would suggest that the customer should be the target of our affections. In the early days the Cluetrain ruled. Then the MBA's joined the party and well, we were bought by a clone outfit.. This is the most refreshing hiving of thought of the general subject, What's it really all about folks/ lets cut the bull corporate!!! I cling to the private contention that corporate as we see it today will lose it’s shallow identity. The market is catching on."
- Paula Mader, Chief Instigator, a yet to be named virtual company in the hobby electronics invention business - "Gee, it figures that I find this site AFTER I spend $85 on a Business Plan Developing Software package and spend a week banging my head on it's formal boilerplate! I thought it would help me get over my writer's block, and help me express my crazy ideas in a manner palatable to the financial world. But after filling in all its questionnaire boxes and reading the results, well, my exciting crazy idea even bores me! I can't believe that I fell for this package - check out this 'message' from the software box: 'It's easier to edit than to write from scratch...' AAAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!! There. I feel better now. I've got a clue!"
- Meredith Gardner, Account Executive, Superstock, Inc. (licensing of rights protected images to the advertising industry) - "Life is short, but that didn't become apparent to me until I turned 40..Starts to get scary, it's time to realize we are not alone. Carl Sagan was right...so is the cluetrain."
- Randy Sabourin, VP Sales & Marketing, Virtual Integration Associates - "because a person's a person no matter how small"
- Claudio Giannesi, Founder, Superera, our prevailing future - "I think you, guys, have discovered and clarify for all of us the true basis for the building of an happy industrial and social future for mankind. I have nowadays the opportunity for immediately apply your lesson in my start ups. But really, another big question is: if the manifesto
(oohps...) will do not understand , or, maybe,simply put, they dramatically recognized a deep lack of know how for the requested changing process of enterprises so that it will be too weak and slow, then, what will happen ? Will the savvy customers and employers, we all, take the stake ?"
- Paul Jones, Director MetaLab.unc.edu, University of North Carolina's MetaLab, home page - "Academics could and should get a clue too; our relationships with our students and with each other is under the same pressures and subject to the same liberating forces as bidnez. University administrators who like to think of students as 'customers' should definitely get a clue here."
- David Hopwood, Security Consultant, David Hopwood Network Security, home page - "Damn right, all of it."
- Panos Ipeirotis - "People changes. This is not new. In fact this happens for millenia. BUT, now the rate of changing is faster, AND people are becoming better because they can express themselves easier online..."
- Tony Hagale, President & CEO, Hagale Technologies, LLC, Tony Hagale's Personal Webpage
- Shrikrishna Joshi, Engineering Manager, Is it really needed ? - "You have hit the nail on the head! But I doubt, whether teh nail goes inside or it bends! There has been enough self delusion about 'Mission' and 'Vision' of a company. Hope the 'Net' Crackers will prevent Cluetrain going in same direction."
- Kurt Seifried, Senior Analyst, Securityportal, home page - "I work for a knowledge/some service based company, and am happy to realize my boss seems to already understand a lot of the cluetrain manifesto (I have a feeling he may have already read and applied it). In any case I think I will be sending copies to our core team to read to make sure we don't lose site of reality."
- Nicholas Bastin, Software Developer, OPNET Technologies, Inc.
- Jonathan Walther, Developer, Debian GNU/Linux, Reactor Core - A Ferment of Intellect and Ideas - "bravo. let the soulless moneymen take heed. you are irrelevant. every time we set up a new game and start having fun, you try to shut us down. or you try to exploit our fun for money, and turn our games into a travesty of human nature. no more!"
- John Robben, Network Operations, Vedauwoo.com, home page - "Having been in the technical customer service business for over six years, the words contained in the '95 theses' are the same things that all the customer service technicians whispered to each other at lunch. Mention it to management, and you'd receive nothing but posturing and bluster. Too bad companies are so slow to learn that, by using stall tactics to keep the customer at bay, they are doing nothing but further re-enforcing the customers lack of faith."
- David Personette, Systems Administrator, Network Telephone - "Cuts straight to the problem with corpratism."
- Juhana Siren, Assistant, University of Oulu, Dept. of Computer Science - "I've been thinking about these things for some time. I'm glad to see someone else has, too."
- Bud Parr, Vice President, Prudential International Investments - "The idea recently espoused that 'there won't be any internet companies. All companies will be internet companies.' rings hollow unless those of us that recognize the significance of the manifesto share their voice within our own companies. The promise of the internet may be easily lost if we don't."
- Alex Brown, Associate Director, MBA Admissions, Wharton School - "I am excited about the potential of recreating our website, based around this book."
- Sherri Havens, IST Instructor, Wytheville Community College, Sherri Havens' home page - "Thanks for representing an existing and expanding market of people who want to purchase, schedule, and conduct personal and professional business online."
- Josh McCormick, Systems Architect, Williams Communications, home page - "I've read this before. I forgot about it. I read it again. I still like it. I wonder how many people have problems staying enthusiastic enough to follow through on it? The idea is a good one."
- mishaco, artist, mishaco.com, mishaco.com - "new times have new ideas . the old rules dont apply anymore , and we wont sit by to hear the death rattle of those that owe allegiance to antiquated beliefs and are irrelevant to our cause ."
- Olaf Reimann, Dipl.-Kfm., PA Consulting - "What a wonderful nifty piece of work. It helps to open your mind and re-direct your thinking to a much greater horizon as you ever have thought of."
- Ola Tuvesson, Designer, dotmusic - "At last!"
- Jack McCauley, Executive Vice President, Lowe Lintas & Partners
- Ed Howdershelt, CEO, WiccaWorks.com (yes, the dot com is part of the name), Abintra Press - "It was 'about time' for this a long time ago. The manifesto covers everything so well that I can't immediately think of anything to add."
- Flemming Funch, Founder, New Civilization Network, World Transformation - "Ah, how wonderful. The world is changing. It is inevitable, unstoppable, irreversible. For that matter, it has already happened, but not everybody has noticed yet."
- John Byrd, Senior Manager, Developer Technical Support, Sega of America, Home Page - "The ideas presented herein are close. They miss the bullseye in a couple places. First off, corporations are not always monolithic Terry-Gilliam-style nightmares of information control, but a few are. Second, some of the corporate processes and methods that you disparage actually work. Advertising works. PR works. Third, ideas in themselves have value. In a totally free market of ideas, a world without firewalls, ideas become devalued to nothing. NDAs are a Good Thing."
- John Byrd, Senior Manager, Developer Technical Support, Sega of America, Home Page - "The cluetrain Web page says: 'No advertising, no self-serving bullshit. We might edit for brevity.' Well, Cluetrain, information control is information control. I don't need your editing and your reprocessing of my words. Get a clue!"
- Jeffrey Tarter, editor & publisher, Softletter, home page
- Ioshua - "Thoughts that would not collect themselves into words like this for us. Thanks! And couple me up to this locomotive."
- Hugh Daubek, Associate Professor, Purdue University Calumet, daubek - "The Manifesto will be incorporated into many of our marketing courses."
- Star Brooks, Envisioner, TahoeGamingGuide.com - "Is it possible to fall in love with a manifesto? This is the most dynamic stuff I've seen, but then I have been dealing with the dead wood in the casino marketing departments of Lake Tahoe. Boy, talk about Rip Van Winkle! Some sleep! But it is just about time to WAKE THEIR ASSES UP!"
- Ryan Dunphey, eBusiness Developer, Beyond Theory, Intricacy - "The only issue I took in my reading was a seeming disagreement on deep ideologies. Nonetheless I was in general high agreement with the Manifesto. It kept me up all night--thanks! Good stuff!"
- Silent Node, Ruiner of economy, thief of hope, loud voice in quiet times, Nothing definate. - "I am signing today because I am tired. I want to do so much more. I should do so much more."
- sal furino - "we built the monster, we can destroy it as well work-work-work,buy-buy-buy, then you die? it is all the same, just different ways to make you live the same illusions. the universe was not manifest so we could produce & buy products, be it at wal-mart or internet clue-clue-clue-clue?"
- Bryan Michael Pope , pres, Pope Associates - "A new expression of an ancient spiritual message. That's all I know to say about your work. I am profoundly appreciative of your contribution to our understanding better what we all need to do to make our world a better place for humankind..."
- Rick Bullotta, Vice President and CTO, Lighthammer Software - "I subscribe wholeheartedly to the premise that 1+1+1+1+1+....+1 approaches infinity, and that the power of a 'network' is related to its 'connectedness'. But lest we forget the realities of our world, I share with you my favorite quote: 'There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from the fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had long experience of them.' - The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli, 1469-1527"
- Dave Brickner, Partner, Creating Alternatives in Marketing and Management, L.L.C. - "At first, I was put off by the book. It looked like a chaotic hodge-podge of sound bytes. But then I started reading and couldn't put it down. It finally dawned on me that chaos and hodge-podge are exactly the point. That is real life. That is what this is all about. Chaos is the lubrication of change and the real corporate culture is what exists in the 'war stories' told by the participants."
- Tom Rausch, President, Interactive Ink, Inc. - "As someone who has been trying to help people understand the Net for several years, I finally get it myself. Information Age - Conversation Age - the return of Craft. I can't wait to see what unfolds next. Thank you for telling it straight."
- Chris Pirillo, IPOphobic, Lockergnome, Real Family - "Have you ever heard of Lockergnome? Probably not... that's because I don't have (or want) a marketing budget of a billion dollars, and I don't ever plan on going IPO. For four years, I've been delivering high-quality, technology-oriented content via e-mail -- to real people. My subscribers think I'm nuts for replying to e-mails personally; nobody understands how I could turn down multi-million dollar deals. For a while, I thought I was crazy. Now I know I'm not."
- Henry W. Wyes, Manager, Resorce Mobilisation Europe, World Health Organisation , home page - "A private comment: Within the New Public Management (similar to the New Economy), increasingly Public-Private Partnerships emerge, catalyzing the public sector to develop its understanding of the internet and its effects. In particular international organisations, in view of their inclusive nature and global scope, might take the bold step of re-thinking their perception of the internet, using the manifesto as a starting point"
- Leo Sudea, Consultant, Omega Performance - "Vive la Revelution!"
- Drew Schaefer, JD, Mr. (? rather than the Magnificently Humble), ScienterNET Research - "I am glad you brought many great thoughts to a wide audience, and hope to begin a omnilogue from here on into the future."
- D. Renee , Tech Spt Supervisor - "It's about time! These are the things we have all been thinking, just never committed to (virtual) paper. Thank you ClueTrain!!!!!"
- Linda S. Bennett, Owner and Proprietor, The Oversetter, Linda's Virtual Goldmine - "First, the Peace Train. Now, the cluetrain. I jumped aboard then; I'll jump aboard now. I like it; I like it a lot!"
- Bill Adams, Director , Adams Consulting Services - "These points tell of the major shift that is coming to Western marketing. As was said by others, the train is leaving the station. Either get on and ride or become roadkill."
- Scott Penwell, home page
- Jeff Eberlin, Haiku Of The Day - "Wowm you guys have got it."
- Michael Hoirch, Owner/Operator, Wytchkraft Arts & Graphics
- Mark Anderson, College Student, Luther College, Starbase Rivendell - "Given the likelihood that I'll be entering the corporate world in three and a half years, I support the effort to reform the total lack of humanity in business today rather than tomorrow."
- Andy Jenkins, Mr, Cellular operations LTD (Mobile Phone company)
- Christopher Szilagyi-Jones, Database Administrator, Texas Workforce Commission - "...and thank you very much for playing! Oh, but I'm sorry -- it looks like we *already* have a winner today. Darn. You sure were close, though. Johnny, could you please show our distinguished guests their nice parting gifts...?"
- Eric Sijmons, Consultant, Inspirations Consultancy, be inspired with Inspirations - "Reality has arrived"
- Stephen Miller, Director, Gnomensis, Mkzdk - "Corporate America seems senile and brain-dead! What opportunities they miss! The manifesto gets to the root of the problem, great!"
- Catherine G. Glover - "Thank you for expressing my frustration with so many businesses these days. Talk to me, I want to talk to you. If you won't talk to me, then I will find somone who will, and buy their product!"
- Jack Pierce, el Presidente, Humanity, PC Tool Box - "Finally something that speaks for the suffering masses. Adoption of this creed can relieve the exasperation caused by the impersonal contact conjured up by those who seek to dehumanize rather than allow the joining of hands in concerted effort."
- Juan Pablo Rey, General Manager, Mundo Virtual Ltda - "How can we let them understand this? Or we have to wait for the next generation ..."
- Adrian D State, Mr - "The revolution will happen, not because of the input from the corporate world but despite it. Vive la revolution!"
- Craig Talbot, CEO, The Darkness Maze, the darkness maze - "Very interesting..."
- Bernard Biron, Biron Interactive - "Finally!!!"
- Charles B. Lamb, none, Creative Concept Development - "Finally, rationality prevails and like minded people are seeing that the paradigm has shifted to the knowledge worker. It is not the machinery that makes 'busines' function, but the people who operate the machines. It doesn't matter that the machine is a computer or a non logic device but that the person is the one with the transportable skills which may be moved to another location, i.e. career position."
- Bryan Ashcraft, Partner/ Webmaster, Paragon Visuals - "Just a slight twist on a well known saying.....Ask not what your customer can do for you....I think you can figure out the rest. I only hope this will truly make a difference."
- Davender Gupta, Visioneer, The Visioneering Institute, Collection of thoughts about the New World of Working and Living - "Maybe we can add a thesis 95a: The time is near when we (joe consumers) do not need megacorporations and megaeconomies any more. Us free agents and solopreneurs are big enough in numbers to be our own, self-sufficient economy!"
- alec rosen, vp, edelman pr - "a breath of fresh air, now if I can get my clients to read this ... wow, what a concept!"
- Michael Laubsch, CEO, afpa - agenvy for public affairs - "Great ideas and perpectives for the future. Hopefully, the Net will transport the issues to the public."
- Alfredo Octavio, Patilla.com, Alfredo's Home Page - "This is real, the Cluetrain will run over anyone who does not get on board..."
- Chris Betts, networking and what not - "wellll... good job on the whole. The comments are so varied emphasising the underlining deep-seated aspects... these topics are fun and cries are deafening. I'm not signing your ideas though, what's the cause? To institutionalise your beliefs? Don't be silly"
- Scott R. Bergquist - "what a long strange trip it's going to be, I can't wait."
- Steve Hogan, CEO, Murl.com
- Valery Gilbert, EVP, Internet Division, BuySellBid.com - "Glad that a sense of humor is not only back in the workplace but is considered a prerequisite for being able to do a job well done."
- Shawn Stuart, space captain, Why Not!, home page - "Fucking Rocks"
- Shari Cryselle Wright, Entrepreneur, The Silver Pen - "An infusion of hip in this informational hop...all aboard."
- Andrej Cibulka, Professional Services Manager, S&T Plus - "Yes. I can't agree more. However, bear in mind that Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was also great. You see it? It's going to be a tough journey, and the outcome will be different from what we think. But let's fight for it."
- Chris Fenwick, Owner, Broadcast Business Graphics, Chris Fenwick
- Michael Roth, Managing Editor (Okay, it's a one-man company right now.), Oberon Publishing, Owner's Homepage - "I'm very start-up right now, but that's ok. I'm growing slowly and my company is all about what the internet is all about. I invite writers to stop by and see my under construction signs and maybe send a submission or two."
- Thomas Keller, Projekt Manager, Bank of ideas, Berlin (under construction) - "I´m very intoxicated about the cluetrain manifesto. But the www. will not only change economics it also will change politics. The time where 'secrets clubs', intelligence services and some families... are ruling the world will come to an and. But all friends of the manifesto will have a task in that. This world could be haven for everyone - That could be a hymne for the manifesto. Thomas Keler"
- J. Swain, mu, Gardenpage Design, gardenpage.com - "Tear down the factories, grind the weapons into sand. Tell everyone what's wrong. Grow food, develop medicine, create art, transcend ego, respect your neighbors. Now is the time to create businesses that by their nature return excess money to the people like a cloud returns moisture to the sea."
- Steven Ray Jones, Jones-Satterfield - "Finally. Where have you been?"
- David Dufke, will be Civ. Eng. EE in a few years, homepage - "I don't have any employers to show it to yet, but when I do... get a clue guys!"
- Joey Anderson, Interventional Radiologic technologist ( Super geek xray tech), St Peters Hospital, Albany Ny/Mercycare corp - "I think this is the best bit of common sense, that I've personally seen on the net so far. It's refreshing to see there are so many of us who are fed up with the corporate B.S.. It's about time we spoke up, as a global community, for what we belive is right and fair. I for one am sick and very, very tired of the coporate crap that holds us all back from doing what needs to be done everyday. Viva la Cluetrain!"
- Richard L., Upgrades Representative, CompUSA - "A needed step for pushing Corporations to be what they were meant to be: guides and helpers for the people."
- T'Goth, Computer Geek @ large, The Warrior Project, home page - "Grassroots movement at it's best. This is how revolutions are started and concrete changes are made."
- C. Bergman, Personal Computer Technician, City of KEnt - "This is what business needs. People working together again. To excite their workers, inspiring them to have a passion for their craft whatever that may be. It's the one and only thing that is going to keep any of us coming. To our own jobs or any other corporation's table - HUMANITY. As Ian Malcom said it, 'Life finds a way.' Let's go find ours."
- Mary V. Jones, Empathic Counselor, "DancingStar" Vibrations - "Shine On!"
- Kathleen Maddux Pearlman, "just a Netizen" and one of the "Silent Majority", My home page - nothing complicated or technical - "It would be nice for companies to have human voices behind the ones that speak with the monotone of business. There are people behind each of those computer chips...."
- TruhBull - "Get a clue Corporate America, the band is playing and it ain't playing 'Hail to the Chief'."
- Robert B. Batson, Software Developer, Sybran Technologies LLC, Home Page - "After working for a large corporation for a number of years, I realized that the clue train was stopping many times a day at every department. Everybody was just too damned scared to take delivery from it. Don't rock the boat. Don't get noticed. Your ideas are crap. What a way to run a company. Unfortunately, it is still that way today. Having lost most, if not all of their inventive and idealistic talent. C'est la vie..."
- Dustin Snell, CEO , Unisyn Software, LLC, (not yet active) - "The one phenomenon that I am becoming increasingly disenchanted with is the media's popular misconception that the primary purpose of the Internet is 'information dissemination'. I counter, screaming, 'It's about communication dummy!' After all, is not e-mail/Instant Messaging the most used Internet application? Modern day companies need to learn this and transform their sites and practices into 2 way, public communication vehicles."
- Larry Murray, CEO, Horizon Data Technologies - "I recently read an article about the possible dire consequences of the internet and internet tactics & marketing - maybe they should try searching the net for a possible solution... I found it."
- Martha Lewis, Career Teacher - "We have met the future and it is our children. They are the ones that we need to be concerned about. Information is critical!"
- Martha Lewis, Career Teacher - "We have met the future and it is our children. They are the ones that we need to be concerned about. Information is critical!"
- Thomas Jones, Laborer, Owens Corning Fiberglas - "As a worker for a large corporation I have seen this coming for years. Our company will stab us and our customers in the back for more profits and it's not right."
- Dipankar Ray, Independant Business Owner - "'A company that comnines High-tech with High-Touch will be the ruler of internet...' - Bill Gates I have a great faith in this statement and believe that 'High-Touch' will be the key to success for all companies in future."
- Rev. M. Robert Sinclair, one of the members of the human race - "Delighted that we are recognized as individuals unique and yet belonging."
- Ken Knull, code slinger, Paradise Web Services
- Christopher Talmadge, Systems Engineer, Document Imaging - "The old man is about to die and it looks like his coffin is waiting. Thanks for turning on the floodlights."
- Mel Riffe, Jr., Untitled, Juicy Parts Software, Mel Riffe's House Page - "As we move closer to the global community, people, both consumers and producers, must recognize the need to speak and communicate in one melodius voice. The cluetrain manifesto provides the opportunity for use to correct the shortcomings of today's pre-global community. Spread the word; spread the human-voiced word."
- Charles A. Erickson, President, Computer Allied Evolutions - "I support all items in this manifesto!"
- Randy Ward, Computer Engineer, Home Page - "All true. Information is free. Always. There are no more secrets."
- Roger Dalsaune, Tech support, home page
- John Love, Banta Digital Group - "Viewing the events of any given Monday-Friday in the corporate world through the cluetrain lens is eye-opening, to say the least. It's alternately hilarious and incredibly sad."
- Mike Moore, PC Tech, City Government - "The 'market' is continually changing as technology advances. This is not a new idea, it's as old as time. It is, and should be, an ongoing effort to keep the market in touch with the corporations. Sometimes corporations are tone deaf. Sometimes it takes a painful learning experience to come to terms with the fact that your market has changed. Ask IBM. This manifesto will go a long ways towards reminding us of what we need to remember. Sometimes a good slap in the face or not so gentle nudge is good for the soul and good for business."
- Thomas W. Graddy, Manager, Information Systems, Tommy Bahama - "An unbelievably valuable resource for grounding out-of-control web marketoids and start-up entrepreneurs."
- Bill Clark, President, Digital Service - "Wow, being an over 40 computer geek, I have found myself wondering what all this is about. Now, I remember! Thanks"
- Deb Kearney, Consumer/Citizen, The Consumers' Only Review, The HIdout! - "If only......"
- Carl, Contracted Cog, AT&T - "I found this somewhat depressing, because I work for companies trying to enter the Internet market, but are bloated down by thier decades-old structure and ideas. They are failing with each service they introduce, and they just don't get it. I've been thinking and voicing some of the ideas listed in your manifesto in frustration to other workers, but you've managed to get it all. The next company I go to, I'll look for one with the good qualities listed in your manifesto. Thank you."
- David Bryan, Bryan Computer Works / Web Site Wise, Tip o' th' Berg - "'Folksy' is what the big companies called it. Coming from Missouri, I accepted that characterization of my speech. But tiring of their dismissiveness, I wandered out here to talk with people, and stayed out here to help those who wanted my help and could quickly see they didn't need it. No long-term clients among my people of choice. Now *you're* here with the simple thing, the gutsy thing, the sand-running-through-the-fingers thing (feels so good). Simply, thanks."
- Walter Janes, Cosultant/Educator, WJ Microcomputer Consulting
- Dana D. Charter, aka Reighvin
- David George Harris, Credit Manager, Brandywine Electronics LTD - "Bout' Time"
- Kyle (kyrant) Rantala - "Absolutly stunning work. I have been wanting to stand up and yell this at companies for so long it gives me headaches. Finally the people speak out."
- Calvin Nester - "You mean I'm not alone? Then my search must not have been in vain."
- Russell W. Coover, Planner, Los Angeles County Office of Education, The Coover Corner - "A Company that treats it customers poorly will only survive as long as there is no one else to provide its services."
- Les Thompson, Chief Consultant, Dracon Industries, Inc., The Lapdragon's WebCave
- Mark Radtke
- Michael Teague, Owner, SailCat Graphics, About the man. - "Thank you for recognizing that business is conducted with real people, and that those who remain ignorant of that fact will be exposed by those who are cognizent of the fact via our unparalleled communication network."
- Sally S. Young
- Herbert J. Dyson, Jr.
- Marge Hartwig, Master Herbalist & Naturpathic Doctor, Herbal Educational Research Foundation - "All areas of our lives need to be addressed by these truths. I started my business more than 8 years ago as a lonely voice against the field of lies regarding health and nutrition -lies from government as well as the corporate 'health' community. Now, I see the effect of my work in the ever increasing awareness from the people I deal with. Truth, caring and personal communication not only matters to me, it is the only way our civilization can survive. Very well done to all manifesto signatories."
- Trey Shewmake, Technical Support Professional, Gateway - "This is what I have felt for the last few years - as I watched the 'net grow, evolve, shift, erode, and soon - collapse...today's corporations feel they should control e-commerce as the Rockefellers controlled the Oil based economy of the early 1900's....we need to split up this monopoly of thought."
- Tim Gatlin, http://come.to/gaysydney
- Lawrence J. Sypowicz
- Jack Bandemer, Graphic Designer (that means I like to play with pretty pictures), Phoenix Communications Group/BrotherBooks, Aimless Rambling - "Communication is the key...we need to talk."
- Leo Oppegard, Leo's Lair - "So ok, I'm just a cat! Probably the first and only cat to sign this! But I know a good thing when I see one!! So does my 'very human' being Sandy Oppegard. She just a plain little old 54 year old woman from Vernon Center, Minnesota (boonies!)who's life centers around us cats and her four computers :) In her 'spare time' she administers Employment and Training Programs in South Central Minnesota that hopefully do the people they serve some good :)The 'Manifesto' reminds her of the sixties!! Oh yeh! The times they are a changin'! :)"
- Dale Briggs, Golf Professional, Lake Redding Golf Shop - "I am on for the whole ride. Let it begin."
- Allen Morelli, The Planet Earth - "It's about time SOMEBODY stood up and said something...thanks!"
- Richard (Ryc) Lyden, Partner, Presponse Systems Integration, LTD - "I truly wish that I could have seen this earlier... as we fall into the 'ruts' provided by so many companies who have come before us. The path least taken is not necessarily the wrong road. Our whole program was developed along these tenants... yet when it comes to 'talking' with the world we tend to become what we have considered heartless, impersonal, and 'corporate' to show our strength. I will keep the manifesto and use it to gauge the 'real' market... our clients! Thank you for putting this in a place where we can all use it."
- David J. Holtrop, Co-founder, Wet Rhino Preservation League - "Courage? Courage? Pah! We're talkin' desperation and outrage here. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
- Jason Loesch, Electronics Technician, MTS Systems Corporation - "This makes perfect sense! I hope everyone on MTS's board reads this and takes heed!"
- Jennifer Elliott , Web Developer/Graduate Student in Information Science, Intellistrand, Cheshire's Labyrinth - "Bravo! Catch the blue caboose and hold on! I work with information all day every day and how true most of this is. Now if I could get my collegues and professors to see the train coming down the tracks before it runs them down."
- Howard Hall, Owner, Backup Cook and Chief Bottle-Opener, Dr. deciBel, a sound (and lighting) company, Shameless Self-Promotion Page - "Free Enterprise has been more a mental illness than an economy ever since the 'people of earth' multiplied beyond a finite number of cavemen living in an nigh-onto-infinite 'cave'. The manifesto is strictly a 'limited time offer' for the 'clueless wonders' of Industrious Crapitalism to EVOLVE and walk upright, or join Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon 'round the dying embers of pre-history's campfire, lacking the wit to add wood..."
- D. Patricia Harris, FedEx - "Both frightening and liberating. Before I finished reading the entire manifesto, I sent the page on to 20 people who 'think'. Thanks for the wake-up call."
- Kenneth Byrne, Webmaster, http://www.marimoninc.com
- Brian Dickert, http://www.tcfb.com/enhance
- Tracy Kaply, Reverend, Tracy Kaply's Site - "Right on, my Brothers and Sisters! Thank heavens someone has finally said loud and clear what we've been whispering about for so long."
- Victor Firestone, Hazeva - "Now, why hasn't the rest of the world realized this yet???"
- Morgan Rodwell, Process Engineer, Fluor Corporation - "I was fascinated by the Manifesto, and while I didn't agree with all of it, I did order the book. Egads! The book is telling it straight; too bad our companie management is clueless..."
- John T. Newman, Paper Machine Tender, Westvaco Cororation - "The Cluetrain Manifesto speaks loudly for the everyday consumer/worker who envisions a world where your not just another number in the customer/employee files. Commercialism and Big Business have replaced the identity of the individual with a pie chart hanging in the board room. We deserve better..."
- bernadette myers, store manager, b dalton bookseller - "book was suggested by my enlightened boss. i felt validated. now it is my goal to spread the word. thanks"
- Janet L. Koprivnak/Hall, Retired HMC/USN
- Cindy Geissler, Heartland Community Leader, GeoCities, Cindy's Home - "Yep-- corporate dummies feeding robots a mouthful of bologna. The robots both work for them and buy from them but they can't communicate because 'they can't taste the processed meat.' We're tired of reading between the lines. I'm proud to volunteer my help. There's no bull about it. Glad to be aboard the cluetrain! It gives me hope and that hope has a domino effect."
- Christopher Kersten
- James McMillen, Webmaster, Paradise Bowling Association, home page - "Today is moving faster than yesterday, and will keep speeding up until we recognise it it time to stop and smell the roses."
- Robert S Davis
- Duane J. Huck, System Administrator, USAF, Huck Homepage
- Mr.CB., intellectual, Mr.CB. Enterprises, home page - "seems allot of people today dont want to talk to someone else based on fear or the lack of the ability to cope with what they may precieve of a the encounter. or what they may become involved in by the opening of a conversation with another. fear has ruled this planet for several decades in many forms. is'nt about time we all got over it. think about the possibilitys!. (imagine all the people)by john lennon."
- Susan E. Schweers, Customer Service, formerly of Banctec - "Semiotics meets it's maker! (You and Me) There's a certain agreement amongst people, and the most basic of these is conversation. Thank you. Heirarchy is falling! In my previous employ my immediate superior was an immigrated Russian who firmly believed that one respects the chair, not the person. Many cheers for the new world that is a-borning!"
- Christopher Waters, Production Accountant, freelance - motion picture industry
- Jason Cullen, Mr - "If this, as I hope it is, the birthplace of a revolution that will topple the arrogant, quasi-fascistic nature of the consumerist society we've all been subjected to since birth, what can I say, this is so important my meagre mortal vocabulary cannot express its greatness. But rest assured I'll spread this message to anyone who'll listen. If the capitalist dogs are hobbled who will rule? We, the people who suffered their tyranny for too long, will. vive la revolucion!"
- Gary Lopez, Charge Nurse of an Australian Cardiothoracic ICU - "Whilst not being able to apply all the statements in the Manifesto to my professional environment I see so much truth and relevance in the statements related to 'Corporate image' and 'Corporate Mission'. They help us little and only interfere with our aims and needs as clinicians - this reflects on the community, our 'customers' (although we call them patients!). We would like to express our needs to the community but have to be careful as the 'Institution' has strict rules on what we may express and how we can go about it. Viva la Revolution. The online revolution may finally spread to society in general!"
- Dragan Stiglic, Creative Director, COSMOGON Creative Forces, COSMOGON - Creative Forces - "Let's not be mislead. Cluetrain is not only about marketing. It's not only about business. It is about our civilisation. Racing after money we all became selfish and lost our feelings on the way. Humans also talk like corporate entities - to cover up what's really going on - deep inside. Perhaps, we were all on the way to be less human. Cluetrain is an alarm clock that has to wake us up from this nightmare. When it awakes us - next thing is to realize how much there is to be done."
- Vaxen Hieronymous Var, Valued, Vaxen Var & Associates, VOG MIS ISHA - "Yes it is indeed OUR manifesto. Right on!"
- Michael B - "Read it, thought about it and agreed with it. So motivated by its frank and realistic approach that I have decided to go into business myself adopting many of the principals behind it. Stay tuned for Travel-Truths.com"
- Luis Alberto Lucioni, MSc Engineer
- Jack E. Fisher Sr.
- Tetsuo Takizawa, Principal, WebProject.com, WebProject - "I am a believer of Internet-driven-society."
- Andrew Sparks, Practice Manager, Oracle Nederland - "It's all true! I notice on the faces of the customers I talk to. They want to deal with people, not a 'corporation'. They want to hear the truth, not corpspeak - the millenial newspeak."
- Michael E.Naylor, Retired executive (President of Operations), None - "What an exciting time to be alive. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. This is evolution at warp speed. The train has already left the station - you had better run and jump on board or you are going to be left behind - permanently - as an extinct species."
- Tim White, Solver of Problems, The Gale Group
- Catherine Conner, VP, Institute for Responsible Management, home page
- thevoice - "Mine is not the only voice out there, I did not think it was but it is good to see that there are many others!!!!"
- David Silva, none - "This is excellent."
- Gary Dunaway, Student , University of Missouri, Rolla, Garys Place - "It,s about time we regained control of our future"
- John S. Diment, Owner, Computer Application Services - "An idea who's time has arrived."
- Chris Nehls, Honeywell
- Boxer, Systems Administrator, Dixie - "Nice...very nice. The Cluetrain is on the right track, ready to cross the bridge. Let's just make sure that there is enough passenger room for the homeless, hungry and uneducated men, women, and children among us."
- William A. Barnette, CEO, Dive! Studio, [ f u r y ] - "For about a day I was speechless. It seems not only did I read something interesting that made me stop to think, but maybe I had just found some of the feelings I had in my heart expressed very well in paper and on the web. I have already in just a few days started the (r)evolutionary process of what I thought our company should be about to what a truly customer built company is. I'm buzzing."
- Rex Rhoades - "This is another indication that our culture is not 'going to the dogs' but is in fact in a process of redefining and re-humanizing itself. I am proud to be a part of it."
- William Green, Owner, William Green, Design - "With the path we have set for ourselves, it makes sense we must re-evaluate our goals and needs. 'How can we make a buck from this group? Let's take what we can get then move on to someone else.' This is the thought of many people on the corporations. The manifesto is great in theory. But in a lawsuit-happy society where everything must be politically correct on every single thing, how much is actually going to come into effect? The premise is great: 'Hey! I'm here and I'm an individual person. Listen to me. You might learn something.' But what about reality? I personally would love to see a customer service rep bend over backwards to help someone in any possible way. Isn't that their job anyway? Satisfaction. That's what we all want, in work and play. Unfortunately, the boundaries are no longer and have all merged."
- Robert Bird, Jr., Engineer - "Old-school companies have no clue what their markets need. Newer companies (those of the Internet age) are much more in tune with what their customers want and need. Their response times in the marketplace are faster, their customer service is more customer-oriented, and they tend to have a more 'personal' appearance, despite the fact that many of these businesses are online-only and have no real 'face' that we can see. This manifesto is the first step in reshaping the way companies operate and behave toward their markets. It is vital to the future of business."
- Addie Wisse, General manager, WebFair
- Timothy Damien Rohde, Principal Consultant, One Inc - "Is it possible to add a postscript to the manifesto? Can you include something like, 'Covering your ass while running to catch up makes you look like a chicken.'"
- Carol Cormier, CFO, Organizational Consultant, Too numerous to mention - "There is nothing so powerful as the truth, spoken clearly, directly and openly! The Cluetrain Manifesto is a wake-up call to world commerce and, to say the least, we have overslept!"
- Martyn Trueman, President & CEO, Xifa Technologies, Vex's Home Page - "I've always had the view that the Internet is different. It has always has been, it always will. The Internet's all about communication, and if companies aren't taking this medium seriously, they better re-think. Definately pure oxygen for the poluted brain! The world is full of people. The internet is one. Together they are the most powerful device on earth. Let's use it to change this earth."
- Tom Easton, Chief Geek, Academy for Philosophical Midwifery - "Markets really are conversations. And conversations are not always orderly, neat, or polite. Niether are markets. I hope those people who try to make them so will realize this and then either lead, follow, or get out of the way."
- Pierre Grimes, President, Academy for Philosophical Midwifery - "Conversations are dialogues, dialogues express an emerging logos, that logos works through and exposes sophistry and delusion whether in the marketplace or among mankind. Whenever it surfaces a ray of hope shines and all we need to work out is the art of dialogue."
- Angela M. Bartlett
- Joichi Ito, CEO, Neoteny, home page - "Absolutely on board with your thoughts. Neoteny is an incubator in Tokyo and we are focused on creating companies that will still be around in five years. The manifesto is very similar to the what we talk about at our 'best practices' discussions."
- Tom Knight - "It's a different world and we need to dare to be different."
- Grant Whittle, Vice President, Ultraliner, Inc. - "You've put into words what I've been trying to express for 2 years. I wish I had found this sooner. These concepts are what have led me to create an inustry email discussion forum and why I will be rolling out a network of community based industry websites later this year. I've been calling the process 'public peer review,' and have seen it absolutely crush marketing hype and corporate spin in our industry. All of my competitors keep asking me, 'Why are you doing this?' I'm wondering if they will catch the cluetrain before it's too late. The power has irrevocably shifted to the customer. It's time to adapt and deal with it."
- Grant Whittle - "I've signed the Manifesto and whole-heartedly agree with its goals and intentions. My one concern is that the lawyers will prevent corporations from catching the cluetrain. One of the major reasons for the barriers between employees and the market is to protect the corporation from the 'unscripted' comments of employees."
- Lola Hagerty, Network Administrator - "As a child of the '60s, I can only say, 'This is fucking far-out!'"
- Dorian Morrell, Process Specialist, Quantum Corp - "The author(s) of this manifesto have a keen eye...or do they? The experiences that must have been drawn upon to make these conclusions are all but universal - to the corporate world, and to us. I belong to both. Someday soon, there will be no 'both' - just us..."
- Anthony Gallipeau
- John Karapiperis
- Cathy Drury, shit shoveler, marketing communications, sigma-aldrich - "I've been looking for this train for awhile...I'm glad the only ticket you need is to be a human with a clue on what it means to be human...Cluetrain, take me away..."
- Phil Wolff, director, ebusiness development, Adecco SA, Phil's Journal of Extrapreneurial Strategy & Technology - "Change is hard. Some change is useful, some not. I find the challenges are (a) in recognizing when and how to change, (b) finding the gumption and reckless abandon to suffer the personal growing pains, and (c) then convincing others of (a) and (b). The net won't be the last disruptive technology, but it's a whopper and it's here today. Make the changes, spread the word, and watch for the next one."
- Braggi DaBard, Swain and Varlet at Large, Bards Unlimited, Bardic Scroll - "Timely. Now if the companies of the world can clue in, they will survive. I for one am hopeful that many will not. We NEED new organizations for our growth. All of us."
- Robert Lindstrom, President, Voyageur Net Inc. - "My instincts and beliefs are confirmed. The people are paramount the technology is only a tool that we use to achieve our freedom of information and thought, through discourse and consensus."
- Curtis Burisch, Systems Analyst, 1 Sea Inc. - "At last we are realising that honesty and goodwill is far more valuable than money at any cost. Three cheers for cluetrain !!"
- Lil Ron Maples, CEO, Rom's Computers - "The Internet can be the best thing that has ever happened to Mankind or the worse. It all depends on if Mankind has evolved to the point that it can quit thinking signally or finally start to think collectively. I think that can be the final outcome of the Internet. With the good Lords help there might be hope."
- Ms. Terry Hansen, poet, none - "Isn't it strange that total stranger on the 'net will give me true information that a company won't. . The net is 'talking to strangers' in the best and the worst way depending on who you are and who I am. Intelligence, wit, compassion, and a sense of humour make the difference. Rock on."
- Hugh Rance, Professor of Geology, City University of New York, eGeobooks - "Get the word out first, publish later. By that I mean the 'publish or perish' guide for how to keep a job as an educator is turned inside out by the Internet. Students at all levels are increasingly less likely to take kindly to an assignment that required searching thorough paper sources on library shelves or waiting for archived paper or (horrors) microfiche to be delivered from library stacks. The of the lecturers who justify their presentations by the smug assertion that the assigned textbook was already obsolete by the time it was published will be a thing of the past. To illustrate this my eTextbook 'The Preseent is the Key to the Past' for a course I teach can be found at my web site."
- curt w. smith, president, monocceros.com, inc., home page - "Your manifesto (and subsequent book) pulls together concepts and clearly explains what I've been struggling to tell others for years. You've done everyone a great service by having the guile to say what needed to be said. Anyone listening?"
- Jesús Collado Jaén, Médico-Odontologo-Ortodoncista, Odolntologia, home pageOrtodoncia.¿Cual es la meta? - "La necesidad de oir y escuchar a un compañero en Ortodoncia"
- Kevin B. O'Brien, Webmaster, Concordia College, home page
- Martha Kunke, Registered Nurse, St Mary's Hospital - "Agree with your Manifesto. Health care professionals could learn from reading and practicing the Manifesto. When did we give the bean counters control over patient care and treatment?"
- Terry Borchardt, Product Requirements Manager, Great Plains - "Read the book on a flight back from Orlando - let the voices be heard and listened to."
- Don Scata Jr!, http://www.fit.edu, Home Page - "Very well thought out. I'm glad someone finally wrote about this subject. It was well needed. Cool Cool! >8^)*"
- Tim Nam - "First of all, I could not summon the patience to read through that long list. So let the record show that I don't necessarily agree with this manifesto. Second of all, I think you need to dig deeper. you're still thinking of people as something-to-be-marketed-to, smart and informed, or otherwise. The bottom line is, do you have something that will make my life better as a result of me owning that? Part of this awakening is that we realize that we don't need a lot of the crap you try to force down our necks. I'm sorry but I don't need a cellphone/pager/location-tracking-device, anymore than I need a swift kick in the groin. I am trying to live in harmony with that which surrounds me. Market that to me."
- Maureen Flatley Hogan, President, Adopt America Advocates - "The manifesto is not only a potent recipe to change the business world. We are using these principles every day to find families for abused, neglected and abandoned children. By harnessing technology and using the internet to fly below the radar screen of bureaucracy we have empowered families all over the US to bring children who have languished in foster care home for good!"
- Teri S. Lee, Newz2Me - "I agree! I am a single person with a big idea and can't even get listed in the search engines without paying a 'listing fee' to get bumped to the top!! What happened to free enterprise and may the best woman win??? Wake up corporate America or it may be too late!"
- Terry Elguera, Consultant, self-employed - "Excellent Spanish translation of this page on libertis.net. The attitudes expressed are consistent, in my experience, with both those firms that are growing and dynamic and those that have stagnated and are losing ground. If you want to elect a firm worth working for, check out their intranet policy."
- Stacy L. Sommer, Designer, SpringDew.com, Connected - "The smartest companies are born to this discourse, their individuals having these conversations with the markets instinctively already. They are there - FIND THEM!"
- Bob Maslyn, Manager, Digital Communities, Web.Gov, The community network I do for free - "This is a personal comment, not representing anyone but me. I work for government (21 years) but do not officially represent it. I notice that many comments suggest that one could substitute the words 'government' and 'citizen' and much would ring true. True, but that's not even the half of it. The toughest challenge inside government (and beyond) is candor, the kind of candor that is honest. My personal observation is that feds who are savvy about the web are very few and far between, and -- this is important -- they are rarely written about in the Internet trade media or the government trade media. There is almost a rule: the more a government information technology person is written about, the more likely that person is clueless about the web. There are exceptions. The real-deal folks are almost never written about, are infrequently speakers at government conferences, and do not operate in a 'have a Powerpoint, will fool 'em again' modus operandi. The rule has a corollary: the higher the position, the more likely the person is a phony (spouts the right words but operates as a bureaucrat in the background), with a few exceptions. The structure of government needs to be changed to a digital government structure, which is far more porous, cross-boundary and changing than the rigid traditional boundaries that now exist in law."
- Dennis Reinhardt, Director of Remote Sensing, Risk Management Solutions, home page - "the world is transparent; the global brain is awakening"
- Colby Free, Geographer, University of Nebraska - "Public institutions of learning and research could especially learn from such perspectives, after all, they to provide a service to the public. It is all too often that the powers that be presume what is best for the university community, students and employees alike, without even knowing their names much less their opinion. They won't know what hit em."
- Marc Thompson, President, The Equity Asset Managers Association - "Human communication is key in the effective distribution of pertinent information that affect markets. There is too much noise in the market communicated by unaccountable sources which stand behind the concept of plausible deniability to defend themselves from scutiny of the public markets. The Cluetrain Manifesto cuts through the digital confusion and noise that technology creates. The Cluetrain Manifesto further defines the human element which is so crucial in effective business communications."
- Alicia Rockmore, Director of Innovation, Lipton - "One of the most powerful insightful books I have read in a long time! A must read for people in any business!"
- Richard Jalichandra, Consultant At Large - "The message is change. The vehicle is the train."
- Marty Traxler, Graphics Coordinator, Compression/Moll
- James Maduk, Virtualselling, Building Online Sales Conversations
- Paul D. McDonald, CEO/President, SPIKEware, Inc. - "I have found that the best way to 'segment markets' is into a demographic of one. Once you have done that to the radical extreme, you can then influence your customer emotionally and logically. Before you have that, you can only hope your customer will buy."
- Mordy Pelleg, CEO, MBS/Net, Inc. - "Its good to see that what we have practiced in real life - completely open lines of communications with our customer base of 1,400 doctors and total freedom of expression for every member of our company might explain our staying power and success - that in spite of being hugely out-capitalized by our major competitors. The internet will enable us to continue to provide this kind of open communication as we expand our client base. For obvious reasond (would love to see our competitors do the same)I love the the philosophy expressed in the Manifesto and the flow of ideas within the Manifesto."
- Steve Raye, President, S. P. Raye LLC - "Business as usual is going out of business."
- Susan Purdue, Microsoft Certified Professional, MedTran PDS, Inc, OneIrishRover's Homepage - "Evolution has left the physical realm. Survival of the fittest is no longer a matter of physical strength. It's all about who is on this side of the digital divide and who can move the data."
- Stephanie Lindorff, WebMaster, Ontrack Data International, Inc. - "Freedom! I can't tell you how energized I am by this manifesto. As a child of the 60's I grew up fighting the various -ism's (racism, sexism, what-have-you-isms). As I matured, I came to see that it all boiled down to being allowed to speak in an authentic voice...and to knowing that your 'voice-of-choice' would be heard and valued. I choose to respond to my customers as a person, rather than as some corporate drone mouthing the 'party line'. My customers are not transactions, they are interactions and deserve that level of humanization every bit as much as I expect/demand the same for myself!"
- ryan stuart, web diva, sister moon - "i long for the day when even 10% of american businesses get it..."
- Jillian E. Tatum, Vice President, Senior Creative Director, Fleishman-Hillard - "Finally!"
- Colin McIntosh, Director, Advanced Solutions Ltd, NZ - "Its long overdue that we stop de-humanizing society - putting people in place of numbers. Long live the train!"
- Dr Gary Beilby, Managing Director, Digital Wizards, Straynje Land - "A fresh and instantly recognisable view on the information revolution. Sometimes the truth does make itself very evident. As I gain investment and move my growing new media company forwards I realise I do now have a clear ethical blueprint that I can realistically place as more important than the traditional business devices that my investors will be expecting me to work with."
- Bernhard Fralin, co-founder, AGAPE Travel Service
- Cat Boy, Cattoon Character, Cat Boy Cafe, Who am I? I just am. - "Whoo! Whoo! I'm on the clootrain! If you know who I am you know I just am!"
- Mike Edmonds, Software Architect, none - "about time!"
- Kanakatti M. Subramanya, CTO, E-Cerv - "I've spent my entire professional career trying to live by/express/believe in these principles, but never quite managed to coalesce them quite so succinctly. Now that I see them in one place, it seems so bloody obvious..."
- Erich Ehses, Prof. Dr., FH Köln, Germany, home page - "As Martin Luther used print media to start reformation in religion, cluetrain may be using internet to start a reformation (or revolution) in markets, companies and in democratic societies. If we don´t do it, we´ll miss a unique opportunity."
- Todd Palino, Systems Administrator, Internet Access, AOL, A Work in Progress... - "It's in a company's own best interest to communicate with the public in an interactive manner. To quote one of my favorite movies... Andrew Shepherd: 'Look, if the people want to listen to---' Lewis Rothschild: 'They don't have a choice! Bob Rumson is the only one doing the talking! People want leadership, Mr. President, and in the absence of genuine leadership, they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.' Andrew Shepherd: 'Lewis, we've had presidents who were beloved, who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference.' When a company doesn't speak to the public interactively, and in a human manner, the public will believe anyone who speaks. And in a networked community, that's a lot of people."
- Egil Möller, Programmer, Mini - "We want to talk with you. And you. And you. But not to some one educated to fool us, but someone willing to help us, to get helped by us. Someone interrested in our bug reports, in our concerns, in our improvement ideas. I bet you will earn money from listening to us. Our advice is for free. Why don't you listen?"
- George Nettles, technician, Dave's European Inc. - "This would be a dream come true to me. I fear the words 'Team, manager, and opportunity' more than 'your money or your life!'"
- Craig Goligowski, Programmer - "It all hits home, after being run over by the Corporate Machine."
- Mat Morrison, Head of Strategy, BMP interAction, Mediaczar home - "It's going to happen anyway."
- Edward M. Gurowitz, gurowitz.com - "This is the future, if we're both lucky and very good at bringing it forth."
- Anthony P. Suess, President, The Modelers Boatyard
- Tony Adkins, CEO, ICON SportsNet - "'The end of business as usual' YES!! I hold fast to the elements of the ClueTrain. Sports is a conversation and I want to ride this train! Athletes and the parents of those athletes have something valuable to say and I want to facilitate that."
- The Reverend Tim McIntire, Authorized Representative of the LORD, Jesus, Inc., My Own Little Slice of Electric Heaven - "'If you're in marketing or advertising, kill yourself.' --Bill Hicks"
- Dave Porter, Director - Information Systems, Optiva - "At this point most of it hasn't percolated in. But I do know that when I was reading the 95 theses that I was extremely excited that someone has clearly explained the impact of the 'new economy' in terms and concepts that resonated with me. With all the hype and misdirection that surrounds this it has been difficult to express just what it is ....... I now have, understand and believe some of the core concepts."
- Idalia Enedina Garcia Calleja, OK!, Panoramas Comerciales, S.A. de C.V.
- mediumrare, http://www.mediumrare.net - "turn yourself insideout... flip your org upsidedown... heads we win tails you lose."
- Paz Muguerza
- Diana Brunner, Smart Advertising GmbH, Munich - "I totally agree with the manifesto. It's about time for a change in the business world - in the Internet and in the 'real' world. People should go back to their basic priciples and should always be aware that they deal with other people -even on the net."
- Ruediger Reinhardt, Dr, Chemnitz University o Technology
- j carroll, director, uberhaus, uberhaus diary - "In a world where actual human contact becomes unnecessary it is increasingly important to stress our essential humanity in communications. And also to realize that if we do not husband artistic integrity we will eventually be left with nothing of value."
- Pete DuBois, Director, E-Biz Center, Arthur D. Little, Inc. - "Hooyah.. Totally in sync...."
- John D. Sullivan, Repeat Analysis Technician, Solectron Global Services - "Tuss Pater Quis!"
- Catherine Howard, Disabled Human Being, Victim of the United States Army - "A replacement for the callousness of Caesar, the rantings at Runnymede, and the gibberings of GAFTA. VIVA LA REVOLUCION!!!!"
- Michael Harvey Baum, Owner, BATCH - "history will mark this as the real information revolution, when the world truly became one for all and all for one."
- Stefan Simon, Dipl.-Psych., Rienas
- Claude Brantl, M.Sc. - "fabulous,very interesting,read about in a german magazine"
- Sigrid Brendler, CEO, RTC Consulting Network, Management- und Strategieberatung - "the Web was paved with good intentions - business life seems to become really interesting."
- Roger Emerson, Product Specialist, ClientLogic - "To me it's about the dialogue that's enabled."
- Diego Bescos, Manager, CSC Peat Marwick - "Webolutionary."
- Massimo Moruzzi, Dr., Tuoshop.it - "Read it - by all means - read it!"
- Ton van der Liet, ICT Manager, Guide Automatisering - "Corporations and individuals around the world need to start thinking about the implications their research and their products have in our collective lives. Corporations are made of humans, not the other way around."
- Michel Desjardins, President, do.inc, Michel Desjardins's Home Page - "WOW! It is like you found the right words to express why my career went through the twists and turns it did."
- mauricio rodriguez, vicepresident, El Tiempo, home page - "Bravo!"
- Keith L. Willis, Consultant, Bytebrothers Software (UK)
- Georg Schwarz, PR Consultant, I am free
- John Sarvay, communications guru, Luck Stone Corporation - "Thank you for stretching Mr. Henry Ford out on the rails. It's a delight to hear voices that once would have been screaming, 'Someone save that poor man!', now start asking themselves if there is anything worth saving before they go and untie the knots."
- Mark Zimmerman, Director, Advanced Internet Solutions, AT&T Canada Internet & E-business Services, I've got the domain, the site is still under construction..
- Jay , Director of Development, Education - "Work otta be a hoot! This rocks"
- Gustav Bergmann, Prof.Dr., koeln-institut, home page - "Inspiring initiative. I look for Patterns of succeeding in a sense of sustainability."
- Andreas Simon, low level industries, home page - "Yes, I will use the clues. Thanks."
- Andreas Simon, low level industries, home page - "Yes, I will use the clues. Thanks."
- Alexander de Jong, Quality Manager, Telfort Customer Service - "Businesses trying to milk their customers dry - money, data, knowledge - will find themselves without customers."
- Richard Houston, Web Strategist, circle.com europe - "a revelation; a revolution."
- David Herring, Product Manager-Retail DSL, B T I (Integrated Communications Provider) - "What is the definition of 'is' in # 80?? By the way, this is a great marketing ploy to sell the book! Can you say Blair (cluetrain) witch? Please."
- Daniel R. Shipley, President, gathersoft inc. - "Finally, a book that sings with a voice I recognize."
- Leila Tammela, Consultant, Green Matrix
- brian blair, marketing manager, bbc worldwide - "consumers and customers are never us but they are"
- Christof Kreimeyer, Good news from the West, Solutions Network ~ Coaching and Mediation, home page - "I deeply welcome this manifesto aa sign of evolution not just taking place, but rather being noticed while it is evolving. I'm seeing a need for an in depth communication between people of all walks."
- Janet Robinson, Marketing Director, 2PG
- John Maloney, Contract Administrator etc., Monroe County, Rochester, New York - "With my own dot com on the horizon, I found the Cluetrain Manifesto very enlightening and encouraging. I'd like nothing more than to see the old hierarchical guard topple. I've been repressed for 20 years. Thanks to Fast Company magazine I stumbled across your tracks."
- Bjorn Carl Turmann, Founding Director, SEAsiafilm.com - "Bertolt Brecht said it best when he stated 'unhappy the land that needs heroes'. Many of today's corporations are full of massively insecure, desperately unhappy people who invest a majority of their days to be 'the corporate hero'. This is the stuff that makes for the promotions and titles that people dream of. Cluetrain addresses the single most important thing that will make 'real heroes' of us all - individuals and corporations alike and that is TRUST. When we create a safe place for people to go to everyday and earn a paycheque we will be one giant step in the right direction to solve the age old dilemna that has us begging 'why can't we all just get along?'."
- Muhammad K Vickerman, CEO, MK Inc - "I have awakened. I have heard. I have read. I have digested. Is this a dream.... This is one train I dare not miss"
- G. Cary Dice, EVP/COO, LaSalle Froup - "Read the book. reminds me of the line from Jefferson Airplane: 'It's a new dawn.......... Up against the wall...up against the wall, mother fuckers...tear down the wall.....tear down the wall'."
- G. Cary Dice, EVP/COO, LaSalle Group - "Read the book. reminds me of the line from Jefferson Airplane: 'It's a new dawn.......... Up against the wall...up against the wall, mother fuckers...tear down the wall.....tear down the wall'."
- Dennis McDonald, Managing Director, McDonald Monahan associates
- Julio M. Mendez, Technical designer...(Whatever that means), FEMSA - "It was about time that the ideas about how the net should (or should I say Must) be used... I definetly agree on every point.Since I had access to the net I've had found a source of knowdledge on almost every person I have met there, colleagues who have become very good friends and have helped me when I had a doubt, of course all has become in benefit of the Co. I have already spread the word to the highest levels, the seed is on the soil. The markets are eager to talk...Let's talk!"
- Johnny Rozsa, Photographer/Buddhist - "In Buddhism, the word KYO, in NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO, means voice or action."
- Louis Rondeau, Self-employed writer/translator/whatever, Comme L'aiR - "Everything here confirms that I was right to quit my day job and start my own business. There is no future because the future is now... Vive la liberté!"
- Kris Dickey, College Student, Organizational Commincation - "Wonderful Work! I know of quite a few places I'd like to post this manifesto!"
- Nakahito Mita
- alexis rondeau, creative director/hardliner, dreamerswin.com - "my haiku: streams of realities, invisible,still coloured changing me, the world. now"
- Chris Bowers, Consultant, Arthur Andersen
- Ulrich Andreas Töpfer, UAT-Marketing - "Hope more people will understand than e=mc²."
- Doug Browne
- Ben van der Merwe, Mr., ESL, University of Stellenbosch
- Eric Cabot Steed [ Striderji ], Director, Collaborative Systems, Unicity, Inc. [ A Convergent Technologies Corporation ], Omniconscious Unicity - "Outstanding !! Both the 'Market' and 'The Marketplace' are being redefined as we speak. This Manifesto goes a long way toward accelerating this long awaited transformation."
- Senén Castro, Senior Consultant, Euromanager Global Recruitment
- Gene Lege
- Chris Haid, Associate, the Adrenaline Group
- Patrick P. Murphy, Division Head, NRAO/Charlottesville Computing, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Maze of Twisty Little Passages - "Ah! So (a) I'm not crazy after all, and (b) I'm not the only one who thinks this way!"
- Without a name or face - "I have to withhold my name and company because mine hasn't gotten on the cluetrain yet. I'd be putting myself in danger for speaking my opinion (sad as that is.) My company recently sold off several divisions. About 20% of the people at the corporate headquarters lost their jobs, many of whom had loyally been here for 20+ years. This was done to save The Company. Who is 'The Company' again?? I thought that was ME. I haven't seen any benefit, just some added workload and headaches, and lowered morale around the office. How can that be considered 'saving the company?' In reality, the layoffs were done only to save the asses of the PHB's who have the authority to do the layoffs, whose bad decisions years before had finally backfired and affected our bottom line. PS: If a 'resource' is defined as raw material that is used up in order to turn a profit, tell me again what Human Resources is for?"
- Brian H. Trammell, b, home page
- Jennifer Trotts, Software Engineer, Lucent Technologies - "Your 95 Theses were just what I have been looking for. The hard part is applying them from the bottom of an entrenched hierarchy."
- Michael Argast, Sales Engineer, AT&T Canada, home page - "Excellent book - my only question is does it go far enough? With a focus on markets that is extremely intensive, and a verbalization of what is going on with shifts in human activity - perhaps it is not just markets and purchasing which is changing, but all of human society. When an individual gets more identity from an online group than from a company or a nation, the shift in power becomes dramatic. Never stop talking or exploring or asking, and learn the value of your own voice."
- Paul Bradforth, home page - "This is one of the truest things I've ever read. It felt like coming home."
- Mark W. Wheatley, Human Being, Human Species, My own personal view of the world.
- Virginia Warren, Technology Masseuse, Faceless Goverment Agency - "If companies took all of the resources that they currently waste on (ineffective and irritating) advertising and instead spent those resources on providing their customers with the best possible access to detailed and timely information about what they are trying to sell, it would be a net benefit for all involved."
- Shawn JP West, Head Toymaker and Well Drinker, Kiratoy Inc, home page - "The balnce of power has shifted the tide has turned. It's crashing in the sea of our imagination. Where we were yesterday, has washed away. We are left with only the pure sand as slate to start a new tomorrow, today. -kiratoy @ 04/06/00"
- Kevin Dorne, System Administrator, Simplexity, outdated home page - "It makes a lot of sense. It'll be interesting to see it when everything turns on its head."
- Terrence J. Ransford, President, COO, Wingspan Investment Services, Inc. - "I love the book. If only more would get on the train and get a clue......."
- Ron Swartzendruber, Sysadmin/Web Programmer, Western Oregon University - "This stuff is deep truth. Too many people just want power, and they refuse to understand that the rest of us instead only want to be human, to talk with each other, have fun together, know the truth, and keep our basic dignity. Those who are addicted to the power drug are screwing life up for the rest of us. Their worldview is based on fear, which is the real product all their advertising is trying to sell to us. Luckily, their day is passing. If any of them catch a clue in time, they can come out and play too... after all, we're all in this together. Life's too short for bullshit."
- Lee Daniel Crocker, Developer, Output Technology Solutions, Personal pages - "Everyone knows the net is competing with mail and the phone. Many realize it's competing with TV. Very few realize that it's competing with the very ideas of language and community."
- Russell D. Harrison, Individual, Private Citizen - "A more powerful testament to the importance of individuals has never been written. Companies must realize that they are essentially non-entities, only given substance so that they may more easily serve the people. Yet these non-entities are comprised of groups of very real, individual people. These people must remember that they are individuals as well, and shed the mindset of the 'Company'; for it is by this mindset that Companies grow arrogant and elevate themselves beyond their true worth."
- Guido Baratta, Creative Director, GuidoBarattaDesign, home page - "Conversation is the only key that can create a new future relationship between different race, sex and even some aliens."
- Johannes Beck , home page - "Very remarkable because not only true but funny. It's written in the very style you advertise."
- Herbert J. Mueller, Pulverich-Druck GmbH, home page
- Don Michels, Corporate Information Technology Manager, The Environmental Company, Inc. - "Nail these to the door of corporate america. The 'new' economy rides the cluetrain to work."
- Mathias Weitbrecht, Executive Producer & Managing Director, BUSsE ONLINE DESIGN
- Gemma Rocabert, Mrs., Newton management Unternehmensbetreung GmbH - "Hi ! I haven't still read the book, but I'm looking forward to do so soon.Have to find it in a german bookstore yet! ;) The comments on this piece seem tremendous good, so I'll tell you how I percieved the ideas of it as soon as I read it.As a student and enterpreuner at the same time in this 2YK I hope to find maybe some of my ideas? I'll tell ya ..."
- Chris Davis, CEO, head designer, thecollecive, soon to be theEkleKtic - "The overwhelming simplicity of you manifesto, conveying such basic principles with unadulterated power and inarguable validity. These basic truths are the beginning of a new era in buisness."
- Robert Klamm, Customer Service Installation, AT&T Global Network Services
- Emerson John Probst, Former Director of Purchasing, College of Notre Dame of Maryland, home page - "Today I resign as Director in the old school. Tomorrow I re-invent a school of my own. Emerson John Probst Director of Auxiliary Services College of Notre Dame"
- Gene Ehrbar, Consultant, Anomaly, Inc., home - "This all rings true to me -- the networked conversation forcing a great leap forward in business communication, and great changes are ahead of us! I'm looking forward to seeing what develops here..."
- Sharon R. Dowd, Manager - Consulting Services, Nice Systems - "My customers are contact centres, formerly known as call centres. They are the ultimate conversationalists. A day spent with my customer is continuous dialogue; never boring; always relevant. I just talk with them to come with ideas that will help make sense from the chaos around them. Did I mention I love my job? Carpe Diem. SRD"
- Holger Eggert, estrategist.de
- Peter Tunjic, Lawyer, http://www.rigbycooke.com.au - "Does cluetrain illustrate the advent of momentum marketing?"
- Arunav Choudhary, Senior Officer - Business Development, India Today Group Online - "Bingo! You have nailed the problem with most eloquent and honest assessment of intranetworked market. Let us all strive to bridge the gulf between market place and market space. For a better, healthier, humourous and prosperous tomorrow. For our tomorrow, lets network our world today."
- Arjan Schutte, founding partner, DoTheGood, Inc, I'm sorry - "how relaxing to read this stuff. how comforting in all its blathering length. how does this all relate what doesn't happen online? or does it come off the screen in some meaningful way that is discreetly different then what was already off the screen before - in terms of conversation, that is?"
- Michael R. Fisher, VP/ Sales, IQ Television Group
- Jeffrey C. O'Brien, President, Archigenesis - "The Cluetrain Manifesto is humanity for real, again."
- López-Frade, Head of Partnership&Financial Agent, Deutsche Bank (Spain) - "En épocas similares donde el cambio provocó una convulsión rápida, no progresiva, 1492... se necesitó la ayuda de los filosofos para explicar el cambio, estamos ante un momento similar y una corriente filosófica empieza a ser imprescindible."
- Karen Bertocci, home page - "We know who we are."
- Peter Benthues, Sales & Service Manager, ieq.de - "It is time to remember that our mind is the web. Open your mind for each other. That is the meaning of to be connected."
- Fredric Underhill, Partner, Torbank.Com - "With the slightest conept of hope can we begin what has to be done. To paraphrase Ben Franklin, 'We may hang together. But certainly we will all hang seperately.' Thus began a bold new direction. History does repeat. Let's make it repeat for the positive. I sign and support this manifesto as a beginning of a long journey."
- Richard Pickens - "As always, let the buyer beware."
- Dan Nolan, http://www.idt.net/~tracer, home page
- Jess Freitas, Consultant, JLF Associates - "May ego-driven fear-based narristically fueled totalitarianism...; burn clean in the digital-crucible of the human family -- brightly illuminating the eternal torch of liberty and justice for all."
- Michael Naylor, Retired President of Operations, , Rubbermaid Inc. - "Everyone, man, woman, child of every creed and pursuasion, seeks life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Orgainzations that deny this fact, or that choose to ignore it, or that do not recognize it, are doomed to take a very long walk on a very short plank."
- Katmic, Head Case - "I just finished chapter one of the manefesto. I'm one of those basement company people that built my companies intranet unprovoked I can relate to a lot of what's being said...but on a side note I must say I've become very date conscious on the web. Because things seem to be moving so fast I'm very aware of the relationship between dates and ideas. I wish dates showed up more on web pages."